A Method For Predicting The Number of Active Bubbles

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Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 22 (2015) 51–58

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Ultrasonics Sonochemistry
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A method for predicting the number of active bubbles in sonochemical

Slimane Merouani a,b, Hamza Ferkous a, Oualid Hamdaoui a,⇑, Yacine Rezgui c, Miloud Guemini c
Laboratory of Environmental Engineering, Department of Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Badji Mokhtar – Annaba University, P.O. Box 12, 23000 Annaba, Algeria
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Engineering Process, University of Constantine 3, Constantine, Algeria
Laboratory of Applied Chemistry and Materials Technology, University of Oum El-Bouaghi, P.O. Box 358, 04000 Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Knowledge of the number of active bubbles in acoustic cavitation field is very important for the predic-
Received 26 February 2014 tion of the performance of ultrasonic reactors toward most chemical processes induced by ultrasound.
Received in revised form 13 June 2014 The literature in this field is scarce, probably due to the complicated nature of the phenomena. We intro-
Accepted 21 July 2014
duce here a relatively simple semi-empirical method for predicting the number of active bubbles in an
Available online 27 July 2014
acoustic cavitation field. By coupling the bubble dynamics in an acoustical field with chemical kinetics
occurring in the bubble during oscillation, the amount of the radical species OH and HO2 and molecular
H2O2 released by a single bubble was estimated. Knowing that the H2O2 measured experimentally during
Number of bubbles
Ultrasonic reactors
sonication of water comes from the recombination of hydroxyl (OH) and perhydroxyl (HO2 ) radicals in
Bubble dynamics the liquid phase and assuming that in sonochemistry applications, the cavitation is transient and the bub-
Chemical kinetics ble fragments at the first collapse, the number of bubbles formed per unit time per unit volume is then
Sonochemistry easily determined using material balances for H2O2, OH and HO2 in the liquid phase. The effect of ultra-
Ultrasonic frequency sonic frequency on the number of active bubbles was examined. It was shown that increasing ultrasonic
frequency leads to a substantial increase in the number of bubbles formed in the reactor.
Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction in the range of hundreds of bars, which are reached in the bubbles
when they collapse [15,16]. The extremely high conditions formed
Ultrasound has a wide variety of applications, ranging from the in collapsing bubbles in aqueous solutions lead to the thermal dis-
degradation of pollutants [1–3], polymerization reactions [4] and sociation of the trapped water vapor into reactive hydroxyl radicals
fabrication of nano-particles [5,6] to food science [7,8] and bio- (OH) and hydrogen atoms (H) [17]. These active species can
medical applications [9,10]. Most of these processes arise from recombine, react with other gaseous species present in the cavity
acoustic cavitation, that is, the formation, growth and violent col- to form other active species such as HO2 and O, or diffuse out of
lapse of microscopic bubbles as the alternate compressions and the bubble into the bulk liquid medium where they are able to
rarefactions of the sound waves propagate through the liquid induce chemical transformation [18]. In the absence of any solutes
[11]. Acoustic cavitation is also responsible for the emission of in the liquid medium, these primary active species of sonolysis
broad wavelength light, which is called sonoluminescence (SL) mostly recombine at the bubble solution interface to form hydro-
[12,13]. The microbubbles can be either stable, oscillating about gen peroxide (H2O2) that is released in the medium according to
their average or equilibrium size for many acoustic cycles or tran- the following reactions [19]:
sient when they grow to a certain size in one or at most a few
acoustic cycles and violently collapse during the compression part 2 OH ! H2 O2 k1 ¼ 5:5  109 M1 s1 ð1Þ
of the wave [14]. Sonochemistry and sonoluminescence are attrib-
uted to the transient cavitation bubbles [14].
2 OOH ! H2 O2 þ O2 k2 ¼ 8:3  105 M1 s1 ð2Þ
The chemical effects of acoustic cavitation are a direct result of
the very high temperatures, of the order of 5000 K, and pressures, Due to their high reactivity and their short lifetime, the total
number of primary active species produced by the acoustic bubbles
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +213 38876560. cannot be directly measured. It is generally accepted that the yield
E-mail addresses: ohamdaoui@yahoo.fr, oualid.hamdaoui@univ-annaba.dz of H2O2 can be considered as an indicator for quantifying the over-
(O. Hamdaoui). all chemical yield of ultrasound in aqueous media [20,21].

1350-4177/Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
52 S. Merouani et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 22 (2015) 51–58


c speed of sound in the liquid medium (m s1) R radius of the bubble (m)
f frequency of ultrasonic wave (Hz) Rmax maximum radius of the bubble (m)
Ia acoustic intensity of ultrasonic irradiation (W m2) Rmin minimum radius of the bubble at the collapse (m)
I number of chemical reactions R0 ambient bubble radius (m)
K number of all species in the bubble r H2 O 2 production rate of H2O2 (mol s1)
N number of bubbles collapsing per unit volume per unit r  OH production rate of OH (mol s1)
time (L1 s1) r HO2 production rate of HO2 (mol s1)
nH2 O number of moles of H2O in the bubble (mol) t time (s)
nt Number of moles of all species in the bubble (mol) T temperature inside a bubble (K)
nH2 O2 number of moles of H2O2 released by the collapse of sin- T1 ambient liquid temperature (K)
gle bubble (mol) V volume of the bubble (m3)
n OH number of moles of OH released by the collapse of sin- X symbol of chemical species
gle bubble (mol)
nHO2 number of moles of HO2 released by the collapse of sin- Greek letters
gle bubble (mol) c specific heat ratio (cp/cv) of the gas mixture
p pressure inside a bubble (Pa) r surface tension of liquid water (N m1)
p1 ambient static pressure (Pa) q density of liquid water (kg m3)
PA amplitude of the acoustic pressure (Pa) l viscosity of liquid water (N m2 s)
Pv vapor pressure of water (Pa) e molar extinction coefficient of I 3 (L mol
Pg0 initial gas pressure (Pa)

