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Archfey of the Feywilds Delceth, the Lighthouse Keeper

The following list contains a variety of archfey of the Delceth is the lord of the light and savior of sailors. Always
Feywilds, though is not exhaustive. Each archfey provides the found in Tallest Lighthouse located in the Feywilds, Delceth
Archfey Magic feature to their followers, such as when acting is an older humanoid man who glows with light and uses the
as a group patron. You gain this feature and can use it as Tallest Lighthouse to illuminate the path for lost sailors and
described as long as that fey remains your patron. bring hope to those who have found themselves stranded at
sea. It’s said the light from the Tallest Lighthouse can
Aurusel, the Great Gardener illuminate any lighthouse in all of the Forgotten Realms.
Archfey Magic. As a bonus action, you can shed bright
A fey with a love of gardening seeing it as a balance between light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10
civilization and wilds. However, in his quest to build the feet. You can dismiss this light as a bonus action.
greatest garden, he would cause his downfall. Procuring
plants and animals from across the planes, he accidentally Elias & Siobhan, Twin Lords of the
brought lycans to the Feywilds from Faunel in the Beastlands, Sea
that led to the humans of Brokenstone Vale's curse.
The Vale's humans and fey fought in a terrible war which Elias & Siobhan are the twin lords who rule the sea fey. Both
eventually led back to Aurusel's garden. He offered a lone have hair that of seaweed and skin of deep dark blue and rule
eladrin woman protection his garden one day however, who over their kingdom in the seas and oceans of the Feywilds
revealed herseld to be the Queen of Air and Darkness, with a cheerful smile on top their kelpie mounts. Many
destroying his garden. Now his garden lays in the Shadowfell, consider them the archfey of twins in addition to their rule
Aurusel killing any who enter it. over the vast and whimsical waters of the Feywilds.
Archfey Magic You can cast the Mold Earth cantrip. Various sea creatures can be found in their palace under
Additionally, you can cast the Find Familiar spell once per the waves along with some secluded archfey, such as
long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Scamander of the River Scamander and Sarula Iliene, the
Nixie Queen. From here, these archfey watch over the
Baba Yaga, the Witch Mother domains and people.
Baba Yaga is the lord of all hags and the most powerful Archfey Magic. You can cast the Shape Water cantrip.
sorceress in any realm. Often with long white hair, warts Additionally, you can cast Create or Destroy Water spell once
upon her face, and a frame that changes from thin to plump per long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these
on her whim, Baba Yaga is as unpredictable as she looks. spells.
She will often devour her followers as much as she is willing
to share secrets with them. Those that do make bargains
with Baba Yaga will find that the promises she asks are much
more dangerous than any other fey. Baba Yaga can be found
in any realm, travelling through them in her magical mortar
and pestle.
Archfey Magic. You gain proficiency in Alchemist's Tools.
Additionally, you learn one cantrip from the Wizard spell list.
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.
Cernunnos, Lord of Wild Hunts
Cernunnos is the horned lord of the hunt. Often hunting with
Oberon in Beastlands, Cernunnos is a wild elf with stag
horns that shine in the light. He is Oberon’s hunt master,
leading the Wild Hunt, a group of hunters made of divine
beings and other archfey, most notably, the Beastlords.
The Beastlords include the Cat King, the Sovereign Elk,
the Monkey King, and the Lord of Bats, who aid in the hunt
and protect their people in the Feywilds. The Cat King rules
over Tabaxi in the Feywilds and house cats, the Sovereign Elk
is a patron of the wood elves and allows them to use elks as
mounts, the Monkey King is a trickster who often pulls
pranks on the gods of the Material Plane, while the Lord of
Bats is a patron to dhampir seeking refuge in the Feywilds.
Cernunnos counts himself among the Beastlords, the
sovereign of satyrs and centaurs and many half-animal folk.
Archfey Magic. You can cast the Druidcraft cantrip.
Additionally, you can cast the Hunter's Mark spell once per
long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

