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 Come here.
 Open your book.
 Wipe the whiteboard.
 Hand in your book submit your work.
 Stand up.
 Listen to me.


 Don’t close the door.

 Don’t make noise.
 Don’t shout.
 Don’t play truant.
 Don’t step on the grass.
 Don’t joke around.
 Don’t open the window.

Responding to Intrucstions/Commands and Prohibitions


 Okay.
 All right.
 Sure.
 No problem.
 Of course, I will.


 I’m afraid I can’t.

 I’m sorry, but I can’t.

B. Contoh Latihan

Dialog giving instructions and prohibitions

Bold which sentences express intructions and prohibitions!

Geri : Mum, it’s the first snow. I want to go outside and play.

Mrs. Mukti : Okay. Put on your jacket. It must be really cold. And put on your boots so
your toes won’t freeze.

Geri : Mum, it’s freezing. I can’t feel my hands.

Mrs. Mukti : Get the gloves out of the closet. Don’t forget your earmuffs and scarf.

Geri : Can I play and build a snowman?

Mrs. Mukti : Okay, but don’t be too long. We don’t want you to catch a cold.

Geri : Okay. It won’t take long.

Kalimat yang ditebalkan pada percakapan diatas, kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat ekspresi
instructions dan prohibitions.


Put on your jacket. (Pakai Jaketmu)

Put in your boots. (Pakai sepatu bootmu)


Don’t be too long. (Jangan terlalu lama)

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