Roadma P: The Mysteries of The Rosary

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ROADMA The Mysteries of the Rosary

1. Joyful mystery
- The most joyful event that
happened in my life was to be born
2. Luminous Mystery
- It was a day of Christmas that time when I was in junior
high school. My family and I thought of a plan of giving the
street children and their families a present and a meal to
here on earth experiencing life
celebrate the Christmas season. We gave their families a
positivities, and negativities and
reason to celebrate the season with warm hearts and to see a
appreciating diverse creations
smile slowly appearing in their faces. Upon giving them the
made by our Creator. From the
present, I never thought that I would be so light-hearted
moment I was born until to where I
seeing them joyously accepting the gifts. I was relieved that
am in the present, I am grateful to
me and my family were able to help them witnessing that
God for granting me as a blessing
despite the difficulties they were experiencing, we helped
to others and especially to my
them overcome those even in just a short span of time. I hope
family who I greatly honor.
that it also planted a righteous act in their hearts and do the
Without them, I do not exist in this
same thing in the future as they thrive and grow up as adults.
world and without God; who I
adore, it is impossible for them to
be the reason of my existence. The
life that God imparted gave me a
wondrous start and at the same 3. Sorrowful Mystery
time, a challenging path that offers
me a wide understanding of life. I - The time passed when our batch since junior high school got
am greatly thankful for God had separated this year. I can say that we made such a solid family that
given me the chance for my own knows each other’s weaknesses and strengths. We spent 4 years
mystery to unfold. With this God- learning, laughing, and bonding together but as anything has its
given gift, I was able to meet my limits, it came to an end. Some of us parted ways already but some
friends and the people I am are still part of this continuous journey. With them, I felt at ease
encountering ‘til now. They and I felt like myself. Enjoying their company makes such a great
became a part of my life and day for me but as we gradually part ways in the succeeding days, I
without them, I wouldn’t be where never thought that it would make me feel gloomy and empty
I am right now. These situations
made me realize the essence of
valuing the people who guided and 4. Glorious mystery
filled me with happiness as I step - The moment when I was still at grade school, I was never
up in life. Lastly, I am definitely included in the list of top 10 or even the list of achievers. I can’t
joyous for it is indeed God who make it to the list no matter how I tried to. When I stepped in
gave me the chance to pursue my high school, I was convinced to be competent between myself
goals and dreams in life. and the people around me. I became strict when it comes to
dealing with schoolworks and was affected by my classmates’
willing and diligence to learn. With the hard work I am pursuing,
I also accompanied it with prayers to guide me. This time, I was
already included in list of achievers every quarter and eventually
received high honors. By that, I proved myself that I can stand up
from the failures I’ve experienced and will always give my best
in all the trials to come.

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