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They have sent packages to Australia many times. (Mereka sudah mengirimkan beberapa paket ke
Australia beberapa kali)
Have the packages arrived in Australia? (Sudahkah paket tersebut tiba di Australia)
I have been in campus. (Saya sudah berada di kampus)
He has been bored for waiting. (Dia sudah bosan menunggu)
Don’t bother her. She has been happy with her family. (jangan ganggu dia. Dia sudah bahagia
bersama keluarganya)
Have you been to Bali? (Apakah kamu pernah ke Bali/Sudahkan kamu ke Bali?)

They sent packages to Australia. (Mereka mengirimkan paket ke Australia)
Did the packages arrive in Australia? (Apakah paketnya sudah tiba di Australia?)


He has been teaching in this campus since 2001.
(Dia sudah mengajar di kampus ini sejak tahun 2001/sampai saat ini masih mengajar)
She has been waiting her friend for half an hour.
(Dia sudah menunggu temannya selama setengah jam/masih menunggu)
How long have you been working in this office?
(Sudah berapa lama anda bekerja di kantor ini?)


He is tall but she is short. (Dia (lk) tinggi tetapi dia (pr) pendek)
That plane is flying high in the sky. (Pesawat itu sedang terbang tinggi di angkasa)
The skyscraper in the most of the city is high. (gedung pencakar langit di sebagian kota tinggi)
You can listen the audio with low volume to care your ear ability.
(Anda/kamu dapat mendengarkan suara/audio dengan volume yang rendah untuk menjaga
kemampuan pendengaran)
He is old but she is young. (dia (lk) tua tetapi dia (pr) muda)
I met my old friend in the theatre last week. (Saya bertemu teman lama di gedung pertunjukan)
He has a new friend at school. (dia mempunyai teman baru di sekolah)
This knife is sharp but this sword is blunt. (Pisau ini tajam tetapi pedang itu tumpul)

Basic meaning
He always wakes up at 5 in the morning.
She usually gets home at 9 at night.
Peter was born in 2002.
John was born on May 2003.
Silvia was born on 2nd July 2004.
They stay in Europe in the winter.

I made a mistake and my father was angry with me.

(sya berbuat salah dan ayah marah kepada saya)
I love and care about you.
(Saya cinta dan peduli sama/dengan kamu)
I believe in you. (saya percaya kepada kamu)
I trust in you. (saya percaya kepada kamu)
I rely on you. (saya percaya kepada kamu)
Your shoes are the same as mine. (Sepatu kamu sama dengan miliku)
Their answer is similar to the answer key. (jawaban mereka sama dengan kunvi jawaban)
Her bag is different from him. (tas dia (pr) berbeda dengan miliknya (lk))

Idiomatic meaning
He picked up the phone from his boss. (Dia menerima/menjawab telepon dari pimpinannya)
His mother usually picks her kid up at school. (Ibunya biasanya menjemput anak-anaknya di sekolh)
Teacher ask the students to put off /take off their hats in the class.
Teacher ask the students to put their hats off /take off in the class.
(Guru meminta muridnya untuk membuka topi di kelas)
They put off their vacation because of heavy storm.
(mereka menunda liburannya karena badai yang besar)
Please turn on the lamp. (tolong matikan lampunya)
Please turn it on. (tolong matikan lampunya) (pronoun it harus ditempatkan diantara turn dan on)
He turned the TV volume down because it was too loud.
(Dia menurunkan volume suara TV karena suaranya terlalu keras)
Biker tune his bike up for the race.
(Pembalap menyetel motornya untuk balapan)

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