Learning Episode 3

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Learning Episode 3:

My Learning Environment, My
Second Home

My Learning Episode Overview

This episode describes my second home. It showcases the different facilities

and learning resources of my cooperating school. Visiting these places in my
cooperating school will enable me to utilize these resources to make the teaching-
learning process more meaningful. Being aware of these facilities in my
cooperating school will give me a sense of belongingness - for this is my second

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I will be able to:

• visit the school’s facilities and resources.

• meet the various school personnel.
• utilize these learning resources of the school when needed.
• analyze the vision and mission of the school.
My Map (Learning Episode Directions)

These are the things I need to do:

Identify the importance of school

facilities and use these when

Meet the different school


Visit the different school


Read and study the Vision Mission

Statement and core values of the

My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)

The utilization of the school’s learning facilities and resources will enhance
the teaching-learning process. These are the resources/facilities of my
second home.


This is the Basic Education Library,

where elementary, junior and senior
high school student can do research
and find some good reference for
additional learning. It is fully
renovated and functional to cater the
learners need.
My Tasks
Complete the chart of the school facilities/learning resources you have
visited/utilized. Write down the importance of these in ensuring quality

Importance of these
School Facilities Pictures facilities in the teaching-
Visited/ Utilized
learning process

The school library serves

as the inner paradise of
Library knowledge. It I place where
all books are gathered and
be used by each learner.
It provides training in
listening, speaking,
Speech reading, and writing. The
Laboratory speech lab develops and
improves the learners’
communication skills.
the purpose of the
computer lab is for
academic research, study,
and class assignments. It
offers the learner to search
limitless information
through internet.
The Audio-Visual Room
serves to stimulates each
AVR child’s learning process
with a combination of visual
and auditory learning.
This facility develops the
students’ proper values
towards works. It prepares
TLE Room the child to acquire
knowledge of materials,
tools, and equipment’s that
will help them in the future.
My Analysis

A. What can I say about my second home:


Child-friendly Adorable
School Students


B. Write the things that you can contribute to your second home.



• maintaining good rapport to school

1. Friendly and personnel
nonthreatening • engaging students to sorts of outdoor
• smiling and greeting students
• enthusiastically preserving good

• Giving advises what to do during

2. Safe, secure and calamities and disasters
conducive to learning • monitoring classroom facilities to
ensure its safety
• guide students on do's and don'ts
inside the school
3. Environment that • respecting one’s cultural and ethnic
promotes fairness and background.
equality • respecting ones’ religion. CKCM
students are composed of very
diverse religions.

School’s Mission-Vision

We are a Catholic Diocesan learning institution globally recognized for

excellence in evangelization, education research, community service and
an agent of peace and environmental protection and produces highly
competitive God centered graduates.

School’s Goals/Objectives

Christ the King College de Maranding aims to:

1. Make Christian living (CL) Religious Studies (RS) as a core of the

2. Teach, lead and form students to become agents of the new
3. Strengthen one’s faith through active participation in the basic
ecclesial Community (BEC), interfaith dialogue, sacraments,
devotions, retreats, recollections and other religious – related
4. Educate students to readily respond to the needs of times with
creativity and commitment.
5. Inculcate social responsibility/stewardship to care for
6. Preserve Filipino culture values as citizens of our country.
7. Integrate Christian values and practices in all instruction and
activities with emphasis of the ore values of love, excellence,
peace and service.
8. Adapt teaching pedagogies such as ICT -based instructions,
outcomes-based education and other innovations.
9. Provide high academic standards through comprehensive,
integrative course of studies immersed in Christian Spirituality.
C. After reading the school’s vision, mission and goals, I realized that:

After I read the school’s mission and vision and goals, I realize that it develops
the learner holistically with the knowledge, skills and values. The learners were
molded through the ethical moral values. It is one of the assets of Christ the King
College de Maranding that the students will gain and reach their goals and to
become successful. I am proud that this institution became a great part of my life.

D. I need to internalize and integrate these in my lesson by:

Strive more so that I can contribute to the attainment of the Vision, Mission,
Goals, and Objectives (VMGO) of my cooperating school and to the sustainable
development of the country. I need also to practice, cooperate, and discover
trending notions and ideas about teaching so that I will exemplify the quality of an
effective teacher.

My Reflections/ My Insights


My second home is the home for improvement, wherein I could able to
acquire some of the skills which I could use in my profession—to cure the deadly
malady of ignorance in the contemporary world. It was tear-jerking to see the
scenario in public schools, the life of every Filipino who struggle for education, who
struggle for their dreams and who struggle for their own visions in life. These
struggles reflect to you as a pre-service teacher, and these propel you how to help
them in their needs. As it was said, life in public schools mirrors the life of the
majority of Filipinos. Because in this institution you see students who need to work
every weekend just to have allowance for their school days. You see parents who
sell delicacies outside the school for their kids studying hard inside. You witness
tears and joys. This is the life which I also want to experience—to see the students
who will never give up for their dreams. For the better tomorrow and to uplift their
life someday.

My Application (from Theory to Practice)

Read the situations and choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. How can I promote fairness in my learning environment?

a. Respect individual differences.

b. Separate girls and boys.
c. Place all children with special needs in front.
d. Isolate the unruly children in class.
2. To improve the oral proficiency of students in class, what can you do?

a. Give them more exercises in grammar.

b. Provide individual work rather than group work.
c. Schedule more practice sessions in the speech laboratory.
d. Invite a resource speaker.

3. Make your classroom environment safe and secure by __________.

a. asking by the security guard to stay near your room

b. removing some fixtures and using less appliances and devices
c. ensuring that all unsafe devices are secured
d. checking the physical environment at all times

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning

Documents, Evidence, Records, etc.)

CKCM High School Department Campus

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