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Points to remember:

 Rate of change of quantities

For a function represents the rate of change of y w.r.t. x.

dx y=f ( x )
Geometrically, represents the slope of the tangent to the curve at any
point on the curve.
 Tangents and Normal

y=f ( x ) ( x1 , y1)
A line touching a curve at a point is called the tangent to the curve at
y− y 1 = ( dydx )( x1 , y 1 )
( x−x 1 )
that point and its equation is given by
The normal to the curve is the line perpendicular to the tangent at the point of contact
y− y 1 = ( x−x 1 )
( )
dx ( x1 , y 1)
and its equation is given by
 The angle of intersection between the two curves is the angle between the tangents to
the curves at the point of intersection.

 The two curves are said to cut orthogonally if their angle of intersection is 90 .
 Approximation

f ( x+ Δx )−f ( x )
f ' ( x )= lim
Since Δx → 0 Δx we can say that f ' ( x ) is approximately equal to
f ( x+ Δx )−f ( x )
Δx ⇒ approximate value of f ( x +Δx ) =f ( x )+ Δx . f ' ( x )

 Increasing decreasing functions

A continuous function in an interval (a, b) is :

∀ x 1 , x 2 ∈ ( a , b ) , x 1< x 2 ⇒ f ( x 1)< f ( x 2)
Strictly increasing if or ∀ x ∈ ( a , b ) , f ' ( x ) >0.

∀ x 1 , x 2 ∈ ( a , b ) , x 1< x 2 ⇒ f ( x 1)> f ( x 2)
Strictly decreasing if or ∀ x ∈ ( a, b ) , f ' ( x ) <0.
Let f be a continuous function in on [a, b] and for each differentiable in (a, b) then:

f is increasing in [a, b] if f ' ( x ) >0 x∈ ( a, b ) .

f is decreasing in [a, b] if f ' ( x ) <0 x∈ ( a, b ) .

f is a constant function in [a, b] if f ' ( x )=0 x∈ ( a, b ) .

 Maxima and Minima

Local maximum/local minimum for a real valued function f

A point c in the interior of the domain of f is called:

Local maxima, if ∃ an h > 0, such that f ( c ) >f ( x ) , ∀ x in ( c−h , c+h ) .

The value f ( c ) is called the local maximum value of f.

Local minima, if ∃ an h > 0, such that f ( c ) <f ( x ) , ∀ x in ( c−h , c+h ) .

The value f ( c ) is called the local minimum value of f.

A function f defined over [a, b] is said to have maximum (or absolute maximum) at
x=c , c∈[ a, b] if f ( x )≤f ( c ) ∀ x∈[ a, b] .

A function f defined over [a, b] is said to have minimum (or absolute minimum) at
x=c , c∈[ a, b] if f ( x )≥f ( c ) ∀ x∈[ a , b ] .

 Critical/stationary point of f

A point c in the domain of a function f at which either f ' ( x )=0 or f is not

differentiable is called a critical point of f.

 Working rule for finding points of local maxima or local minima

First Derivative Test

If f ' ( x ) changes sign from positive to negative as x increases through c, then c is a

point of local maxima, and f ( c ) is local maximum value.

If f ' ( x ) changes sign from negative to positive as x increases through c, then c is a

point of local minima, and f ( c ) is local minimum value.
If f ' ( x ) does not change sign, as x increases through c, then c is neither a point of
local minima nor a point of local maxima. Such a point is called a point of inflexion.

Second Derivative Test

Let f be a function defined on an interval I and c ∈ I. Let f be twice differentiable at c.


x=c is a point of local maxima if f ' ( c ) =0 and f '' ( c ) <0 . In this case f ( c ) is then the
local maximum value.

x=c is a point of local minima if f ' ( c ) =0 and f '' ( c ) >0 . In this case f ( c ) is then the
local minimum value.

The test fails if f ' ( c ) =0 and f '' ( c )=0 . In this case we go back to the first derivative

 Working rule for finding absolute maxima and or absolute minima

Find all the critical points of f in the given interval.

