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cies continue to improve and the associated ernment. University-industry partnerships POLYMER CHEMISTRY
monomers can be produced economically. can be very effective at producing basic
Fundamental research in polymerization
catalysis has been essential in the search for
highly effective systems that can tolerate
research that is couched in the economic
realities of the polymer marketplace.
For polymers from renewable resources
The future
impurities, exhibit large turnover numbers,
and allow for controlled polymerizations.
to penetrate the marketplace, they must
outcompete traditional materials in both of plastics
The renaissance in olefin polymerization
triggered by the advent of metallocene
catalysts is today being relived with new
price and performance. But as the funda-
mental research in the conversion of bio-
mass to polymer precursors continues to
discrete metal acetates, carbonates, and
alkoxides and an array of organocatalysts in
evolve, the resultant technologies will be-
come more and more practical. Similarly,
Chemical advances are
the biobased polymer world. as the basic research on converting these increasing the proportion
compounds into polymers with exceptional
property, processing, and performance
of polymer waste that can
Biobased polymers can frame the future profiles continues to be established, the be recycled
of plastics, provided that scientists con- resultant materials will be increasingly
tinue to develop efficient, often catalytic, competitive. If the economic and environ- By Jeannette M. Garcia1 and
conversion of biomass to useful polymer mental costs of extracting fossil resources Megan L. Robertson2
ingredients; generate new and established and converting them into plastics continue

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monomers from biomass in high yields to rise, there will likely be an inversion he environmental consequences of
and purities; and discover new polymers point where biobased polymers become plastic solid waste are visible in the
with outstanding properties that are com- the less expensive alternative, akin to what ever-increasing levels of global plas-
parable or superior to their petrochemi- is starting to happen in the renewable en- tic pollution both on land and in the
cal analogs. An exciting contemporary ergy sector. Societal pressures and policies oceans. But although there are im-
example of this future is the substitution that are conducive to environmental stew- portant economic and environmental
of terephthalic acid with the bioderived ardship will only help the cause. We are incentives for plastics recycling, end-of-life
2,5-furandicarboxylic acid to produce a not there yet, but there is good reason to treatment options for plastic solid waste
high-performing fully biobased PET re- stay the course and continue to push the are in practice quite limited. Presorting of
placement (15). Support for this type of frontiers of biobased polymers for the sake plastics before recycling is costly and time-
research should come not only from gov- of sustainability. j intensive, recycling requires large amounts
of energy and often leads to low-quality
polymers, and current technologies cannot
1. E. MacArthur, Science 358, 843 (2017).
Toward plant-based monomers 2. World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation be applied to many polymeric materials. Re-
and McKinsey & Company, The New Plastics Economy: cent research points the way toward chemi-
for commodity plastics Rethinking the Future of Plastics (2016); www.
cal recycling methods with lower energy
Most plastics are made from a small subset of
plastics-economy-rethinking-the-future-of-plastics. requirements, compatibilization of mixed
monomers. Efforts are under way to replace 3. R. Geyer, J. R. Jambeck, K. L. Law, Sci. Adv. 3, e1700782
petrochemical-based source materials for these plastic wastes to avoid the need for sorting,
important monomers with plant-based ones. 4. J. M. Garcia, M. L. Robertson, Science 358, 870 (2017). and expanding recycling technologies to tra-
5. A.-C. Albertsson, M. Hakkarainen, Science 358, 872 (2017). ditionally nonrecyclable polymers.
6. A. Morschbacker, J. Macromol. Sci. C 49, 79 (2009).
7. O. A. Abdelrahman et al., ACS Catal. 7, 1428 (2017). Roughly half of the annual global produc-
8. H. Chung et al., Curr. Op. Biotechnol. 36, 73 (2015). tion of solid plastics, or 150 million tons,
Monomers Petrochemical Plant based 9. J. T. Claypool, D. R. Raman, L. R. Jarboe, D. R. Nielsen, J. Ind. is thrown away worldwide each year. The
Microbiol. Biotechnol. 41, 1211 (2014).
Ethylene 10. A. Gandini, T. M. Lacerda, A. J. F. Carvalho, E. Trovatti, Chem. United States generates ~20% of the global
Rev. 116, 1637 (2016). amount of plastic solid waste generated (1).
11. M. Hong, Y.-X. E. Chen., Nat. Chem. 8, 42 (2016).
12. F. S. Bates, C. M. Bates, Macromolecules 50, 3 (2017). Not only is plastic waste residing in landfills
13. M. Xiong, D. K. Schneiderman, F. S. Bates, M. A. Hillmyer, K. harmful to the environment, but it also rep-
Ethylene glycol Zhang, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111, 8357 (2014). resents missed economic opportunities. For
14. M. J. Sanford, L. P. Carrodeguas, N. J. Van Zee, A. W. Kleij, G.
W. Coates, Macromolecules 49, 6394 (2016). example, the commodity market value of the
15. A. Gandini, A. J. D. Silvestre, C. P. Neto, A. F. Sousa, M. Gomes, total landfilled packaging material waste in
J. Polym. Sci. A 47, 295 (2009).
Isoprene the United States has been estimated to be
ACKNOWLEDGME NTS $11.4 billion dollars; $8.3 billion of this is at-
The Center for Sustainable Polymers at the University of tributed to plastic waste (2). Furthermore,
Minnesota, a National Science Foundation–supported Center recycling plastic for reuse saves energy com-
Propylene for Chemical Innovation (CHE-1413862), is recognized for
pared with producing virgin materials; 1
support. Thanks to F. Bates, P. Dauenhauer, T. Hoye, L. Seifert,
and D. Schneiderman for feedback and suggestions. The author ton of recycled plastic can save up to ~130
has equity and royalty interests in, serves as secretary for, and million kJ of energy. The potential annual
is on the board of directors of Valerian Materials, a company
Terephthalic acid involved in the commercialization of b-methyl-d-valerolactone.
energy savings that could be achieved from

