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A high voltage programmable ramp

Cite as: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 054701 (2008); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2912823
Submitted: 26 November 2007 • Accepted: 30 March 2008 • Published Online: 05 May 2008

J. Upadhyay, M. J. Joshi, P. P. Deshpande, et al.


Linear high-voltage ramp generator for use in selective field ionization of Rydberg atoms
Review of Scientific Instruments 56, 385 (1985); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1138309

High-speed, high-voltage pulse generation using avalanche transistor

Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 054708 (2016); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4948727

Megahertz high voltage pulse generator suitable for capacitive load

AIP Advances 7, 115210 (2017); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5006827

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 054701 (2008); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2912823 79, 054701

© 2008 American Institute of Physics.


A high voltage programmable ramp generator

J. Upadhyay,a兲 M. J. Joshi, P. P. Deshpande, M. L. Sharma, and C. P. Navathe
Laser Electronics Support Section, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology,
Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452013, India
共Received 26 November 2007; accepted 30 March 2008; published online 5 May 2008兲
In this paper, a ramp generator with programmable slope is presented. It consists of a high voltage
step generator, followed by integrator. The capacitor and inductor in the integrator are designed such
that they can be varied by a microcontroller. This circuit generates two bipolar ramps with fastest
speed ⬍1 ns and provides continuous speed variation from 6 to 30 ns for a ramp of 500 V. This is
being developed as a part of automated streak camera for deflection of electron beam. © 2008
American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2912823兴

INTRODUCTION programmable ramp generator. This is possible if this gen-

erator utilizes components which can be varied by electrical
High voltage ramp generators are required for special-
control signals.
ized applications in various laboratories. In literature, one
can find reports on such generators in the microsecond
range1,2 and the nanosecond range.3,4 An important applica-
tion of a ramp generator is in a streak camera, where it is
used for the deflection of the electron beam. Further, it is Consider an R-L-C circuit shown in Fig. 1. For a step
necessary to produce two symmetrical ramps of opposite po- input of V, the output across capacitor is given as6 for an
larity in this application. As this waveform is produced by an underdamped case,
exponential decay, only the linear part of the same is used. In
this paper, we have described a simple technique to make a 再
V0 = V 1 − e−2␲kx 冋 k
共1 − k2兲0.5
sin 2␲x共1 − k2兲0.5

programmable ramp generator for the streak camera in which
all operating parameters can be controlled by a microcontrol-
ler. This circuit has been developed and tested in Laser Elec- + cos 2␲x共1 − k2兲0.5 , 共1兲
tronics Support Section, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced
Technology, Indore, India. where

冑 C
, T = 2␲冑LC, and x = t/T.

For an overdamped case, this waveform is given as

Generally, a ramp voltage is produced when a step pulse
is applied to an integrator. The slope of the ramp is decided
by the time constant of the integrator. For producing multiple V0 = V 1 − e−2␲kx 冋 k
共1 − k2兲0.5
sin 2␲共1 − k2兲0.5x

slopes, it is necessary to alter the component values, so the
circuit has to incorporate high voltage relays to select the
appropriate discrete components for the required slopes.5 + cos 2␲共1 − k2兲0.5x . 共2兲
However, same performance can be achieved if one can in-
The choice of response is governed by the requirements
troduce variable components. In addition, a variable compo-
of the load. These can include nature of the curve, its linear-
nent has an additional advantage that it can be tuned to pro-
vide the required value.
In a streak camera, the ramp voltage is applied to its
deflecting plates in order to sweep the electron beam from
one end of its phosphor screen to the other end. The image
on the phosphor screen is then captured by a charge coupled
device camera followed by a frame grabber. At present, in
the streak camera developed in house for laser plasma diag-
nostics in our laboratory, all these operations are being
manually controlled. In order to bring all these operations
under a computerized control, it was necessary to design a FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 A ramp voltage 共V0兲 is generated across the capaci-
tance of an integrator circuit consisting of a resistance 共R兲, an inductance
共L兲, and a capacitance 共C兲 when a step voltage 共V兲 is applied to the input.
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: The slope of the ramp can be changed by changing the values of R, L,
janky@cat.ernet.in. and C.

