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Uranium The specific gravity of U is 18.95 g/cm3, which makes it the

fourth in line with respect to density after Pt, Au, and
Vincent J. M. Salters W. Uranium is a white silvery metal which is pyrophoric
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and Department of when finely divided. It is malleable, ductile, and slightly
Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Florida State paramagnetic. Its metal has three forms a (ortZorombιw), b
University, Tallahassee, FL, USA (tetragonal), and g (cubic) with transition temperatures of
961 K and 1,049 K.

History and Use

Element Data
Atomic symbol: U
Uranium was first recognized as an unknown element by
Atomic number: 92
Klaproth in 1789, and the metal was first isolated by Peligot
Atomic weight: 238.029
in 1841. Uranium is used for inertial guidance devices, gyro-
Isotopes and abundances: 238U, 99.2745%, 235U
compasses, and ballast for missile reentry vehicles. Depleted
0.7255%, 234U, 223U
uranium (depleted in 235U) is used for shielding for tanks as
1 atm melting point: 1,132  C
well as armor-piercing bullets. Its metal is also used for X-ray
1 atm boiling point: 4,131  C
target to produce high-energy X-rays. Enriched uranium has
Common valences: 4+, 6+
higher than natural abundance of 235U and is used as fuel for
Ionic radii tetravalent U: sixfold, 108 pm; fourfold,
nuclear reactors.
112 pm
Pauling electronegativity: 1.38
First ionization energy: 597.6 kJ/mol
Chondritic (CI) abundance: 8.1 ppb
Silicate Earth abundance: 20.3 ppb
Uranium is an actinide and can be di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, and
Crustal abundance: 1.3 ppm
hexavalent. Its ground-state electronic configuration is [Rn]
Seawater abundance: 3.2 ppb
5f36d17s2. In nature, the two common valence states are
Core abundance: ~0
tetravalent under reducing and hexavalent under oxidizing
conditions as in the oceans. In its tetravalent state, it behaves
much like Th and is particle reactive and insoluble in water.
Properties Under oxidizing conditions, it is soluble in water resulting in
relatively high concentrations in surface and ocean waters. In
The element is named after the planet Uranus. Its symbol is U, solution, the dominant form of U is the uranyl ion, UO22+, but
its atomic number is 92, and its atomic weight is 238.0289. Its U is also complexed by F , OH , SO42 , NO3 , and carbox-
melting point is 1,408 K and its boiling point is 4,404 K and is ylates. In most minerals, it is tetravalent with an ionic radius
considered a refractory lithophile element, with a 50% nebu- 8.9 nm in sixfold coordination and 10 nm in eightfold
lar condensation temperature of 1,010 K (Lodders, 2003). coordination.

# Springer International Publishing AG 2016

W.M. White (ed.), Encyclopedia of Geochemistry,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39193-9_280-1
2 Uranium

Concentrations of U in bulk samples are generally low, in the penetration of seawater to deeper levels, reduction of U
the ppm to ppb range, and are mostly measured by inductively (VI), and addition of U to the crust (Andersen et al., 2015).
coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) or by isotope Absorption of U to Fe-Mn hydroxides also results in an
dilution. Its first ionization potential is relatively high, 6.3 eV, isotope fractionation whereby the absorbed fraction is lighter
making it more difficult to analyze by flame photometry. (Weyer et al., 2008). The absorption, as observed with Mn
Before the era of ICP-MS, U concentrations were analyzed nodules, is not associated with a change in valence state
by neutron activation or by XRF. 234U abundance (activity) is (Brennecka et al., 2011), and kinetic fractionation is expected
also measured by alpha counting or by thermal ionization and consistent with the sense of the observed mass
mass spectrometry (Chen et al., 1992). fractionation.

