The Sword of Power

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The Sword of Power

 The bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to a +3.

 Power Strike: When you hit with a melee Attack using the sword, you can expend 1
charge to deal an extra 1d6 force damage to the target. The Sword Holds 20 Charges
 The weapon has the finesse property, allowing the wielder to use either their Strength or
Dexterity modifier for the weapon's attack and damage rolls.
 Power of Friendship Dormant: The wielder of the Sword of Power may use the Help
Action as a Bonus Action instead of a Normal Action.
 Power of Friendship Awakened: When the wielder of the Sword uses a Help action, the
recipient receives an additional 1d4 to their roll in addition to advantage.
 Power of Friendship Exalted: the 1d4 added to Help action increases to a 1d6 instead.

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