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Verbal Ability

Sample Paper
with Answers

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Verbal Ability- Set 1- Questions

Answer the questions based on the passage below.

“We are living amidst terror, hatred, violence, and therefore in fear. There are people who thrive on
those, hatred and fear. They have nothing else to them. How did this happen? When, why? I must say to
you in all honesty that the style of our politics has created this and politicians and political parties must
take the responsibility for this.

I do not intend to explain anything which our Parliament might have done or not done, either. We set it
up with great longings, wishes and a sense of self-respect. But when I see the way Parliament functions
or, perhaps I should say, the way it does not function, it fills me with shame. Parliament is accountable
before it is ‘Honorable’. It is obsessed by its honor when it should be absorbed in its duties.

And everywhere, money is King. Not the voter, not the Constitution, but money. When something or
someone is King, what becomes of the Republic? From the roadside vendor who has to pay a regular
payment in some hundreds of rupees to the giant Corporate that bribes its way to contracts with so
many zeroes that I cannot count, we are now become a Republic of Cash.

We have become a soulless people, a people without self-confidence, without morale. A nation that
does not have any ideals cannot survive. So, is there no hope? Is it all finished? Most certainly not. I
spoke of the petty machinations of Aurangzeb, of the loot by Nadir Shah. We have modern versions of
those amid us. But we also have, amongst us, great souls inspired by Dara Shikoh and Bahadur Shah. If
we have men of the kind who killed our Bapu, we also have great and brave soldiers of a united India
such as Netaji Subhas Bose would have been proud of."

1. What is the main theme of the passage above?

A. Lack of civility in politics

B. Hopelessness in politics
C. A general state of fear
D. Money is power

2. What is a synonym of machination?

A. Machine-like
B. Mechanism
C. Politics
D. Plotting

3. Obsession with honor may lead to lack of?

A. Action
B. Accountability
C. Hope
D. Money

4. What is the root cause behind the country becoming a ‘Republic of Cash’?
A. Poverty
B. Hatred
C. Cynicism
D. Lack of Ethics

5. A nation cannot survive without?

A. Money
B. Power
C. Energy
D. Idealism

Verbal Ability- Set 1- Answers

Question 1: D. Money is power

Question 2: D. Plotting
Question 3: B. Accountability
Question 4: D. Lack of Ethics
Question 5: D. Idealism

Verbal Ability- Set 2- Questions

1. The leader must have the lion's share of the booty. (Choose the exact meaning of the Idiom/Phrase).

A. the worthy part

B. the smaller part
C. the larger part
D. the stronger part

2. A person who is bad in spelling. (Out of the given alternatives, choose the one which can be
substituted for the words or sentence).

A. pedant
B. cacographist
C. linguist
D. calligraphist

3. You have been provided with the first part of a sentence. The remaining sentence is broken into four
parts labeled (P), (Q), (R) and (S). You are required to arrange these parts so as to form a meaningful
grammatical sentence. Choose the correct combination from the options given below.

In the modern times (first part of the sentence)

(P) Certainly
(Q) Hijackings are
(R) Experienced by the air personnel
(S) the most cruel form of horror

4. SEDATIVE: SLEEP:: (Verbal Analogies)

A. challenging: knowledge
B. mnemonic: memory
C. dramatic: story
D. vocal: eloquence

5. IMPREGNATE (Give the Synonym of):

A. Conceal
B. Suffer
C. Affect
D. Conclude

Verbal Ability- Set 2- Answers

Question 1: C. the larger part

Question 2: B. cacographist
Question 3: B. QPSR
Question 4: B. mnemonic: memory
Question 5: C. Affect

Verbal Ability- Set 3- Questions

Answer the questions based on the passage below.

"And so while I am a disappointed man, as disappointed as you, not just in our politics and in our
administration but in the reshe, tar and sut, the very fiber of our nationhood, I also know that the so-
called ordinary people of India have an extraordinary core of values in them, plain human values that
make them help each other in distress and in dejection. The number of courageous Indians who,
unfazed by the wrongdoings of so many, continue to fight for justice, for honesty, for service, is amazing.
With their help, we must reinvent ourselves. We have to go back to where we started, to the roots of
our ideals, our dreams. That good man, Kamaraj from Madras, you will remember, gave us a plan that
we called the Kamaraj Plan. Ministers resigned office in large numbers to go back to the people, to
where they came from. That gave us, then, a sense of idealism, of sacrifice and service for India's
greatness. I will say no more except this that India needs to be governed by men and women, even if
they be from outside of Parliament, outside of politics, honest people, idealists, not self-seekers
disguised as pragmatists, patriots who are motivated not by power and money but by the ideals of
justice and fair-dealing, giving the nation a leadership that can look us - you and me - in the eye. As I
leave you, I have a request: You have shown me love as you have shown perhaps to no one. But please
do not iconize me, do not idolize me, do not make a cult of me. All cults are wrong, personality cults
more than all others. Disagree with me, show me where I err, correct me. I would prefer that you do
that than that you follow me unthinkingly. Oxen and sheep do that, not descendants of Asoka and
Rajendra Chola, Akbar and Shivaji."

1. What is a synonym of pragmatism?

A. Idealism
B. Materialism
C. Cynicism
D. A Practical Approach

2. Why personality cults are wrong?

A. They are divisive

B. They are corrupt
C. They make citizens ignorant
D. They encourage idolizing

3. Human values make ordinary people

A. Honest
B. Self-confident
C. Passionate
D. Compassionate

4. 'Oxen and sheep' in the passage represent

A. ordinary people
B. unthinking followers
C. hopeless people
D. ignorant people

5. Who would help us reinvent ourselves?

A. Leaders of the past

B. ordinary Indian citizens
C. politicians
D. Kamaraj

Verbal Ability- Set 3- Answers

Question 1: D. A Practical Approach

Question 2: D. They encourage idolizing
Question 3: D. Compassionate
Question 4: B. unthinking followers
Question 5: B. ordinary Indian citizens
Verbal Ability- Set 4- Questions

1. Flesh and blood can bear it no longer. (Choose the exact meaning of the Idiom/Phrase).

A. in life
B. at the top speed
C. warning
D. human nature

2. A person who is pure and clean. (Out of the given alternatives, choose the one which can be
substituted for the words or sentence).

A. Tidy
B. Neat
C. Immaculate
D. Irrevocable

3. You have been provided with the first part of a sentence. The remaining sentence is broken into four
parts labeled (P), (Q), (R) and (S). You are required to arrange these parts so as to form a meaningful
grammatical sentence. Choose the correct combination from the options given below.

People (first part of the sentence)

(P) At his dispensary
(Q) Went to him
(R) Of all professions
(S) For medicine and treatment


4. BACTERIA: DECOMPOSITON :: (Verbal Analogies)

A. volcano: eruption
B. antibiotic: injection
C. yeast: fermentation
D. oxygen: treatment

5. EXUDE (Give the Synonym of):

A. Ooze
B. Wither
C. Overflow
D. Evaporate

Verbal Ability- Set 4- Answers

Question 1: D. human nature
Question 2: C. Immaculate
Question 3: A. RQSP
Question 4: C. yeast: fermentation
Question 5: A. Ooze

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