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English minute – First Grade

Month: February
Week: Feb 21 - Friday 25)
Monday 21 (Page 12)

Vocabulary: Colors, big, small, shapes…

Lección: Hora: Tema: Actividad de mediación

#4 9:40 – 10:20 am School  Prayer
Things  Dance time:
 Story time:
 Question time: Teacher will ask the
students the colors, shapes, and sizes
of things… To describe them…
- 10-20 – 10-30 am Recess Time for recess.
#5 10:30 -11:05 am School  Students with the teacher will
Things complete page #12 (students’ book)
- 11:05 – 10:30 am Lunch Time for lunch.
#6 11:30 – 12:05 am School  Students with the teacher will
Things complete page #12 (workbook)

Tuesday 22 (Page 13)

Vocabulary: Count, bag, pen, ruler, folder…

Lección: Hora: Tema: Actividad de mediación

#7 2:05 – 12:35 pm School  Prayer
Things  Dance time:
 Teacher will show things to students
and they will name them out loud (to
remember vocabulary)
- 12:32 – 12:40 pm Recess Time for recess.
#8 12:40 – 1:20 pm School  Teacher will read and complete page
Things #13 among the students (Student
 Teacher will read and complete page
#13 among the students (workbook).
#9 1:20 – 2:00 pm School  Practice time:
Things  Teacher will call students one by one
to draw school supplies on the board
what the teacher names.

Wednesday 23 (Page 14)

Vocabulary: Greetings, manners, how are you? Fine, thank u.

Lección: Hora: Tema: Actividad de mediación

#1 7:30- 8:10 am Greetings  Request handbook
 Request lunches
 Prayer
 Teacher will play with students who
took the cookie from the cookie jar?
Or If you´re happy clap your hands.
#2 8:10 - 8:50 am Greetings  Teacher will read with the students
the dialogs on page #14 (Student
 Students will watch the video on
page #14 (Student book).
 Students will create a mask. (Annex

- 8:50 am – 9:00 Recess Time for recess.

#3 9:00 – 9:40 Greetings  Practice time: Using the mascara
students will act what they saw on the
previous video.

Thursday 24 (page11)

Vocabulary: Greetings, manners, how are you? Fine, thank u.

Lección: Hora: Tema: Actividad de mediación

#4 9:40 – 10:20 am Greetings  Prayer
 Dance time:
 Song time:
(Hello, how are you?)
- 10-20 – 10-30 am Recess Time for recess.
#5 10:30 -11:05 am Greetings  Teacher will practice the vocabulary
studied the previous day and will
remember the greetings.
 Teacher will explain how to do it and
students will complete page #14
- 11:05 – 10:30 am Lunch Time for lunch.
#6 11:30 – 12:05 am Greetings  Practice time:
 Teacher will explain how to do it and
students will complete page 15

Thursday 25 (Art, Values)

Art: Fine motor skills creating a little buddy.

 Toilet paper roll.
 Color pencils.
 Scissors.


Annex 1

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