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The Stevenson screen is a small station that is used to measure local

weather conditions. A weather centre will include a thermometer, a
the Stevenson screen should not only be away from buildings, but
hygrometer and a barometer.
also trees, hills.
Outside there will be rain gauge, an anemometer and a wind vane.

the screen is painted white so as to reflect The screen has a roof to protect the instruments
incoming solar radiation. The Stevenson screen from precipitation. Rain could affect
doesn't absorbe. temperature or humidity readings.

Maximum thermometer: when the temperature A hygrometer measures. the humidity of the air.
rises, the mercury in the thermometer expands A barometer is a device that is used to
and pushes the index along the tube. when the measure air pressure.
temperature falls, the mercury contracts but the Rain gauge: is used to measure the amount
index stays where it was pushed to by the of rainfall that falls over a given time.

Minimum thermometer - When the temperature Grass surface: to avoid reflection form white
The screen has slats to allow air to circulate
falls, the alcohol contracts and its meniscus pulls surfaces or absorption from dark surfaces. it is
the index along the tube. When the temperature usually placed on grass.
around the instruments
rises, the alcohol expands. It is read in the same
way as the maximum thermometer.

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