Non Circumvention Non Disclosure Agreement (TERENCE) SG

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, Ltd


This Agreement is entered into onAugust 9, 2022


NAME: ONG WEE KIM, TERENCE PASSPORT NO.: K0495530H, an individual residing in Singapore
(Hereinafter known as “Party A”).


GUANGXI TEJIAO Consulting Co., Ltd REGISTERED NUMBER: 91450107MA5NRJEW7X (Hereinafter

known as “Party B”).


Any other parties hereafter (Hereinafter known as “The Parties”).


Representatives of Party A, Party Band Party Care interested in discussing proposed collaboration and
sharing information on listings or projects that both parties gathered.

A Party and/or its Affiliates (the “Disclosing Party) may disclose information to the other party and/or its
Affiliates (the “Receiving Party”) for use in the Discussion. All or a portion of such information may be of
a confidential and/or proprietary character and include trade secrets and other confidential information
(including without limitation business, technical, personnel and financial information) of the Disclosing
Party (“Confidential Information”). Such Confidential Information is not disclosed to others except under
terms and conditions of confidentiality and restricted use.

In consideration of the disclosure of Confidential Information hereunder, the Parties to this Agreement
agree that the use and disclosure of the Confidential Information shall be governed by the following terms
and conditions:

1. The Receiving Party agrees (a) to hold the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information in
confidence and to take commercially reasonable precautions and steps to protect such
Confidential Information; (b) not to disclose any such Confidential Information to any third
person/ party without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party, other than to the
Receiving Party’s related companies, and its or their respective employees, director(s), officer(s),
shareholder(s), advisor(s) lender(s), accountant(s), and the purpose of the Proposed Transaction
(Collectively, the “Authorized Person(s)”), provided that the Authorized Persons shall be subject
to the confidentiality obligations of this Agreement as if they were the Receiving Party; (c) not to
make any use whatsoever at any time of such Confidential Information except for the sole limited
business purposes of evaluating the Proposed Transaction or evaluating or negotiating the terms
of the Proposed Transaction.

2. The Disclosing Party agrees that clauses (a), (b) and (c) of Section 1 above shall not apply with
respect to any information that (i) is or becomes generally available to the public through no
improper action or inaction by the Receiving Party, or (ii) was properly in the Receiving Party’s
possession or known by its prior to receipt from the Disclosing Party, or (iii) was rightfully
disclosed to the Receiving Party by a third party, or (iv) was independently developed by the
Receiving Party or any Authorized Person, without reliance on the Confidential Information. The
Receiving Party may make disclosure of the Confidential Information if required by law, court
order or professional or regulatory bodies (including any stock exchange) provided that the
Receiving Party (i) notifies the Disclosing Party, as soon as reasonably practicable and to the

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extent permitted by law or the relevant court or professional or regulatory body, so that the
Disclosing Party can try for a protective order at the Disclosing Party’s expense; (ii) uses
reasonable efforts to limit disclosure to the minimum necessary to comply with the law, court
order or requirement; and (iii) has allowed the Disclosing Party to participate (at the Disclosing
Party’s expense) in any proceeding that requires the disclosure to the extent the same is
permitted by law or the relevant court or professional or regulatory body.

3. Upon (a) the decision in writing by both parties not to enter into the Proposed Transaction or (b)
a request in writing by the Disclosing Party at any time (which will be effective upon actual
receipt or five days after being mailed by the registered mail to the Receiving Party’s address
herein, whichever occurs sooner), the Receiving Party will immediately cease all use of, and will
within a reasonable time deliver up all Proprietary Information of the Disclosing Party and all
documents or media containing any such Confidential Information and any and all copies or
extract thereof. Notwithstanding, the foregoing obligation shall not apply to such information,
documents and material (i) which are in electronic form and stored in the computer systems of
the Receiving Party or any Authorized Person, and which are impossible to delete or destroy or
which will require undue effort and/or expense to delete or destroy; (ii) are required to be
maintained by the Receiving Party and/ or any Authorized Person under any applicable laws and
regulations, including those of any stock exchange, governmental and/or regulatory body to
which authority the Receiving Party and/ or such Authorized Person is subject; (iii) which the
Receiving Party or any Authorized Person may retain for its corporate governance or internal
compliance purposes; or (iv) which comprise analyses, compilations, studies and other records
and documents prepared by the Receiving Party or any Authorized Person which contain, is
derived from or otherwise reflect any Confidential Information; provided nevertheless in each
such case that the Receiving Party’s confidentiality obligations under Section 1 of this Agreement
shall continue to apply in respect of all such Confidential Information that is not delivered to the
Disclosing Party hereunder.