The light emission from acoustic bubbles (SL) arises essentiely ture of the aerated solution was maintained at 25 °C by circulating
from vibronically excited states of species, i.e. OH radicals, pro- cooling water through a jacket surrounding the cell. The acoustic
duced as a result of the high temperatures and pressures that are power delivered to the reactor was adjusted calorimetrically to
generated within the core of bubbles during strong collapse [22]. obtain the same value of acoustic intensity, 2 W cm2 (correspond-
The overall efficiency of sonochemical processes depends on the ing to an acoustic amplitude of 1.73 atm), for all frequencies.
bubble population (bubbles number and sizes), which in turn Hydrogen peroxide concentrations were analytically deter-
depend upon various parameters, such as the ultrasonic frequency mined using the iodometric method [27]. Sample aliquots taken
and acoustic amplitude [23]. Knowledge of the bubbles number periodically from the reactor during sonolysis were added in the
and sizes is very important for the prediction of the performance quartz cell of the spectrophotometer containing 1 mL of potassium
of ultrasonic reactors. The literature in this field is scarce, probably iodide (0.1 M) and 20 lL of ammonium heptamolybdate (0.01 M).
due to complicated nature of the phenomena. In our previous work The iodide ion (I) reacts with H2O2 to form the triiodide ion (I
3 ).
[24], we have studied theoretically the effect of ultrasonic fre- The mixed solutions were allowed to stand for 5 min before
quency and acoustic amplitude on the size of sonochemically absorbance was measured. The absorbance was recorded with a
active bubbles using a model that combines the dynamics of bub- UV–visible spectrophotometer (Lightwave II) at the maximum
ble oscillation in acoustical field with chemical kinetics occurring wavelength of the formed triiodide (I 3 ) (352 nm; the molar
in the bubble during its oscillation. In this work, basing on our the- absorptivity e = 26300 L mol1 cm1).
oretical model developed earlier for a single bubble [24], we intro-
duce a relatively simple semi-empirical method for predicting the
number of active bubbles in a sonochemical reactor. The effect of
ultrasonic frequency on the number of bubbles formed in the sono-
chemical reactor was examined.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Ultrasonic reactor c
Sonolysis experiments were conducted in cylindrical water-
jacketed glass reactors (Fig. 1). The ultrasonic waves of 300 kHz e d
were emitted from the bottom of the reactor through a piezoelectric d f
disc (diameter 4 cm) fixed on Pyrex plate (diameter 5 cm). The e
ultrasonic waves of 585, 860 and 1140 kHz were delivered from
the bottom through a Meinhardt multifrequency transducer (model
E/805/T/M, diameter of the active area 5.3 cm). The temperature of
the solution was monitored using a thermocouple immersed in the a b
reacting medium. Acoustic power dissipated in the reactor was esti-
mated using a standard calorimetric method [25,26].

2.2. Procedures Fig. 1. Sonochemical realtors used for quantifying the amount of H2O2 formed in
the liquid water during sonication. (a) 300 kHz ultrasonic transducer, (b) Meinhardt
multi-frequency transducer operating at 585, 860 and 1140 kHz, (c) cylindrical
Sonochemical experiments involving H2O2 production were jacketed glass cells, (d) sonicated water, (e) inlet cooling water, (f) outlet cooling
performed by sonicating 300 mL of distilled water. The tempera- water, (g) thermocouples.
S. Merouani et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 22 (2015) 51–58 53

3. Model and computational methods are negligible and the velocity of the bubble wall is below the speed
of sound in the vapor/gas mixture. This assumption was justified in
The theoretical model used in this study and the assumptions detail in the paper published by Kamath et al. [37].
therein have been fully described in our previous papers [24,28–
30]. The model combines the dynamics of single bubble with 3.2. Chemical kinetics model
chemical kinetics occurring inside a bubble during the collapse.
The following is a brief description of the model. For a bubble initially composed of oxygen (or air) and water
vapor, a kinetic mechanism consisting of series of reversible chem-
3.1. Bubble dynamics model ical reactions (25 chemical reactions for O2 bubble [29,34,37] and
73 reactions for air bubble [38–40]) which take place inside a bub-
A gas and vapor filled spherical bubble isolated in water oscil- ble at high temperatures is taken into account. The reaction
lates under the action of a sinusoidal sound wave. The temperature schemes involve the species O2, H2O, OH, H, O, HO2 , H2O2, O3
and pressure in the bubble are assumed spatially uniform and the and H2 for O2 bubble and O2, N2, H2O, OH, H, O, HO2 , O3, H2,
gas content of the bubble behaves as an ideal gas [31]. The radial H2O2, N, NO, NO2, NO3, HNO2, HNO3, N2O, HNO, NH, NH2, NH3,
dynamics of the bubble is described by a model furnished by the N2H2, N2H3, N2H4, N2O4 and N2O5 for air bubble.
Keller-Miksis equation that includes first order terms in the Mach The chemical kinetics model consists of the reaction mechanism
number (R=c) [32,33]: and determines the production of each species during the bubble
collapse. Rate expressions for the chemical reactions consider ele-
! ! mentary reversible reactions involving K chemical species, which
R_ € 3 R_ _ 2
1 RR þ 1 R can be represented in the general form as [41]
c 2 3c
!" #
1 R_ R d 2r R_ X