0034-6748/2008/79共5兲/054701/5/$23.00 79, 054701-1 © 2008 American Institute of Physics

054701-2 Upadhyay et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 054701 共2008兲

FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 A block diagram of the dual variable inductance. A

stepper motor is coupled to an assembly of two ferrite cores moving inside
two solenoids. The inductances of both the solenoids are simultaneously
varied over desired range by proper positioning of the cores. The limit
switches are used to prevent the motion the ferrite cores beyond the desired

ity, etc. For linear shape, one can choose a slightly under- FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 A block diagram showing the variable capacitor. A
damped response and select linear part between t = 0 and its stepper motor is coupled to the shaft of the dual 共gang兲 capacitor for varying
peak. their values. The assembly of the capacitor is kept inside an oil tank to
provide high voltage insulation. The limit switches are used to prevent mo-
tion of the ferrite cores beyond the desired limits.
rotation of 180°. Its capacitance ranges from 36 to 146 pF
For a programmable integrator, in principle, it is neces- with a tolerance of ⫾1.0 pF+ 1.5% rated for a voltage rating
sary to vary the values of the inductance 共L兲, the capacitance of 100 Vdc. As it was not rated for the required voltage, the
共C兲, and the resistance 共R兲. In our application, it was found same was put into a container of transformer oil to achieve
that the required values of the L are from 5 to 50 ␮H, for the required insulation. In this way, the capacity marginally in-
C, they are from 50 to 300 pF, and for the R, they are from creased to a range of 45– 182 pF, while the voltage rating
0 to 1000 ⍀. went up to 2 kV pulsed.
For making a variable inductance, we have used a sole- It is rather difficult to make a high voltage and variable
noid. The inductance of a solenoid is given as ␮0␮rAN2 / l, resistance with a low inductance for this application. Com-
where A is the cross-sectional area of the coil, N is the num- mercially variable resistors of required rating are not avail-
ber of turns, and l is the length of the magnetic path. Thus, a able. Alternatively, making such a resistor in house is also
solenoid can be designed by appropriate choice of A, N, and not possible due to lack of suitable components. Therefore,
l for the minimum inductance required. Then, a ferrite core as a compromise, we have chosen to use a single resistance
can be inserted, and by adjusting its position in the solenoid, of 110 ⍀ as an optimum value.
its inductance can be changed. As we need two symmetrical
inductances, we have made two identical solenoids, with
A = 113 mm2, N = 20, and l = 30 mm 共see Fig. 2兲. Two ferrite Circuit description
cores are mounted such that they can slide into them in iden- The variable slope ramp generator consists of two parts,
tical fashion, giving same inductance in both circuits. The namely, a step voltage generator and an integrator unit. The
variation in the inductance was achieved from 3 to 15 ␮H. block diagram of the same is shown in Fig. 4. The step
Similarly, a variable capacitance can be made by using voltage is generated by the two stacks of avalanche transis-
two parallel plates. Here, we have used a commercially tors 共FMMT 417兲 each containing six transistors 共see Fig. 5兲.
available component which is a miniature tuning capacitor The two stacks are connected in series to minimize the jitter
共generally known as a gang condenser兲, with two identical in the two step voltages. The two stacks are biased by apply-
capacitors 共see Fig. 3兲. It has a control shaft with a shaft ing a positive ramp bias at one end of the first stack and

FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Block diagram of the ramp gen-

erator unit, which shows two bipolar step generator
units followed by two integrator units 共composed of L1,
C1, R1 and L2, C2, R2兲 as shown by dotted blocks. The
figure shows ⫾ beam bias voltages which cut off the
unwanted part of the step generator output.
054701-3 Programmable ramp generator Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 054701 共2008兲

FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 Schematic dia-

gram of the step voltage generator unit
followed by the integrator circuit. Ava-
lanche transistor stacks are used as fast
switches to generate high speed step
voltages of opposite polarity.

