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1. active adj /ˈæk tɪv/ hăng hái, năng động
2. appearance n /əˈpɪər·əns/ dáng vẻ, ngoại hình

3. barbecue n /ˈbɑr·bɪˌkju/ món thịt nướng barbecue

4. idea n /aɪˈdɪə/ Ý tưởng

5. choir n /kwɑɪər/ dàn đồng ca
6. competition n /ˌkɒm pɪˈtɪʃ ən/ cuộc đua, cuộc thi
7. confident adj /ˈkɒn fɪ dənt/ tự tin, tin tưởng
8. curious adj /ˈkjʊər·i·əs/ tò mò, thích tìm hiểu
9. chubby adj /ˈtʃʌbi/ mập mạp, mũm mĩm
10. gardening v /ˈɡɑrd·nɪŋ/ làm vườn
12. firefighter n /ˈfɑɪərˌfɑɪ·t̬ ər/ lính cứu hỏa
13. fireworks n /ˈfɑɪərˌwɜrks/ pháo hoa
14. freedom-loving adj /friːdəm-ˈlʌvɪŋ/ yêu tự do
15. field trip n /ˈfiːld trɪp/ chuyến đi về vùng quê
16. picnic n / ˈpikˌnik / Đi dã ngoại
17. organise v /ˈɔr gəˌnaɪz/ tổ chức
18. patient adj /ˈpeɪ·ʃənt/ điềm tĩnh
19. prepare v /prɪˈpeər/ chuẩn bị
20. racing n /ˈreɪ.sɪŋ/ cuộc đua
21. reliable adj /rɪˈlɑɪ·ə·bəl/ đáng tin cậy
22. serious adj /ˈsɪr.i.əs/ nghiêm túc
23. shy adj /ʃɑɪ/ bẽn lẽn, hay xấu hổ
24. volunteer n /ˌvɑl·ənˈtɪr/ tình nguyện viên
25. zodiac n /ˈzoʊd·iˌæk/ cung hoàng đạo
26. responsible adj /rɪˈspɒntsəbl/ chịu trách nhiệm
27. independent adj /ɪndɪˈpendənt/ độc lập
28. talkative adj /ˈtɔːkətɪv/ nói nhiều, hay nói
29. biscuit n / ˈbiskit / Bánh quy

S + to be + as + adj + as + noun/ pronoun/ S + V + the same + noun + as + noun/
clause. pronoun.
Ex: My painting is as expensive as hers. Ex: She has the same book as me.
So sánh giống nhau :


Được dùng trong CÂU KHẲNG định Được dùng trong câu PHỦ ĐỊNH để
Chức năng để diễn tả ý đồng tình với một điều diễn tả ý đồng tình với một điều phủ
khẳng định trước đó. định trước đó

Vị trí Thường đứng ở cuối câu.

Vì dụ Ex 1: Ex 1:
A: I love pop music. A: My sister doesn’t know the name of
B: I love pop music too./ I love it too. that singer.
Ex 2: I watched the concert on TV last B: I don’t know either.
night, and my husband watched it on Ex 2: I don’t like playing either.
TV last night too.

I.1.1 Write p or b to complete the word. Then read the word aloud.

1. __iscuit 2. __icture 3. __lackboard 4. __ony

5. __anana 6. __iano 7. __ath 8. __icnic

9. __ook 10. __arty 11. __ike 12. __ark

I.1.2 : Write the words in part I in the correct column.
/b/ ___________________________________________________________________________________
/p/ ___________________________________________________________________________________
II. Fill in each blank to find names of parts of the body.

_y_ n_s_ m_ _th e_r h_ _r

t_ _t_ _ac_ h_ _d _h_e_s _r_

_a_d f_n_e _lb_w _e_ f_ _ t

_o_s _n_e n_ _k b_c_ s_o_l_ _rs

III.Complete the sentences with the words in part I.

1. You use your _____________ to see.
2. You use your _____________ to hear.
3. You use your _____________ totalk, smile and eat.
4. You have one _____________ inthe middleof your face. You use it to smell.
5. Your hair, eyes, nose, mouth and ears are on your _____________.
6. You have two _____________. You use them to walk.
7. You have two _____________. They have your hands at the end.
8. You have five _____________ on each hand and five _____________ on each foot.
9. If your _____________ hurt, you should go to dentist.
10. Put a scarf around your _____________ when it’s cold.
IV. Circle the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence.
1. The train arrives/ is arriving at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.
2. My mother comes/ is coming to spend the weekend with us.
3. When do you take/ are you taking your holiday this summer?

