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Muscular &

Nervous tissues

Dr: Asmaa
Abd Ealfattah
Types of muscular tissues
Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal muscle consists of parallel skeletal muscle fibres
arranged in bundles and supported by C.T. proper.
This connective tissue is organized into:
1. Epimysium: (epi = upon)
connective tissue that surrounds the whole muscle.
2.Perimysium: (peri = around, mysium = muscle)
connective tissue that surrounds a bundle of skeletal
muscle fibres.
3.Endomysium: A layer of reticular connective tissue
surrounds each muscle fiber.
Skeletal muscle (TS) or (CS)
Skeletal Muscle Fibers
The skeletal muscle fiber is elongated cell. cylindrical in
shape, multinucleated cells with very obvious striations.
Cardiac muscle fiber
Each cardiac muscle fiber are Cylindrical Branching
Mononucleated separate Cells joined end to end by
intercalated discs to form a chain.
Smooth Muscle Fibers
Non branched, Mononucleated, Spindle, Non striated.
The nervous tissue is basically made up of nerve cells
(Neurons) as well as their supporting tissue (Neuroglia.)
The neuron (The nerve cell)
The structural and functional unit of the nervous tissue.
It is composed of cell body (Perikaryon) from which
processes arise.
The processes: Often MANY dendrites & ONE Axon
Classification (Types) of Neurons
A. According to the number of processes & shape:
.1 Unipolar: has a rounded cell body from which a
single process arises.
-2Bipolar: has a fusiform or spindle-shape cell body
from which two processes arise one from each pole.
.3Multipolar: has different shapes, from each cell body
one axon and many processes arise.
a. Pyramidal neurons:
Their cell body is triangular in shape.
b. Pyriform:
Their cell body is flask-shaped.
c. Stellate:
Their cell body is star-shaped.
Types of neurons according to the number of processes
Structure of nerve trunk
1. The nerve trunk is formed of bundles of peripheral
nerve fibers (myelinated with neurolemma.)
2. The individual nerve fibers are connected together by
loose connective tissue called Endoneurium.
3. Each bundle is surrounded by dense connective tissue
called Perineurium.
4. The whole nerve trunk is covered by connective tissue
called Epineurium.
A nerve ganglion is a collection of nerve cells
in the course of nerve fibers of a nerve trunk
surrounded by a connective tissue capsule.
The nerve ganglia are of two types:
1. Dorsal root (Spinal) ganglia.
.Autonomic (Sympathetic) ganglia .2
Spinal and sympathetic ganglia
Spinal Ganglion Sympathetic Ganglion
The nerve 1.They are unipolar nerve cells .1They are Multipolar Stellate
cells so they appear rounded in shape. shaped cells.
2. The cells are of variable sizes 3. The cells are uniform in size,
20(µm – 120 µm.) 25(µm.)
3. They are few in number. 4. They are large in number.
4.They are arranged in groups 5.They are scattered all over the
separated by bundles of nerve ganglion (Not in groups.)
5.Each cell is surrounded by a 6.Each cell is surrounded by a
good number of satellite cells. few number of satellite cells.

The nerve Thick well myelinated fibers. Thin and non-myelinated.

Spinal ganglion

Symathetic ganglion

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