Isotopes and Applications Ores and Distribution in Rocks

Natural occurring uranium isotopes are 238U (99.2745%), Uranium is a trace element in all rocks and is mostly present in
U (0.720%), and 234U (0.0055%). The present-day tetravalent state. Due to its large ionic radius and high charge,
238 235
U/ U isotope abundance ratio is 137.88; at secular equi- uranium is not easily incorporated in crystal structures of
librium, the 238U/234U isotope abundance ratio is 18236. All common rock-forming minerals. Therefore, during melting,
three natural occurring isotopes are unstable and have half- uranium enters the melt very early, and mineral melt partition
lives of 245,250  490 years (234U), 0.70381  0.00096 G coefficient is typically less than 10 3. U is a large ion
years (235U), and 4.468  0.0048 G years (238U). The stable lithophile element as well as a high field strength element. It
daughter isotope in the 238U-series is 206Pb; during this decay enters the melt easily and during crystallization is concen-
scheme, eight alpha particles are released. The 235U decay trated in the residual melt and is incorporated in late-stage
series ends at 207Pb and seven alpha particles are released. At crystallizing trace phases like zircon, apatite, xenotime, or
the start of the solar system, the 238U/235U was 3.3. Any sphene. The tendency for U to substitute in zircon makes it
significant variations in 206Pb/207Pb have to be produced the premier geochronometer because, as well as being U-rich,
early in Earth’s history as for the last 2Ga 207Pb/204Pb has it typically contains little or no Ph initially, it is a common
changed little due to the now low abundance of 235U. accessory mineral in many rocks, and it extremely chemically
Except for at the Oklo nuclear reactor (Bros et al., 1993), and mechanically stabile. Although there are significant
the present-day 235U/238U was long thought to be constant. uncertainties, approximately 16% of the Earth’s U is seques-
Natural fractionation of uranium isotopes was first exploited tered in the continental crust, which comprises only 0.2% of
by Stirling et al. (2007) and Weyer et al. (2008). Isotopic Earth’s mass.
compositions are reported as d238U, which is the relative Uranium concentrations in igneous rocks are low in most
deviation, reported in per mil, of the 238U/235U of the sample mafic and ultramafic rocks, but have higher concentrations in
compared to that of a standard. For most analyses, samples are alkaline and silica-undersaturated magmas, but can be as high
spiked with 233U–236U for mass bias correction. The natural as 50 ppm in carbonatites and up to 100 ppm in syenites.
variation in d238U is approximately 3 ‰. These natural var- Marine phosphorites are the highest in U concentration
iations occur through low-temperature processes, and the (100 ppm) of sedimentary rocks. High silica granites can
largest differences are between oxidizing and reducing envi- have 10–20 ppm of U. In most other natural materials, the
ronments. Black shales are approximately 0.4 ‰ heavier than concentration of uranium is low. For example, mid-ocean
seawater. These fractionations are thought to be related to ridge basalts have U concentrations generally below 1 ppm.
volume-dependent equilibrium fractionation where U in sea- Concentrations of U in ultramafic rocks are very low, often
water is reduced and the 238U is preferentially concentrated in less than 10 ppb. It is, however, unclear where the U resides.
the reduced U(IV) and concentrates in the sediment. During The sum of the uranium content of the individual mineral
microbial reduction, the heavy isotope is also concentrated in phases is often less than the bulk rock content, indicating U is
the reduced fraction (Bopp et al., 2010). The magnitude and probably residing along grain boundaries or in fluid
direction of the fractionation is consistent with theoretical inclusions.
prediction of the fractionations being related to differences Uranium ores can be formed under a wide variety of
in nuclear volume (Schauble, 2007). Kinetic isotope fraction- conditions with uraninite (UO2) or pitchblende as the main
ations would predict enrichments in the light isotope in the mineral. Ores can be formed by concentration in late-stage
reduced phase, which is opposite to the observations. Except melts or in sedimentary rocks by being transported by fluids
for near the basalt-seawater interface, altered oceanic crust and precipitated at a reaction front due to more reducing
also shows heavy isotope enrichment which is attributed to conditions resulting in UO2 precipitation.
Uranium 3

Uranium together with Th and K are presently the three while altered oceanic crust d238U is 0.17 ‰ with
elements responsible for almost all the radiogenic heat pro- Th/U = 0.44. This is explained as preferential loss of light,
duction in the Earth, therefore knowing its concentration in mostly sediment-derived U, to the island arc while at greater
the mantle because the heat production in the mantle contrib- depth heavier U from the altered oceanic crust which also has
utes to convection, plate motion, and magmatism. A novel low Th/U. Although there is much evidence for sediment and
and expensive way to measure U concentration in the Earth is oceanic crust recycling in OIB sources, it is argued these
with the placement of giant liquid scintillators-based detec- sources are established before the oceans were oxygenated
tors deep in the crust to measure geoneutrinos (McDonough and therefore do not have fractionated 235U/238U (Andersen
and Šrámek, 2014), but this will ultimately provide a better et al., 2015).
estimate of the U content of Earth.