¼ 1þ þ p  p1   4l þ PA sinð2pftÞ ð3Þ t0ki X k $ t00ki X k ð5Þ

qL c c dt R R k¼1 k¼1

In this equation dots denote time derivatives (d/dt), R is the in which tki is the stoichiometric coefficients of the ith reaction and
radius of the bubble, c is the speed of sound in the liquid, qL is Xk is the chemical symbol for the kth species. K is the number of
the density of the liquid, r is the surface tension, l is the liquid vis- species. The superscript 0 indicates forward stoichiometric coeffi-
cosity, p is the pressure inside the bubble, p1 is the ambient static cients, while 00 indicates reverse stoichiometric coefficients. The pro-
pressure, PA is the acoustic amplitude and f is the sound frequency. duction rate wk of the kth species can be written as a summation of
The acoustic amplitude PA is correlated with the acoustic intensity the rate of the variables for all reactions involving the kth species
Ia, or acoustic power per unit area, as PA = (2IaqLc)1/2 [16]. Eq. (3) is [41]:
only accurate to first order in the bubble wall Mach number (R=c) _
but, for all acoustic amplitudes in this study, this level of accuracy wk ¼ ðt00ki  t0ki Þr i ðk ¼ 1; :::; K; i ¼ 1; :::; IÞ ð6Þ
_ at the collapse never
is sufficient (the speed of the bubble wall (|R|) i¼1
exceeds the sound velocity in the liquid c, which is the assumption
where I is the number of reactions. The rate ri for the ith reaction is
used in the derivation of the equation [33]).
given by the difference of the forward and reverse rates as [41]
In the present model, the expansion of the bubble is assumed as
isothermal and its total compression is considered as adiabatic Y
0 Y

[34,35]. These assumptions are widely accepted since the lifetime r i ¼ kf i ½X k tki  kri ½X k tki ð7Þ
k¼1 k¼1
of a bubble oscillating at high frequency is relatively short with a
very rapidly occurring collapse event. We also assume that the where [Xk] is the molar concentration of the kth species and kfi and
vapor pressure in the bubble remains constant during the bubble kri are the forward and reverse rate constants of the ith reaction,
expansion phase and there is no gas diffusion during expansion respectively. The forward and reverse rate constants for the ith
and no mass and heat transfer of any kind during collapse. We reaction are assumed to have the following Arrhenius temperature
noticed here that Storey and Szeri [36] demonstrated that the dependence [39–42]:
inclusion of non-equilibrium phase change of water vapor at the  
bubble wall has practically no effect on the maximum bubble tem- kf i ¼ Af i T bf i exp  fi ð8Þ
perature attained in the bubble at the collapse when the compres- Rg T
sion ratio of the bubble (Rmax/Rmin) is less than 20 (Rmax is the  
maximum bubble radius and Rmin is the minimum bubble radius). Ea
kri ¼ Ari T bri exp  ri ð9Þ
This level of Rmax/Rmin was rarely attained in the present numerical Rg T
study. Therefore, in order to reduce computational parameters, the
where Rg is the universal gas constant, Afi (Ari) is the pre-exponen-
current model takes, as input, initial bubble vapor content and
tial factor, bfi (bri) is the temperature exponent and Efi (Eri) is the
neglects mass and heat transfer during bubble expansion and
activation energy. The rate constants of the important reactions,
listed in Table 1 for O2 bubble and Table 2 for air bubble, were
Based on the above assumptions, the temperature inside the
obtained from the NIST Chemical Kinetics Database [43] and other
bubble at any instant during the implosion phase can be calculated
bibliographic references [34,37–40,44].
from the bubble size, using the adiabatic law [30]:
Rmax 3.3. Procedure of the numerical simulation
T ¼ T1 ð4Þ
The Keller-Miksis equation (Eq. (3)), describing the dynamics of
where T1 is the bulk liquid temperature and c is the ratio of specific the bubble, is a non-linear second-order differential equation
heat capacities (cp/cv) of the vapor/gas mixture. It is important to which requires an approximate numerical method of solution.
notice here that the assumption of spatial uniform pressure and Eq. (3) can be reduced to a system of two first-order differential
temperature inside the bubble is valid as long as inertia effects equations
54 S. Merouani et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 22 (2015) 51–58

Table 1
The important chemical reactions inside a collapsing O2/water vapor bubble [29,34,37,43,44] when the maximum bubble temperature is 5100 K, which is the temperature
obtained at 200 kHz under the experiment conditions of Jiang et al. [63]. M is the third body. Subscript ‘‘f’’ denotes the forward reaction and ‘‘r’’ denotes the reverse reaction. A is
in (cm3 mol1 s1) for two body reaction [(cm6 mol2 s1) for a three body reaction], and Ea is in (cal mol1).