4. What time does the film start/ is the film starting?
5. Most shops in Spain don’t open/ aren’t opening until 10.
6. I finish/ am finishing work early today as I have an appointment at the dentist
7. The school finishes/ is finishing at three thirty in the afternoon.
8. I can’t see you tonight, Jane. I go/ am going to the theater with Mike.
9. Quickly children! Class starts/ is starting in five minutes.
10. We fly/ are flying to Spain on a school trip next month.
V. Fill in each blank with a correct preposition.
1. ________ Saturday, I help my parents ________ the field.
2. They are working ________ a milk farm tomorrow.
3. The camp is for kids aged ________ ten and fifteen.
4. Would you like to go to the movies with me ________ Sunday evening?
5. The children are spending a week ________ a summer camp.
6. Nikita likes to read books ________ English.
7. He never takes part ________ team sports.
8. Joana is ________ the phone, chatting ________ her friend.
VI: Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây, sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh “as…as” và tính từ
trong ngoặc.
1. I am not ____________________ you. (tall)
2. This book is not ____________________ that one. (interesting)
3. This summer is ____________________ last summer. (hot)
4. Yesterday it was ____________________ today. (sunny)
5. I think that my essay is ____________________ yours. (good)
6. My dog isn’t ____________________ it appears to be. (fierce)
7. Children nowadays are not ____________________ they used to be. (active)
8. Watching movie is not ____________________ reading book. (entertaining)
9. Jane is ____________________ as a doll. (pretty)
10. Cats are not ____________________ dogs. (friendly)
VII: Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây, sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh “the same … as” và danh
từ trong ngoặc.
1. My sister has ____________________ me. (height)
2. Jim pursues ____________________ Jane. (hobby)
3. My best friend is at ____________________ me. (age)
4. My friends went to see ____________________ me (movie).
5. This musician plays ____________________ me. (musical instrument)
6. Critics say that this painter has ____________________ with that one. (style)
7. My brother is interested in ____________________ me. (subject)
8. This class has ____________________ that one. (number of students)
9. Anne bought ____________________ me yesterday. (dress)
10. She cut her hair ____________________ mine. (length)

VIII: Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây, sử dụng câu trúc so sánh "" và tính từ trong
1. I am not______________ you. (tall)
2. This book is not______________ that one. (interesting)
3. This summer is______________ last summer. (hot)
4. Yesterday it was______________ today. (sunny)
5. I think that my essay is______________ yours. (good)
6. My dog isn't______________ it appears to be. (fierce)
7. Children nowadays are not______________ they used to be. (active)
8. Watching movie is not______________ reading book. (entertaining)
9. Jane is______________ as a doll. (pretty)
10. Cats are not______________ dogs. (friendly)
IX: Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây, sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh "the same ... as" và danh từ
trong ngoặc.
1. My sister has______________ me. (height)
2. Jim pursues ______________ Jane, (hobby)
3. My best friend is at______________ me. (age)
4. My friends went to see______________ me (movie).
5. This musician plays______________ me. (musical instrument)
6. Critics say that this painter has______________ with that one. (style)
7. My brother is interested in ______________ me. (subject)
8. This class has ______________ that one. (number of students)
9. Anne bought______________ me yesterday. (dress)
10. She cut her hair______________ mine. (length)
X: Điền “too/either” vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu.
1. My father is a musician. I am a musician _____________.
2. I don’t like the smell of durian. My sister doesn’t like it _____________.
3. I can’t wait to meet my parents and my sister can’t _____________.
4. My favorite comedian is Rowan Atkinson. His favorite comedian is Rowan Atkinson________
5. My father loves watching football matches on TV and I love it _____________.
6. My mother can’t open the jar and I can’t _____________.
7. Tim should go to bed now and you should go to bed _____________.
8. Your sister mustn’t skip breakfast and you mustn’t _____________.
9. I find action movies so interesting and James finds them interesting _____________.
10. Studying Math isn’t easy for me and studying English isn’t _____________.
Question 1
What does the speaker think?

A Everybody enjoys music

B Everyone plays music

C Some people love music

Question 2
Music is a ………. thing in life?

A Great

B Crazy

C Gray

Question 3
People love music probably because …… ?

A People have free time

B People can download free music.

C It brings happiness and relaxation

Question 4
What does the speaker feel when he finds a good song?

A Tired

B Excited

C Exciting

Question 5
Why does the speaker say he cannot live without music?

A He really loves music

B Music is a part of his life

C All of the above

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