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Fathaghn, the Dryad Queen Lady of the White Well
Within a great forest is the Mother Tree, the sacred oak of the The Lady of the White Well is the daughter of Sehanine,
dryads. To protect it, the archfey and queen of the dryads banished by Corellon to be bound to the pool of water she
created the Maze of Fathaghn. Full of tricking paths, the was born in for eternity for Sehanine’s infidelity. Skin and
dryads assault intruders and lead adventurers deep into the light as silver and hair as white as clouds, the Lady of the
woods so they may get lost, or worst. White Well is an elf who yearns for love. As such, those who
Fathaghn herself rarely leaves the maze, tending to the interest her gain boons and those she falls in love with earn
Mother tree. She often sends delegates out to enact her will her blade so they may become her champion and free her
on her behalf. from her banishment by becoming her true love, yet all have
Archfey Magic. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) died in their attempts and thus she waits.
checks to navigate forests and mazes. Additionally, you can Archfey Magic. You gain proficiency in all simple and
cast the Thorn Whip cantrip. Wisdom is your spellscasting martial weapons. Additionally, once per long rest, as a bonus
ability for it. action, your weapon attacks deal an additional d4 radiant
damage for 1 minute.
Great Gark, the Goblin King
An ugly and terrible hobgoblin, Great Gark rules over the Lurue, the Unicorn Queen
goblins of Nachtur. A powerful sorcerer in his own right, he Lurue is the lord of talking beasts, mainly unicorns and
uses his magic to unite the goblinoids of the Feywild under pegasi, and daughter of the previous unicorn lord,
his reign and punish those who refuse his rule. Despite this, Eachthighern. Skin and hair as light as moonlight, Lurue
Great Gark and Nachtur are a minor threat to the eladrin, promotes exploration and adventure, bringing her to the
though rumors spread of Great Gark allying with the attention of many romantics who seek to exemplify her
fomorians and the Queen of Air and Darkness. values in addition to the talking beasts she commands.
Those who find themselves in Nachtur are given two The beastlord, Malar, is currently hunting for her and she
choices, work for Great Gark or become a slave to the spends much of her time avoiding him and fighting him off so
goblins. Many choose the former. she may maintain her freedom.
Archfey Magic. You have advantage on Charisma Archfey Magic.
You can cast the Spare the Dying cantrip.
(Persuasion) checks made to interact with goblinoids. Additionally, once per long rest you can the cast Cure
Wounds spell. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these
Hysram, the Prince of Fools spells.
Hysram is an ancient and powerful satyr who revels in Oberon, the Green Lord
trickery and guile. Presenting himself as a fool, this is merely
a guise Hysram uses to hide his intelligence that he uses to Oberon is the king of the Seelie Court and lord of the green
bring anarchy and destroy civilization in the Feywilds. He fey. Earning his title primarily due to his marriage to Titania,
wishes to see fomorians and even the elves purged from the Oberon is still much beloved by the Seelie Court. Oberon
lands and returned to nature, of which his friend Oberon mainly spends his time in the Beastlands hunting its animals
doesn’t realize. with Cernunnos and other archfey and even deities who join
Archfey Magic. You gain advantage on saving throws him, Hysram, his closest ally, declaring his wises while he’s
against Charm effects. Additionally, you can cast the Vicious away.
Mockery cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it. Archfey Magic. You gain proficiency with all ranged
weapons. Additionally, once per long rest, as a bonus action,
you gain advantage on a number of weapon attacks you make
equal to your proficiency bonus.
The Prince of Frost
The Prince of Frost, the strongest among the winter fey and
son of Tiandra. With skin as cold as ice and a heart that lacks
any warmth. He was not always the Prince of Frost but once
the Sun Prince. To be married to one of the Daughters of
Delight, Sharaea, she fled to the material realm and married
a mortal hero with whom she fought against the forces of
The Sun Prince grew bitter that she refused to marry him
and after Sharaea made a bargain with the Raven Queen to
send her and her lover’s souls to the future, the Sun Prince’s
realm twisted and he became the Prince of Frost, turning the
rest of the Daughters of Delight into the terrible Sisters of
Archfey Magic. You gain resistance to cold damage.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Psilofyr, the Carrion King Archfey Magic. Once per long rest, you may enchant a
plant seed and plant it into the ground, letting it grow for 30
Psilofyr rules over all of the Feydark and the myconids. Not days. It magically transforms into an awakened plant with the
one, but many, Psilofyr could manifest anywhere he pleased statistics of an awakened shrub at the end of that time.
