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Phytomedicine 60 (2019) 153013

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Synergy quantifications to identify individual contributions of combination T

partners to the overall activity – The example of STW 5
Gudrun Ulrich-Merzenicha, , Lisa Welslaua, Heba Aziz-Kalbhennc, Olaf Kelberc,

Anastasiia Shcherbakovaa,b
Medical Clinic III, UKB, University of Bonn, Venusberg-Campus 1, Building 26, Laboratories UG 65/69, 53127 Bonn, Germany
Volga State University of Technology, Lenin sq. 3, 424020 Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Research & Development, Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GmbH, Bayer Consumer Health, Havelstr. 5, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany


Keywords: Background: The rationale of combinations of plant extracts is often questioned. The common argument for
Multitargeting combinations is a higher efficacy of the combination partners by multitargeting and the elimination of adverse
Synergy events.
Combination index Aim: STW5, a well-known fixed herbal multicomponent preparation, is recommended in the German treatment
guidelines for functional gastrointestinal diseases. The study assessed effects of STW5, its single plant compo-
nents and combinations thereof on different targets to identify synergistic, additive or antagonistic effects of the
Functional gastrointestinal diseases combination partners.
Study Design/Methods: STW5, its nine components and triple combinations thereof were investigated in two in
vitro models – human esophageal epithelial cells (Het1A) and intestinal smooth muscle cells (HISMC) – in
comparison to Omeprazole (OM) for the release of interleukin 8 (IL-8) as surrogate for inflammation and of Ca2+
as surrogate for motion, under non-inflammatory and inflammatory (Capsaicin 80 µM (CAP)) conditions. The
combination index (CI) of triple combinations was calculated to assess synergistic, antagonistic and additive
Results: In Het-1A cells, STW5 showed, under non-inflammatory as well as inflammatory conditions, releases of
IL-8 (49.3 ± 4.2 pg/ml, 33.7 ± 2 pg/ml) comparable to the untreated control (46.3 ± 4.8 pg/ml). CAP in-
creased IL-8 releases to 85.8 ± 14 pg/ml (p < 0.005). Among the single plant extracts the Iberis amara extract
(IBE) induced high IL-8 releases under non-inflammatory (441 ± 177 pg/ml) and inflammatory
(625 ± 121 pg/ml) conditions. The Silybum marianum (L.) extract (SM) reduced releases up to 20.1 ± 8 pg/ml
(inflammation). The CI-values of triple combinations with IBE ranged from high synergy (CI<0.03) to antag-
onism (CI:480). Within the triple combinations SM was the most effective combination partner to reduce IL-8.
The combination of Angelica archangelica (L.)/Carum carvi (L.) was also effective. In HISMCs, STW5 induced
concentration dependent higher Ca2+-releases. Only Melissa officinalis (L.) (MO) induced high Ca2+- releases in
Conclusion: In Het-1A, STW5 inhibited Il-8 releases, although one of its components (IBE) stimulated IL-8
strongly. The combination partners in STW5 assured an overall marked anti-inflammatory action. In the triple
combinations SM was identified as most important combination partner for the IL-8 reduction. CI-measurements
can support the identification of active combination partners in a multicomponent preparation and can give
directions towards the search for multitarget effects.

Abbreviations: A, Angelica; BEGM, Bronchial epithelial cell medium; CAP, Capsaicin; CI, Combination index; CDCA, Chenodeoxycholic acid; C. majus, Chelidonium
majus (L.); C. carvi, Carum carvi (L.); DMEM, Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium; fa, fractional inhibition; FD, functional dyspepsia; FGID, Functional gastrointestinal
disease; FKS, foetal calf serum; G. glabra, Glycyrrhiza glabr (L.); GTRG, German treatment recommendation guidelines; GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease; Het-1a,
Human esophageal epithelial cells; HISMC, Human intestinal smooth muscle cells; I, Iberis; IBE, Iberis amara extract; IBS, irritable bowel syndrome; IL-1ß, Interleukin
1ß; IL-8, interleukin 8; M. recutita, Matricaria recutica (L.); M. piperitae, Menthae piperitae (L.); M, Melissa; MO, Mellissa officinalis (L.); OM, Omeprazole; S, Silybum; SM,
Silybum marianum (L.) extract; TNF-α, Tumor necrosis factor alpha
This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. hc. mult. Hildebert Wagner at the occasion of his 90th birthday.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (G. Ulrich-Merzenich).
Received 4 April 2019; Received in revised form 20 June 2019; Accepted 2 July 2019
0944-7113/ © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
G. Ulrich-Merzenich, et al. Phytomedicine 60 (2019) 153013

