Physics 4 Review: Topic 1 Further Mechanics

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Physics 4 review

Topic 1 Further mechanics


Momentum: P  mv

Impulse: F t  mv f  mvi

Kinetic Energy: Ek 


 Momentum

Principle of conservation of momentum: No external force so momentum of system is


 Kinetic Energy
 Elastic collision is a collision in which there is not net loss of kinetic energy;
 Inelastic collision is a collision in which the kinetic energy is not conserved.

Momentum & Energy:

 Conservation of momentum does apply.

 A and B experience equal and opposite forces
 A and B experience equal changes in momentum (in opposite directions)
 (total) energy is conserved
 Kinetic energy of the system increase, decrease or conserved.
 Kinetic energy is transferred to sound / heat / KE of external systems. Or Chemical
energy is transferred to KE.

1.2 Circular motion:

Centripetal acceleration: ac    2r ,

v2 2
Centripetal force: Fc  m  m 2r 
r T

Cause velocity/direction changing; Force towards centre of circle

Topic 2 Electric and magnetic fields
2.1 Electric field

Electric field strength (E): the force experienced by a charge of 1 coulomb placed in that field.
E = F /Q

Uniform fields and radial fields: graph: equal spaced/ direction

Coulomb’s law: F 

2.2 Capacitor

Capacitance: C=Q/V; Each plate: +Q/ -Q

1 1 Q2
Energy stored in capacitor: W  QV  CV 2 
2 2 2C

Work done by the power supply: W=QV

Charging and discharging capacitors

t t t
  
I  I 0e RC
V  V0e RC
Q  Q0e RC
 Discharging:
t t t
  
I  I 0e RC
V  V0  V0e RC
Q  Q0  Q0e RC
 Charging:

Opposite charges on each plates; flow rate changes with time

 Time constant   RC , T=1/f >3~5τ, charging or discharging completed.

 Before Charging, V=0, similar as shorted; Fully Charged, V=emf.

Describe and explain the shape of the graph.

 Exponential decay
 Current decreases by equal fractions in equal time intervals

How to find the time constant from the graph?

 Indicates that t at 37% of initial V0

 read time off graph

3.3 Electromagnetic effects

Magnetic flux (Φ): The ‘amount’ of magnetic filed within a loop or coil, unit Weber

Flux linkage = NΦ = NBA (Unit: Wb-turns).

Magnetic force: a wire with a current passing through it / a moving charge will experience a
force when placed in a magnetic field.

Magnitude: F=BILsinθ or F=Bqvsinθ, Direction: Fleming’s left hand rule.

Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction: The magnitude of an induced e.m.f is

proportional to the rate of change of flux linkage.

Lenz’s law of electromagnetic induction: The direction of an induced e.m.f is such as to

oppose the change creating it.

The (induced) current in the coil produces a magnetic field to oppose motion.
So there is a force on the magnet in the opposite direction to its motion.

N 
 

How the emf / current is induced?

The magnets/ electric wires cause a magnetic field, so there is a magnetic flux linkage in
the coil. … cause …, hence the magnetic flux linkage changes. According to Faraday’s
law of electromagnetic induction, an e.m.f would be induced. There is a complete/closed
circuit (so there is a current in the coil)

How to get larger emf?

 Increase frequency (of current)

 Increase (magnitude of) current
 Add more turns (to either coil)

 Moving the coil faster
 Stronger magnet
 Iron core within coil

Topic 3 Particle Physics

3.1 Probing matter

Rutherford’s alpha particle scattering experiment

Alpha particle: He nuclear, mass=4u; charge=+2e

Conclusion 1 The atom is mostly empty space.

Observation - most of the alpha particles were undeflected
Most did not get near enough to any matter to be affected

Conclusion 2 The atom contains a small region of highly concentrated charge.

Observation - a few particles were deflected (by small angles)
Only a few particles came close enough to charge to be affected

Conclusion 3 Most of the mass of the atom is concentrated in a very small space relative to the
size of the atom
Observation - a very small proportion of alpha particles were deflected through more than 90°
The nucleus must have mass much greater than the alpha particle mass in order to cause this

Tips for this experiment:

[1] Why it is necessary to remove air from the apparatus?

