The Blonde That Works at

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The Blonde that Works at the Coffee Shop

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationship: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter, Hermione
Granger & Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Character: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger
Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Fluff and Humor,
Humor, Bottom Draco Malfoy, Good Draco Malfoy, Gay Draco Malfoy,
Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World, Draco Malfoy Needs a Hug, Sub
Draco Malfoy, Top Harry Potter, Harry Potter Loves Draco Malfoy, Dom
Harry Potter, Muggle Life, Harry Potter in the Muggle World, Muggle
Harry Potter, Muggle Draco Malfoy, Muggle Hermione Granger, Tooth-
Rotting Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff without Plot,
Some Humor, Implied Sexual Content, Coffee Shops, Bakery and
Coffee Shop, Short One Shot, Short & Sweet, Random & Short, Barista
Draco Malfoy, Cute Draco Malfoy, Short Draco Malfoy, No Smut
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-01-03 Words: 1850

The Blonde that Works at the Coffee Shop

by Maddiii


Harry had longed for the blonde that works at the coffee shop down the street long enough-
he's finally taking charge of his own feelings.


See the end of the work for notes

It wasn't the first time Harry had taken a notice to the blonde man that took his order at his local
coffee shop everyday, definitely not. He had noticed the beautiful man the first time he took his
order. And it's not the like they weren't acquaintances, they were, ones that were even on a first-
name basis. But, Harry may have wanted more. In fact, he craved more, he was longing for a
relationship with the sweet man. Perhaps, it was his dream.

Harry wasn't sure if he could even take it anymore, only seeing the man at the coffee shop once
every other day. Only having the simple customer-worker conversation. It wasn't enough.
And Harry was sure that blonde wasn't like the rest. He wasn't like all the other people he's
helplessly fallen in love with.

"Hi, Harry, can I help you today? The regular?" the blonde smiles sweetly at him, allowing for
Harry to take in the beautiful sight before him.
"That'll be great, thanks, Draco." Harry smiles back.

The coffee shop was never really packed, in fact, it was usually only ever Harry and Draco.
Although, in all fairness, it was pretty hidden on the end of town, quiete small too for a shop. The
only way Harry even found out about it was from Ron, his long-term friend.

While he's waiting for Draco to prepare his coffee, he feels a vibration from his phone.

Hey man, Hermoines dragging me out tonight for a dinner and she wants you to come too, she said
you should bring a date too, if you're into that kind of thing.

It's at Sonny's Steakhouse at 8

Maybe he could ask Draco? It wouldn't hurt to ask, would it? He quickly texts back to Ron letting
him know he'd be there, hopefully with a date.
Watching Draco finish the coffee, maybe the man was gay. Not that straight men couldn't be
beautiful and well-kept, rather he didn't know if he could see the man with anyone of the opposite
gender. He shouldn't skip to assumptions, of course, but it calms his nerves thinking he could have
more of a chance with his love-interest than he thought.

"Here, your coffee. Sorry it took a bit the machines a bit broken." Draco says, placing the cup on
the counter with a sigh.
"That's okay," he says taking a small sip, still standing afront the counter.
"Can I help you with anything else?" the blonde raises an eyebrow, questioning his presence,
people usually wanted coffee and no chit-chat, as soon as they got it they'd be running out the door.
"Oh, yes, I was wondering when you were getting off work today."
"I get off at 6, why?" he answers, curiosity still struken to his face.
"Well," he thinks for a moment, should he really do this? "my friends and I were going to go out to
Sonny's Steakhouse later, but they're dating and stuff so they said I should bring a date. Do you
want to be my date?"
"A date? With me?" Draco pipes up, stiffening his posture.
"It doesn't have to be a date if you don't want it to be. We could go as friends?"
"No, a date sounds nice." he smiles cheekily at Harry, and Harry can't help but to burst into
happiness from the cuteness before him.
"Great, let me give you my number, I'll pick you up just give me the information." he tells the


Harry had nothing to wear. Nothing. Well, he had a few dozens of shirts and pants, but they weren't
good enough. Not at all. This was a date with Draco, he couldn't pick him up looking like he had
just rolled out of bed- he of course didn't want to look like a try-hard either.
After about an hour he decided on an average pair of blue jeans and a nice, fitted red shirt that
hugged his muscles nicely. Rushing out the door he flattened out his hair- or at least tried to.
Giving himself a pep-talk, he stand at Draco's front door, stilled. He can do this. He can do this.
Draco agreed to this for a reason. He finally allowed himself to ring the doorbell.
Draco answered it not too long after, and Harry realized he's never seen the man out of his work
attire, but he's sure he doesn't hate it. Draco was wearing a white dress shirt that was rolled up to
his elbows paired with black jeans that showed off his arse greatly if Harry did say so himself, but
he tried not to stare as he opened the door to the car for Draco to get in.

It was a bit awkward, but he was sure with more than half an hour drive to the restaurant Draco
would loosen up. And sure enough he did, they were talking and laughing the first fifteen minutes
into the car ride.
"You know," Harry begins, "I've wanted to ask you out the first time you took my order."
Draco looks struken, face flushed red, and eyes popped wide, "Really?"

