Reaction Paper On The Basic Problems in Basic Education

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Apart from health and economic threats, education is one of those severely
impacted as the world faces an unknown enemy today. Personally, One of the problem
in basic education is ‘multimedia’ in education. Because multimedia plays a significant
role in how to continue educating students in the new normal situation. Multimedia is
defined as the combination of text, graphics, animations, sound, and/or video. Learners
will have greater access to their lessons through multimedia, just as they would through
research. In the twenty-first century, a large number of resources are being made
accessible in various media formats, making it easier for them to expand their
knowledge. It also enables students to obtain more control, develop critical thinking
skills, learn new concepts, and articulate themselves creatively. Henceforth, it provides
access to all types of students. Gone were the days of a one-size-fits-all approach to
education, which was inefficient for me as an educator and often detrimental to
students' learning processes. on the other hand, as multimedia is progressively used in
the educational process, we cannot ignore the fact that it has some drawbacks.
First, the Philippines is considered a developing country in terms of its
educational system, but there are still students, particularly in remote areas, who are
unfamiliar with multimedia, and multimedia production requires an electronic device,
which may be relatively expensive. Second, multimedia necessitates electricity to
operate, which may not be available in some rural areas or may not be obtainable on a
consistent basis inadequate supply and blackouts. Third, multimedia may divert
attention away from the lesson due to attention-grabbing formats such as YouTube,
Facebook, and Instagram, but this concern can be resolved with the help of teachers.
Finally, mastery is required. To master multimedia, consistent and long practice is
required, which may demand a substantial amount of time and energy from the user.
This is a problem not only for students, but also for teachers, especially those outdated-
or those at their retiring age. As a twenty-first-century educator, I must admit that
multimedia aids in mitigating the impact of Covid-19 on our educational system.
As the start of another school year approaches, the Department of Education is
looking for a different type of teaching, one that is based on technology and/or
multimedia. There will be a tremendous effort to ensure that children continue to learn,
and multimedia appears to be the answer. We won't know how effective this is until the
crisis is over, but it appears to be a good use of learners' time while keeping them safe.
We only hope that this Pandemic will end to start a full back to normal classes and to
insure quality education to our dear learners. This is one of the factors that basic
education has a problem today. It is very timely since we are in 21st century teaching
and in pandemic that changes our way of getting in touch/ teach with our students.

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