The University of Minnesota also has equity and royalty interests recycling all global plastic solid waste is
in Valerian Materials. These interests have been reviewed and
managed by the University of Minnesota in accordance with its
Styrene conflict of interest policies. 1
IBM Almaden Research Center, Chemistry and Materials, 650
Harry Road, San Jose, CA 95120, USA. 2University of Houston,
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,
Under development In use 10.1126/science.aao6711 Houston, TX 77204, USA. Email:

870 17 NOVEMBER 2017 • VOL 358 ISSUE 6365 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
equivalent to 3.5 billion barrels of oil, worth products. However, depolymerization to likely customized, compatibilizers for diverse
approximately $176 billion dollars (3). monomers will require the development of plastic mixtures of varied compositions, ac-
catalysts that are selective and efficient yet counting for polymer degradation during
CURRENT RECYCLING APPROACHES preserve the functional groups in monomers processing before recycling (9), and applying
Mechanical recycling is the only widely ad- while meeting requisite cost and energy highly effective reactive compatibilization
opted technology for large-scale treatment metrics. Jia et al. recently reported the low- approaches to plastic solid waste (10).
of plastic solid waste. The main steps are temperature (~150°C) depolymerization of All current recycling technologies focus on
the removal of organic residue through polyethylene through cascade reactions with thermoplastics and take advantage of their
washing, followed by shredding, melting, a cocatalyst system (5). Although they did not processability in the high-temperature melt
and remolding of the polymer, which is of- achieve complete depolymerization to mono- state. Cross-linked polymers, found in ther-
ten blended with virgin plastic of the same mer, the work represents a promising proof mosets and elastomers, are not suited to these
type to produce a material with suitable of concept that can be further developed. traditional mechanical recycling processes
properties for manufacturing. Researchers are also working on ap- (although they can be ground into particu-
There are limitations to mechanical re- proaches that allow direct processing of lates or powders for limited applications).
cycling technologies because each type of commingled plastic waste. Current technolo- New developments that overcome these lim-
plastic responds differently to the process gies for recycling plastics mainly rely on ac- itations include polymers with cross-links
depending on its chemical makeup, me- cess to pure waste polymer feedstocks, which that reverse (11) or exchange (12) at elevated
chanical behavior, and thermal properties. require costly and time-intensive sorting of temperatures, which allow for reworking
Temperature-sensitive plastics, composites, municipal solid waste. The greatest chal- of the materials before reuse. Alternatively,
and plastics that do not flow at elevated lenge in recycling commingled plastic waste polymers that can undergo chemical (13, 14),

