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Pardon given to political prisoners – Amnesty

2. A place where government records are kept – Archives
3. A story in which ideas are symbolized as people – Allegory
4. A slang word for the under world – Alibi
The money that that court asks a man to pay to his divorced
5. – Alimony
or legally separated wife
Washing of the human body especially in the religious
6. – Ablution
7. A tall, strong, masculine kind of woman – Amazon
8. A written declaration made as an oath – Affidavit
9. One who doesn’t believe in god – Atheist
10. Animals living in water – Aquatic
11. The right of self government – Autonomy
12. A country which has no government – Anarchy
13. A medicine which produces insensitivity – Anesthetic
14. A substance that destroys germs – Antiseptic
15. A person who plays for pleasure – Amateur
16. A person appointed by two parties to settle down the dispute – Arbiter
17. A group of islands lying together – Archipelago
18. One who is out to destroy the government – Anarchist
19. A place for keeping bees – Apiary
20. Total loss of voice – Aphonia
21. Yearly return of a date – Anniversary
22. People at a concert – Audience
23. A place where weapons and ammunitions are stored – Arsenal/armory
A letter or document which does not bear the name of the
24. – Anonymous
25. A person who commits the first act of attack – Aggressor
A government where the powers are concentrated in the
26. -Autocracy
hands of one person especially by a king
27. A minister representing a sovereign state in a foreign country – Ambassador
28. The study of ancient societies – Archeology
29. The cutting of an organ by surgery – Amputate
30. Partial loss of memory – Amnesia
31. A government by the rich -Aristocracy/plutocracy
32. Fear of man – Androphobia
33. Fear of cats – Ailurophobia
34. A fear of heights Acrophobia
A person who is not much interested in his own welfare but
35. – Altruist
in the welfare of others
A person who is not interested in any materialistic
36. – Ascetic
37. Study of human being – Anthropology
38. Strong and settled dislike between two people/ parties -Antipathy
39. One who studies things of the past – Antiquarian
40. A person who kills for political reasons – Assassinator
41. Cutting of the dead body – Autopsy
One who learns under a more experienced person to learn the
42. – Apprentice
43. Commencement of a word with the same letter – Alliteration
44. Old students of an institution -Alumni
45. A place on which offerings to god are made – Altar
46. One who gives up his religion -Apostate
47. An unmarried man -Bachelor
48. A person who always wants to fight -Bellicose
49. A country or soldier engaged in war – Belligerent
50. Using abusive language towards god – Blasphemous
51. A place where soldiers stay – Barrack
52. A place in a church where the bell is hung – Belfry
53. The collection of flags – Bunting
54. A person who loves reading books – Bibliophile
55. A person who is conservative towards his religion – Bigot/fanatic
56. A mistake – Blunder
57. A person who breaks into another’s house to steal – Burglar
58. A bunch of flowers – Bouquet
59. A state of having no money – Insolvent/bankrupt
60. A place where beer is made – Brewery
61. Passion for reading books – Bibliomania
62. An instrument for measuring pressure – Barometer
63. An unwanted person – Black sheep
64. A place where books are bound – Bindery
65. The practice of marrying two wives/husbands – Bigamy
66. A religious war – Crusade
67. A person who introduces the performers and speakers – Compere
68. The art of beautiful handwritings – Calligraphy
69. A person who is bad at spellings – Cacographist
70. A dead body of an animal – Carcass
71. The dead body of human being – Corpse
72. A person who mends shoes – Cobbler
73. A person of the same rank, position or status – Colleague
74. A person who draws maps and charts – Cartographist
75. Existing at the same time – Contemporary
76. The art of smuggling goods – Contraband
77. Soldiers on horseback – Cavalry
78. A number of stars grouped together – Constellation
79. People on a ship – Crew
80. A place for gambling – Casino
81. One who eats human cannibal – Cannibal
82. One who is more than hundred years old – Centenarian
83. One who believes the whole world as his country – Cosmopolitan
84. One who sells sweets and pastries – Confectioner
85. People in a church, temple or mosque for devotion – Congregation
86. An official bulletin – Communiqué
87. A state of being unmarried – Celibacy
88. A fear of enclosed places Claustrophobia
89. A fear of dogs – Cynophobia
90. A doctor who specializes in heart disease – Cardiologist
91. A person in charge of museum – Curator
92. A place where dead bodies are burnt – Crematorium
93. Comical drawing of a person found in newspaper – Caricature
94. A disease that is spread by touch – Contagious
95. Something kept secret, hidden – Clandestine