N° Chemical reaction Af bf Eaf Ar br Ear

1 H2O + M M H + OH + M 1.912  1023 1.83 1.185  105 2.2  1022 2.0 0.0
2 O2 + M M O + O + M 4.515  1017 0.64 1.189  105 6.165  1015 0.5 0.0
3 H2O + O M OH + OH 2.97  106 2.02 1.34  104 1.465  105 2.11 2.904  103
4 H + O2 + M MHO2 + M 1.475  1012 0.6 0.0 3.09  1012 0.53 4.887  104
5 H + OH M O + H2 2.667  104 2.65 4.88  103 3.82  1012 0.0 7.948  103
6 H + H2O MOH + H2 2.298  109 1.40 1.832  104 2.16  108 1.52 3.45  103
7 HO2 + O M OH + O2 3.25  1013 0.0 0.0 3.252  1012 0.33 5.328  104
8 HO2 + H MOH + OH 7.079  1013 0.0 2.95  102 2.027  1010 0.72 3.684  104
9 H2O + HO2 M H2O2 + OH 1.838  1010 0.59 3.089  104 1.0  1012 0.0 0.0
OH + HO2 M H2O2 + O 8.66  103 2.68 1.856  104 9.550  106 2.0 3.97  103
11 HO2 + H M H2 + O2 1.66  1013 0.0 8.23  102 3.164  1012 0.35 5.551  104
OH + OH + M M H2O2 + M 1.0  1014 0.37 0.0 2.951  1014 0.0 4.843  104
13 HO2 + HO2 M H2O2 + O2 4.2  1014 0.0 1.198  104 4.634  1016 0.35 5.067  104

Table 2
The important chemical reactions inside a collapsing air/water vapor bubble [38–40,43,44] when the maximum bubble temperature is 4800 K, which the temperature obtained at
300 kHz under our experimental conditions. M is the third body. Subscript ‘‘f’’ denotes the forward reaction and ‘‘r’’ denotes the reverse reaction. A is in (cm3 mol1 s1) for two
body reaction [(cm6 mol2 s1) for a three body reaction], and Ea is in (cal mol1).

N° Chemical reaction Af bf Eaf Ar br Ear

1 H2O + M M H + OH + M 1.912  1023 1.83 1.185  105 2.2  1022 2.0 0.0
2 O2 + M M O + O + M 4.515  1017 0.64 1.189  105 6.165  1015 0.5 0.0
3 H + O2 M O + OH 1.915  1014 0.0 1.644  104 5.481  1011 0.39 2.93  102
4 H + O2 + M MHO2 + M 1.475  1012 0.6 0.0 3.09  1012 0.53 4.887  104
5 O + H2O M OH + OH 2.97  106 2.02 1.34  104 1.465  105 2.11 2.904  103
6 HO2 + O M OH + O2 3.25  1013 0.0 0.0 3.252  1012 0.33 5.328  104
7 O + H2 M H + OH 3.82  1012 0.0 7.948  103 2.667  104 2.65 4.88  103
8 H + H2O M OH + H2 2.298  109 1.40 1.832  104 2.16  108 1.52 3.45  103
9 H2O + HO2 M H2O2 + OH 1.838  1010 0.59 3.089  104 1.0  1012 0.0 0.0
OH + OH + M M H2O2 + M 2.951  1014 0.0 4.843  104 1.0  1014 0.37 0.0
11 HO2 + HO2 M H2O2 + O2 4.2  1014 0.0 1.198  104 4.634  1016 0.35 5.067  104
12 O + N2 M NO + N 7.60  1013 0.0 7.60  104 1.60  1013 0.0 0.00
13 NO + HO2 M OH + NO2 3.0  1012 0.5 2.4  103 1.0  1011 0.5 1.2  104
14 NO2 + M M O + NO + M 1.1  1016 0.0 6.6  104 1.1  1015 0.0 1.88  103
15 NO2 + NO2 M NO + NO3 3.90  1011 0.0 2.400  104 4.1  1014 0.0 9.62  102
16 NO2 + O + M M NO3 + M 1.1  1019 0.0 0.0 2.5  109 0.0 0.0
17 NO3 + H M OH + NO2 3.5  1014 0.0 1.5  103 – – –
18 OH + NO + M M HNO2 + M 8. 0  1015 0.0 1.0  103 5.10  1017 1.0 5.000  104
19 HNO2 + H M H2 + NO2 4.9  1011 0.5 3.00  103 2.40  1013 0.0 2.90  104
20 O + HNO2 M HNO + O2 3.0  1012 0.0 1.60  104 – – –
21 HNO + M M H + NO + M 3.0  1016 0.0 4.9  104 5.4  1015 0.0 3.0  102
22 HNO + O M OH + NO 4.9  1011 0.5 2.0  103 – – –
23 HNO + OH M NO + H2O 6.3  1013 0.0 0.0 2.40  106 0.0 5.0  103
24 OH + NO2 + M M HNO3 + M 5.0  1017 0.0 0.0 1.6  1015 0.0 3.08  104

dR _ - Collapse phase ðRmin 6 R 6 Rmax and dR=dt 6 0Þ :

