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Neuropeptides 37 (2003) 149–156

Long-term effects of short and long periods of maternal separation

on brain opioid peptide levels in male Wistar rats q
Karolina Ploj, Erika Roman, Ingrid Nylander *

Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, Division of Pharmacology, Box 591, Uppsala University, SE-751 24 Uppsala, Sweden
Received 2 January 2003; accepted 19 April 2003


Environmental manipulations early in life may induce persistent alterations in adult behaviour and physiology. The underlying
neural mechanisms of these responses are not yet clear. We have previously reported long-term changes in brain opioid peptide
levels in male and female Sprague–Dawley rats after short periods (15 min, known as neonatal handling) of maternal separation
(MS) until weaning. To study this further, we investigated behavioural and neurochemical effects of repeated MS in male Wistar
rats. The rat pups were separated from their dams in litters for either 360 min (MS360) or 15 min (MS15) daily from postnatal day 1
to 21 or exposed to normal animal facility rearing. Behavioural analysis showed that MS360 rats had increased ultrasonic calls on
postnatal day 5 compared to MS15 rats, but not on postnatal day 6. Moreover, the MS360 rats had more animals with higher
frequency of calls at day 5 than 6 than the MS15 rats. Analysis of the opioid peptides dynorphin B and Met-enkephalin-Arg6 Phe7
with radioimmunoassay 7 weeks after the MS procedure, revealed long-term neurochemical changes in several brain areas and in the
pituitary gland. Immunoreactive dynorphin B and Met-enkephalin-Arg6 Phe7 levels were affected in the hypothalamus and dy-
norphin B levels in the neurointermediate pituitary lobe, amygdala, substantia nigra and the periaqueductal gray. Together, these
findings show that repeated periods of MS early in life in male Wistar rats affect the development of the ultrasonic call response and
induce long-lasting and possibly permanent alterations in the opioid peptide systems.
Ó 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction mechanisms underlying these long-lasting changes in

behaviour are not completely understood. Systematic
Adverse experiences early in life may imply effects with and controlled animal studies are important in order to
consequences for the normal development of physiolog- find out the neurobiological basis of how early adverse
ical and mental functions (Nemeroff, 1998; Willner, stimuli may have developmental effects that may imply a
1990). It has been suggested that stressful events during risk for personality disorders. This means manipulation
certain neonatal periods may permanently influence of the environment of the individual during its postnatal
stress-responsive neural networks (Anand et al., 1999; development followed in adulthood by behavioural and
Heim et al., 1997) and thereby increase the vulnerability neurobiological screening. Several studies have described
of an individual to develop psychopathology and/or drug the effects of maternal separation (MS) on adult physi-
dependence later in life. Accordingly, there is evidence ology and behaviour. The duration of separation is cru-
that people with adverse early life experiences may have cial for the outcome. Thus, prolonged periods (>1 h) of
an increased risk of developing alcohol dependence MS during the first weeks of life result in animals with
(Cadoret et al., 1985; Kendler et al., 2000; Moncrieff behavioural and neuroendocrine signs of elevated stress
et al., 1996; Spak et al., 2001). The neurochemical reactivity as adults. However, contrary findings have
been reported also (Lehmann and Feldon, 2000). Rat
pups separated from their dam for a short period (3–20
This study was supported by the Alcohol Research Council of the min) during the neonatal period, known as neonatal
Swedish Alcohol Retailing Monopoly (98/21) and the Swedish Medical
Research Council (K00-14X-12588).
handling, has been found to decrease anxiety-like be-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +46-18-4714163; fax: +46-18-4714847. haviours and biological stress responsivity compared to
E-mail address: (I. Nylander). non-separated rats (Anisman et al., 1998; Hall, 1998;

0143-4179/03/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
150 K. Ploj et al. / Neuropeptides 37 (2003) 149–156