At all these points and at the end points of the interval, calculate values of f.

Identify the maximum and minimum values of f from above. The maximum value will
be the absolute maximum value of f and the minimum value will be the absolute
minimum value of f.

Note that if a positive real number is added to its reciprocal, the minimum value of the
sum will always be 2.

 Important formulae of mensuration used in word problems of maxima and minima.

√ 3 a2
Area of an equilateral triangle of side a: 4

Volume of a cuboid : (l . b . h )

Surface area of a cuboid : 2 (l . b + b. h + l . h )

Volume of a cube of side a : a

Surface area of a cube of side a : 6 a2

1 2
Volume of a cone : 3
Curved surface area of a cone : π rl
Volume of a cylinder : πrh

Curved surface area of a cylinder : π rl

Total surface area of a cylinder : 2π r h+2π r

4 3
Volume of a sphere : 3
Surface area of a sphere : 4πr

Solved examples

1. Use differentials to find the approximate value of .


2. For the curve y=5 x−2 x , if x increases at the rate of 2 units/s, then how fast is the
slope of the curve changing when x = 3? (HOTS)


3. The equation of the tangent at (2, 3) on the curve . Find the

values of a and b.

Sol. Given curve is

Point on the curve is (2, 3)
Differentiating (i) we get

Equation of the tangent has slope


4. Find the equation of the normal to the curve which is parallel to the line

Sol. Given equation is . Differentiating w.r.t. x we get

Therefore the slope of normal is

Since parallel lines have equal slopes, we have

Therefore we get

The points on the curve are So the equation of the normal is

5. Water is running into a conical vessel, 15cm deep and 5cm in radius, at the rate of
0.1cm3/s. When the water is 6cm deep, find at what rate is the water level is rising.
Sol. Let V be the volume of water in the cone i.e. the volume of the water cone is VA’B’
at any time t. Let VO’ = h, O’A’ = r and VA’ = l. Let α be the semi-vertical angle of
the cone. Then,

Let A be the water surface area at any time t. Then,

2 2
x y
+ 2 =1
6. Find area of the greatest rectangle that can be inscribed in an ellipse a b
x2 y2
+ 2 =1
Sol. Let PQRS be the rectangle inscribed in the ellipse a b . Let the coordinate of
P be then the coordinates of Q, R and S would be ,
and respectively. Let A be the area of the
rectangle PQRS. Then

So, A is maximum when and is given by

7. Show that the semi-vertical angle of the cone of maximum volume and of given slant

height is tan
√2 . (HOTS)
Sol. Let r be the radius of the base and h be the height of the cone and l be the slant height
and α be the semi-vertical angle.
8. Find the intervals in which, , is increasing or


9. Prove that the least perimeter of an isosceles triangle in which a circle of radius r can

be inscribed is r. (HOTS)

Sol. Method I:

Let P denote the perimeter of an isosceles triangle ABC with AB =

AC, in which a given circle of radius r is inscribed. Let O be the
centre of the circle. Draw AD perpendicular to BC which passes
through O. Draw OE AC Let CAD =
Method II:
10. An isosceles triangle of vertical angle 2 θ is inscribed in a circle of radius a. Show that

the area of the triangle is maximum when (HOTS)

Sol. Let ABC be an isosceles triangle inscribed in a circle of radius a such that AB = AC.

Level 1

1. Find the rate of change of volume of a sphere with respect to its surface area, when
radius is 2cm.
2. A ladder 5m long is leaning against a wall. The bottom of the ladder is pulled along
the ground away from the wall at the rate of 2cm/s. How fast is its height on the wall
decreasing when the foot of the ladder is 4m away from the wall?
3. Find an angle α , which increases twice as fast as its sine.
4. For the curve y=5 x−2 x , if x increases at the rate of 2 units/s, then how fast is the
slope of the curve changing when x = 3?

