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Have an emergency fund

Never stop learning

Careers in Tech, Finance, or Real Estate Can Pay Off Big

3. Be Totally Committed to Success

5. Pay Attention to the Details

6. Build a Trustworthy Team of Advisors and Partners

7. Never Forget the Customer

2. Invest in Passive Income Streams

5. Have Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

7. Consider Your Legacy'

2. “Become an expert at something.”

5. “You’re only as good as the people you surround yourself with.”

6. “Do the best job you can at everything you do. The result is not your responsibility.”

7. Be patient and persistent.

9. “There is abundance for everyone. You just need to dive in and grab it.”

10. If you have time and energy for the work you’re meant to do, there’s no such thing as ‘too much.’

1) “The best investment you can make is in your own abilities. Anything you can do to develop your own
abilities or business is likely to be more productive.” — Warren Buffett

2) “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” — Steve Jobs

3.) “I’m always looking for the right person to solve a problem. I only have so much time.” — Meg

4.) “Failure is another steppingstone to greatness.” — Oprah Winfrey

6) “The biggest risk is not taking any risk…In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that
is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” — Mark Zuckerberg

7) “If you’re changing the world, you’re working on important things. You’re excited to get up in the
morning.” — Larry Page

Keep your home simple

Billionaires follow a budget

Billionaires have a good credit score

Billionaires have their own investment portfolio




Be an Entrepreneur

Be ready to break rules and change the status quo.

If you flirt with fame, be prepared to be fucked by it as well.

There is no sin greater than laziness. Needless, you have to be relentlessly driven. A maniac.

5) Learn basic accounting principles. Figure out what a balance sheet is. Figure out what an income
statement is. Figure out what a journal entry looks like. These will come in handy when you are
running a business as well as evaluating the worth of other businesses.

6) Learn basic tax law. None of this should be a mystery to you. Know the marginal rates. Know the
capital gains rates. Know the difference between capital gains and income. Note that I am not saying
"do not pay your taxes". The tax man will fuck you in your ass incredibly hard without warning, so...
tread carefully, document as you go and pay your share of taxes always.

7) Read and reread investing forums, blogs and articles. Research. Hypothesize. Predict. Analyze. Some
of this will be dry. Learn it. Discuss it.

9) Learn how things "work" at work. The guy who comes in early, gets his work done and leaves late
will get paid ok. The guy who plays by the unwritten set of rules gets ahead. Remember that at work
you are always be observed by everyone. Your peers. Your reports. Your boss. Your boss' boss. You are
never not at work when you are at work. What I mean by that is do not make the mistake of getting
too comfortable and acting like every other idiot at the office. Cool. Calm. Collected. Go in. Do your
job. Exchange pleasantries.

understood the power of COMPOUNDING!

run a side business

investing in real estate

If you're offered public stocks, sell them ASAP.

Keep all liquid assets in a good investment account.

Keep close with your contacts as you progress.

Keep it personal with people who work for you.

Don't be afraid to fire someone who is a money drain, better yet, hire people you can trust.

Give at least 10% to charity. Won't help in becoming a millionaire, but it helps in everything else.

Put in 100 Hour Work Weeks

The Stock Market Is the Worst Investment Vehicle

They utilize tax deductions

Read about successful billionaires; Warren Buffett, Bill Gates or Jon Huntsman, Sr. Be wise with money
to amass more.

Start an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Available from financial institutions, IRAs are customized
financial plans, set up to save for the future. To save a billion dollars, start saving as soon as possible.
Interest accrues on savings.[3]

Make a five-year plan. Estimate how much money to save over 5 years. Decide the best way to use
money, whether it's investing, starting a business or allowing money to collect interest.[5]

Open Money Market Accounts (MMAs). These accounts require a higher minimum amount than
regular savings accounts, but accrue twice the rate of interest of a savings account. High-yield MMAs
are somewhat risky--withdrawing the money and affecting its investments are limited--but it's a good
way to allow money to grow by doing, essentially, nothing.[8]

Invest in government bonds. Bonds are interest certificates issued by government agencies, like the
Treasury, which offers no risk of default. The government controls the printing presses and can print
whatever money is required to cover the principal, so these are relatively safe investments and a good
way to diversify your investments.[9]

Consult good brokers for advice. Money is as good as the advice received. After accumulating a
considerable amount of wealth, nobody wants to spend time huddled in front of a monitor watching
stocks change by fractions of a percentage. You're going to want to be out living life. Good,
trustworthy financial advisors and brokers will work to keep your accounts swelling with excess funds.