Heim and Nemeroff, 2001; Lehmann and Feldon, 2000; in a small number of litters this was not possible. The
Meaney et al., 1996; Newport et al., 2002). pups were randomly assigned to one of two treatments,
The endogenous opioid peptides act at the l, d and j 15 min (MS15) or 360 min (MS360) of MS from PND
receptors to mediate a variety of physiological effects, 1–21, or no treatment (animal facility reared ¼ AFR).
such as pain modulation (Terenius, 1992), motivation, Seven litters were used for the MS15 treatment, six lit-
reward (Nylander and Silberring, 1998) and neuroen- ters for MS360 and nine litters served as AFR rats.
docrine secretion (Pfeiffer and Herz, 1984) in the central Three of the AFR litters were assigned to establish the
and peripheral nervous system. Numerous studies weight measurements and ultrasonic vocalisation and
support an important contribution of endogenous opi- were not included in the neurochemical analysis. The
oid peptide systems in the mediation, modulation and remaining AFR rats were not disturbed until weaning,
regulation of stress responses including endocrine, au- except for cage changes. The litters were weighed on
tonomic nervous system and behavioural responses PND 6 (n ¼ 16), 14 (n ¼ 16) and 22 (n ¼ 22). All nine
(Calcagnetti and Holtzman, 1992; Dijkstra et al., 1992; AFR litters were weighed on PND 22. Cages were
Drolet et al., 2001; Vanderah et al., 1992; Vander- changed, with old bedding material mixed with clean
schuren et al., 1995; Watkins et al., 1992). We have bedding material, once a week during the separation
recently shown that daily MS for 15 min (MS15) or period for AFR litters as well as for MS15 and MS360
360 min (MS360) from postnatal day (PND) 1 to 21 litters. The separation occurred once a day for the first
can affect voluntary ethanol intake in adult male Wistar three postnatal weeks. First the dam and then the whole
and ethanol preferring AA (Alko, Alcohol) rats (Ploj, litter were removed from the nest. Each litter was placed
2002; Roman et al., 2003). In addition, we have pre- in macrolon cages (26  20  14 cm) containing wood
viously reported long-term changes in opioid prody- chip bedding material and moved to an adjacent room
norphin- and proenkephalin-derived peptides in male (25 °C). In the MS360 group the dams were kept in their
and female Sprague–Dawley rats after short periods of home cages during the separation period but taken out
MS until weaning (Ploj et al., 1999; Ploj et al., 2001). prior to the return of the litters. After 15 or 360 min,
The aim of this study was to determine if MS15 or first the pups and then the dam were returned to their
MS360 from PND 1 to 21 could induce long-term home cage. Separation sessions were always performed
behavioural and neurochemical effects on these opioid in the same room and by the same two persons who also
peptide systems in the pituitary gland and the brain in changed the cages and were the only people with per-
male Wistar rats. The opioid peptides dynorphin B mission to enter the animal room during the experiment.
(DYNB) and Met-enkephalin-Arg6 Phe7 (MEAP), The separation treatment occurred every day between
markers of prodynorphin and proenkephalin, respec- 09:00 and 09:15 h for the MS15 group and between
tively, were measured using specific radioimmunoassays 09:00 and 15:00 h for the MS360 group. On PND 22, the
(RIAs). animals were weaned and thereafter housed in same-
treatment groups of three to five. Only male rats were
used for the behavioural and neurochemical analysis.
2. Materials and methods From a total number of 234 rats, 30 rats (10 rats/group)
were randomly selected from the different treatment
2.1. Animals groups 7 weeks after weaning, weighed and then sacri-
ficed by decapitation and used for analysis of immuno-
Time-mated pregnant Wistar rats were obtained from reactive (ir) peptide levels. Each rat was singly housed
Scanbur BK AB, Sweden for arrival at our animal de- 30 min before decapitation in order to control for con-
partment on gestation day 15–19. Upon arrival, the ditions regarding the decapitation. To avoid the use of
dams were singly housed and maintained on food and related subjects, not more than two subjects derived
water ad libitum. All animals were housed in a tem- from the same dam were used. The remaining rats were
perature (22  1 °C) and humidity (50  10%) controlled used in other studies on behavioural and neurochemi-
animal room on a 12:12 light–dark cycle (light on at cal effects of MS. The treatment schedule is shown in
6:00 h). Behavioural tests were run during the light pe- Fig. 1.
riod. All animal experiments were performed under an
approved protocol in accordance with the Swedish 2.3. Ultrasonic call test
Animal Protection Legislation.
On PND 5 and 6, two to four pups/litter were ran-
2.2. Maternal separation treatment domly selected from the MS15 (n ¼ 12), MS360 (n ¼ 12)
and the AFR (n ¼ 12) litters and were transferred to an
The litters were sexed, culled and cross-fostered from adjacent room with the same conditions as the animal
45 time-mated Wistar rats to 11 pups per litter on day 0 room. The rat pups were placed singly in a circular re-
(nine males, two females; day of birth ¼ day 0), although cording chamber, made of aluminium with a diameter of
K. Ploj et al. / Neuropeptides 37 (2003) 149–156 151