4. The Receiving Party understands that nothing herein requires the disclosure of any Confidential
Information of the Disclosing Party which shall be disclosed, if at all, solely at the option of the
Disclosing Party or (ii) requires the Disclosing Party to proceed with the Proposed Transaction
or business relationship in connection with which Confidential Information may be disclosed.

5. The Receiving Party acknowledges and agrees that due to the unique nature of the Disclosing
Party’s Confidential Information, monetary damages alone may not be an adequate remedy at
law for any breach of its obligation hereunder, which breach may potentially result in irreparable
harm to the Disclosing Party, and therefore that upon any such breach, the Disclosing Party shall
be entitled to apply for appropriate equitable relief including the relief of specific performance
and injunctive relief, in addition to whatever remedies it might have at law.

6. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Singapore and subject to the exclusive
jurisdiction of courts in Singapore without having regard to the conflicts of law provisions
thereof, if applicable.

(i) In the event that any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be held by a court or other
tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, such provisions
shall be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that this Agreement
shall otherwise remain in full force and effect.

(ii) No waiver or modification of this Agreement will be binding upon either party unless
made in writing and signed by duly authorized representative of both parties, and no
failure or delay by either party in enforcing any right under this Agreement will be
deemed a waiver of such right.

7. Nothing in this Agreement shall impose any legal obligation on either of the Parties to proceed
with the Proposed Transaction or enter into any business relationship or agreement for

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proceeding with the Proposed Transaction or any other relationship or transaction with the
other party or with any other person.

8. This Agreement supersedes all prior discussions and writing between the parties with respect to
the subject matter thereof, and constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the
subject matter hereof.

9. No party shall assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior
written consent of the other party.

10. A person or entity who is not a party to this Agreement has no right under the Contracts (Rights
of Third Parties) Act (Cap. 53B) to enforce any term of this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything
in this Agreement, the consent of any third party is not required for any variation (including any
release or compromise of liability under) or termination of this Agreement.

11. Non-Circumvention. The Parties agree that in relation to the project being discussed with each
other, the Receiving Party will not, and will cause its directors and employees not to, directly
contact or deal with any owners, buyers, associates, employees, agents or representatives of
entities introduced by Disclosing Party, nor will it contact or deal with any other agents or
representatives who may be working for them (“Owners and Buyers, etc.”) without the prior
written consent of the Disclosing Party, and that lacking such consent, the Receiving Party will
not make any direct approaches, or deal with, or cause or encourage such direct approaches to be
made by its directors and employees, and/ or the Receiving Party shall not enter into direct and/
or indirect offer with each other.

In the event of circumvention by the Receiving Party, whether directly and/ or indirectly, the
Disclosing Party shall be entitled to a legal monetary compensation in accordance with the
following Clause 12.

12. Compensation for Damage. If BIG, and fail to perform its obligations in accordance with this
Agreement (such party the “breaching party) and such failure accrues damage to the other party/
parties, the breaching party shall provide compensation for such damage. However, liabilities of
the Parties under this Agreement shall be limited to direct and actual damage and under no
circumstances shall any Party be liable to the other Party in contract, tort or under any other
legal theory for any direct, consequential, incidental, punitive or special damages.

13. Term. This Agreement is effective as of the date and year first written and shall remain in effect
for a period of two (2) years.

14. Governing Law/ Arbitration. This Agreement and the relationships of the Parties in connection
with the subject matter of this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of Singapore.

Any dispute, controversy, difference or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement,
including the existence, validity, interpretation, performance, breach or termination thereof or
any dispute regarding non-contractual obligations arising out of or relating to it shall be referred
to and finally resolved by arbitration administered by Singapore International Arbitration Centre
(“SIAC”) in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration
Centre (“SIAC Rules”) in force when the notice of arbitration is submitted.

The place of arbitration shall be in Singapore. The language of arbitration shall be English.

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GUANGXI TEJIAO Consulting Co., Ltd

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused their duly authorized representatives to set
their hands the day and year first above-written. By signing this Agreement, all parties understand
and agree to the terms and conditions described above in this Agreement.

