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Unit 14 Grammar Practice

Level 3

1 Circle the correct word a, b or c.
would have
1 If I had known about it, I ........................... told you.
a had b would have c will have
2 She would have been horri®ed if she ........................... seen the accident.
a had b would have c will have
3 If you ........................... him an ice-cream, he might have had a tantrum.
a didn't buy b wouldn't buy c hadn't bought
4 They ........................... furious if you hadn't sorted it out.
a would have been b had been c were
5 If he ........................... apologised, she would have forgiven him.
a would b had c would have
6 You ........................... regretted it if you hadn't asked her out.
a had b would have c will have

2 Match the two parts of the sentences.
1 If I had known you were coming, a if I lost this game.
2 He'd take a shot b she'd have screamed.
3 If she had been frightened, c we might not have got lost.
4 I wouldn't have done it d if you had run out of petrol?
5 How would you have got home e I'd have baked a cake.
6 I'd be embarrassed f if he thought he could score.
7 If we'd had a map g if I hadn't wanted to.

1. ....... 2. ....... 3. ....... 4. ....... 5. ....... 6. ....... 7. .......

3 Complete the sentences with should have or
shouldn't have.
4 Rewrite the sentences using the word given.
Use between 2 and 5 words, including the
word given.
1 ``Ouch! I burnt my ®nger on the cooker.''
shouldn't have touched it.'' 1 I didn't see him, so I didn't tell him. (told)
``You .........................
I would have told
If I had seen him, ................................. him.
2 ``I went to the chemist, but it was closed.''
2 I regret not bringing my sunglasses
``You ......................... phoned them ®rst.''
with me. (only)
3 ``Someone stole my bike.''
If ................................. my sunglasses

``You ............................ locked it.'' with me.

4 ``Oh no, my towel is soaking wet.'' 3 You should have remembered her
``You ........................ left it by the pool.'' birthday. (forgotten)
5 ``I'm freezing.'' You ................................. her birthday.
``You ......................... put on more clothes.'' 4 I didn't go to the class, so I didn't
6 ``I'm exhausted.'' understand the homework. (understood)

``You ......................... gone to bed so late.'' If I had gone to the class,

I ................................. the homework.
7 ``I'm starving.''
``You ......................... had some lunch.'' 5 I didn't go to see that ®lm, and I
regret it. (have)
I ................................. to see that ®lm.

PHOTOCOPIABLE # Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 14

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