Introduction TREM-1 signaling pathway play an important role in the pathogenesis

of GERD. This is supported by clinical findings. In FGIDs, IL-8 appears
STW5, a herbal multicomponent preparation for the management of to be not only associated with the recurrence of GERD (Kahrilas and
functional gastrointestinal diseases (FGIDs), is known for its multitarget Lee, 2005), but is also regarded as one of the central cytokines to
effects (Allescher, 2006; Kelber et al. 2006; Allescher and Wagner, promote inflammation in the upper GI-tract (Richter JE, 2007; de Souza
2007; Khayyal et al. 2007; Vinson, 2009; Abdel-Aziz et al., 2010, 2017) et al., 2009). Being part of the inflammatory process, IL-8 as a small
(Fig. 1A and B). The German treatment recommendation guidelines heparin binding protein is especially known for mediating the activa-
(GTRG) recommend it for all subtypes of irritable bowel syndrome tion and migration of neutrophils from blood into tissues. We therefore
(IBS), the most common and best characterized FGID (Abdel-Aziz et al., selected IL-8 as biomarker for inflammation to examine the contribu-
2017), and mention it as treatment option for functional dyspepsia tion of the individual plant extracts and triple combinations of these to
(FD). the overall activity of STW5 in Het-1A cells. We chose Het-1A cells since
STW5 is a combination of nine different plant extracts (Table 1). the prevalence of RE has been directly related to IL-8- concentrations in
The rationale for this combination has often been discussed and the the esophageal mucosa (Kahrilas and Lee, 2005; Richter JE, 2007;
common argument is a higher efficacy of the combination partners by de Souza et al., 2009) and STW5 could act directly on these cells in vivo.
multitargeting. STW5 itself and its single components have been thor- Several investigations have been dedicated to the influence of STW5
oughly investigated over the past 30 years demonstrating, that the on motility in the gastrointestinal tract (Wegner and Wagner, 2006;
combination partners indeed contribute with different pharmacological Schehmann et al., 2006; Abdel-Aziz et al., 2017). Particularly intriguing
activities to the overall mode of action (Fig 1). was the differential influence of STW5 on the contractility of the sto-
We reported earlier that STW5 targets the fatty acid receptor GPR mach. In the corpus STW5 leads to contraction, whereas in the fundus
84 (Abdel-Aziz et al., 2015) and multiple chemokine families on relaxation is promoted, supporting food transport through the stomach
genome and proteome levels in a murine model of gastroesophageal (Schehmann et al., 2006). We therefore investigated in a second cellular
reflux disease (GERD). We proposed that interleukin 8 (IL-8) and the model the Ca2+-release – an essential component of the coupling of

Fig. 1. Contribution of single constituents of STW 5 to its multitarget activity in different pathomechanisms of (A) functional dyspepsia (epigastric pain syndrome)
and (B) irritable bowel syndrome. The analysis is based on multi-step clustering of published pharmacological data (adapted from Abdel-Aziz et al. 2017). Relative
effect strengths of each extract are presented in the heat-map as color intensity (light yellow for weak effects to dark green for strong effects). (For interpretation of
the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

G. Ulrich-Merzenich, et al. Phytomedicine 60 (2019) 153013

Table 1
Composition of STW5.
Extract Single plant Lyophilisate (mg/ml) Percent of STW5