96. A person who does tricks which appear magical – Conjuror
97. Money paid for damage of property – Compensation
98. Study of colour – Chromatics
99. A place for shelter of ships – Dockyard
100. An abnormal craving for alcoholic drinks – Dipsomania
101. A person who has a gloomy nature – Despondent
102. A person who is skillful with his both hands – Dexterous
103. A person who looks after cattle – Drover
104. A language of a region having its own use – Dialect
105. A doctor who specializes in skin diseases – Dermatologist
106. To cause troops etc to spread out in readiness for battle – Deploy
107. A very fashionable person – Dandy
108. A song sung at a funeral Dirge
109. A place where one lives permanently – Domicile
110. One who stirs others for votes before the elections – Demagogue
111. To be sent from one’s native country – Expatriate
112. A person who is sent out on a mission – Emissary
113. A man who has womanish characteristics – Effeminate
114. Boredom and frustration in life – Ennui
Bringing about gentle and painless death from incurable
115. – Euthanasia
116. Fit to be choosen – Eligible
117. That which can be eaten – Edible
118. A disease that spreads over a large area – Epidemic
119. That which cannot be explained – Inexplicable
120. The art of spying – Espionage
121. A lover of food, drink and entertainment – Epicurean
122. A group of most powerful and influencing people in a society – Elite
123. Money given to a person without any legal binding – Ex-gratia
124. A person who is frank, open, broad minded – Extrovert
125. A well educated and learned person – Erudite
126. Study of derivation of words – Etymology
127. Study of insects – Entomology
128. Study of unborn babies – Embryology
129. A book containing all branches of knowledge – Encyclopedia
130. A speech made at the beginning of a play or epic – Epilogue
An order made by a government in order to stop trade with
131. – Embargo
another country
132. Inscription on a tomb – Epitaph
A large movement of a group of people from one place to
133. – Exodus
134. An art of effective speaking – Elocution
135. One who has settled down in a foreign country permanently – Emigrant
136. Study of social groups – Ethnology
137. A person very difficult to please – Fastidious/insatiable
138. The killing of children – Filicide
139. The killing of own sister – Felicide/sororicide
140. The killing of one’s brother – Fratricide
One who takes and active role in the cause of woman’s
141. – Feminist
142. The killing of a whole race of people – Genocide
143. A very talkative person – Garrulous/ loquacious
144. Study of manuscripts and written documents – Graphology
145. Lover of food or who eats much – Gourmand/ gourmet
146. To over see something at short notice – Glimpse
147. Study of rocks – Geology
148. A person who eats too much – Glutton
149. Study of old aged people – Gerontology
150. A person who easily believes – Gullible/ credulous
151. An exaggerated statement – Hyperbole
152. Fear of water – Hydrophobia
153. A group of houses in a village – Hamlet
154. A place where planes are kept – Hanger
155. Morning prayer in a church – Hymn
156. Somebody who pretends to be what he is not – Hypocrite
157. One who acts against religion – Heretic
158. A case in which a revolver is kept – Holster
159. Something neat and clean – Immaculate
160. Capable of easily being burnt – Incombustible
161. That which cannot be corrected – Incorrigible
162. That which cannot be avoided – Inevitable
163. That which cannot be read easily – Illegible
164. A person who is reserved or speaks less – Introvert
165. A person who is very lazy , has no desire to work – Indolent
166. That which is unplanned – Impromptu/ extempore
167. That which cannot be changed – Irrevocable
168. A formal charge against a person for some crime or offense – Indictment
169. Murder of new born babies – Infanticide
170. A plan for a route to be followed on a journey – Itinerary
171. One who goes to another country to settle down – Immigrant
172. Born of illegal parents – Illegitimate
173. Language difficult to understand because of bad form – Jargon
174. A short journey for pleasure – Jaunt
175. Passion for stealing – Kleptomania
176. A quickly changing scene or pattern – Kaleidoscope
177. A school for young children – Kindergarten
178. A place where bricks are burnt – Kiln
179. Property left to someone by will – Legacy
180. A false statement to damage a person’s reputation – Libel/ defamation
181. The scientific study of the language – Linguistic
182. The art of reasoning – Logic
183. A person who cuts precious stones – Lapidist
184. A person who compiles words in a dictionary – Lexicographer
185. The killing of one’s mother – Matricide
186. The habit of speaking with self – Monologue
187. Obsession with one idea – Monomania
188. The first speech made by a person – Maiden speech
189. A place where monks stay – Monastery