Diversify portfolio and investments. Don't keep money in one place. Diversify your portfolio and invest
in stocks, real estate, mutual funds, bonds, and other investments recommended by brokers to modify
risk. If a risky investment in ShamWow absorbent towels ends up tanking, at least you've still got a
considerable amount of money in other ventures.[10]

Make smart financial decisions. The Internet is full of penny stock schemes and get-rich-quick hokum
that preys upon the ignorant and seduces gullible people into making bad financial decisions. Do the
research and commit to a lifetime of investing and making money. There are very few exceptions to
becoming an overnight billionaire.

When in doubt, be conservative with investments. Diversifying money wisely, letting interest accrue
and riding fluctuating markets will be a smart decision in the long run.

If anything seems too good to be true, be careful. Never act too fast and always analyze the situation.

Actually have an interest in hoarding wealth. Very high IQ people aren’t usually interested in hoarding
wealth. Elon Musk is a high IQ individual, but his primary focus is on challenging himself and
conquering difficult tasks. Same thing with Bill Gates, who happens to be a very competitive person
who liked smashing his competitors.

Next level work ethic: He has a bedroom, a kitchen and a cook at his factory, he is so dedicated to his
business that his cook told my uncle that he stays in the factory for months and only visits his house 2–
3 times a month. Even the members of his family work with him in the factory.

Exceptional management skills: Heads around 9 sub divisions in his industry and all of them are
growing and are extremely profitable. Apart from that he is also a president of multiple associations.

Ability to work under stress: Upon a bit of research I found that his company has loaned amounts upto
100+ crores, imagine having that much loan on your head and still giving your best. This is a bank loan
which has to be paid back with interest, no matter if your company makes a profit or not and not a
seed investment from angel investors which you are not liable to return.

Started from nothing: His first job was a depot manager and he built everything by himself form

Ability to think and act big: Although he could have just settled with heading just 1 division and enjoy
the money form it but yet he dared to dream big, my uncle says he still hasn’t stopped thinking about
setting up other divisions despite his age.
Patience: He was not an overnight success, took him around 40 long years to be where he is at now.
Whereas most of us would give up just after 4 months of trying something.

Tips to become a Fast Laner:

Dump Hope as a financial plan. Don’t rely on the stock market to go up, or don’t hope to win the

Make Time your Ally. Have patience. Remember that Patience is a virtue.

Tangible Value Creation - It is a source of income that doesn’t require your existence to grow, and to
make numerous sums of money. It can be a podcast, e-book, or an idea.

Don’t chase money. Strive to meet people’s needs, and you’ll be on your path to become a Billionaire.

Always plan all the way to the end.

Reinforce your walls, and have many options that you can consider


Need : You need a business that offers what people need

Entry : Know the risks of being an entrepreneur, and that this is not going to be a piece of cake

Control : Be your own man! Don’t let anyone fool you into giving up on your dreams.

Time : your idea or invention should exist on its own

Struggling….most powerful tool!!

By struggling every one became billionaire or up to it ….learn from billionaire experiences its help you
to know how to become like them.what they do? so that they stood at top now …Never forget that…

Try and Fail..Try again and

Fail again…Try harder and

Fail again….Try until you

Succeed…and that’s how you get

Get something out of Nothing…

Network like crazy. Build up your network of like minded individuals and founders of companies.
Constantly be meeting people to expand your network. Go to conferences, events. Start a podcast.
Start a blog. Do whatever you can to build a network. You’ll need this later.