as a fungal form. Well known for his philosophy of renewal The awakened plant is friendly to you. Absent of
via decomposition and his hospitality. Though his mind commands from you, it does nothing.
became frayed the more versions of himself he created, they
all mostly held the same values of regrowth and helping Reynard, the Trinket Lord
those with peaceful intentions. However, sometimes versions Reynard was once a gnome on the run from slavers and
of him would become corrupted and seek to do the exact through fortune became a minor archfey. While trying to hide
opposite of his desires and it isn’t uncommon for him to from the slavers, he found the Cave of Lost Things, a place
request to destroy these rogue Psilofyrs. where all lost things end up. The powers there turned him
Archfey Magic. You can speak with plants as per the into a foxlike humanoid and he was able to use his magic to
Speak with Plants spell. Additionally, you gain advantage on lead his trackers to be lost forever. Now he collects all the
Charisma (Persuasion) checks to interact with fungus and trinkets mortals and outsiders lose in his Cave of Lost Things
myconoids. and offers them to others via bargains, or to those who are
Maiden of the Moon enslaved so they may free themselves like he did.
Archfey Magic. As an action you can transform into an
The Maiden of the Moon is a mysterious figure dedicated to Arctic Fox as per the druid Wild Shape ability, except the
hunting down evil lycanthropes. Thought to be a duration is infinite. This form can have any fur color you like.
manifestation of Selune, the Maiden is shrouded in mystery.
All that is known is that if evil lyncathropes overstep their Sarath Thar, the Omenseeker
bounds, they will be banished by her. Those who follow her Sarath Thar, also known as the Witch of Fates, is a selkie
are often master lycanthrope hunters and wield silver finder of new horizons who sails the seas on her longboat.
weapons and other armaments to slay them in the Maiden’s Appearing as a human with long white locks and skins
name. wrinkled with time, Sarath Thar searches for new knowledge
The lycanthropes of Brokenstone Vale are suspected to be and tells heroes of fabled prophecies to encourage others to
under her protection however. The magic that permeates the create new stories for her and fulfill her fabled destinies.
vale that allows them to control their transformation, a When not traveling, she stays with her husband, Delceth, in
blessing from her. his lighthouse or attends fey courts to advise them.
Archfey Magic. Your weapon attacks count as silver for the Archfey Magic. You can cast the Guidance cantrip.
purposes of vulnerabilities and bypassing resistances. Additionally, once per long rest you can cast the Guiding Bolt
Nathair Sgiathach, Patron of spell. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Faerie Dragon and Pseudodragons Selephra, the Bramble Queen
Nathair Sgiathach is the lord of faerie dragons and Selephra is a wicked and devious archfey nearly forgotten.
pseudodragons, one of the few dragon deities who loves the Appearing as a magnificent and leaf green skinned elf,
Feywilds. A tiny dragon with gossamer butterfly wings, he is Selephra is ancient and is only remembered due to her love
always seen with the biggest smile any dragon can muster. to torture and maim mortals. Her will is enforced in the
Though a lord in the Seelie Court, he is so sarcastic and Glade of Sullen Vines by her Brides of the Forest who appear
frivolous about all matters that not even the fey couldn’t as beautiful huldra, humanoid fey with cow and fox tails and
tolerate it many a time. As such, he spends much of his time a back made of bark.
eating apple pie and pulling pranks, his favorite being to Archfey Magic. Once on each of your turns when you hit a
make the bottom of humanoids glow red. creature with an attack, you can reduce that creature's speed
Archfey Magic. Once per short or long rest, as a bonus by 5 feet until your next turn.
action a creature within 30 feet of you has disadvantage on
the next saving throw against an Enchantment or Illusion Tiandra, the Summer Queen
spell. Tiandra, also known as Titania, is the queen of the Seelie
Relkath of the Infinite Branches Court and summer fey, as well as being wife of Oberon. With
hair of gold and skin the color of honey, her smile can ripen
Once an elven deity to the Yiur, Relkath is an ancient treant fruit and her fury can cause wildfires, but she is often much
who sprouts forest wherever he treads. When the elves of more benevolent and the heart of the Seelie Court. If there is
Yiurwood lives, he was their fickle protector. Drow and trolls a meeting among the courts, she’ll be there as one of the
continued to attack however, and human colonization pushed Feywilds greatest strategists and rulers.
them further out of their territory, with the final blow being a Archfey Magic. You gain resistance to fire damage.
great plague that wiped the elves out.