Bot. Name Engl. Name

STW 5 59 100
STW 6 Iberis amara (L.) Bitter candy tuft 18 15
STW 5-KII Menthae piperitae (L.) Peppermint 88 5
STW 5-KIII Matricaria recutita (L.) Chamomille 58 20
STW 5-KIV Glycyrrhiza glabra (L.) Liquorice 100 10
STW 5-KV Angelica archangelica (L.) Angelica 99 10
STW 5-KVI Carum carvi (L.) Caraway 47 10
STW 5-KVII Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. Milk thistle 20 10
STW 5-KVIII Melissa officinalis (L.) Mellissa 71 10
STW 5 KIX Chelidonium majus (L.) Greater celandine 75 10

excitation and contraction – as indicator for the influence of STW5 on STW5 (1–10 µl/ml), its single extracts (Table 1) alone or under the
motility in human intestinal smooth muscle cells (HISMCs). addition of CAP (80 µM) or CDCA (200 µM). The single plant extracts
In summary, we estimated the IL-8 release in Het-1A cells and the were prepared dose-equivalent to STW5 (Table 1). If not stated other-
Ca2+-release in HISMCs under the influence of STW5, its single plant wise, a minimum of 3 independent experiments was performed in du-
extracts and triple combinations of the plant extracts under non-in- plicate or triplicate each.
flammatory and inflammatory conditions. The combination index (CI)
(Chou and Talalay, 1984; Chou, 2006; Fu et al., 2016; Chou et al., Cell viability
2019) was determined to identify potential „lead“-extracts and or ef- Viability was tested by a Resazurin-based assay according to the
fective combinations. instructions of the manufacturer (Tox8, Sigma Aldrich) as described
earlier (Ulrich-Merzenich et al., 2017). Each plant extract was tested in
Materials and methods 4 concentrations (equivalent to 1 µl, 3 µl, 5 µl, 10 µl/ml of STW5) under
non-inflammatory and inflammatory conditions (CAP 80 µM, CDCA
Material 200 µM). Omeprazole (OM) was used in concentrations of 10–100 µg/
ml. The experimental conditions did not influence cell viability (Data
Drugs not shown).
STW5 (Iberogast®) is a fixed herbal combination preparation con-
sisting of well-characterized hydroethanolic extracts (Kroll and Cordes, Cytokine determination
2006; Wegener and Wagner, 2006) of Iberis amara L. (15%), Melissa The IL-8 release into the culture medium was measured by ELISA
officinalis L. (10%), Matricaria recutita L. (20%), Carum carvi L. (10%), (Human CXCl8/IL-8 ELISA, R&D systems) according to the instructions
Mentha piperita L. (5%), Angelica archangelica L. (10%), Silybum mar- of the manufacturer.
ianum L. Gaertner (10%), Chelidonium majus L. (10%) and Glycyrrhiza
glabra L. (10%). STW5 was provided by Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk Ca2+ release
GmbH, Bayer Consumer Health. Capsaicin (CAP) and chenodeoxycholic The calcium release of HISMC was estimated with the Screen
acid (CDCA) were procured from Sigma-Aldrich. Other chemicals were Quest™ Fluo-8 Calcium Assay Kit (AAT Bioquest ™, Inc) according to the
of analytical grade. instructions of the manufacturer.