Every percent matters. Do not let anybody suggest that a 1% fee is "reasonable" or insignificant. It is

1.5 Possess Self-confidence

1.13 Every Chance that Comes your Way

Make a Psychological Commitment

To become wealthy, the first step is to think that you have the ability to accumulate wealth. “The most
frequent error is the belief that millionaire status is unachievable,” Cardone argues. Decide whether
you want to be a millionaire, multimillionaire, or billionaire as your first step. Following that, you must
constantly reinforce your decision.”

Mutual Fund Investments

Becoming A Venture Capitalist

Invest In Equity Mutual Funds To Reap These Benefits-

1) Create an App

2) Blogging

3) Rent your Home on Airbnb

4) Create Video Tutorials on YouTube

10) Go in a show like “KBC”

13) Natural and Organic products are the love of people

16) Add Value

19) Write and Publish Books

1.1 Maintain a Daily Journal of your Thoughts

1.9 Every Day, Read Something New

Investing in equity

Study billionaires

Study millionaires

Study the behaviors of billionaires

Study the behaviors of millionaires

Study the business models and sequences of both groups


Focus on developing associations/friends that are very aggressive with personal growth, business
growth, creative, acting on ideas quickly.

Test relentlessly

Stop watching TV right NOW - this will allow you massive momentum to achieve your goal without
being slowed down.

Evaluate all items which are time sinks/time vampires and remove them right NOW

Study trends both in your age demographic and current demographics.

The more models/sequences/patterns and trends you can spot the greater you can research and test

Create digital products/product launches

Invest time in studying as many forms of investing strategies as possible.

Study high growth strategies and risk associated

Invest in your personal growth

Invest in your food ie organic, grassfed and as clean as possible to your body will give you large energy

Study time management ie books/systems/application

Diagram your usage of time in advance and stick to it.

Keep re-raising goals/objectives

Relentlessly optimize all of the above and keep searching and apply/testing the above.
Locate others that do the above to give you more ideas/feedback/support.

learn the art of speaking and communicating. 80% of rich people are rich because they are good at
communicating and management.

Don’t spend your time on stupid stuffs

Be passionate, have the fire that burns you to be rich

2. Learn About High Performance and Personal Development

3. Learn About How Money Works

4. Learn About the Psychology of Sales and Marketing

Buy assets,

1. Analyze Your Need. Desire Is Insufficient. Compulsion Is Mandatory.

3. Ignore “Great Ideas.” Concentrate On Great Execution.

“Instead of rushing to where the money was, I kept on digging in the relatively poor pit of ink-on-
paper until the money, reluctantly, came to me… If you wish to become rich, look carefully about you
at the prevailing industries where wealth appears to be gravitating. Then go to where the money is!”

5. Hire Talent Smarter Than You. Delegate. Share The Annual Pie.

6. Ownership Is The Real “Secret.” Hold On To Every Percentage Point You Can.

“Nothing counts but what you own in the race to get rich. If you haven’t much skill, or much wit, or
much talent, or much luck, and yet you insist on owning more than your fair share of any start-up or
acquisition, then you can become rich. If you take what you’re given, you will probably not get rich.”

“Try to sell before you have to. You’re an entrepreneur. Your companies are not your ‘babies,’ they are
tools for acquiring wealth. Try to sell them before they peak. Buyers require what is called ‘blue sky’
(further growth) to get excited and offer a great price.”- Felix Dennis
8. Fear Nothing And No One. Get Rich. Remember To Give It All Away.

Define your fear of the unknown.

Try living out your worst-case scenario.

Learn to take small actions to curb fear.

Realize you fear a downside that doesn’t really exist.

“Fear nothing. Another easy-to-say and impossible piece of advice. Tough luck, chum. Life’s a bitch and
then you die. Get used to it. It isn’t going to change anytime soon… You cannot banish fear, but you
can face it down, stomp on it, crush it, bury it, padlock it into the deepest recesses of your heart and
soul and leave it there to rot.”