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temperatures (as in the case of thermo-
sets) cannot be processed mechanically.
Consequently, only two types of plastic are Moving beyond PET/PE recycling
recovered and recycled with mechanical pro- Most plastic waste cannot currently be recycled. New methodologies hold
cesses: poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) promise for recycling a wider range of plastics, including mixtures.
and polyethylenes, which represent 9 and
37% of the annual plastic produced, respec- Current plastic waste treatment Recycling of diverse polymers
tively. All other plastic solid waste is either
not recovered or in amounts representing Recovered Thermoplastics Mixed plastics
(mostly PET/PE) beyond PET/PE and composites
less than 1% of production (1). According to
the most recent U.S. Environmental Protec- Research advances
tion Agency report, a mere 8.8% of all plastic
• New polymers
produced in the U.S. annually is recovered Landflled
91.2% • Compatibilizers
from municipal solid waste and then incin- • More efcient catalysts
erated, recycled, or industrially composted • Advanced sorting
(1). The recycling rate is slightly higher in New polymers with Thermosets
Europe, at ~30% for plastic waste (3). high recycling efciency and elastomers
Current technologies that move beyond
mechanical recycling include pyrolysis (ther- streams is that most plastics are immiscible thermal, photo-, or biodegradation (15) may
molysis) to selectively produce gases, fuels, with one another, producing phase-sepa- be recast into a new product or—in the case
or waxes through the use of catalysts (4); this rated mixtures with diminished properties. of complete depolymerization—repolymer-
is referred to as chemical recycling. Chemi- Even small amounts of contamination of ized. An ongoing challenge is ensuring that
cal recycling is not a widespread recycling one plastic type with another may change material performance during its useful life-
practice, mainly because of energy costs. A the properties and potentially hinder use of time is not hindered while allowing for end-
further option is the incineration of materi- the recycled material. This problem can be of-life degradation and/or reprocessing.
als and collection of energy in the form of overcome through the development of com-
heat. Incineration is convenient for the treat- patibilizers that control the phase behavior OUTLOOK
ment of mixed waste because it avoids the of polymer mixtures (6). Enhancing plastics recycling beyond the
need for sorting, but it does not allow for the Polymer compatibilizers are generally current level (see the figure) has many po-
recovery and reuse of the starting compo- multicomponent polymers of various archi- tential societal advantages, such as reduc-
nents once burned. It also does not save as tectures—such as block copolymers, graft co- ing greenhouse gas emissions, avoiding
much energy as recycling (3). polymers, and random copolymers—that are waste buildup in the environment, decreas-
designed to have tailored thermodynamic ing the dependence on finite petroleum re-
ADVANCING PLASTICS RECYCLING interactions with the immiscible polymers sources for its production, and recovering
Three ongoing research directions have in the mixture. They are analogous to sur- the economic value of plastic solid waste.
great potential to advance plastic recycling factants developed for stabilizing immiscible Expanding recycling to a diverse array of
practices: improving chemical recycling ef- oil/water mixtures. Applying polymer com- polymeric materials will, however, require
ficiency and selectivity through catalyst de- patibilizer design principles to plastic solid sustained research efforts.

velopment, minimizing the need for sorting waste would allow for more widespread To increase the recycling rate of plastics,
through compatibilizer design, and expand- recycling without presorting. For example, new low-energy catalysts for chemical recy-
ing recycling beyond thermoplastics. Eagan et al. recently developed a highly ef- cling must be designed that target polymers
Chemical recycling with thermolysis of- fective copolymer for blending polyethylene by type. In addition, decontamination tech-
fers a recycling strategy through decomposi- and polypropylene (7, 8). Ongoing areas of niques for the rapid cleaning of spent plastic
tion of a polymer to lower-molecular-weight research include developing effective, and and more efficient sorting in recycling plants

SCIENCE 17 NOVEMBER 2017 • VOL 358 ISSUE 6365 87 1

Published by AAAS

to access higher-purity polymer feedstocks POLYMER CHEMISTRY

will be required to minimize the dependence
on consumer separation of materials manu-
ally during disposal for collection.
Strategies for recycling mixed or contami-
Designed to degrade
nated feedstocks are also needed. Current Suitably designed degradable polymers can play
compatibilizers must be customized for a
given waste composition, which is not going
a role in reducing plastic waste
to be practical on the large scale. More ver-
satile methods are needed for controlling the By Ann-Christine Albertsson and By comparison, natural environments
physical behavior of plastic waste mixtures, Minna Hakkarainen have much wider diversity in variables
which are diverse and variable in composi- such as humidity, microorganisms, oxy-

tion. Of similar importance is the ability to round 50 years ago, interest arose gen, sunlight, and temperature, making
recycle composites containing more than in making plastics that can degrade it extremely difficult if not impossible to
one type of material (typically polymers, in the environment (1). Since then, control and ensure the complete degrada-
metals, or ceramics). Low-energy separations a stream of research efforts has tion of even potentially degradable plastic
of mixed materials such as composites and chased the dream of environmen- materials. Controlled conditions can be
multilayer packaging will require further tally friendly materials that disap- created in commercial composting plants,
development; there is currently no effective pear without leaving behind fragments or allowing plastics classified as compostable
way to achieve such separation mechanically. harmful products. Such environmentally to be successfully degraded through the