After the era of the Spellplague, Relkath became an The Raven Queen
archfey to the fey of the Moonshae Isles, continuing to The Raven Queen is the lord of life and death. Once a
spreads his woods. powerful and beloved queen in the Feywilds, the Raven
Queen attempted to ascend to divinity to aid in the war
between Corellon and Lolth.
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
However, it backfired due to meddling by power hungry Those who prove their worth to her are often allowed to join
wizards among her followers. Cursed to the Shadowfell and the Watchers of the Night to help deal with threats from the
Feydark, she now collects memories of pain, grief, and death Feydark.
to help mortal souls become purified by facing thier grief. The Archfey Magic. When you deal damage, you may choose,
wizards who meddled were turned into the dreaded Nagpa cold, fire, lightning, or necrotic. The damage type changes to
that now stalk the realms. the type chosen. You can use this feature a number of times
Archfey Magic. You gain an Animal Mask. As long as equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all uses after a
someone wears the mask, they gain advantage on Charisma long rest.
(Intimidation) checks made against creatures without the
undead trait. Additionally, they can cast the Toll the Dead Viktor Mazan, the Lycan Lord
cantrip. Charisma is their spellcasting ability for it. A werewolf lord who rules over Shatterstone in Brokenstone
Queen of Air and Darkness Vale, Viktor Mazan aids his fellow werewolves and other
lycans in the Feywilds eke out a peaceful existence after they
The Queen of Air and Darkness is the ruler of the Unseelie were cursed by Aurusel's menagerie. The fey however were
Court and winter fey. Having no visible form except via not fond of Viktor and his people when they arrived via a fey
powerful magic, the Queen was once Tiandra’s sister. Long crossing to escape their home, igniting a years long war
ago, a group of dwarves mined a beautiful black diamond in between the two until they came to a peaceful resolution to
the Feywilds and went to the Summer Court to present it to allow them to live in Brokenstone Vale.
Tiandra, off swimming that day, the Queen accepted it Viktor now uses the fey crossing near Shatterstone to
instead. The black diamond twisted and corrupted her and facilitate trade between the material plane and the Feywilds,
she soon fled in a chariot of smoke and fire and became the allowing for access to the material plane's resources.
ruler of all evil fey known as the Unseelie Court. Additionally, Brokenstone Vale's magic gives them greater
Archfey Magic. You can cast the Ray of Frost cantrip. self-control of their curse, allowing them to live relatively
Additionally, once per long rest you can cast the Frost normal lives.
Fingers spell. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these Archfey Magic. Once per long rest, you can assume a
spells. bestial appearance for 10 minutes. While in this form, you
gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track
Voya, Duchess of Seasons creatures and can speak with beasts as if under the effects of
Lady Voya is a famed eladrin strategist and the current ruler the Speak With Animals spell.
of the eladrin since the Rose King’s death. Her skin shifts to Zybilna, the Lady of the Carnival
between different seasons over the day, making her
appearance and personality varied depending on when you A secretive and manipulative archfey, Zybilna is the
happen to meet her. She however often is welcoming to benefactor of a traveling carnival that roves the Feywilds
strangers and provides them safe haven in the eladrin owned by a pair of shadar-kai. The Carnival acts as a portal to
settlement of Mithrendain, helping keep watch with the aid of her domain, where she consorts and makes dark secretive
the secret task force that is the Watcher of the Night and pacts with dangerous fiends to unknown ends.
Jalfarian Khaldros, The Sovereign Elk. The most powerful of these consorts is the incubus simply
known as "the Caller", who was enlisted to manipulate the
eladrin, Isolde, and slay her companions for their unknowing
meddling with her pacts. Isolde is now the ruler of a carnival
received from the shadar-kai who now own Zybilna's carnival,
having forgotten the archfey entirely and pursues the Caller
in the mists of Ravenloft with blind vengeance. Zybilna
continues to hound Isolde's carnival with malevolent archfey
however, growing in power if they stay somewhere too long.
Archfey Magic. You can cast the Friends cantrip.
Additionally, once per long rest you can cast the Charm
Person spell. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Archfey Alignment Domains Patrons
Archfey List
Aurusel, the Great Death, Archfey,
Nature Undying Each entry contains their name, which also includes their
alignment, cleric domains, and warlock patrons they can act
Baba Yaga, the Witch
Arcana, Archfey, as in addition to archfey.
Mother Knowledge Fiend
Cernunnos, Lord of Nature, Credit
Wild Hunts
Archfey Created by u/ShadowDcord / Ritunn (GMBinder)

