Ork Wartrak Trukk - WD221

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CU 7 VEHICLE DATA CREW: ONE ORK DRIVER ONE ORK GUNNER: RAM VALUE: STRENGTH 6 -2 SAVE D6 DAMAGE MOVEMEN’ SLOW SPEED: 10" COMBAT SPEED: 20" FAST SPEED: 21 TYPE: TRACKED WEAPONS The Wartrak is armed with twin-linked heavy bolters with a 360° fire arc. The heavy bolters may be replaced with a single heavy plasma gun for +5 points, a single lascannon for +10 points or a single multi-melta for +20 points or twin linked autocannons for +15 points. WEAPON DATA ccd Say Cea Re ae ers Heavy Bolter 020 2640-5 Dd 2 DGeDIs5. Sustained fe 40 MalieMetta 0412 1224 420 = 8) 2012 <4 aDve+De8 2° Bletiarer Leseannen 0-20 - = 8 206 63049 ‘Autocannon’ 0-20 S58 6-3 20618 Sustanes fre 0 Heavy Plesma Gun “One tun to recharge ater fing on max power Low Energy 0:20 7 DE 2 D647 1H" Bast Mater Max Powert 0-20 10 DIO -6 DIDsDEs10 112" Blast Marr POINTS COST: 50 points CU VEHICLE DATA CREW: ONE ORK DRIVER ONE ORK GUNNER RAM VALUE: STRENGTH 6 -3 SAVE D6 DAMAGE, MOVEMENT: SLOW SPEED: 8" COMBAT SPEED: 16" FAST SPEED: 30" TYPE: WHEELED WEAPONS: ‘The War Truk is armed with a heavy hotter with a 180° field of fre The heavy bolter may be upgraded fo a twin-linked heavy bolter at an additional cost of +10 points. ‘TRANSPORT: The War Truk may carry as many Ork models as may be sersibly fitted on the back. Obviously if models are falling of all the time, o” you are using sticky tape, then you are trying to carry too many Boyz. WEAPON DATA eects Saar Dae call Lr Heavy Bolter 020 2049 = 5 DA 2 D6rDeeS Sissies tre 2D Pili War Truk 12 2 Passengers" see below _* Hit the one nearest to the attacker War Trukk Damage Table ‘The War Trukk’s weapon is destroyed and may no longer be used. 2-3. A wheel is blown off. The Trukk moves out of control next turn and then comes to & pertmanent hale for the rest of the battle. & ‘The War Trukk’s controls are damaged making it difficult to seat, Roll ADS a the start of each of the War Tnukk's movement phases. On a roll of 4, 5 or 6 the driver is able to control the vehicle and it moves normally. On a roll of 1, 20F3 the War Trukk moves out of control for that torn The War Teuk’s engine explodes, killing the crew. The wreck urtles out of control next turn before coming to a permanent balt ‘Tho War Trukk’s fuel catches fre, killing the crew. The flaming wreck hurtles oat of control next turn and then explodes, causing D3 Strength 8 hits with a 3 saving throw modifier on all models within 3". Passenger Damage Table ‘The atack bits a passenger on board the War Trukk. Randomly determine which ‘model is hit from the models being transported, and the driver and gunnet. If the ‘weapon has a blast marker then any models under tke template are hit on a D6 roll 9f 4, 5 or 6. Rell to see if the passenger is killed using the normal shooting rules by comparing the attacking weapon's Strength to the passer "s Toughness, and ‘making any armour saving rolls as normal 0 2 + Hitthe one nearest to the attacker Wartrak Damage Table ‘The Wartrak’s weapon is destroyed and may no Tonger be used. “The Wartrak’s track is blown off. The wartrak moves out of control next tum aand then comes to & permanent halt for the rest of the battle. ‘The Wartrak’s controls are damaged making it difficult to steer. Roll a D6 at the start of cach of the Wartrak’s movement phases, On a roll of 4, 5 or 6 the driver is able to control the vehicle and it moves normally. On a roll of 1,2 oF 3 the Wartrak moves out of control for that turn ‘The Wartrak’s front whee! is blown off and it flips over, killing the ew, The ‘wreck comes crashing to the ground D6" away in’a random direction, Anybody under the Wartrak when it lands takes D6 $7 hits with a -2 saving throw modifier ‘The Wartrak’s engine explodes, killing the crew. The wreck hurtles out of control next tum before coming to a permanent halt, ‘The Wartrak’s fuel catches fi out of control next turn and t -3 saving throw modificr on all models within killing the crew. The flaming wreck hurtles n explodes. causing D3 Strength 8 hits with a Crew Damage Tabl Roll to sce if the crewman is killed using the normal shooting rales. He bas a ‘Toughness of 4, wears flak armour qhat confers a G+ saving throw, ard has 1 wound. If the driver is killed then the Wartrak will move out of contro. fer the remainder of the game ot until the gunner takes over, the Wartrak hits terrain it ‘cannot cross, collides with another vehicle or building, of leaves the game able. If ‘he gunner is killed then the Wartrak’s weapon may no longer be: used.

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