Fig. 1. Treatment schedule. Abbreviations: PND, postnatal day; MS15, maternal separation for 15 min during postnatal day 1–21; MS360, maternal
separation for 360 min during postnatal day 1–21; AFR, animal facility reared; and ir, immunoreactive.

17 cm, kept at room temperature (22  1 °C). After 1 an ion exchange procedure (Christensson-Nylander et al.,
min of adaptation, the number of ultrasonic calls emit- 1985) before RIA. The peptides were analysed using
ted during 1 min was recorded. A bat detector (Petter- specific RIAs for DYNB and MEAP described in detail
son Elektronik AB, Uppsala, Sweden) linked to an elsewhere (Ploj et al., 2000). The DYNB and MEAP
electronic counting device (developed by Department of tracer peptides were labelled using chloramine T and
Medical Pharmacology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, purified by high-performance liquid chromatography.
Sweden) was used. The recording chamber was wiped Samples subjected to MEAP assay were oxidised prior to
clean with water after each test. The test was performed the RIA procedure. The samples, dissolved in methanol:
before the separation treatment in the morning, to avoid 0.1 M hydrochloric acid (1:1), were incubated with an-
the acute effect of the separation treatment. The ultra- tiserum and 125 I-labelled peptide for 24 h at 4 °C. The
sonic calls were measured two times in order to inves- MEAP (90:3D II) and DYNB (113+) antiserum was di-
tigate if there would be any changes in ultrasonic calls luted 1:180,000 and 1:562,500, respectively, in gelatine
between PND 5 and 6. buffer. Following the incubation period, the DYNB
samples were incubated for 1 h with a sheep–antirabbit
antiserum (Pharmacia Decanting Suspension; Pharmacia
2.4. Serum corticosterone assays
Diagnostics, Uppsala, Sweden). After centrifugation
(10 min) the pellet was counted in a gamma counter. To
Trunk blood was collected after decapitation for se-
separate free and antibody-bound peptide in the MEAP
rum corticosterone assay. The blood samples were
assays, a charcoal suspension was added and the samples
stored at room temperature for 20–30 min and then
were incubated for 10 min. The samples were then cen-
centrifuged at 1500g for 10 min. The serum was then
trifuged (2 min) and an aliquot (300 ll) of the superna-
collected and stored at )20 °C until analysis. The cor-
tant was counted in the gamma counter. The DYNB
ticosterone analysis was performed using the commer-
antiserum did not show cross-reactivity with either
cial ImmunChemTM Double Antibody Corticosterone
125 DYNA (1–17) or DYNA (1–8). Cross reactivity with
I RIA kit for rats and mice (ICN Biomedicals, Costa
DYNB 29 was 1% and with big dynorphin (DYN 32)
Mesa, CA, USA), which uses a highly specific cortico-
100%. Other opioid peptides did not cross-react with the
sterone antiserum. The samples were analysed in ac-
DYNB antiserum. Cross-reactivity with MEAP antise-
cordance with the protocol in the RIA kit. All samples
rum and Met-enkephalin, Met-enkephalin-Arg6 , Met-
were assayed in duplicates and in the same assay in
enkephalin-Arg6 Gly7 Leu8 , Leu-enkephalin or DYNA
order to avoid inter-assay variations.
(1–6) was less than 0.1%.