190. A person clumsy with one hands – Maladroit
191. A person who hates the custom of marriage – Misogamist
192. A person who hates the company of women – Misogynist
193. A person who is not interested in learning – Misologist
194. A very generous person – Magnanimous
195. A person who hates mankind – Misanthrope
196. A person who pays careful attention to very small details – Meticulous
197. A handwritten document – Manuscript
198. A person who kills for money – Mercenary
199. A hotel for motorist – Motel
200. A place where dead bodies are kept identification – Morgue
201. Principles of political party – Manifesto
202. Fear of nights – Nyctophobia
203. A person who collects coins – Numismatist
204. The act of favouring one’s own relatives – Nepotism
205. Wistful longing of the past – Nostalgia
206. Act of being bare clothing – Nudity
207. A person who looks at the bright side of life – Optimist
208. A ceremony in which somebody becomes priest – Ordinance
209. Large guns on wheels artillery – Ordnance
210. A person who has deep knowledge of a particular area – Omniscient
211. Fear of crowds – Ochlophobia
212. A person who is good at spellings – Orthographist
213. A very conservative person – Orthodox
214. A long wandering journey – Odyssey
215. That which is all powerful – Omnipotent
216. That which is no longer in use – Obsolete
217. Study of mountains – Orology
218. The act of putting off things – Procrastinate
219. A person who looks at the dark side of life – Pessimist
220. Promise made by the prisoner not to escape – Parole
221. That which can be easily carried – Portable
222. The killing of one’s father – Patricide
223. A scholar , a person who displays his knowledge -Pedant
224. A person who loves mankind – Philanthropist
225. Fear of everything in general – Panaphobia
226. Fear of children – Pedaphobia
227. Passion for money – Plutomania
228. Study of different language – Philology
229. Study of prison reforms – Penology
230. A false name used by an author instead of his real name – Pseudonym
A person who steals words and ideas from others and says
231. – Plagiarist
that it is his own
232. A person who shows off his newly acquired wealth – Parvenu
233. Land surrounded by water on three sides – Peninsula
234. The belief that god is present in all natural things – Pantheism
235. Study of speech sound – Phonetics
236. Property inherited from ones parents -Patrimony
237. A person who knows many language – Polyglot
238. A cure for all diseases – Panacea
239. Happening, done, published, etc after a person has died Posthumous
240. A person who want to make peace – Pacifist
241. A person who collects stamps – Philatelist
242. A speech made at the end of the play or epic – Prologue
243. One who walks on the road – Pedestrian
244. A person who loves his country very much – Patriot
245. Physical examination of the dead body – Post-mortem
246. A wide open view – Panorama
247. Study of disease – Pathology
248. Something that can be taken for granted – Postulate
249. A woman who has several husbands at a time – Polyandry
250. One who leads in a field – Pioneer
251. Killing of one’s parents – Parricide
252. Separation of patients in a hospital to avoid infection – Quarantine
253. The killing of own king – Regicide
254. A decision made by a majority – Referendum
255. A person who gives up his religion and takes another – Renegade
256. Too much government official formality – Red-tapism
To go to the village side to relax away from the noise of the
257. – Rusticate
258. An angry crowd – Rabble/mob
259. The study of earthquakes – Seismography
260. A country that respects all religions – Secular
261. A thing kept in memory of a person – Souvenir
262. A breaking of religious idols – Sacrilege
263. Fear of food – Sitophobia
264. A person who always doubts – Skeptical
265. A person who talks in his sleep – Somnaloquent
266. A person who talks to himself – Soliloquist
267. A person who spends a lot of money – Spendthrift
268. A person who takes the blame for others – Scapegoat
269. An unmarried woman – Spinster
270. One who loads and unloads on a ship – Stevedore
271. A case in which the sword is kept – Sheath
272. High salary no work – Sinecure
273. A person who has given up alcoholic drinks – Teetotaller
274. A person who remains quiet as a habit – Taciturn
275. A person who believes in god – Theist
276. Study of religion – Theology
277. Study of physical features of land, study of art of printing – Topography
278. A book of both antonyms and synonyms – Thesaurus
279. A person who changes sides easily – Turncoat
280. A person who loves his wife very much – Uxorious
281. A loud mouthed turbulent kind of woman – Virago
282. A well experienced person – Veteran
283. One who sell goods door to door – Vendor
284. A multi talented person – Versatile
285. Language that has been used very much – Verbose/ hackneyed
286. A quarrel among family members -Vendetta