¼R ð10Þ "  3 # 3c
R0 Rmax
 h i   p ¼ Pv þ P g0 ð13Þ
R_ 2r R_ R_ _2 Rmax R
dR_ qL 1 þ c þ c dt p  p1  R  4l R þ P A sinð2pftÞ  2 1  3c R
1 R d 3

dt _
1R R c where Pv is the saturated vapor pressure, Pg0 = p1 + (2r/R0)  Pv is
ð11Þ the gas pressure in the bubble at its ambient state (R = R0). The tran-
sition from isothermal expansion to adiabatic collapse occurs when
The system of Eqs. (10) and (11) was solved by the fourth-order the bubble wall velocity dR/dt change the sign from positive to neg-
Runge-Kutta method using the following initial conditions: ative at around the maximum bubble radius (Rmax).
Several physical properties (saturated vapor pressure, density,
At t ¼ 0; R ¼ R0 and R_ ¼ 0
surface tension, viscosity and sound velocity) in the above equa-
where R0 is the ambient bubble radius. tions change with the liquid temperature T1 (water is the liquid
As the expansion of the bubble is isothermal and the subse- medium in this study). The equations for the physical properties
quent collapse is adiabatic, the pressure inside a bubble (p) is of water have been described in our previous work [28].
expressed as [30] The simulation of the chemical reactions in the bubble (25
chemical reactions for the case of an O2-bubble and 73 chemical
- Expansion phase ðR0 6 R 6 Rmax and dR=dt P 0Þ : reactions for the case of air bubble) starts at the beginning of the
 3 adiabatic phase (at time corresponding to R = Rmax). The application
p ¼ Pv þ Pg0 ð12Þ of Eq. (6) for all species involved in the used chemical kinetics
mechanism (10 species for O2-bubble and 26 species for air-bubble)
S. Merouani et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 22 (2015) 51–58 55

gives two systems of ordinary differential equations (10 equations where N is the number of bubbles collapsing per unit volume per
for the case of O2-bubble and 26 equations for the case of air- unit time, nH2 O2 , n OH and nHO2 are the number of moles of H2O2,
bubble). For example, according to Table 1, the application of 
OH and HO2 , respectively, released by each bubble when it col-
Eq. (6) to the H2O species gives: lapses and k1 and k2 are the rate constants of reactions (1) and (2)
1 dnH2 O
wH2 O ¼ Since free radicals have very short lifetimes of micro- or nano-
V dt
seconds [47], i.e. 1 ns for OH [47], steady state conditions can be
¼ fkf 1 ½H2 O ½M  kr1 ½H  ½ OH ½Mg  fkf 3 ½H2 O ½O assumed for OH and HO2 (r OH ¼ rHO2 ¼ 0) [48], which leads to:
 kr3 ½ OH2 g  fkf 6 ½H2 O ½H  kr6 ½H2  ½ OHg 1
k1 ½ OH2 ¼ N  n OH ð19Þ
 fkf 9 ½H2 O ½HO2   kr9 ½H2 O2 ½ OHg ð14Þ 2
when V is the volume of the bubble and nH2 O is the number of moles 1
of H2O. k2 ½HO2 2 ¼ N  nHO2 ð20Þ
Using the ideal gas law PV = ntRT, Eq. (14) can be rewritten as
* + Substituting expressions (19) and (20) in (16) and rearranging
dnH2 O ntRT fkf 1 ½H2 O ½M  kr1 ½H  ½ OH ½Mg þ fkf 3 ½H2 O ½O  kr3 ½ OH2 g the equation, we obtain:
dt p fkf 6 ½H2 O ½H  kr6 ½H2  ½ OHg þ fkf 9 ½H2 O ½HO2   kr9 ½H2 O2  ½ OHg
rH2 O2
ð15Þ N¼ ð21Þ
nH2 O2 þ 0:5ðn OH þ nHO2 Þ
where nt is number of moles of all species present in the bubble.
The input parameters for solving the system of ordinary differ- In this equation, the production rate of H2O2, r H2 O2 , is deter-
ential equations obtained by Eq. (6) are the composition of water mined experimentally according to Section 4.1 and the number
vapor and other gases in the bubble at time corresponding to of moles nH2 O2 , n OH and nHO2 released by each bubble at the end
R = Rmax, the temperature and pressure profiles in the bubble dur- of the collapse are estimated using the model, as illustrated in
ing the adiabatic phase and the collapse time. These parameters Section 4.2. We notice that all these entities are strongly sensitive
are obtained by solving the dynamics equation (Eq. (3)). As the on operational conditions such as ultrasonic frequency, type of dis-
bubble temperature increases during the adiabatic phase, the reac- solved gas, physicochemical properties of liquid medium, sur-
tion system evolves and radicals start to form by thermal dissoci- rounding pressure field in the ultrasonic reactor and operating
ation of H2O and other molecules in the bubble. Thus, the liquid temperature (Section 4.1 showed the dependence of rH2 O2
composition of all species expected to be present in the bubble on the frequency and Ref. [28] showed the sensitivity of nH2 O2 ,
was determined at any temperature during the collapse period n OH and nHO2 on the operational conditions). Thus, the number of
by solving the system of the ordinary differential equations bubbles N depends strongly on the operating parameters of the
obtained by Eq. (6). The system of the ordinary differential equa- sonication. It should be mentioned here that an analogous strategy
tions was solved by the finite difference method. The computer for determining the number of bubbles have been used by Prasad
simulation of the reactions system was stopped after the end of Naidu et al. [46] using the sono-oxidation of KI solution as means.
the bubble collapse.
4. Results and discussion
3.4. Determination of the number of collapsing bubbles
4.1. H2O2 production during water sonolysis
Firstly, it is important to mention that the phenomenon of bub-
ble collapse and subsequent fragmentation depends on many fac- The iodometric method is commonly used for quantifying the
tors such as the surface instability, local flow conditions and the amount of H2O2 generated during the sonication of water. Hydro-
bubble population in the vicinity of the bubble [45]. We assume gen peroxide can oxidize iodide ions and generate molecular iodine
that in sonochemistry applications, the cavitation is transient and (reaction 22). In the presence of excess of iodide ions, molecular
the bubble breaks apart (fragments) at the first collapse (when iodine form the complex I 3 (reaction 23). Using the absorption