Level 2

5. A spherical ball of salt is dissolving in water in such a manner that the rate of
decrease of the volume at any instant is proportional to the surface. Prove that the
radius is decreasing at a constant rate.
6. The volume of a cube is increasing at a constant rate. Prove that the increase in its
surface area varies inversely as the length of the side.
7. x and y are the sides of two squares such that y=x−x . Find the rate of change of
the area of the second square with respect to the area of the first square.
8. Water is dripping out of a conical funnel of semi-vertical angle of 4 at a uniform rate
of 2cm2/s in its surface area through a tiny hole at the vertex in the bottom. When
slant height of water is 4cm, find the rate of decrease of the slant height of the water.
9. Water is running into a conical vessel, 15cm deep and 5cm in radius, at the rate of
0.1cm3/s. When the water is 6cm deep, find at what rate is
a) The water level rising?
b) The water surface area increasing?
c) The wetted surface of the vessel increasing?
10. An air force plane is ascending vertically at the rate of 100km/h. If the radius of the
earth is r km, how fast is the area of the earth, visible from the plane, increasing at 3
minutes after it started ascending? Given that the visible area A at height h is given by
A=2 π r 2
r +h (HOTS)

11. A variable triangle is inscribed in a circle of radius R. If the rate of change of a side is
R times the rate of change of the opposite angle, then what is the value of that angle?



( )
dA 200 π r
10. dt t=3 ( r+5 )2 11.


Level 1
3 2
1. Find the intervals in which the function f(x) = 2x – 9x + 12x + 15 is

(i) increasing (ii) decreasing.

2. Find the value(s) of x for which is an increasing function.

3. Find the intervals in which the function f given by (x + 1)3(x – 3)3, is strictly
increasing or strictly decreasing. (HOTS)

4. Prove that
4 sin θ
( 2+cosθ )
is an increasing function in
2 [ ]
y=log(1+x )− , x> −1
5. Show that 2+ x is an increasing function of x, throughout its

Level 2

6. Find the intervals in which the function f (x )=sin x−cos x , 0≤ x ≤ 2 π is :

(i) strictly increasing (ii) strictly decreasing.
7. Find the intervals in which the function f (x )=sin x+cos x , 0≤ x ≤ 2 π is
(i) strictly increasing (ii) strictly decreasing.

Level 3
f (x )=x +ax +1
8. Find the least value of a, such that is strictly increasing on (1, 2)

9. Find the intervals on which is decreasing or increasing.

10. Show that is an increasing function for x > 0

11. Show that the function f given by f(x) = tan-1(sin x + cos x), x > 0 is always a strictly

increasing function in
( 0, ) .

12. Find whether is increasing or decreasing.


f (x )=2 x+cot−1 x+log ( √ 1+x 2 −x )

13. Show that is increasing in R

) ( )
3π 7 π

( )(


, 2π , ,
4 4 ( π4 , 54π )

12. Decreasing

Level 2

x=a cos 3 t y=a sin3 t , t=
1. Find the slope of the normal to the curve 4
2 2
2. Prove that the curves x − y =16 and xy=25 cut each other at right angles.
3. If the tangent to the curve y=x +ax+b at point ( 1,−6 ) is parallel to the line
y−x=5 , find the values of a and b.
4. Find the coordinates of the points on the curve y=x +3 x +4 the tangent at which
pass through the origin.

5. Find the equation of the tangent to the curve ( x−2 )( x−3) , at a point where it
cuts the x-axis.

6. For the curve find all the points at which the tangent passes through the

3 3 t=
7. Find equation of tangent to the curve x=a sin t , y=b cos t at the point where 4

8. Find the equation of tangent lines to the curve y = 4x3 – 3x + 5 which are
perpendicular to the line 9y + x + 3 = 0.
2 3
9. The equation of the tangent (2, 3) on the curve y =ax +b is y=4 x−5 . Find the
values of a & b.

10. Find the equation of the normal at a point on the curve x2 = 4y which passes through
the point (1, 2). Also find the equation of the corresponding tangent.