3. E-commerce (Small business)

5. Freelance

Take a moment to evaluate your current financial situation...

Increase your income, if you haven't already.

You might be able to find new revenue streams...

Make saving a priority...

Take the initiative to learn new skills...

You can find opportunities if you look.

You need to become more frugal...

Debt should be avoided.

Manage your debt and budget within your means by living within your means...

Setting up a fund to handle emergency situations.

A method of making money through the stock market.

The purchase of mutual funds.

Taking steps to rebalance the portfolio...

The path to becoming a venture capitalist.

Take a coaching course.

Consider work versus family, friends, religion, and hobbies instead.

Make sure you choose a job that will pay you well and avoid career paths that make you unhappy.

Don't be a wage-slave, but rather own your property.

Establish your own company and sell it at some point.

Start-ups offer stock in their companies. Join one today...

You can create your own business by utilizing your skills as a self-employed expert.

Invest in properties.

Stocks and shares can be used to build a portfolio.

It is possible to inherit wealth...

Put money back into the bank by working a decent job, cutting back on expenses, and saving.

Play the game.


Small cases are a good investment.

Managers who are on top and trending.

The best way to invest in U.S. stocks from India is through an online broker.

With Stacks (Expert-curated portfolio made up of U.S. stocks), you can invest in a safe, straightforward

4. Be decisive

5. Don't show off — show up

9. Set goals and visualize achieving them

11. Shoot for $10 million, not $1 million

Diversification of assets

Earn Online
Sell Your Skills Online

Start Affiliate Marketing

Bank FDs, term deposits (low risk)

NSC (low risk)

PPF (low risk)

Stocks (high risk)

Bonds (medium to low risk)

P2P lending (high risk)


2- Train, bus, air reservations:

6- Collection agent:

9- Psychological counsellor:

11- Tiffin service:

12- Photo/ artefact restoration:

1. Sell Insurance as a POSP

3. Start Tutoring Online

4. Find Data Entry Jobs

5. Beta Testing Apps and Websites

Home » Money » FI/RE » Fat » How To Become a Millionaire by 25

How To Become a Millionaire by 25

Updated: October 23, 2021 By Robert Farrington









At The College Investor, we want to help you navigate your finances. To do this, many or all of the
products featured here may be from our partners. This doesn’t influence our evaluations or reviews.
Our opinions are our own. Learn more here.

millionaire by 25

What do these people all have in common:

Catherine Cook

Matt Mickiewicz

Juliette Brindak

Jermaine Griggs

Sean Belnick

Ok, so maybe you haven’t heard of these 6 people before? Well, what if I added the names Mark
Zuckerberg and Michael Dell to that same list? Would it make more sense?

These are all individuals who’ve become millionaires before age 25!

Catherine Cook – My Yearbook

Matt Mickiewicz – 99 Designs and Flippa

Juliette Brindak – Miss O and Friends

Jermaine Griggs – Hear and Play Music Group

Sean Belnick – BizChair

Mark Zuckerburg – Facebook

Michael Dell – Dell Computers

They all share some common traits: they started a business in high school or college. They have drive,
desire, and entrepreneurial spirit. They manage to get it all done. And I’m sure there is a bit of luck
thrown in.

Let’s break down what it really takes to become a millionaire by 25.

It All Depends on When You Start

Being a millionaire by 25 all depends on when you start making money and how fast it grows. Let’s
say you had nothing to start with.

If you start making money at 16 years old, you would need to earn $305 per day to make it to $1
million by 25.

Starting at 18, when you graduate high school, means you would need to earn $391 per day to make it
to $1 million by age 25.

What about if you don’t start until you graduate college? Then you need to earn $685 per day,
assuming you graduate at 22 years old, to become a millionaire by 25.

All of these numbers are also net earnings, so you would need to earn more if you take into
consideration taxes and other expenses.

Do you think you could earn $305 per day?