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Successful adoption of new recycling ap- degradable plastics are, however, difficult combined action of heat, moisture, and mi-
proaches will require cooperation among to produce in practice. Durability is one of croorganisms. In a compost, degradation of
researchers, industry, and government. New a material to acceptable degradation prod-
practices are already beginning to find their ucts can be sufficient; this is, however, dif-
way into cities. For example, startup com- ferent from complete mineralization. One
panies are scaling up chemical recycling “Even plastics…that rapidly of the major problems connected to the
methods for polystyrene waste and develop- degrade in compost might development, use, and disposal of degrad-
ing sorting processes for separation of ma- able materials is that none are degraded
terials into pure feedstocks. Such efforts are not readily degrade in in all natural environments; a specific en-
enhanced by programs to educate the public seawater or even soil…” vironment is needed, and the conditions
on the benefits of recycling. Furthermore, required depend on the type of plastic.
advanced computational modeling and data Claims of degradability or environmental
analytics for new catalyst, compatibilizer, the requirements for plastic in most tech- degradability should thus always be con-
and polymer discovery (with the ultimate nical applications, whereas degradability is nected to a specific environment. This is of
goal of developing predictive capabilities) necessary for recycling in nature. Although course quite difficult, if we consider envi-
will aid in the optimization of recycling pro- advances are being made in developing ronmentally degradable plastics as an an-
cesses.  Such efforts raise hope that before degradable materials with suitable proper- swer to the problem of plastic litter.
long, recycling rates for plastics will be much ties for particular applications, it is crucial For example, plastic debris in marine
higher than today. j that they are seen as part of a range of ap- environments is now widely recognized
proaches and that degradation will always as an enormous environmental problem,
require particular conditions that depend requiring critical improvements in plas-
1. EPA, Plastics (2015);
tools/warm/pdfs/Plastics.pdf. on the specific material and its chemical tic handling and waste management (3).
2. As You Sow Report, “Unfinished Business: The Case for and physical structure and composition. However, degradable plastics might not be
Extended Producer Responsibility for Post-Consumer
Packaging”; the solution, because the conditions in sea-
unfinished-business-the-case-for-extended-producer- CHALLENGING CONDITIONS water are not ideal for rapid degradation.
responsibility-for-post-consumer-packaging. In biomedical applications, degradable poly- Even plastics such as starch-based plastic
3. A. Rahimi, J. M. García, Nat. Chem. Rev. 1, 0046 (2017).
4. R. Aguado, M. Olazar, M. J. San José, J. Bilbao, Energy Fuels mers, including polyglycolide, polylactide, carrier bags that rapidly degrade in com-
16, 1429 (2002). polycaprolactone, and polytrimethylene post might not readily degrade in seawater
5. X. Jia, C. Qin, T. Friedberger, Z. Guan, Z. Huang, Sci. Adv. 2,
e1501591 (2016). carbonate, have been used successfully for or even soil, because the favorable degra-
6. K. Hamad, M. Kaseem, F. Deri, Polym. Deg. Stabil. 98, 2801 decades. The materials can be kept under dation process achieved in compost is not
(2013). safe conditions such as low temperature and always achieved in the sea and in other
7. J. M. Eagan et al., Science 355, 814 (2017).
8. C. Creton, Science 355, 797 (2017). nitrogen until used, after which they start to natural environments (4). The degradation
9. S. E. Luzuriaga, J. Kovářová, I. Fortelný, Polym. Deg. Stabil. hydrolyze. Through designing the polymer’s rate and the degradation products are also
96, 751 (2011).
10. H. Li, X. Sui, X.-M. Xie, Polymer 123, 240 (2017). molecular architecture, it is possible to tune highly dependent on local characteristics
11. J. T. Wertz, J. P. Kuczynski, D. J. Boday, ACS Appl. Mat. the degradation rate and even degradation such as the presence of light, oxygen, bac-
Interf. 8, 13669 (2016). products (2). The human body is a relatively teria, and the temperature. This can cause
12. M. Röttger et al., Science 356, 62 (2017).
13. J. M. García et al., Science 344, 732 (2014). controlled environment with known temper- serious problems; both conventional and
14. D. K. Schneiderman et al., ACS Macro Lett. 5, 515 (2016). ature and degradation conditions, making it degradable bags can rapidly alter marine
15. S. Ma, D. C. Webster, F. Jabeen, Macromolecules 49, 3780
(2016). possible to create these materials with opti- assemblages and the ecosystem services
mum degradation properties. they provide (4). A further complication
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS arises from the fact that although we want
The National Science Foundation (DMR-1611376) is acknowl- the material to rapidly degrade in natural
edged for support. Department of Fibre and Polymer Technology, KTH Royal
Institute of Technology, 10044 Stockholm, Sweden. environments, it should not degrade during
10.1126/science.aaq0324 Email: its shelf and service life.

872 17 NOVEMBER 2017 • VOL 358 ISSUE 6365 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
The future of plastics recycling
Jeannette M. Garcia and Megan L. Robertson

Science 358 (6365), 870-872.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aaq0324

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