the minimum bubble radius being reached) after an initial expan- and molar extinction coefficient, e, the amount of hydrogen perox-
sion. Based on these assumptions, our model described in Section 3 ide generated by sonication can be quantified.
was used to predict the amount of the active species accumulated H2 O2 þ 2I ! I2 þ 2OH ð22Þ
inside a bubble during collapse. When the end of the bubble col-
lapse is reached, the bubble breaks apart and we assume that the I2 þ I ! I3 ð23Þ
bubble contents mix directly with the liquid phase surrounding
the bubble [46]. In this study, experiments were carried out at different frequen-
On the other hand, knowing that the H2O2 content measured cies (300, 585, 860 and 1140 kHz) when the acoustic energy dissi-
experimentally during sonication of water come essentially from pated to the solution and the liquid temperature were maintained
the recombination of hydroxyl (OH) and perhydroxyl (HO2 ) at constant at 2 W cm2 and 25 °C respectively. For each experiment,
the bubble solution interface according to reactions (1) and (2), the concentration of H2O2 in the sonicated medium increased lin-
the material balance equations for H2O2, OH and HO2 in the liquid early with sonication time (data not shown), while the rate of pro-
phase (water) give the production rates of these species as duction remained constant. This linear increase in the
sonochemical activity is generally expected as the sonication time
d½H2 O2 
r H2 O2 ¼ ¼ N  nH2 O2 þ k1 ½ OH2 þ k2 ½HO2 2 ð16Þ corresponds to a linear increase in the power input. The obtained
dt production rates of H2O2 with respect to the frequency are
2.5071, 4.2060, 3.4386 and 2.0960 lM min1 for respectively
d½ OH
r  OH ¼ ¼ N  n OH  2k1 ½ OH2 ð17Þ 300, 585, 860 and 1140 kHz. Thus, an optimum frequency of
585 kHz is obtained for the production of H2O2. An increase in
d½HO2  the H2O2 yield is observed with an increase in ultrasound fre-
r HO2 ¼ ¼ N  nHO2  2k2 ½HO2 2 ð18Þ quency from 300 to 585 kHz. However, a further increase in the
ultrasound frequency resulted in a decrease of H2O2 yield. It is
56 S. Merouani et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 22 (2015) 51–58

1000 4000 Table 4

Maximum bubble radius Rmax, bubble lifetime and acoustic period as function of
ultrasonic frequency, under our experimental conditions. Rmax and bubble lifetime
H O 3500 were obtained during the solving of the bubble dynamic equation (Eq. (3)). The
100 acoustic period is the inverse of the ultrasonic frequency [=1/f(Hz)].

O 3000 Frequency Maximum bubble radius Bubble life Acoustic

(kHz) Rmax (lm) time (ls) period (ls)
× 14

Bubble temperature (K)

Number of moles×10

10 300 16.79 2.97 3.33

Number of moles 2500 585 9.31 1.57 1.71
Bubble temperature
860 6.51 1.08 1.16
1140 3.93 0.73 0.87
1 2000