How To Make $305 per Day

Let’s just say you start at 16 years old, and are shooting to be a millionaire by 25. Since it only takes
$305 per day net, could you do it?

For reference, $305 per day is only $111,325 per year or $9,150 per month – something that’s
completely doable, just more challenging when you’re younger. And as long as nothing is holding you
back from earning more, you can make this much per day!

Let’s break down how you could earn $305 per day online and offline:


Write 6 articles per day at $50 each

Complete 6 design jobs on Fiverr (make sure you have add-ons to get you to $50 net)

Help small businesses on Elance or oDesk for $300 per day

Use Amazon’s Mechanical Turk for odd jobs to make up the difference and get to $305 per day

Look at our list of online side hustles to build more income


Start driving or riding your bike for Uber – $20 per hour is possible

Get an after-school job – $12 per hour for 4 hours per day is $48

Mow your 10 of your neighbors lawn’s for $50 a month – $16 per day average

Provide tech services for your friends, family, and neighbors – $200 per month for 1 neighbor a month

Home » Earn » Side Hustle » 53 Side Hustle Ideas To Make Money Fast

53 Side Hustle Ideas To Make Money Fast

Updated: July 22, 2022 By Robert Farrington








At The College Investor, we want to help you navigate your finances. To do this, many or all of the
products featured here may be from our partners. This doesn’t influence our evaluations or reviews.
Our opinions are our own. Learn more here.

Side Hustle Ideas Make Money Fast

There are millions of ways to make money - especially extra money side hustling. If you have the drive
and the passion to earn money, you CAN do it. But sometimes we struggle to figure out what to do
that will actually earn us anything. We simply hit a mental wall and our money-making ideas remain
out of reach.

So, instead of staying roadblocked, here is a list of ways to start side hustling, earning your way out of
debt, or using extra money to invest.

No matter what your skill set is, or how much time you have, you should be able to find something on
this list that you can do this week to make some extra money. Even (and perhaps especially) if you're a
college student looking to make more money, a lot of these tasks are perfect for you.

Special Promo - The Brambila Method. Do you want to quick-start your side hustle journey? Check out
this course from Adrian Brambila and learn how to make your first $1 online from side hustling. Over 8
days, you're going to learn 8 proven tactics to make money, and you'll even get access to 4 side hustle
ideas you can launch immediately. Just plug and play. Sign up for the course here >>

Our List Of Side Hustle Ideas

1. Online Surveys
2. Just Search The Internet

3. Deliver For DoorDash

4. Blogging

5. Sell On Amazon

6. Sell Gigs On Fiverr

7. Sell On eBay

8. Sell Crafts On Etsy

9. Online Coaching Or Consulting

10. Online Freelancing

11. eBook Publishing

12. Sell Stock Photos

13. Do Micro-Tasks On Mechanical Turk

14. Website User Testing

15. Create An Online Course

16. Become A Virtual Assistant

17. Teach English Online

18. Become An Uber AND Lyft Driver

19. Deliver Food From Restaurants

20. Deliver Groceries

21. List Your House On Airbnb

22. Rent Your Car

23. Renting Out Your Garage or Driveway

24. Loan Signing Agent And Notary

25. Be A Task Rabbit

26. Catering
27. Cleaning Service

28. Baby Sitting

29. Bookkeeping

30. Recycle

31. Resume Help

32. Dog Walking

33. Estate Sales

34. Handyman Work

35. Housesitting

36. Hauling Service

37. Modeling

38. Movie Or TV Extra

39. Mystery Shopping

40. Pet Sitting

41. Join A Research Or Focus Group

42. Moving Service

43. Gardening Service

44. Painting Service

45. Pool Cleaning Service

46. Be Someone's Friend

47. Shoveling Snow

48. Donate Plasma

49. Participate in Medical Studies

50. Volunteer For Overtime

51. Employee Referral Program

52. Tuition Reimbursement Program

53. Get A Part Time Job

54. Get A Higher Paying Job

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