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How To Lead A Healthy Life

My fellow audience, let us ponder for a moment about some of these startling statistics.
These statistics are by no means exclusive to Malaysia but is a worldwide phenomenon. In
2010, the obesity rate in Malaysia was 26.5%. In 2011, it shot up even higher to 28%. So
after 28%, does it mean that in 2020, where our country will be a fully-developed nation, the
rate would correspondingly be 41.5%? Or in 2050, it will be 86.5%? Being of normal weight
would be at that time an endangered species then. Think about it. How are we going to
prevent this?
A very good morning to the honorable judges, teachers and my fellow friends. My name is (
) and I am standing here today to deliver a speech entitled “How To Lead A Healthy Life”. I
do not profess to expert on this subject, but I will try to shed some light on this matter.
What is healthy living? According to Webster Dictionary, healthy living is living a life
without having to worry about diseases and body size. To obtain healthy living is not easy.
We have to work hard to get it. There are several ways one can lead a healthy life. Among
the ways are having a proper diet, having enough sleep, having enough exercise and also a
proper time management.
So before I go on, let us see the ways to get a proper diet. Our diet should follow the food
pyramid. We should eat sufficient carbohydrates such as rice, bread and noodles. We must
eat plenty of vitamins such as fruits and vegetables. We should also eat proteins such as fish,
meat and chicken, but in moderation. We shouldn’t eat fatty and greasy foods such as junk
food, butter and margarine. If we follow this diet effectively, we will get a lot of good and
rewarding benefits.
Another way that we should practice is eating at the right time. How many of us have
breakfast in the morning? Not many, right as we are all too busy trying to make it to school
on time? This is wrong because breakfast gives us energy to start a fresh day. If we do not
have breakfast in the morning, we will feel very tired and sleepy. In fact, some cultures
advocate breakfast as the most important meal of the day. Without a proper breakfast, our
concentration span will also reduce, thus making us unable to comprehend what is taught in
We should get enough sleep every day. I am not hinting to my friends to take forty winks
when they are in class. An average child needs at least 8 hours of sleep. For example, if we
wake up at 6am, we should sleep at 10pm every night. What will happen if we do not get
enough sleep? Well, for sure we will feel very sleepy and unable to comprehend what is
taught in class, thus making us to lose out.
We must get enough exercise time every day. How many of us exercise every day? I am
afraid to admit that I am also one of the guilty ones who fall in this category. We should
exercise because when we sweat, the fats in our bodies will break. If we do not exercise, we
will become obese and this may lead to various lifestyle diseases such as heart attack and
diabetes. Our exercise routine should consist of a variety of activities such as running, games
like football and basketball and also physical exercise such as tennis and swimming so that
we don’t get bored with the same activities. Make sure you exercise and don’t say “I have
exercised!” when you actually haven’t. Lifestyle diseases are one of the easily preventable
diseases which have overtaken other communicable diseases like malaria and dengue.
We should also manage our time properly. Preparing a timetable and adhering to it strictly is
the best way we can manage our time. If we do not have a timetable, we will feel stressed and
unable to do our activities effectively because we will be rushing to do them. Plan your
activities well so that it does not clash with your daily routine.
If you follow my suggestions to lead a healthy life, I am sure we can build a healthier
Malaysia. Thank you for lending me your ears

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