LABORATORY EXERCISE (Software Project Management) : Project Description and Plan Part 1. Project Description

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Course Code MIT231

Description Advanced Software Engineering

College / Department:
School of Graduate Studies LabExer No. 1
Online Education


Management ) Page 1 of 1

Project Description and Plan

Part 1. Project Description

Throughout the years the Department of Education conducts a yearly Teacher Induction
Program and Non-teaching Employees On-boarding and this is done on the division level. The aim
of these activities is to prepare and orient newly hired and newly promoted employees of the
department on their job, also to orient them on their benefits as part of the department. The two
main problem of conducting these activities are budget constraints and usually overdue. Firstly, one
problem that arises is the budget constraint, meaning the number of participants that should
undergo these programs are not all accommodated which brings us to the second problem that is the
activity is overdue. For most participants they are only oriented after more than a year since they
were appointed, hence their induction or on-boarding is not timely or rather late.

The proponent of this project is proposing a Learning Management System (LMS)-based

approach for these programs to delivery it the participants on time. Using an LMS-based approach
also guarantees that all newly hired, and newly promoted employees will be accommodated since
the program will be self-paced and will be done online.

Modular Object Oriented Developmental Learning Environment (Moodle) is the proposed

LMS platform for these programs since it is the most cost-effective, highly-flexible, and feature-
rich platform to date. The fact that Moodle is supported by a global community of developers is one
of the reasons why it is the greatest LMS on the planet. One of the major advantages of open source
software is that the source code is available for inspection. This means that code may be accessed
and modified by developers across the world to make it more secure.

It also means that genuine Moodle users are scrutinizing the code. This has the advantage of
ensuring that Moodle is regularly updated by people who understand what users require in order to
provide a better user experience.

Finally, choosing an LMS that is powered by one of the world's greatest open source teams
provides access to a limitless supply of learning resources. You may connect with other Moodle
users and discover answers to your questions by using Moodle's Community Forums. There are
rarely any Moodle questions that go unanswered with 144 million forum posts and 72 million
Moodle learning materials!
Moodle's popularity among businesses stems largely from its ability to be configured,
versatile, and feature-rich. In addition to being able to edit Moodle's open source code, there are
hundreds of Moodle plugins available that allow you to customize Moodle to your liking.

Part 2. Project Plan

Write a plan for the project. Here are the items that should be in the plan.

1. What are all the tasks that need to be performed?

• Planning & Requirements

Since the Teacher-Induction Program and On-Boarding for Non-teaching Personnel is

under the Human Resource Development unit of the Division, a consultation with the unit is
a must to plan and discuss the steps and resources needed in order achieve the goal. An
initial orientation with the prospect Learning Providers or Resource Speakers is also needed
to for them to understand the new processes to be undertaken for the said programs. At this
phase of the project, all who are involved in the development of the project now have a
task/s they should perform.

• Analysis & Design

Each of the Learning Providers or Resource Speakers will be capacitated or trained in

creating/or converting their resources into digital format whether it will be in viewable PDF
and/or and Audio-Visual Presentation.

• Implementation

In this phase, since the planning is now complete, the developer now will begin the
configuration of the LMS. Another training will be given to the Learning Providers or
Resource Speakers for navigation, checking, and grading of activities in the LMS.

• Testing

An alpha testing will be done, and a select number of employees will be doing the
beta-testing of the project.

• Evaluation

Once all the previous stages are done, all who are involved in the project even the
beta-testers will now do an evaluation of the whole project. This is to adjust or remove or
add and so on before the full implementation of the project will push.

2. How are all the tasks related?

The iterative model was created as a replacement for the waterfall method. The Waterfall
model can't immediately solve development or design inefficiencies, nor can it react to
changes in the marketplace, because it relies on a series of phases that flow toward a goal.
Iteration allows designers and developers to incorporate changes more quickly.

The first phase, like with most development projects, is to go through an initial planning
stage to map out the specification papers, determine software or hardware needs, and prepare
for the next stages of the cycle. Following the completion of the planning phase, an analysis
is carried out to determine the suitable business logic, database models, and other elements
that will be required at this point of the project. The design stage takes place here as well,
outlining any technological requirements that will be used to meet the analysis stage's
requirements. The real implementation and coding process can now begin when the planning
and analysis have been completed. After this build iteration has been coded and
implemented, the next step is to run through a series of tests to discover and locate any
potential flaws or issues that have arisen. After all of the previous steps have been finished,
it's time to assess the development to this point. This allows the entire team, as well as
clients or other external parties, to assess where the project is, where it needs to go, what can
or should change, and so on.

3. Make a complete schedule of all the tasks.


Assessment Rubric

Criteria (%) 4 3 2 1
Organization Information is very Information is Information is The information
organized with well- organized with organized, but appears to be
constructed well-constructed paragraphs are not disorganized.
paragraphs and paragraphs. well-constructed.
Completeness All phases of At least 75% phases At least 50% phases At least 25% phases
software of software of software of software
development development development are development are
complete; all complete; all complete; Baseline complete. Minimal
sections of Baseline sections of Baseline Project plan Baseline Project
Project plan Project plan sections present plan, feasibility
complete with full complete with but lacking in addressed but not
supporting appropriate depth; feasibility complete; limited
documentation. supporting detail complete but scope statement;
Project management and feasibility. lacking depth; limited project
techniques present Project project management
including Gantt management management techniques; limited
charts, management techniques present techniques present documentation of
analysis, full including Gantt including Gantt software
feasibility with charts and charts; development
sufficient economic management documentation phases
analysis. Complete analysis; present but lacking
documentation full documentation depth
organized. complete.

Grammar and There are no errors There are 1-3 errors There are 4-5 errors There are more
Spelling in spelling, in spelling, in spelling, than 5 errors in
punctuation or punctuation or punctuation or spelling,
grammar in the final grammar in the grammar in the punctuation or
draft of the final draft of the final draft of the grammar in the
documentation. documentation. documentation. final draft of the
Content and Full system and user System System Some system
illustrations documentation. documentation documentation documentation but
Documentation is complete and mostly complete not complete or
carefully organized organized and but may not reflect accurate. Little user
and reflects current reflects current current version of documentation.
version of software. version of software. software. User
Graphical detail User documentation
enhances documentation is lacks appropriate
documentation. complete but lacks logic and detail.
graphical detail.

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