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Week 1

After our previous learning experiences with Radha sir in the 1st semester, we were very
excited about this class for a very long time. His classes gave us a break from our regular
academic curriculum and allowed us to know ourselves and our classmates in a better way (
which is very difficult nowadays, due to the online mode of learning). As in the online mode of
learning we couldn’t interact with each other,beyond the academic needs. We were divided into
several groups and asked to discuss the following questions amongst ourselves.
● Who is a creative person?
● What are the characteristics of a creative person?
● Our experiences during the past 6 months
At the end of the discussion, our leaders were asked to comprehend and present our
discussions before the entire class. As it was a chance to discuss things which we usually do
not bring in our conversation It was like a surprise and amusement to know about the other
people. Usually we only see a persons profile on Instagram or facebook and feel that they are
very happy in life,with all their photos in a happy mode. But after talking to them I got to realise
that,no I was wrong. There was problems in everyone’s life and they were all similar to me! This
gave me a sense of relief and Inspired me to open up and discuss my experiences and
problems with them. Finally we were able to come up with various points

such as sitting down the whole time is irritating, boring,we miss the clg life and the perks which come
with it.,we miss the surveys and the idea of learning together, through field work and by helping each
other,LACK OF PRIVACY, Not able to concentrate on other activities.were our frustrations during the six

the idea of doing a work with some out of the box idea,better utilization of recourse to achieve the same
goal,being able to express ur thoughts.,cracking*jokes without offending the other ppl and being able to
convince ppl were some of our idea of creativity.

For the question that how a creative person looks we came to the conclusion that ,he looks towards
things more closely,observation skills are good, good visualization he also has Curiosity, determination
and are more logical in their approach.

In the second half, we were given a questionnaire to be filled by us that would determine our
creativity levels and the reasons that were preventing us from exploring our creative side.
That was a very interesting questionnaire as it made me learn many new things about myself
and my classmates.

The questions were about how we do things in our daily liife,how we perform tasks and our
priorities towards them. And finally we had to rank ourselves in a 1 to 4 scale. This
questionnaire had around 40 questions and made us reflect about our life. It revealed my fears
and my strength and how creative I could be. Though in the final scale I ranked around 58 out of
100 which was near to 60 and which meant that I am not as creative as it is required to be. But
this revelation itself was enough to start working on it. Improve my self and finally reach that tag
of a creative person.We were grateful that we came to know about our creative
capacities before the beginning of our careers. This will enable us to work upon them and reach
a minimal stage where we are free from our creative restrictions. I believe that it will be
extremely beneficial for our careers as planners.

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