2.5. Radioimmunosassays 2.6. Statistical analysis

Rats from different litters from the MS15 (n ¼ 10), For comparisons of mean ir peptide levels and body
MS360 (n ¼ 10) and AFR (n ¼ 10) groups were used in weight the parametric one-way ANOVA combined, if
the analysis that occurred 7 weeks after the separation significant, with FisherÕs post hoc test was used, whereas
procedure. All dissected tissues were immediately fro- repeated measures ANOVA was used for comparisons
zen on dry ice and stored at )80 °C until peptide ex- of the mean body weight gain during the MS treatment.
traction. Tissue extraction was performed with 1 M Behavioural data and values not within normal distri-
acetic acid. The samples were heated at 95 °C for 5 min bution, that is, general treatment effect on numbers of
and, after cooling on ice, homogenised using sonication. ultrasonic calls on PND 5 and 6 and the serum corti-
The samples were reheated at 95 °C for 5 min, cooled on costerone levels, were also analysed with the non-para-
ice and then centrifuged for 15 min at 12,000g. The tissue metric Kruskal–Wallis test. When a significant difference
extracts were then subjected to a purification step using was found, the data were analysed further with pairwise
152 K. Ploj et al. / Neuropeptides 37 (2003) 149–156

comparisons by using the Mann–Whitney U test. The v2 6 (p < 0:05). Seventy-five % of MS360 rats, 25% of
test was used to determine whether there was a signifi- MS15 rats and 50% of AFR rats had higher frequency
cant effect within and between the groups on the change of calls PND 5 than PND 6.
of ultrasonic calls from PND 5 to 6. Statistical analyses
were made using the Statview 4.5 computer program. 3.2. Body weight
Differences were considered statistically significant at
p < 0:05. The mean  SEM rat body weight in the MS15, MS360
and AFR litters on PND 6 (n ¼ 16), 14 (n ¼ 16) and 22
(n ¼ 22) is shown in Fig. 3. No significant treatment ef-
3. Results fects were seen on body weight or body weight gain during
the separation period. Each rat (n ¼ 10/group) that was
3.1. Ultrasonic call test used for evaluation of the neurochemical effects of MS
was weighed before decapitation, at 10 weeks of age (266–
Figs. 2A–B illustrate the mean  SEM numbers of 354 g). No statistically significant differences on body
ultrasonic calls during 1 min on PND 5 and 6 (n ¼ 12/ weight were seen at the time of decapitation.
group). The corresponding median  MAD (Median
Absolute Deviation) values were: PND 5: AFR 121 3.3. Serum corticosterone levels
39, MS15 89  34, MS360 150  37 and PND 6: AFR
108  41, MS15 102  38, MS360 122  26. The num- The median  MAD serum corticosterone levels
bers of ultrasonic calls in all animals were between eight (n ¼ 30) 7 weeks after MS were 181.1  100.7 (MS15),
and 242 calls/min. On PND 5, MS360 rats had an in- 111.1  47.1 (MS360) and 151.5  89.6 (AFR) ng/ml. No
creased number of ultrasonic calls compared to MS15 statistically significant differences in serum levels of
rats, whereas there were no significant differences in corticosterone were seen between the groups at the time
response between MS360 and AFR rats or MS15 and of decapitation.
AFR rats. No statistically significant treatment effects
were seen on PND 6. A detailed analyses of the change
3.4. Ir opioid peptide levels
of ultrasonic calls from PND 5 to 6 revealed no statis-
tically significant difference within groups over days but
The mean  SEM ir opioid peptide levels in various
an obvious difference between groups as to number of
brain areas 7 weeks after MS are shown in Table 1.
animals with higher frequency of calls PND 5 than PND
MS360 and MS15 rats had higher ir DYNB levels in the
neurointermediate pituitary lobe (NIL) and MS15 rats
had higher ir DYNB levels in the hypothalamus com-
pared to those of the AFR rats. In the hypothalamus,
higher ir MEAP levels were found in the MS15 rats