negative ramp bias at the other end of the second stack. The Devices兲7 is used. This processor has two digital-to-analog
high voltage ramp bias and the beam bias are generated by converters 共DACs兲, an analog-to-digital converter 共ADC兲
using two dc to dc converters. Both the stacks are triggered with eight analog inputs, and four ports of eight logical
at their respective lower ends of the transistors through a input/outputs 共see Fig. 6兲. For beam biasing, a dc-to-dc con-
pulse transformer having one primary and two secondary verter is used with a control input generated from one of the
windings 共1:1:1兲. The two step voltages thus generated are DAC outputs of the microcontroller. The avalanche transistor
connected to two integrator units through two high voltage stack is also biased by using another dc-to-dc converter. The
dc relays. These relays have one change-over contact. By necessary input voltage for this converter is generated by
default, the step voltage sources are at normally closed 共NC兲 using a voltage divider with 12 V supply, since this voltage
contact, i.e., the fastest slope of the ramp voltages. By acti-
is fixed. A low voltage relay contact is used to turn on high
vating these relays, the voltage sources can be connected to
voltages 共see Fig. 7兲 which, in turn, is switched by using a
the integrator units, thus getting the slower slope of the ramp
logical output of the microcontroller.
voltages, as decided by the values of R, L, and C.
We have used one stepper motor 共Astrosyn make, model:
Y129兲 to control the motion of the gang capacitor shaft
Microprocessor control through the microcontroller. The stepper motor is coupled to
For controlling various operations of the variable slope the variable capacitor and is operated by using four port pins
ramp generator, a micro controller AD␮C831 共Analog of the microcontroller. A high current Darlington array 共ULN

FIG. 6. 共Color online兲 Block diagram of the microcontroller ADuC831 based control unit for variable slope ramp generation. The high voltage relays 共HV
relay兲 are activated to select the slower/faster slope. To bias the step generator circuit and select the trigger inputs, the low voltage relays 共LV relay兲 are
activated. The I/O lines are used to control the phases of the two motors and the DAC output facilitates a controllable beam bias supply.
054701-4 Upadhyay et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 054701 共2008兲

FIG. 7. 共Color online兲 An overall

block diagram of the programmable
slope ramp generator system. The mi-
crocontroller based control circuit with
various control signals is shown inside
the dotted block, and high voltage cir-
cuit is shown outside. Both the circuits
are properly isolated to avoid electro-
magnetic interference to the control

2003兲 is used as a driver for the stepper motor phases. Ad- and the low voltage grounds are separated to avoid noise
ditional two port pins are used for detecting two limit coupling.
switches. Similar stepper motor with the driver integrated
circuit and the limit switches is used for providing the vari-
able inductances. Here, the motor is used to move the ferrite Application to the streak camera
rods inside two solenoids, a translation stage. In the streak camera, speed of the ramp applied to the
Generally, the streak camera operates in two different deflection plates corresponds to the calibration of the time
modes: 共1兲 static mode operation, where all the electrodes of axis of the swept image. A ramp voltage of 1 kV is required
the streak tube except deflecting plates are biased with suit- for streaking of 30 mm size of phosphor screen in S-20 op-
able dc voltages, whereby one can analyze the static image tical streak camera for which this system has been devel-
on the phosphor screen, and 共2兲 dynamic mode operation, oped. It has two deflection plates that can be differentially
where deflecting plates are activated with suitable ramp volt- activated by two equal but opposite polarity ramp voltages.
ages along with other electrodes of the streak tube to analyze Two slopes ⫾500 V 共instead of a single 1 kV slope兲 are used
streak image on the screen. These two modes are also con- as it doubles the ramp speed and puts less load on each step
trolled in the program by activating the ramp bias voltage in generator. For this purpose, two ramp voltages of 1.5 kV
the case of dynamic mode through a low voltage relay. Fur- each are generated and a portion of 500 V is selected from
ther, there is an additional control present for trigger mode each waveform over its most linear section. This is done by
selection for internal trigger generation or external trigger applying ⫾ dc biases known as beam bias to the output of
generation through another low voltage relay. the stack 共Fig. 4兲.
The microcontrollers are interfaced with the personal The range of the slope and hence the values of the com-
computer 共PC兲 using an RS232 link. A LABVIEW 共Ref. 8兲 ponents for the integrator can be decided either by simulation
based graphical user interface 共GUI兲 is developed in the PC. or by experimental method. A combination of both was used
All the operational commands such as changing the slope of to achieve desired slopes in this setup. A slightly under-
the ramp, the mode of operation, the amplitude of the beam damped response was chosen for the series RLC circuit, so as
biasing voltage, and the trigger generation are provided to to get a linear ramp with required speed. Further, since the
the user by this GUI. Whenever the user executes any of capacitance of the deflecting plate is ⬃10 pF, a resistor of
these commands by using the GUI, it is serially communi- 470 ⍀ was inserted in series 共working as RC filter兲 to filter
cated to the microcontroller and the microcontroller takes the the oscillations in the ramp output signals. It may be men-
necessary action depending on type of the command. C lan- tioned that it is not necessary to have perfect matching of
guage is used for programming of the microcontroller. two bipolar ramps, since the effective voltage applied on the
In order to minimize the electromagnetic interference re- electron beam is the voltage difference between them. How-
lated problems due to the high voltage switching, the step ever, the ramps produced in this technique are well matched
generator circuit is enclosed in a box made of copper plated since the variation in the component values is minimum, as
glass epoxy sheet, and the microcontroller circuit is placed they are made in house and thus identical. The linearity of
in a shielded aluminum box. In addition to this, all the sig- the ramp was measured to be within 1% 共⬃10 V for 1000 V
nals of the microcontroller and the stepper motor phases slope兲 of the ideal slope which corresponds to the maximum
are routed through the shielded cables and the high voltage position error of 300 ␮m for a 30 mm phosphor screen.
054701-5 Programmable ramp generator Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 054701 共2008兲