Cells Synergy quantifications

The normal human esophageal squamous cell line Het-1A was For the quantification of synergistic, additive and antagonistic ef-
purchased from ATCC, LGC Standards GmbH, Wesel, Germany. fects of the different plant extract combinations the Chou–Talalay
Originally derived from human normal esophageal autopsy tissue by combination index (CI) method was applied (Chou-Talalay, 1984, Chou
transfection with plasmid pRSV-T, these cells retain epithelial mor- et al., 2019). The concentrations were chosen based on the composition
phology, stain positively for cytokeratins and remain non-tumorigenic. of STW5 in a range of 5.9 µl–59 µl/ml for STW5. The single plant ex-
The HIMSC were from SMCN; Science Cell Research Laboratories. They tracts were prepared in dose-equivalents to STW5 (Table 1). Combi-
had been isolated from human intestine. nations were tested in a minimum of two independent experiments with
two duplicates each. The CI-value was calculated using the CompuSyn
Cell culture software. The software for the calculation of the CI is based on the
Cells were cultured in bronchial epithelial cell medium BEGM following equations (Chou, 2006; Fu et al., 2016; Chou et al., 2019):
(BulletKit; Lonza, Cologne, Germany) in cell culture flasks precoated ( D )1 (D ) 2 (D )1 (D ) 2
with a mixture of 0.01 mg/ml fibronectin, 0.03 mg/ml bovine collagen CI = + = +
(D x )1 (D x ) 2 (Dm)1 [fa /(1 fa )]1/ m1 (Dm)2 [fa /(1 fa )]1/ m2
type I and 0.01 mg/ml bovine serum albumin (Biochrom, Berlin,
Germany) at 37 °C in a 5% CO2-humidified atmosphere. Cells of passage (Dx)1 is the dose of the drug (extract) D1 alone that inhibits a system by
numbers 50–67 were used. x% (Here: IL-8 release of CAP-stimulated cells). (Dx)2 is the dose of the
HIMSC were cultured in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium drug (extract) D2 alone that inhibits a system by x%. (D)1 and (D)2 are
(DMEM, Life Science Technologies), 10% foetal calf serum (FKS Gold, the doses of the drugs D1 and D2 in the combination which inhibit a
PAA Laboratories) and antibiotics (Penicillin 200 IU/ml, Streptomycin system by x%. Dm is the median-effect dose, fa is the fractional in-
100 µg/ml). Passages 2–15 after thawing were used. hibition at x% inhibition, m is the slope of the median-effect plot which
Prior to the experiments Het-1A and HISMCs were synchronized. depicts the shape of the dose-effect plot (Chou, 2006). A rearrangement
Cells were washed twice with PBS. Culture medium without FKS was of the median-effect equation allows the calculation of the dose:
added for 24 h for the synchronization of the cell cycles. Thereafter Het-
D = Dm [fa /(1 fa )]1/m
1A cells (2 × 103) or HISMCs (2 × 103) were treated (18 hrs) with

