Bab 6

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Expression of Inviting Someone (Ungkapan Mengundang atau Mengajak Seseorang)

 Would you like to go to…?

 Would you like to watch a movie with me?
 Would you come to…?
 Might you want to go to the beach with us?
 What about going to the zoo today?
 Do you like to come to…?
 Could you come to…?
 I’d be very happy if you would like to come to …
 I am sure you will not be disappointed if you come to …

Expression of Accepting the Invitation (Ungkapan Menerima Ajakan atau Undangan)

 Sure. I’d love to.

 Yes, surely.
 Yes, certainly.
 Yes, I obviously will come.
 Alright, I will come.
 I might want to …
 I cannot / can’t say no.
 I’d like to come. Thanks.
 Thank you for inviting me. I would love to.
 That would be very nice.

Expression of Refusing the Invitation (Ungkapan Menolak Ajakan atau Undangan)

 I am sorry. I could not come.

 I cannot come.
 I’d love to, but…
 I don’t think I can. I am so sorry.
 Unfortunately, I can’t.
 I’d like to, but…
 Thanks for the invitation, but…
 Thank you, but unfortunately I can’t.
 I can’t make it. I am so sorry.

Conversation 1 – Informal

Ali : “What are you doing on Friday night?”

Bila : “Nothing special. Why?”

Ali : “Do you wanna see a movie?”

Bila : “Sure! What time?”

Ali : “Can I pick you up around 7?”

Bila : “Sounds good.”

Conversation 2 – Informal

Ali : “Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?”

Bila : “I can’t. I have to study.”

Ali : “OK, then how about getting together for coffee tomorrow afternoon?”

Bila : “Sorry. I have other plans.”

Conversation 3 – Formal

Ali : “Are you free next Saturday?”

Bila : “I believe so.”

Ali : “We were wondering if you’d like to go to a baseball game with us. We have an extra


Bila : “I’d love to!”

B. Contoh Latihan

 Invite your friend to :

1. A birthday party.
2. Study at your house.
3. Play football after school.
 Ask your parents’ permission to :
1. Stay up late.
2. Invite a friend to stay for dinner.

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