Low-Temperature Geochemistry
High-Temperature Geochemistry
Under oxygenated conditions, U is hexavalent and is rela-
In subduction zones, U is mobilized by dehydration of the tively soluble in concentrations in freshwater and in the
slab and enriches the overlying mantle wedge with U. This oceans is relatively high. Seawater has over 3 ppb of
conclusion is supported by the low Th/U ratios and U which is high compared to elements with similar behavior
Th/238U showing U excesses in island arc magmas in magmatic systems. Groundwaters have high 234U as
(Turner et al., 2003). Mass balance calculations and the var- b-decay of 238U results in recoil of the daughter product
iations in U/Th ratios indicate that the addition of slab com- Th in the groundwater which subsequently decays with a
ponents is a two-step process: first bulk addition of sediment 24.1 day half-life through 234Pa to 234U. This results in an
or sediment melt with unfractionated U/Th followed by a fluid excess of 234U. The exact amount of excess is dependent on
addition from the altered oceanic crust more enriched in the nature of the aquifer, the degree of interaction between the
U than Th resulting in U excesses in the magmas (Turner dissolved fraction and the aquifer matrix, as well as the
et al., 2003). colloidal fraction (Porcelli and Swarzenski, 2003). 234U
During melting, U concentrates in the melt phase together excesses in the oceans are about 15% (Chen et al., 1986).
with other highly incompatible elements. The Nb/U is con- Rivers can have larger excesses, and the excess 234U in
stant in mid-ocean ridge basalts over a wide range of concen- groundwaters can be extreme with (234U/238U) up to
trations indication that their behavior is very similar during 11 (Porcelli and Swarzenski, 2003). In groundwater, the
melting of a peridotite and subsequent crystallization at lower 234
U excesses have been useful in tracing flow through sub-
pressures. Its behavior under these conditions is also very surface conduits. In marine sediment, the 234U/238U is often
similar to Th. One of the major shallow mantle minerals measured as a check on the age disequilibria involving
able to fractionate U from Th is garnet in which DTh<DU. shorter-lived U-series radionuclides. 234U has the longest
The cycling of Th and U in the Earth through time is half-life of the daughter isotopes in the U-series decay
constrained by the Pb isotope variations of the different scheme, and thus if the disequilibrium dates the time at
Earth reservoirs. An example is that Th/U of the upper mantle which it is separated from seawater, then the 234U should
is lower that what is expected based its Pb-isotopic composi- still be present.
tion measured in mid-ocean ridge basalts (Elliott et al., 1999).
It has been argued that a change in behavior of U is the cause
of this in that the early Earth had an anoxic atmosphere and Biological Utilization and Toxicity
U behaved very much like Th. With the increase in oxygen of
the atmosphere, U behavior on the Earth’s surface changed, In the subsurface, a large variety of bacteria, dissimilatory
and presently U is preferentially lost over Th from the slab, metal-reducing and sulfur-reducing bacteria, have the ability
while in the early Earth when the ocean was anoxic, U in the to reduce hexavalent uranium. These uranium reducers seem
altered subducted slab was tetravalent. Thus, on the early to have in common that they thrive in anaerobic conditions
Earth, there was no low Th/U flux in to the upper mantle, where the redox potential is low enough for the reduction of U
like there is nowadays. The recent discovery of U isotope (VI) to take place (Wall and Krumholz, 2006). The bacterial
fractionation, including on the ocean floor (Stirling et al., reduction to U(IV) renders U immobile, and stimulating bac-
2007; Weyer et al., 2008), provides a tracer for U that has teria in the subsurface to immobilize U have been
been in an oxygenated environment and allows for testing the experimented with (Anderson et al., 2003) and have shown
U/Th cycle (Andersen et al., 2015). Present-day MORB are to be effective in bioremediation by containing
heavy in d238U ( 0.268  0.005 ‰) versus ocean island U contamination in the subsurface.
basalts ( 0.308  0.005 ‰) and island arcs (~ 0.4 ‰),
4 Uranium

Uranium is toxic at intake levels of 20–40 mg and can References

result in kidney damage and failure. Radiological toxicity is
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Cross-References librium: Applications to Earth, Marine and Environmental Sciences.
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▶ Earth’s Continental Crust
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▶ Geochronology and Radiogenic Isotopes atures of the elements. The Astrophysical Journal, 591, 1220–1247.
▶ Geoneutrinos McDonough, W. F., and Šrámek, O., 2014. Neutrino geoscience, news in
▶ Heat Producing Elements brief. Environment and Earth Science, 71, 3787–3791.
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▶ Incompatible Elements
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▶ Oklo Nuclear Reactor Vol. 52, pp. 317–361.
Schauble, E. A., 2007. Role of nuclear volume driving equilibrium stable
▶ Solubility
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▶ Thorium Stirling, C. H., Andersen, M. B., Potter, E.-K., and Halliday, A. N., 2007.
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▶ Uranium Decay Series
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