G. Ulrich-Merzenich, et al. Phytomedicine 60 (2019) 153013

The CI for ternary combinations can be calculated from the general Carum carvi (L.) showed strong synergies in the triple combinations also
equation for n-drug combinations at x% inhibitions: at high effect levels (Table 3). The (r)-values of the curves for the in-
n (D ) j dividual drugs and the ones of the combinations acting synergistically
n (CI)
x = were ≥ 0.9, indicating an acceptable conformity with the mass-action
j=1 (Dx ) j
law. This was not the case for all of the tested combinations.
The definition of synergism is CI <1, antagonism is CI >1, and
additive effect is CI = 1. Since our aim was to identify active combi- Substraction assay
nation partners in the fixed combination of STW5, we did not report
data on dose reductions. In a second approach, the substraction assay, we also aimed at
identifying the plant extracts that are responsible for the overall IL-8
Substraction assay reduction seen for STW5. Interestingly, when removing Silybum mar-
A substraction assay of the plant extract combinations was performed ianum (L.) from the combination, the IC50 for the reduction of IL-8
to support the identification of the plant extract(s) responsible for the dramatically increased (Table 3).
tested effect. Cells were stimulated as described under “Cell culture”
with STW5 alone as well as with STW5 without the Iberis amara extract Ca2+ -release in HISMC
and in each subsequent step one additional extract was “removed” up to
the last two extracts (Table 3). The volume of the “removed” plant We investigated the capability of STW5 and its single components to
extract was substituted by medium. The IC50 – values were determined modulate the Ca2+-release in HISMCs in vitro under non-inflammatory
for the combinations. A minimum of 2 independent assays with dupli- and inflammatory conditions. Results are shown in Fig. 4. STW5 itself
cates each was performed. stimulated a Ca2+-release in HISMCs. The only single plant extract
clearly stimulating a Ca2+ release was Melissa officinalis (L.). (Fig. 4),
Statistics however to a lower extent than STW5 and only at the highest con-
centration under non-inflammatory as well as inflammatory conditions
Data were obtained from a minimum of three independent experi- (Fig. 4). All other concentrations did not show significant differences.
ments performed in triplicate for each data point if not mentioned Moreover, it seems that for concentrations of 1–5 ul/ml the effect of M.
otherwise. The differences between the groups were analysed using the officinalis (L.) is even lower than the effects of Mentha piperita (L.) and
Student's T-test in case of normally distributed data. Otherwise the Matricaria recutita (L.). However, a very small but significant increase in
Wilcoxon signed rank test was used. the Ca2+ release was also observed for Mentha. piperita (L.) and Ma-
tricaria recutita. The opposite was observed for Glycyrrhiza glabra, An-
Results gelica archangelica und Silybum marianum (Fig. 4). Therefore we tested
the triple combination of Mentha piperita, Matricaria recutita and Melissa
IL-8 release in Het1A cells officinalis (Combination 1) as well as the triple combination of Glycyr-
rhiza glabra, Angelica. archangelica und Silybum marianum (Combination
The spontaneous release of IL-8 was 46.3 ± 4.8 pg/ml (Fig. 2A). 2) (Fig. 5A, B). Combination 1 did increase the Ca2+ release, but not
The highest release of IL-8 was induced by the Iberis amara extract (IBE) comparable to STW5. However, compared to Melissa officinalis alone;
(441 ± 177 pg/ml), whereas STW5 lead to releases up to the Ca2+ release was slightly higher and concentration dependent
49.3 ± 4.2 pg/ml. Other extracts like Silybum marianum (L.) reduced under inflammatory conditions. The response to combination 2 was less
releases up to 20.1 ± 8 pg/ml (Fig. 2A). The IL-8 releases induced by stable (Fig. 5A and B).
all plant extracts constituting STW5 are shown in Fig. 2A.
The stimulation of Het-1A cells with Capsaicin increased the IL-8 Discussion
release to 85.8 ± 14 pg/ml (p < 0.005). Under this condition IBE
stimulated an IL-8 release up to 625 ± 121 pg/ml. STW5 reduced IL-8 Our initial plan to first identify the three most active plant extracts
releases in the presence of Capsaicin up to 33.7 ± 2 pg/ml (Fig. 2B). that reduce IL-8 releases and subsequently to quantify their combina-
In another set of experiments Het-1A cells were stimulated with tory mode of action by the CI-method needed to be modified since in
CDCA to induce inflammation (Fig. 3A, B). CDCA increased IL-8 re- Het-1A-cells the Iberis amara (L.) extract substantially increased the IL-8
leases and STW5 reduced the same (Fig. 3A). The IL-8 releases induced release instead of inhibiting it.
by the different plant extracts constituting STW5 are shown in Fig. 3B. This shows primarily that the downregulation of IL-8 by STW5 in
Also with CDCA as inflammatory stimulator IBE increased the IL-8 re- Het-1A cells is not a simple addition of the dose reductions induced by
lease whereas STW5 inhibited the same (Fig. 3B). the contained individual plant extracts. It is predominantly another
example of current knowledge that cytokines are organized in networks
Combination Index assessments of triple combinations with feedback control mechanisms, a significant measure of re-
dundancy (Ulrich-Merzenich et al., 2012, 2017) and their combined
STW5 is a combination of nine different plant extracts. We initially effect is therefore difficult to predict. In the intestinal immune system
intended to identify the three most active plant extracts to reduce in- cytokines are important signal transducing molecules that support the
flammation and to determine their synergistic activity. When we dis- maintenance of physiological functions. A reduction of IL-8 in epithelial
covered that IBE alone increased substantially the IL-8 release, but cells of the GI-tract will be protective against inflammation. The finding
STW5 did the opposite, we changed our strategy and investigated which that the IB-extract dramatically increased IL-8 release was not expected.
plant combinations would efficiently reduce the IL-8 release induced by Therefore we searched for other plant extracts contained in STW5 that
IBE. The CI-values of the tested triple combinations ranged from very could be responsible for the inhibition of IL-8 releases. We examined all
strong synergy (CI<0.03) to very strong antagonism (CI:480) (Table 2). possible triple combinations with the IBE. Although the combination of
Silybum marianum (L.) was the most effective combination partner in Iberis amara (L.) with Angelica archangelica (L.) and Carum carvi (L.) did
the inhibition of IL-8 release within the triple combinations. The show a synergism in reducing IL-8, the plant extract involved in all
combination of Angelica archangelica (L.)/Carum carvi (L.) was also ef- triple combinations that indicated synergism was Silybum marianum
fective in reducing the IL-8 release induced by IBE. The combinations of (L.). When comparing our findings regarding Silybum marianum (L.)
Silybum marianum (L.) and Glycyrrhiza glabra (L.); of Angelica arch- with the most recent histogram (Fig. 1) on the modes of action of the
angelica (L.) and Carum carvi (L.); and of Silybum marianum (L.) and single components of STW5 for FD and the epigastric pain syndrome, it