Fig. 2. (A)–(B) The mean  SEM number of ultrasonic calls during 1

min on postnatal day 5 (A) and 6 (B) in the MS360, MS15, and AFR Fig. 3. The mean  SEM rat body weight (g) in the MS15, MS360, and
rats (n ¼ 12/group). #p < 0:05 compared to MS360 rats (one-way AFR litters on postnatal day (PND) 6 (n ¼ 16), 14 (n ¼ 16) and 22
Kurskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney U test). (n ¼ 22).
K. Ploj et al. / Neuropeptides 37 (2003) 149–156 153

Table 1
Dynorphin B (DYNB) and Met-enkephalin-Arg6 Phe7 (MEAP) immunoreactive levels in various brain areas and in the pituitary gland 7 weeks after
15 min (MS15) or 360 min (MS360) of maternal separation daily during postnatal day 1–21 and in animal facility reared (AFR) rats (n ¼ 7–10/group)
MS15 MS360 AFR MS15 MS360 AFR
Anterior pituitary lobe 9.43  1.05 10.41  1.56 7.95  1.22 1.10  0.24 1.02  0.19 1.31  0.29
Neurointermediate pituitary 155.71  16.82 135.03  11.10 96.10  10.33 n.d. n.d. n.d.
Hypothalamus 22.09  2.06 18.60  1.04 14.42  0.99 64.20  4.67### 43.39  1.78 44.07  2.65
Frontal cortex 2.00  0.27 1.77  0.26 1.43  0.32 4.27  0.44 4.14  0.39 4.29  0.50
Medial prefrontal cortex 1.47  0.17 1.54  0.26 1.06  0.08 3.31  0.27 4.15  0.48 3.37  0.34
Nucleus accumbens 38.12  4.20 35.45  2.39 30.88  2.78 43.99  5.72 49.39  6.58 35.61  3.70
Striatum 12.54  0.49 12.32  0.67 11.05  0.73 37.68  3.29 33.60  2.46 28.83  2.52
Hippocampus 13.44  0.75 13.14  0.81 13.17  0.68 11.71  0.36 10.93  0.73 10.03  0.66
Amygdala 2.82  0.34## 4.41  0.35 3.88  0.49 10.54  1.17 11.84  2.18 10.00  1.28
Substantia nigra 88.97  7.72### 57.01  4.34 55.79  5.11 5.86  0.59 3.74  0.44 5.65  0.90
Ventral tegmental area 1.67  0.18 2.07  0.36 2.04  0.30 8.74  1.15 6.17  0.69 8.86  1.67
Periaqueductal gray 7.52  1.17## 11.84  0.89 5.81  1.03 27.53  3.89 29.35  3.85 27.78  3.54
The values represent means  SEM and are expressed as fmol/mg tissue. ## p < 0:01, ### p < 0:001 in comparison with MS360 rats,  p < 0:05,

p < 0:01 and  p < 0:001 in comparison with AFR rats (one-way ANOVA, FisherÕs post hoc test). n.d., not detectable.