0.1 O vapor molecules trapped in the bubble are dissociated and many
HO •
• OH
H chemical products such as H2, H2O2, HO2 , H, O and OH are created
in time scale of 0.1 ls. Because of the short reaction time
0.01 H O (0.1 ls) and the high reactivity of the radical species, it is impos-
500 sible to make experimental evidence of the computational results,
particularly those of Fig. 2. From Fig. 2, it seems that among all the
0.001 0 oxidants, only OH radicals are formed in the bubble at appreciable
26.8 26.8325 26.865 26.8975 26.93 amounts. Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, has not seen to be formed in
Time (µs) the bubble at appreciable amount because at higher temperature
H2O2 is unstable and dissociates rapidly inside a bubble by the
Fig. 2. Evolution of the reaction system inside a bubble as function of time at reaction H2O2 + M ? 2OH + M [29]. The amount of each chemical
around the end of the bubble collapse (conditions: ultrasonic frequency: 21.4 kHz,
acoustic amplitude: 1.31 atm, static pressure: 1 atm, liquid temperature: 21 °C,
species attained their upper limit at the end of the bubble collapse
ambient bubble radius R0: 8 lm). The principal vertical axis is in logarithmic scale. (at R = Rmin), followed by almost constant evolution after the end of
The horizontal axis is only for 0.13 ls. The numerical simulation of chemical the bubble collapse as the temperature inside a bubble decreases
reactions was conducted for a bubble initially composed of oxygen and water vapor. suddenly. Similar behavior has been obtained by Yasui et al.
[39,51] using a more detailed model. In the following sections,
the number of moles of each active species (particularly n OH ,
known that an increase in the ultrasound frequency increases the
nHO2 and nH2 O2 ) released by each bubble is defined as that obtained
number of active cavitation bubbles [11]. The decrease in the
at the end of the bubble collapse, when the implosion velocity is
H2O2 yield when the frequency is increased from 585 to
null (at R = Rmin).
1140 kHz may be due to the relatively less time available during
the expansion phase of the bubble growth. At relatively high fre-
quencies, the acoustic cycle becomes very short, which restricts 4.3. Number of collapsing bubbles
the amount of water vapor that can evaporate into the bubble dur-
ing the expansion phase of the acoustic cycle. A decrease of the According to experimental [52–57] and theoretical data
amount of water vapor within the collapsing bubble leads to a [24,58,59], it is known that the ambient radius (R0) for a typical
decrease of the amount of H2O2 radicals generated. active bubble depends on the experimentally controllable parame-
ters such as the driving ultrasonic frequency. Brotchie et al. [23]
4.2. Relationship between bubble dynamics and chemical bubble yield determined in one of the most extensive investigation that the ini-
tial size of active bubbles (R0) in a cavitating medium is not a single
The key parameter for knowing how acoustic bubbles induce value whereas it has a range. There is a certain size of ambient bub-
chemical yield is the dynamic of the bubble under an acoustical ble radii (R0) at which a dominant number of bubbles was observed
field. An analysis of the bubble radius variation as function of time in the cavitation region. This size represents the mean ambient
(the fit, using our model, and the data from the work of Ohl et al. radius of active bubbles in sonochemical reaction. Additionally,
[49]) was given in our recent paper [50] for typical sonoluminesc- experiments [23,52,55,57] showed that the range of ambient
ing bubble trapped at 21.4 kHz. Under the experimental conditions radius for active bubbles is rather narrow and it closes around
of Ohl et al. [49], the predicted evolution of bubble core tempera- the mean ambient radius. Brotchie et al. [23] found that for high
ture and the reaction system inside a bubble is shown in Fig. 2. frequencies (>200 kHz), the mean ambient radius of active bubbles
In O2-satured water, the main bubble contents are oxygen and in a cavitation field decreases with increasing frequency and
water vapor. During the final stage of the bubble collapse, the bub- increases with increasing acoustic amplitude. In our previous work
ble content is heated up to 4000 K (Fig. 2), which can promote [24], we have studied in detail the effect of ultrasound frequency
chemical reactions inside a bubble (Fig. 2). Oxygen and water (in the range of 200–1000 kHz) and acoustic amplitude (up to

Table 3
Experimental and numerical results of the H2O2 production rates, the moles number of OH, HO2 and H2O2 released by the collapse of each bubble and the number of collapsing
bubbles N with respect to the ultrasonic frequency. The moles number of OH, HO2 and H2O2 released by each bubble were calculated for a bubble initially composed of air and
water vapor.

Frequency (kHz) Production rate of H2O2, r H2 O2 (lM min1) Moles number Number of bubbles N (L1 s1)
n OH nHO2 nH2 O2

300 2.5071 3.07  1015 4.71  1017 4.67  1018 2.8428  107
585 4.2060 4.50  1016 6.45  1018 9.95  1019 3.9433  108
860 3.4386 5.44  1017 7.16  1019 1.03  1019 3.0414  109
1140 2.0960 3.28  1017 4.88  1019 7.18  1020 3.0787  109
S. Merouani et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 22 (2015) 51–58 57

Table 5
Experimental and numerical results of the H2O2 production rates, the moles number of OH, HO2 and H2O2 released by each bubble at the end of the bubble collapse and the
number of collapsing bubbles N with respect to the ultrasonic frequency under the experimental conditions of Pétrier and Francony [19] and Jang et al. [63]. The moles number of

OH, HO2 and H2O2 released by each bubble were calculated for an O2/water vapor bubbles.

Frequency (kHz) Rate of H2O2 production, r H2 O2 (lM/min) Moles number Number of bubbles N (L1 s1)

Pétrier and Francony Jiang et al. n OH nHO2 nH2 O2 Pétrier and Francony Jiang et al.