G. Ulrich-Merzenich, et al. Phytomedicine 60 (2019) 153013

Fig. 2. (A) IL-8 release from Het-1A cells. Cells were incubated for 18 h with STW5, one of its constituents or omeprazole (10–100 µg/ml) as reference drug. The
control represents the IL-8 release of unstimulated cells. *: p < 0.05, **:p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. Data were calculated vs.control. (B) IL-8 release from Het-1A cells
under Capsaicin-induced inflammation. The cells were incubated with STW5, its different constituents or Omeprazole (10–100 µg/ml) as reference drug for 18 h in
the presence of Capsaicin (80 µM). *: p < 0.05, **:p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. Data are calculated vs. Capsaicin-stimulation. ++: p < 0.01 vs. control.

was intriguing to note that Silybum marianum is characterized by strong likely for different effects of Iberis amara (L.) in the different regions of
anti-inflammatory and mucosa-protective properties. These pharmaco- the GI-tract. Therefore the existing evidence for an anti-inflammatory
logical activities coincide highly with our findings. effect of Iberis amara (Okpanyi, 1994; Reichling and Saller, 2006) may
Also Carum carvi (L.) and Matricaria recutita (L.) possess such not contradict our result. To our best of knowledge this is the first in
properties, but combined with other pharmacological activities. The vitro study examining Iberis amara (L.) in human epithelial esophageal
combination of Silybum marianum (L.), Carum carvi (L.) and Iberis amara cells. The overall anti-inflammatory activity of STW5 obviously persists
(L.) indicated synergism with low IC–values, supporting the importance and it will be exciting to investigate further the regulation of the IL-8
of Silybum marianum (L.) for the reduction of IL-8. The anti-in- release in epithelial cells in this model as well as the IL-8 regulation and
flammatory mode of action of Silybum marianum (L.) (Abenavoll et al., its role in inflammation of the upper GI-tract.
2018), Matricaria recutita (L.) (Ortiz et al., 2017) or Carum Carvi (L.) In HISMCs Melissa officinalis (L.) was the plant extract which, like
was confirmed earlier in different in vitro and in vivo models (Abdel- STW5, clearly increased the Ca2+-release. In comparison with the most
Aziz et al., 2017), in agreement with our findings. Anti-inflammatory recent histogram (Fig. 1) summarizing the studies on STW5 and its
modes of action of the single plants Mentha piperita, Glycyrrhiza glabra components, Melissa officinalis (L.) is assigned a strong ability to induce
(L.), Melissa officinalis (L.), Chelidonium majus (L.), and also Iberis amara (antrum) contractility. This corresponds with our findings. The only
(L.) have been demonstrated earlier and rather recently plant extract which also possesses the same property is Chelidonium
(Okpanyi, 1994; Michael et al., 2009; Sun et al., 2014; Wei et al., 2018; majus (L.), however in combination with “acid regulation”, whereas
Liao et al., 2018). Melissa officinalis (L.) possesses an additional anti-inflammatory mode
Earlier experiments with Iberis amara (L.) demonstrated an inhibi- of action. Interestingly, Melissa officinalis (L.) is also shown in the his-
tion of inflammation in rat small intestines (Michael et al., al.2006, togram (Fig. 1b) summarizing the properties of the components of
2009). This could be an indication for differences in species or more STW5 in relation to intestinal motility (Fig. 1b). Here Chelidonium majus

G. Ulrich-Merzenich, et al. Phytomedicine 60 (2019) 153013

Fig. 3. (A) Effect of STW 5 on CDCA induced

IL-8 release from Het1A cells. STW5 reduces
concentration dependently the IL-8 release in
Het1A cells stimulated by CDCA. Het-1A cells
were incubated for 18 h with STW5 in the
presence of the inflammatory stimulant CDCA
(200 µM); each data point represents a
minimum of 5 independent experiments. *:
p < 0.05, **:p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. Data are
calculated vs. CDCA-stimulation. +++:
p < 0.01 vs. control. (B) induced IL-8 release
from Het-1A cells. Het1A cells were incubated
for 18 h with STW5 or its single components in
the presence of the inflammatory stimulant
CDCA (200 µM). Each data point represents a
minimum of 3 independent experiments. *:
p < 0.05, **:p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. Data are
calculated vs. CDCA-stimulation. ++:
p < 0.01 vs. control.

