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Business Plan



A. Product

Sword of Words company provides written form products and service to write
anything like comic, life story, legend story, history of places, and many others.
Every written product has high quality because all of them will go through the
process of analyzing, arranging, and revising.

B. Customers

This company is targeting 15-40 years-old people who interested in reading,

especially in the form of stories. People who have stories and are interested to be
written or illustrated also included in target audience of Sword of Words

C. Future of the company

Despite the reading interest of people is different, this company believes that by
adding illustration can enhance their reading interest.


Sword of Words is a company that provides writing products and services. It

can be in the form of comic, stories or anything else. Some additional illustrations are
also included to make it more interesting. If the reading interest is high, then
information can be gained by the readers. In other words, not only for entertainment
purpose, but also for educational purpose. Both the products and services, they are
written and designed by company members, who are expert in writing and


The target customers of Sword of Words are people who love reading, or
people who have unique stories to be written. This company is targeting those
between age of 15-40 years-old. In other words, the target audience is relatively high.
To compete with other companies, Sword of Words believe that by adding
illustrations, and by style of writing, it can be plus values of this company.


Nowadays, the trend of reading is increasing not only for students, but for
generally people. It is a great opportunity to start a writing business and earning
money from writing. Sword of Word company has workers who expert in creating
illustration or design, and also experts in writing. However, our company believe
that starting a writing business is relatively hard because this company is not one of
the biggest publishers or writing companies.


Because the use of social media is currently popular, Sword of Words company
uses those such as Instagram, youtube, facebook, etc. as our promotion media. By
using social media, this company will reach almost all of the range of users, from
young to old ages. In addition, Sword of Word company uses internet website for
description of services, and as a place for publishing our products. So, in that
website, people can buy products or use our services if they are interested. By
collaborating those media, Sword of Words company can reach the target customers


Start-up Capital

No. Utilities Amount Price

1 Computer 3 Rp.15.000.000
2. Internet Connection 1 Rp.2.000.000
Total Rp.17.000.000

Price List of Products

No. Product Price

1 Story Book Start from Rp.75.000
2 Comic Start from Rp.100.000
3 Legend Stories Start from RP. 120.000
4 History Start from Rp.100.000

Price List of Services

No. Type Service Price

1 Writing Writing story of life Start from Rp.500.000
Comic Start from Rp.500.000
Legend Stories Start from RP. 500.000
History Start from Rp.500.000
2 Video Writing story of life Start from Rp.750.000
Legend Stories Start from Rp.750.000
History Start from Rp.750.000

By seeing the Financial Opportunities above, the start-up capital of Sword of

Words company will be covered in two to three years depends on the market trends.
If the market of writing is high, then it is possible that the start up capital will be
covered sooner. Otherwise, if the market price is low, so those prices can be changed.


Words of Sword company will recruit those who are expert in writing and those
who are master in making design illustration. Additionally, qualification is needed
for those who are creative, have high spirit, honest, and hard worker.

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