20 0.7 1.1 3.09  1012 1.04  1013 8.95  1015 7.2705  103 1.1425  104
200 5 5.2 3.06  1014 1.09  1015 8.52  1017 5.2249  106 5.4339  106
500 2.1 3 1.80  1015 6.49  1017 5.19  1018 3.7309  107 5.3299  107
800 1.4 2 7.01  1016 2.53  1017 2.02  1018 6.3908  107 9.1297  107

3 atm) on the size (in term of R0) of active bubbles using the same of active bubbles (R0) was also selected as function of frequency
model described in Section 3. We found that there exist an opti- according to experimental determinations. For 20 kHz, active bub-
mum ambient bubble radius (R0) which maximizes the sonochem- bles have a typical radius of 8 lm as determined by Laser light dif-
ical production of radicals in the bubble. This optimal value of R0, fraction by Burdin et al. [64] and Tsochatzidis et al. [65], which also
which represents the typical radius of active bubbles, is in excel- determined that the value of 8 lm is not changed for a wide range
lent agreement with the mean ambient bubble radius determined of acoustic power (20–320 W). The other selected values of R0 are:
experimentally and it increased with increasing acoustic ampli- 8 lm for 200 kHz [53], 3 lm for 500 kHz [55] and 2.7 lm for
tude and decreased with increasing frequency, agreeing well with 800 kHz [23].
the general trend observed experimentally [24,56]. Table 5 shows the experimental and numerical results of the
For our experimental conditions, the mean ambient bubble H2O2 production rates and the number of bubbles N with respect
radius (the typical R0 for active bubbles) for the numerical simula- to the ultrasonic frequency under the experimental conditions of
tion of the bubble oscillation was selected according to the exper- Pétrier and Francony [19] and Jiang et al. [63]. The results of Table 5
imental determinations as 5 lm for 300 kHz [56,60], 3.5 lm for confirm the trend of increasing bubbles number with increasing
585 kHz [23], 2.7 lm at 860 kHz [23] and 1.4 lm at 1140 kHz frequency although the change in the operational conditions
[23,57]. between our experiments, which are conducted under air-
Table 3 summarizes the experimental and numerical results of atmosphere at 25 °C when the optimum frequency is 585 kHz,
the H2O2 production rates, the mole numbers of OH, HO2 and H2O2 and the experiments of Pétrier and Francony and Jiang et al.
released by each bubble at the end of the bubble collapse and the performed under O2-atmosphere at 20 °C when the optimum fre-
number of collapsing bubbles N with respect to the ultrasonic quency is 200 kHz. This difference in operational conditions affects
frequency. necessarily both the experimental production rate of H2O2 and the
As can be seen from Table 3, millions of bubbles are formed in predicted number of moles of the oxidants created in the bubble,
the reactor during sonication. The number of active bubbles as shown in Tables 3 and 5.
increases substantially as the ultrasonic frequency increases.
Although this trend is in line with the one reported in the literature
5. Conclusion
[20,60], a direct comparison is not possible because most existing
literature results [54,56,61,62] were obtained from experimental
In the present paper, a simple semi-empirical method for the
conditions, i.e. frequency, acoustic intensity and liquid tempera-
prediction of the number of active bubbles in acoustic cavitating
ture and volume, that are different from those used in our study.
field have been developed. In one part, the overall sonochemical
The obtained trend of increasing bubbles number N with
production of H2O2 in cavitating water is determined experimen-
increasing frequency of ultrasound can be interpreted as follows:
tally at different conditions. In the other part, the chemical yield
during expansion phase, the bubble will reach a maximum size
(particularly, the amounts of OH, HO2 and H2O2) produced by sin-
(Rmax) immediately before implosion. The maximum size Rmax of
gle bubble has been predicted using a model that combines the
the bubble is inversely correlated to the emitted frequency and is
bubble dynamics in acoustic field with a chemical kinetics model.
given under our experimental conditions with the bubble lifetime
Exploiting that H2O2 content determined experimentally during
and the acoustic period in Table 4. As frequency increases, the
water sonolysis comes from the recombination of hydroxyl (OH)
maximum size of the bubbles decreases and, correspondingly, bub-
and perhydroxyl (HO2 ) radicals at the liquid interface of all bub-
ble lifetimes decrease as well (Table 4). Assuming that active bub-
bles, the number of bubbles formed in the cavitating medium is
bles are fragmented into daughter bubbles during one acoustic
then easily determined using material balances for H2O2, OH and
cycle (the bubble lifetime is more than 90% of the acoustic period
HO2 in the liquid phase. The effect of ultrasonic frequency on the
as indicated in Table 4) the expansion and the collapse of bubbles
number of active bubbles was examined. It is shown that increas-
occur rapidly as the frequency of ultrasound increases due to the
ing ultrasonic frequency leads to a substantial increase in the num-
shorter acoustic period at higher frequency (Table 4). This leads
ber of bubbles formed in the reactor. Finally, the present study
to a faster rate of bubbles production because the number of cycles
provides a method that is easy to manipulate and that can give a
per second is higher at higher frequency. Probably, this is the rea-
prediction of the number of bubble for large interval of experimen-
son for the rise of the number of active bubbles N with the rise of
tal conditions of frequency, contrary to the most reported method
ultrasound frequency.
in the literature, which are complicated and treat only some iso-
The number of collapsing bubbles N was also predicted under
lated cases (individual frequency).
the conditions of the experiments of Pétrier and Francony [19]
and Jiang et al. [63] which studied the effect of ultrasonic fre-
quency (in the range 20–800 kHz) on the sonochemical production Acknowledgement
of H2O2 in an O2-saturated water. In these experiments, the acous-
tic power supplied to the sonicators is 30 W (Pa = 2.6 atm), as The financial support by the Ministry of Higher Education and
determined calorimetrically, and the liquid temperature is 20 °C. Scientific Research of Algeria (project No. J0101120120098) is
For these two literature experiments, the typical ambient radius greatly acknowledged.
58 S. Merouani et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 22 (2015) 51–58

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