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Erick Fabián Cárdenas



The present work consists of the essence of the concept of Marketing since the
reading was based on the needs of the client in the center of the decisions of a
company. The need to adopt this approach arises from several factors.

The evaluation of the resulting

segments in a market
segmentation process is
crucial. As a market
develops, new segments
become visible, and some
older ones disappear. The new
intuitively may seem to be the
most appealing and profitable,
but they will also appeal to the
rivals. Also, bear in mind that
increasing the market share in
these growing segments will
difficult and expensive in
terms of the use of resources.
However, it may be also
possible to
successfully operate in
declining segments as
competition withdraws. A
successful strategy,
therefore, will have to take
into account all these pros and
cons when deciding the right
After evaluating the resulting
segments, the next stage in the
segmentation process is the
of a segment(s) that the
company will target. Then, the
company must now decide
which and
how many segments will be
targeted according to its own
objectives, resources and
The fit between the market
needs and the company's
assets is important.
The evaluation of the resulting segments in a market segmentation process is
crucial. As a market develops, new segments become visible, and some older
ones disappear. The new segments intuitively may seem to be the most appealing
and profitable, but they will also appeal to the rivals. Also, bear in mind that
increasing the market share in these growing segments will be difficult and
expensive in terms of the use of resources. However, it may be also possible to
successfully operate in declining segments as competition withdraws.

A successful strategy, therefore, will have to take into account all these pros and
cons when deciding the right option. After evaluating the resulting segments, the
next stage in the segmentation process is the choice of a segment(s) that the
company will target. Then, the company must now decide which and how many
segments will be targeted according to its own objectives, resources and
capabilities. The fit between the market needs and the company's assets is



1. Carefully read the text: “Market Segmentation” found within the

Training Material of Learning Activity No. 3 (AP03).

We proceeded to download the "Market Segmentation" file found within the

Training Material of Learning Activity No. 3 (AP03), to study it and be able to
develop this activity:
Screenshot No. 1. File “Market Segmentation

2. Taking into account the information in the text, create a Cloud of tags
with at least 30 words that are related to the topic addressed and
extracted from the reading.

We proceed to elaborate the cloud tags with the 30 words identified in the text
"Market Segmentation:
3. Create a mental map on the subject exposed in the text “Market
Segmentation”. Note the characteristics of this type of graphic

Below is the mental map elaborated on the theme exposed in the text "Market
Market Segmentation.
What is it?

It is a process that consists of dividing the total market

into several small groups, it is also an effort to group
people with similar needs.

which have some

Characteristic Benefits Processes Types Positioning

Study. Geographical Summarized in

Be intrinsically the company
segmentation. four points.
homogeneous faces fewer
(similar) competitors. Analysis.
Demographic There are three
Preparation segmentation. alternatives.
New growth
Heterogeneous to of profiles.
opportunities are
each other Behavioral
generated. Four mistakes
targeting. should be avoided.
So big
identification of Types of
customer needs. positioning.
4. Create an advertising commercial through a video to present your
product or service in the market. Take into account the characteristics
of the product or service to publicize the information in an effective
way and the population to which your product is directed. For this
commercial, take into account the following aspects:

a. The duration of the commercial must be between 60 and 90 seconds

b. It must contain a voice recording of the trainee (The audio must be clear
and understandable)
c. The product or service you are advertising must be clearly evidenced,
therefore, the use of images is essential.
d. You can include some kind of animation.
e. The target audience must be taken into account.
F. The commercial must be creative and interesting.

Commercial Video Link:


Market segmentation is a highly effective strategy for organizations because it

allows them to know which customers care about them and understand their needs
enough to send a message that ensures brand success.
Bibliographic references

 ALDERSON, W (1958) "The analytical framework for marketing" (University

of California: University of California Press, Berkeley).

 BASS, F.M., TIGERT, D.J. and LONDSDALE, R.T. (1968) "Market

Segmentation: Group versus individual behavior", Journal of Marketing.
Research, August, p 276.
 DIBB S, (1996) "The Marketing planning" Thomson Business press.

 DOCTERS R., GRIM J. y MCGADY J.P. (1997) "La segmentación

evolutiva" Harvard-Deusto Marketing y Ventas Set-Oct.

 FENNELL G AND ALLENBY G. (2001) "Market segmentation research:

Beyond Within and across group differences".

 FENNELL G. AND ALLENBY G. (2003) "Market Definition, Segmentation

and Positioning: An Integrated Approach".

 FENNELL G. AND ALLENBY G. (2003) "The effectiveness of Demographic

and Psychographic Variables for explaining brand and product category

 GIMBERT X. (1998) "El enfoque estratégico de la empresa" Deusto.

 KLECKER A. (1993) "Mercados y Segmentación" Marketing y Ventas Nov.

 KOTLER P. (1980) "Dirección de Marketing" Prenitence Hall.

 LACOBUCCI D. (2001) "Marketing según Kellog" Vergara Business.

 LAMBIN J. (1995) "Marketing Estratégico" McGraw Hill.

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