at the photocathode. So either the optical signal or the ramp

generator output has to be delayed by appropriate time by an
independent optical delay to ensure proper synchronization
of the ramps with the signal.

As depicted from the Fig. 8共a兲, two step voltages with
⬍1 ns rise time are generated. The rise time is calculated for
a variation of 500 V in linear part of the ramp. The total
range of the ramp speed is 6 – 30 ns. By keeping the induc-
tance at the minimum value of 3 ␮H 共air core兲, the range
in the slope is found to vary from 6 to 11 ns, whereas by
keeping the inductance at the maximum value of 15 ␮H 共i.e.,
with the ferrite core fully in兲, the range in slope is found
to vary from 15 to 30 ns, by variation of the capacitance
from the minimum to the maximum value. Please refer to
Figs. 8共b兲–8共e兲. For the above measurements, we have used
an Agilent make mixed signal oscilloscope model 54642D
having a bandwidth of 500 MHz and a sampling rate of
2 Gsamples/ s. The high voltage probe used during this mea-
surement is Lecroy make 共model PPE6兲 having a bandwidth
of 400 MHz and a voltage rating up to 6 kV with an attenu-
ation of 1000:1.

In this paper, we have presented the design of a pro-
grammable ramp generator for application to the streak cam-
era. The technique used for this instrument is based on the
varying values of L and C in the integrator under the com-
puter control. As this technique uses variable components
instead of high voltage relays to switch discrete components,
FIG. 8. Experimentally observed output waveforms are shown here. 共a兲 this can be tuned more easily and accurately to the required
shows the step voltage waveforms in fastest mode 共i.e., without the integra- speeds. Further, it is also possible to design these compo-
tor unit兲. The ramp speed in fastest mode is 625 V / ns. 共b兲–共e兲 shows the nents in house as per design specifications of the speed and
ramp output voltages 共i.e., the step voltage followed by the integrator unit兲
with different values of the inductance and the capacitance. The speed indi-
the insulation. So this circuit can be adapted to other voltage
cated is for the selected region of 500 V. 共b兲 L = 3 ␮H, C = 45 pF, the ramp levels as well as slope requirements, and therefore it is more
speed is 100 V / ns; 共c兲: L = 3 ␮H, C = 182 pF, the ramp speed is 45.5 V / ns; versatile as compared to the other ramp generators described
共d兲: L = 15 ␮H, C = 45 pF, the ramp speed is 33.3 V / ns; and 共e兲 with in the literature.
L = 15 ␮H, C = 182 pF, the ramp speed is 16.7 V / ns.
The fastest sweep rate of the streak camera is achieved The authors wish to acknowledge Dr. P. D. Gupta, Head,
when the sweep voltage is directly applied to the deflection Laser Plasma Division for his motivation and keen interest in
plates. So, the transition from the fastest mode of operation this work. Thanks are also due to Shri S. R. Khade for his
to the slower mode of operation is controlled through the support in mechanical assembly of this system.
microcontroller, by activating two high voltage relays placed
at the output of the step generator 共see Fig. 7兲. The values of 1
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