Name: Terence Ong

Title: Managing Director
Company : WHITE BOX
Passport No. : K0495530H
Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Signature and Date

Name: Chiagozie George Durueke

Title: Managing Director
Company : Privilege Securities & Investment
National Identity No. 11265416008

August 9, 2022
Signature and Date

Name: Alex Petrovich

Title: Director
Company : Elit Tent
Passport No. 8650168471

August 9, 2022
Signature and Date


Signed today the 18th day of June 2021, by:

MR. Wei GuangHui





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GUANGXI TEJIAO Consulting Co., Ltd


本协议于 2021 年 6 月 18 日签订


姓名 : ONG WEE KIM, TERENCE PASSPORT NO. : K0495530H,居住在新加坡的个人(以下简称





甲方代表,Party Band Party Care 有兴趣讨论拟议的合作并分享双方收集的清单或项目的信息。



1. 接收方同意 (a) 对披露方的机密信息保密,并采取商业上合理的预防措施和步骤来保护此类

机密信息; (b) 未经披露方事先书面同意,不得向任何第三方/第三方披露任何此类机密信息,
像他们是接收方一样; (c) 在任何时候均不得使用此类机密信息,除非仅用于评估拟议交易或

2. 披露方同意,上述第 1 节的 (a)、(b) 和 (c) 条不适用于 (i) 由于以下方面的不当行为或不作

为而普遍为公众所知的任何信息。接收方,或 (ii) 接收方在收到披露方之前已妥善占有或为接
收方所知,或 (iii) 由第三方正确向接收方披露,或 (iv) 是独立开发的由接收方或任何授权人
接收方可以披露机密信息,前提是接收方 (i) 在合理可行的范围内尽快通知披露方在法律或相
关法院或专业或监管机构允许的情况下,披露方可以在披露方的费用下尝试申请保护令; (ii)

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尽合理努力将披露限制在遵守法律、法院命令或要求所需的最低限度; (iii) 允许披露方参与


3. 在 (a) 双方作出不进行拟议交易的书面决定或 (b) 披露方在任何时间提出书面请求(这将在

息的所有文件或媒体及其任何和所有副本或摘录。尽管如此,上述义务不适用于 (i) 以电子形
不当努力和/或费用; (ii) 要求接收方和/或任何被授权人根据任何适用的法律和法规进行维护,
(iii) 接收方或任何被授权人出于公司治理或内部合规目的而可能保留的; (iv) 包含由接收方
任何机密信息;尽管如此,在每个此类情况下,接收方在本协议第 1 条下的保密义务应继续

4. 接收方理解,此处没有任何要求披露披露方的任何机密信息,如果有的话,完全由披露方选
择或 (ii) 要求披露方继续进行建议可能披露机密信息的交易或业务关系。

5. 接收方承认并同意,由于披露方保密信息的独特性,仅凭金钱赔偿可能不足以就任何违反其

6. 本协议受新加坡法律管辖,并受新加坡法院的专属管辖,不考虑其法律规定的冲突(如适

(i) 如果本协议的任何条款被法院或其他有管辖权的法庭认定为非法、无效或不可执行,则应

(ii) 除非以书面形式作出并由双方正式授权代表签署,否则对本协议的任何弃权或修改均不对

7. 本协议中的任何内容均不对任何一方施加任何法律义务,以进行拟议交易或就进行拟议交易

8. 本协议取代双方之前就本协议标的事项进行的所有讨论和书面文件,并构成双方就本协议标

9. 未经另一方事先书面同意,任何一方不得转让或转让本协议项下的任何权利或义务。

10. 非本协议一方的个人或实体无权根据《合同(第三方权利)法》(第 53B 章)执行本协议


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11. 非规避。双方同意,就相互讨论的项目而言,接收方将不会,也将促使其董事和员工不直

在接收方直接和/或间接规避的情况下,披露方有权根据以下第 12 条获得法定货币补偿。

12. 损害赔偿。如果 BIG 未能按照本协议履行其义务(该方为“违约方”),并由此给另一方


13. 期限。本协议自首次签署之日起生效,有效期为两 (2) 年。

14. 适用法律/仲裁。本协议以及双方与本协议标的有关的关系应受新加坡法律管辖并据其解释。

裁规则(“SIAC 规则”)进行仲裁解决。



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