Table 2 Table 3
IC50 and IC75 – values of triple Extract-combinations and their combination Substraction assay.
indices (CI).
Plant extract EC50 (µl/ml)

STW5 10.99
STW5 –Iberis amara (C1) 15.33
C1 – Mentha piperitae (C2) 9.57
C2 – Matricaria recutita (C3) 22.63
C3 – Glycyrrhiza glabra (C4) 5.33
C4 – Angelica archangelica (C5) 6.32
C5 – Carum carvi (C6) 2.26
C6- – Silybum marianum (C7) 1091.25

The table shows the IC-50 values for the IL-8 release of Het-1A cells
stimulated with STW5 and extract combinations thereof as indicated.
The IC-values are reported as extract concentration equivalent to µl/ml of
STW5. The CI-values correspond with the IC55 and IC75-values. Grey shading recutita (L.) increases the Ca2+ release of HISMCs, especially under
marks synergistic combinations. inflammatory conditions, indicates a supporting role of Mentha piperita
(L.) and Matricaria recutita (L.). The summarized findings in the histo-
(L) plays no role, again supporting our findings of a unique role of gram (Fig. 1A) support this property for Matricaria recutita (L.), but not
Melissa officinalis (L.) with respect to contractility. The spasmolytic and for Mentha piperita (L.). However, Mentha piperita (L.) as well as Gly-
tonic effects of STW5 and its components, but also its regional effects, cyrrhiza glabra (L.) and Angelica archangelica (L.) have been related to
are summarized in several reviews (Ammon et al., 2006; spasmolytic modes of action and thus target the “contractility” of a cell/
Hohenester et al., 2004; Heinle et al., 2006). The finding that Melissa tissue.
officinalis in combination with Mentha piperita (L.) and Matricaria.

G. Ulrich-Merzenich, et al. Phytomedicine 60 (2019) 153013

Fig. 4. (A) Ca2+ release from HISMC in fold changes compared to the untreated control. HIMSC cells were stimulated with STW5, the single components of STW5 or
Omeprazole. Each data point represents 3 independent experiments. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 vs. control. (B) Ca2+ release from HISMC in fold changes
of untreated control. Cells were simultaneously stimulated with Capsaicin (80 µM) and with the different plant extracts. Adding the inflammatory stimulator
capsaicin showed that STW5 and Melissa officinalis stimulated a higher Calcium release than Capsaicin alone. Each data point represents 3 independent experiments.
*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 vs. control.

Limitations examined might yield another result. But the fact that two approaches
(CI measurements of the triple combinations and the substractive assay)
We did not investigate all possible combinations of the nine plant confirm the same plant (combinations) and coincide with the cluster-
extracts (dual, tetra, penta, hexa, hepta, or octo-combinations) for the analysis of the published data is a promising finding.
IL-8 release. The possibility that a tetra-, pental- or higher combination Investigating the combinations of nine plant extracts is challenging.
would lead to different results is imaginable. However, the substractive Some of the plant extracts showed opposing effects with respect to the
approach supports that SM, within the mixture and within the combi- IL-8 release. The application of the CI–method like certain other
nation of Carum carvi (L.) and Angelica archangelica (L.), reduces IL-8 methods to assess synergy, however, is not appropriate for combination
releases under non-inflammatory and inflammatory conditions. We also partners with opposing effects. We examined the Iberis amara extract on
tested only one sequence in the “substractive approach”. A different a “non-IL-8-reducing effect level” to calculate the CIs. The curves of the
sequence leading to different combinations than those which we combinations for CIs indicating synergism had r-values ≥0.9 indicating

Fig. 5. Ca2+-release from HISMC. Cells were

stimulated with (A) combination 1 (Mentha
piperita, Matricaria recutita, Melissa officinalis)
and combination 2 (Glycyrrhiza glabra,
Angelica archangelica, Silybum marianum) alone
or (B) in the presence of Capsaicin (80 µM).
Combination 1 increased the Ca2+ -release
under both conditions.

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