compared to both MS360 and AFR rats. In the sub- the mentioned plateau level. This was true for the AFR
stantia nigra, MS15 rats had higher ir DYNB levels rats. However, the MS360 rats had more animals with
compared to those of the MS360 and AFR rats. Lower higher frequency of calls at PND 5 than 6 than the
ir DYNB levels in the amygdala were detected in the MS15 rats indicating a difference in anxiety-like behav-
MS15 rats compared to MS360 rats. MS360 rats had iour and also in the time course of the development of
higher ir DYNB levels in the periaqueductal gray (PAG) the ultrasonic call response.
compared to those of the MS15 and AFR rats. No Information regarding neural mediators of MS re-
statistically significant differences in ir opioid peptide sponses is still rudimentary. Interpretation of results
levels were seen in other regions analysed. from previous studies is complicated by a large variation
in the experimental protocols used. In the present study,
we have used a protocol established to examine long-
4. Discussion term effects of MS on neurochemistry and behaviour.
The animals are, for instance, subjected to MS the entire
A significant environmental factor during the early period prior to weaning and the pups are separated in
development of mammals is the interaction between the litters to avoid variability due to time period of sepa-
infant and its mother. Ultrasonic calls play an important ration and isolation stress. The pregnant females were
communicative role in mother-offspring interaction shipped during gestation, a factor that may affect the
since they elicit in the dam a prompt response con- outcome of later postnatal separation. However, the
cerning caregiving behaviours (Smotherman et al., results presented herein are comparable with other
1974). Infant rats typically respond to separation from studies using the same protocol. The hypothalamic–
their dams and littermates with ultrasonic calls, as a pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis is clearly affected by short
reaction to decreased body temperature, novel and periods of MS until weaning (neonatal handling), as
stressful environment (Allin and Banks, 1971; Hofer and evidenced by a reduced response to stressors later in life,
Shair, 1978; Noirot, 1972). Rates of ultrasonic calls are whereas in animals exposed to longer periods of MS
an established measure of neonatal anxiety (Carden both hyper- and hypo-responsiveness have been re-
et al., 1991; Hofer, 1996; Hofer and Shair, 1978; Kehoe ported (Lehmann and Feldon, 2000). Except from the
and Blass, 1986; Takahashi, 1994). The development of glucocorticoid system, MS produces alterations in other
rat pup ultrasonic calls displays a characteristic time- neurotransmitter systems, such as the dopamine, c-am-
course that may reflect stages of mental development. inobutyric acid, serotonin, norepinepherine, neuropep-
The calls start around PND 2–3, reach a plateau level tide Y and the nociceptin/orphanin FQ system in
during PND 4–6 and then gradually decrease (Data rodents (Meaney et al., 2002; Newport et al., 2002; Ploj
from a thesis summary by Johansson-Wallsten 1993, et al., 2002). The involvement of the endogenous opioid
published in Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis compre- system in the MS responses has been implicated by a
hensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the number of studies (Bartolome et al., 1991; DÕAmore
Faculty of Medicine). We expected the frequency of calls et al., 1993; Irazusta et al., 1999; Kehoe and Blass, 1986;
to be the same at PND 5 and PND 6, that is the time for Kalinichev et al., 2001; Wang et al., 1996). Opioid
154 K. Ploj et al. / Neuropeptides 37 (2003) 149–156