Level 3
2 2
x y
+ 2 =1
If the straight line x cos α+ y sin α= p touches the ellipse a b
11. , prove that
2 2 2 2 2
a cos α +b sin α=p

3 2
12. The curve y=ax +bx +cx+5 touches the x-axis at the point (−2,0 ) and cut the y-
axis at a point where the gradient is 3. Find a, b and c. (HOTS)
2 3
13. Find the points on the curve 9 y =x where the normal to the curve makes equal
intercepts with the axes
m n
14. If x cos α+ y sin α= p touches the curve x y =a m+n , then prove that
m +n m +n
pm+n mm nn =( m+n ) a cosm α sin n α (HOTS)


1 3.

5. 6.

7. 8.



Level 2

1. Find the absolute maximum and minimum values of the function given by
4 1
f (x )=12 x −6 x , x ∈ [ −1 , 1 ]
3 3

2. Prove that the radius of the right circular cylinder of greatest curved surface area
which can be inscribed in a given cone is half of that of the cone.

3. Find the maximum and minimum values of the function f given by

3 2
f (x )=2 x −15 x +36 x +1 on the interval [ 1,5 ] .

4. Find the point on the curve x2 = 4y which is nearest to the point (- 1, 2).

5. Show that of all the rectangles of given area, the square has the smallest perimeter.

6. Show that a right circular cylinder, open at the top, and of given surface area and
maximum volume is such that its height is equal to the radius of the base.

Level 3
7. An isosceles triangle of vertical angle 2 θ is inscribed in a circle of radius a. show that
the area of the triangle is maximum when θ=

8. If the sum of lengths of hypotenuse and a side of a right-angled triangle is given,

show that the area of the triangle is maximum when the angle between them is

9. Show that the triangle of maximum area that can be inscribed in a given circle is an
equilateral triangle.

10. A given quantity of metal is to be cast into a solid half circular cylinder (i.e., with
rectangular base and semicircular ends). Show that in order that the total surface area
may be minimum, the ratio of the length of the cylinder to the diameter of its circular
ends is π : ( π +2 ) .

11. Show that the height of the cylinder of maximum volume that can be inscribed in a
sphere of radius R is 2R/ √ 3 . Also find the maximum volume.
2 2
x y
+ 2 =1
. Find area of the greatest rectangle that can be inscribed in an ellipse a b

13. An open box with a square base is to be made out of a given cardboard of area c2
square units. Show that the maximum volume of the box is 6 √3 cubic units.

14. An open tank with a square base and vertical sides is to be constructed from a metal
sheet so as to hold a given quantity of water. Show that the cost of the material will
be least when the depth of the tank is half of its width.

15 At 8AM ship A is 65km due east of another ship B. Ship A is then sailing due west at
10km/h & ship B sails due south at 15km/h. If they continue sailing on their
respective paths, when will they be nearest to one another and how near?

16. A sheet of paper is to contain 18cm2 of printed matter. The margins at the top and
bottom are 2cm each and at the sides 1cm. Find the dimensions of the sheet which
require the least amount of paper.

17. The cost of fuel for running a train is proportional to the square of the speed generated
in km/h. It costs Rs48/h when the train is running at a speed of 16km/h. What is the
most economical speed if fixed charges are Rs 300/h over and above the running cost?

18. A square tank of capacity 250cubic meter has to be dug out. The cost of the land is Rs
50/m2. The cost of digging increases with depth and for the whole tank is Rs 400h2,
where h is the depth of the tank. What should be the dimensions of the tank so that the
cost would be the minimum?

19. A manufacturer plans to construct a cylindrical tank to hold one cubic meter of a
liquid. If the cost of constructing the top and bottom of the tank is twice the cost of
constructing the curved side, what can be the dimensions of the most economical


1. 18 at x = -1 and – 9/4 at x = 1/8 3. Max 56 at x = 5, min 24 at x = 1

4. 11. 12.

15. 10AM, 15 √ 13 km 16. 17. 40km/h

18. 19.

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