287. Daily earned money – Wage
288. A place where clothes are placed – Wardrobe
289. A man whose wife is dead – Widower
290. A woman whose husband is dead – Widow
291. Fear of foreigners – Xenophobia
292. One who love oneself – Egoist
293. One who believes in fate – Fatalist
294. A person who is womanish in his habits – Effeminate
295. One who breaks images and idols – Iconoclast
296. One who walks in his sleep – Somnambulist
297. One who makes scientific study of language – Linguist
298. One who knows many language – Polyglot
299. One who enjoys others confident – Confidant
300. One who sails around stopping and robbing ships at sea – Pirate
301. One who spends or wastes money for luxury – Extravagant
302. One who makes eloquent public speech – Orator
One who undergoes the penalty of death for persistence in his
303. – Martyr
304. A child whose parents are dead – Orphan
305. A person who travels far for learning about it – Explorer
306. A disease that is found regularly in a particular area – Endemic
307. A disease that causes death – Fatal
Having a tendency to break the law to do socially
308. – Delinquent
unacceptable things
309. A medicine that causes sleep – Narcotic
310. A game or battle in which no party gains victory – Drawn
311. A roundabout way of expression – Circumlocution
312. A short story designed to teach a moral or religious lesson – Parable
313. A speech which is delivered without preparation – Extempore
314. The life story of a man written by himself – Autobiography
315. The life story of a man written by other – Biography
316. Animals which live in flocks – Gregarious
317. Anything no longer in use – Obsolete
318. Article sold by one country to another – Export
319. Article bought by one country from another – Import
320. That which cannot be heard – Inaudible
321. That which cannot be consumed by fire – Incombustible
322. That which cannot be believed – Incredible
323. That which cannot be blotted – Indelible
324. That which cannot be denied or questioned – Indisputable
325. That which cannot be cured – Incurable
326. That without which one can’t do – Indispensable
327. That which never tires out – Inexhaustible
328. That which cannot be easily reached – Inaccessible
329. That which cannot be defended – Indefensible
330. That which never fails – Infallible
331. That which can be seen through – Transparent
332. That which cannot be seen – Invisible
333. That which cannot be repaired – Irreparable
334. That which is not to the point – Irrelevant
335. That which cannot be taken away by force – Impregnable
336. Incapable of being wounded – Invulnerable
337. Incapable of being divided – Indivisible
338. Incapable of being dissolved – Insoluble
339. Incapable of being understood – Unintelligible
340. Incapable of being imitated – Inimitable
341. That which cannot be seen through – Opaque
342. That which happens every two years – Biennial
343. That which happens every four years – Quadrennial
344. That which happens half year – Semiannual
345. That which occurs time after time – Perennial
346. A man who leads an immoral life – Libertine
347. A medicine to counteract the effect of medicine – Antidote
348. The science of reasoning – Logic
349. Related to the sun – Solar
350. Related to the moon – Lunar
351. The practice of marrying only once – Monogamy
352. The practice of having more than a wife at a time – Polygamy
Allowance due to a wife on legal separation from her
353. – Alimony
354. The act of speaking disrespectfully about the sacred things – Blasphemy
355. An office for which no salary is paid – Honorary
356. The sum paid to a man for his labour – Remuneration
357. Compulsory enlistment of military and other services – Conscription
358. Of one’s own free will – Volunteer
359. All of one mind – Unanimous
360. Occurring at the same time – Simultaneous
361. Give tit for tat – Retaliate
362. A figure with many angles and sides – Polygon
363. One who is fond of entertaining the guests – Hospitable
364. One who is revengeful – Vindictive
365. One who is interested in old things works of books – Antiquarian
366. The original inhabitants of the country – Aborigines
A person who has many love affairs without intending to
367. – Philanderer
368. One who can use either hand with perfect ease – Ambidextrous
369. The state of abstention from marriage – Celibacy
370. Land that grows things in abundance – Fertile
371. Land that does not grow anything – Barren
372. A house which is visited by ghosts – Haunted
373. A place for the burial of the dead body – Cemetery
374. A place erected in remembrance of a person or event – Monument
375. Paradise or a place where one gets supreme delight and bliss – Elysium
A small set or committee of top leaders which runs the
376. – Caucus
election for the party
Person who pilots or travels in a balloon , airship or other
377. – Aeronaut

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