peptides have been suggested to play a role in develop- in the processes affected by environmental manipula-
ment, and therefore postnatal manipulations may tions early in life, such as MS. Opioid peptide levels were
disturb normal behavioural and physiological develop- also affected in the PAG, which receives projections
ment. Peptides from the opioid peptide family are from the amygdala and, in turn, has reciprocal con-
present in the fetus and generally reach peak levels at the nections with the amygdala (Davis, 1992). The MS360
third postnatal week (McDowell and Kitchen, 1987). rats had higher ir DYNB levels compared to MS15 and
Although both peptides and receptors are present at AFR rats whereas ir DYNB levels in the MS15 rats were
PND 1–21, MS during this period will most probably unaffected compared to AFR rats, in contrast to previ-
interfere with continued development like proliferation ous findings in female rats (Ploj et al., 2001). Compared
of terminals and synaptic contacts. We have shown that to MS360 and AFR rats, MS15 rats also had higher ir
MS induces long-term changes in the opioid system (Ploj DYNB levels in the substantia nigra, a brain region
et al., 1999; Ploj et al., 2001) in areas that regulate the involved in locomotor behaviour and neuronal integra-
activity of the HPA-axis (Calogero et al., 1996; Iyengar tion of motivational processes into behavioural output
et al., 1986; Plotsky, 1986). Male Sprague–Dawley (Angulo and McEwen, 1994). Dynorphins are present in
MS15 rats have higher ir DYN levels in the pituitary a striato-nigral pathway and we have previously re-
gland and the hypothalamus compared to AFR rats ported elevated ir DYNB levels in the striatum, where
(Ploj et al., 1999), whereas these structures are un- dynorphinergic cells are abundant, in MS15 Sprague–
affected by MS15 in female Sprague–Dawley rats (Ploj Dawley male rats, (Ploj et al., 1999) a finding not rep-
et al., 2001). This suggests a gender specific involvement licated in this study using Wistar rats.
of opioids in the HPA-axis response to stress in Spra- Taken together, these results demonstrate that MS15
gue–Dawley rats. The present study shows that MS15 and MS360 induce long-term changes in ir tissue levels
induced similar effects in male Wistar rats in the pitui- of opioid peptides, especially DYNB in the brain and
tary gland and the hypothalamus as in male Sprague– the pituitary gland. Discrepancies were found in certain
Dawley rats. In addition to MS15 rats, MS360 rats had brain areas when comparing with previous results from
elevated DYNB ir levels in the NIL compared to AFR studies on MS15-induced effects on opioid peptides.
rats. Given the known endocrine and behavioural profile This gives further evidence that the outcome of MS is
of short and long periods of MS, although as mentioned dependent on the experimental set-up, gender and rat
above contrary findings have been reported after pro- strain. Of particular interest in this study was the
longed periods of MS, the increased DYNB ir levels in changes in the DYNB system. A dysregulation in this
both MS15 and MS360 rats was unexpected. Long-term system may contribute to differences in emotionality
effects of prolonged periods of MS on DYN peptides between rats after short and long periods of MS and
have to our knowledge not previously been reported and may also affect voluntary drug intake, as described in
further evaluation of the effects of MS on the pituitary previous studies (Nylander et al., 1994; Nylander et al.,
DYNB system are required prior to further speculation. 1995; Ploj, 2002; Roman et al., 2003).
In addition to DYNB, elevated MEAP levels were found
in the hypothalamus in MS15 rats compared to MS360
and AFR rats. Altogether, these results provide further Acknowledgements
evidence that the opioid system may play a role in the
altered HPA-axis responsiveness after MS. The authors thank Professor Bengt J. Meyerson for
There is evidence that MS induces changes not only valuable discussions and guidance in the behavioural
in areas directly related to the HPA-axis, but also in studies.
other areas involved in the co-ordination and integra-
tion of sensory information. The amygdala has been
implicated in a variety of emotional/cognitive functions References
ranging from fear and orienting responses, defensive and
aversive reactions and associative conditioning (Davis, Allin, J.T., Banks, E.M., 1971. Effects of temperature on ultrasound
1992). Alterations in the opioid (Ploj et al., 2001), production by infant albino rats. Dev. Psychobiol. 4, 149–156.
corticotropin-releasing factor (Hunt et al., 2000) and Anand, K.J., Coskun, V., Thrivikraman, K.V., Nemeroff, C.B.,
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periods (180 min) of MS, have been reported. Here we regulation and function in the corpus striatum and nucleus
report that male MS15 Wistar rats, like female Sprague– accumbens. Brain Res. Brain Res. Rev. 19, 1–28.
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in the amygdala, compared to MS360 and AFR rats. responses to stressors? Int. J. Dev. Neurosci. 16, 149–164.
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