Harry smiles at his reaction, he was absolutely the cutest. And the sweetest. And the funniest. The
best, he thought, Draco was the best.
"Yeah, I thought you were the cutest bloke I'd ever seen when you smiled at me asking what I
wanted. I even asked you to recommend me some coffee's so I could hear you talk more." Harry
says cheesily, but from Draco's amusement he doesn't regret saying it at all.

A few minutes go by and Harry starts up a new conversation with a still flushed Draco, "Why'd
you start working at the coffee shop anyway? I mean, not that it's bad to work there, but I'd think
you had many more choices, what made you choose the coffee shop?"

Draco's face goes sunken and Harry almost regrets asking the sweet boy, "Its a long story," the
blonde says honestly.
"We have time, but if you don't want to talk about it you don't have to-"
"No, it's okay, I want us to get to know each other more."

Draco takes a second before speaking up again, "A few years ago, I came out to my dad, but he
didn't take it very well," he looks down and plays with the hems of his shirt, but continues, "he told
me to get out so I packed a bag. When I was leaving he just pushed me out the door and yelled at
me to never come back. He told me I didn't have 'the right' to live there and called me slurs all the
way down the street." Harry could tell Draco was silently crying even though he wasn't looking at
him, and he felt terrible for the boy- terrible for brining back such horrid memories. No one
deserves that. "So I walked until I came upon somewhere that was hiring, and it happened to be
there. To be honest, I didn't even know much about making coffee, but I lied and told the manager
I did and he ended up giving me a job." Draco laughs through blurry eyes.

Harry just smiled and put one of his hands on Draco's thigh which he hoped would comfort the
blonde. It turned out it did, Draco instantly relaxed into Harry's touch and actually dozed off a bit,
which Harry found out when they arrived at the restaurant. Draco looked so peaceful and beautiful
sleeping that Harry didn't even want to wake him up. But, he just took a mental picture and gently,
yet reluctantly, woke him up.

Harry and Draco both find their seats across from Ron and Hermione, "Well who is this Harry?"
the brunette asks.
"This is my date, Draco." Harry answers, watching Ron wiggle his eyebrows suggestively at him.
Ron had known about Harry's long-time crush on the man and was typically the one trying to
pressure him into asking the blonde out. Of course, this time he actually did it.

"Hi Draco, how did Harry pull someone like you?" she laughs, "he's the slobbiest guy I've ever
met- well, excluding Ron, of course."
Draco just sits, confused a bit, but chuckling along with her joke.

"Oh shut it, Hermione." Harry competes back.

"How did you two meet?" she continues to bargain them with questions.
"Well, Draco works at the coffee shop I always go to." Harry answers honestly.
"Oh! This is the guy you always talk about! Now it makes since!" she leans in over the table a little
closer to Draco and guards her mouth with her hand, "you know, he always said he wanted to-"

"You know, Hermoine, maybe we shouldn't embarrass Harry too much today." Ron tells her,
putting a hand on her shoulder to pull her back closer to him. Draco turns and whispers to where
only Harry can hear him, "so, you talk about me with your friends?" he teases with a raised
"Of course, how else was I supposed to get the courage to ask out such a gorgeous man!" Harry
teases back.

At that, Draco just blushes and turns his attention back to the couple across from them.
They soon ordered their food and began to converse amongst themselves again. Hermoine still
pampered Draco with questions and Harry still begged her to stop embarrassing him. Draco sat and
laughed at Hermiones antics and Ron just sat and ate his food- as per usual.
By the time the end of their meals came, it had been well over two hours since they first got there.
They were all much too caught up in stories and such. Hermoine and Ron left first, each saying
their goodbyes to Harry and Draco before walking hand-in-hand out the door, Hermoine slightly
tipsy and tripping over her own two feet. Harry thought she'd actually fall on her face if Ron hadn't
been there to catch her. God, was she a crazy one- to be honest, Harry felt a bit bad for Ron,
seemed he couldn't have the fun of a little drink, and was too busy looking after her.
Harry and Draco took their time leaving the restaurant. Harry didn't want the night to end- not at
all. Draco was a sunlight to him. He was the sweetest, funniest, snarkiest, and most gorgeous man
Harry had met in his life. He wanted to keep him all to himself if he could. And had he worked up
the courage before this moment, maybe it couldve happened sooner- then again, maybe not. But he
built up the courage, like he seemed to be doing this whole day and asked Draco if he would like to
continue their night at his place.
Draco looked utterly shocked for a moment, but then quickly changed it to a sly, gentle smile.
Harry loved that smile, so much. It was so warm, yet to bright.

"Of course." Draco manages as Harry takes his hand, leading them to his car.

Harrys finally got a hold of the one thing he wants in life, and it's Draco.

End Notes

Not that good honestly- but I took time to make this so I'm posting it. I also may have ran
out of ideas- but does it matter?

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