To prevent collisions of the alpha particles with the air molecules.

[2] Can we put the source out of the container?

No, we cannot, because the alpha particles would be absorbed by the wall of the

[3] why the alpha source was placed in a lead box with a single small hole

To ensure a single path for the alpha particles

(because) alpha particles are absorbed by lead

Electron probe

Produce Electron: thermionic emission/ Photoelectric effect

Relation between de Broglie wavelength and momentum

  h / p  h / (mv )  h / 2mE K

Diffraction: wavelength is similar to the size of …

3.2 Particle accelerator

(1) The main features of a Linear accelerator

 The charged particles are accelerated in the gaps between a series of tubes;
 The supply voltage is alternating with high frequency (3000MHz, for example); p.d.
switches at constant time interval
 The length of tubes increases because the speed of the accelerated particles increases. so
particles are in tubes for the same time

(2) Accelerating particles in circles

Math formula for circular motion of charged particles in magnetic field

 Force on a charged particle moving across a magnetic field: F = Bqv

 Centripetal force: r=mv/Bq;
 Frequency: T=2πm/Bq , not affected by the velocity (or radius);

The cyclotron (Frequency is a constant)

[1] The role of magnetic and electric fields with a cyclotron:

 Role of magnetic field: The magnetic field exerts a force on charged particles at right
angle to the motion. This force acts as the centripetal force and causes a circular motion.
Radius of circle increases as particles get faster
 Role of electric field: Electric field provides a force on the charged particle and gives
energy to accelerate the particles as they pass through the gap between two Dees.
 Why alternative p.d. : Charged particles are accelerated each time as they pass the gap, so
the polarity of Dees need a change after every half cycle.

Particle detector

Ionization: Electron(s) have been removed from a particle.

Direction of the motion:

 The radius of curve gets less Or curvature increases
 (Because) particle slows down Or loses energy Or loses momentum

Direction of current: Fleming’s left hand rule

If direction of the motion is the same as the direction of the current, charge is positive, otherwise
it is negative.

Decay: At X point, n particles are produced

 Charge conservation

Observation: only charged particles give tracks/ uncharged/neutral particles cannot be seen

Charged particle has same charge as incident particle to conserve charge

 Momentum conserve

Observation: change of direction of the visible path

Another particle must have an equal but opposite change of momentum

Particles have equal/ larger (magnitude of) momenta since their (radius of) curvature is the
same / larger.

3.3 Particle interaction

Baryon: Hadron make from three quarks bound together (charge is integer).

Meson: Hadron make from a quark and an antiquark bound together (charge is integer).

Hadron: Groups of quarks held together by strong nuclear force.

Antiparticle: Antiparticles have the same mass and opposite charge as their corresponding

Annihilation: A reaction between a particle and its antiparticle in which the particles
turn into electromagnetic radiation (energy).

Nucleon; atomic number; mass number

Einstein’s equation and Units:

E=mC2 1MeV / c2 =1.78×10−30 kg

What is meant by ‘relativistic’ in the collider’s name?
The particles are moving close to the speed of light.

State why it is necessary to use very high energies in experiments such as these?
To allow (large) repulsive forces to be overcome Or To break the particles

Typical baryons, mesons and some important numbers

[1] Baryon: proton, neutron, lambda; Meson: pion and kaon;
[2] Charge for Quark: up (+2/3), down (-1/3), strange (-1/3);
[3] Baryon number: +1/3 for each quark, and -1/3 for each antiquark;
[4] Lepton number: +1 for each lepton and -1 for each antilepton.

Laws of conservation in nuclear reaction

[1] Mass/Energy is conserved;
[2] Momentum is conserved;
[3] Charge is conserved;
[4] Strangeness is conserved.
[5] Baryon number is conserved;
[6] Lepton number is conserved.

Describe experimental conditions that make a data logger most suitable for collecting

More accurate
 Many readings in a short time interval
(Very) low uncertainty in time measurements
 Synchronous readings
Readings displayed graphically/ Plots graph automatically
Eliminates effect of reaction time


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