Created using GMBinder

Delceth, the
Lighthouse Keeper
CG Light
"Delceth, the Lighthouse Keeper", "Sarath Thar, the
Omenseeker", and "Voya, Duchess of Seasons" designed by
Elias & Siobhan, the
NG Tempest
Archfey, Ritunn.
Twin Lords of the Sea Fathomless "Prince of Frost" and "Queen of Air and Darkness" art from
Fathaghn, the Dryad Nature, Dungeons & Dragons by Wizards of the Coast.

Archfey "Titania, Protector of Argoth" art by Magali Villeneuve for
Magic the Gathering.

Great Gark, the Goblin

Archfey "Baba Yaga" and "Cernunnos" art from Pathfinder 1st Edtion
King Order by Paizo.
Hysram, the Prince of Nature,
CN Archfey
Fools Trickery
Lady of the White Well LN Forge
Lurue, the Unicorn Archfey,
CG Peace, Life
Queen Celestial
Oberon, the Green
NG Nature Archfey
Prince of Frost LE Tempest Archfey
Psilofyr, the Carrion Mind,
CG Great Old
King Peace
Twilight, Archfey,
Maiden of the Moon LG
War Hexblade
Nathair Sgiathach,
Patron of Faerie Dragon CG Trickery Archfey
and Pseudodragons
Relkath of the Infinite
CN Nature Archfey
Reynard, the Trinket
CN Trickery Archfey
Sarath Thar, the Arcana,
N Archfey
Omenseeker Knowledge
Selephra, the Bramble Death, Archfey,
Queen Nature Undead
Tiandra, Queen of Light, Archfey,
Summer Nature Celestial
The Rose King LG Order, War Archfey
The Raven Queen LN Grave, Life
Queen of Air and
CE Tempest Archfey
Voya, Duchess of Life,
NG Archfey
Seasons Nature
Viktor Mazan, the Peace,
NG Archfey
Lycan Lord Nature
Zybilna, the Lady of the Order, Archfey,
Carnival Trickery Fiend

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
This document was lovingly created
using GM Binder.

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