Lovable Gifts For Babies

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Heirloom Gifts from One Design _ _ _ _ 4

WdOOlne a 11o:wbon1-aud make the 11)()61. or a

" -ondelfuldeslgn - "11hMyoraUof11lc:kreP"l1k<Sln
Sllld.00 birt h !;am[Jh,!r. an crnbmklr.=1 d1 rl.~tc:nlng
f:'~~d botmci. or on1er gifts to ni.akt "'llllc "'a!Uri,g

Simple-To-Stitch Presents for Babies _ _ 20

Tlit nex1tlmeyou 1l(:('(l:•glli rornb.i~·stiowcr. look
heo:foraswnplo:T.musk:bo.'>. l~'l>.and 0tl •lTStnall
treasure:<isultablcli:;lr 1hbspedaloccaslon.

Baby's f1rsl Knit and Crochet _ _ _ _ 30

ShowlngofTbablcs Is fun . ~peel.illy lf}•IU dm;,; 1hcrn
In uuulrs }"OU\~ i;tltdlal yorn"Stlf. Or. bundi.e the.u in
easy-10-make blankci:s or afghans. nnd rrcm them m
oncofth<:<:rnk:artng anlni.al.<;inc:lmktlln thlschal)ler.

Coverlets ror Caniage and CracUe _ _ _ 48

S"ttt w1d whimsical t.'mbroldtry desli;ns. easy
ui.~hlne SlllC:IJcry. and t1n~hnoornd pat<:hwnrk and
curnlk·wU:klng nmlu: tht.' qulll S In mis stetlon perlro
for baby.

Teddy Bear Christmas Tums and Toys _ 60

amr.i an: among babies" flrsc frt<:nds. And hcrt you"U
flud ahuggablcbcru'dm>S«ilnnsw~1cr.c:11p.and
anti a tW<.ly l.>car puu~ to make bab)·"s first
Ch!Ulrn."\S the bc>il C\'cr.

An Album of Mother Goose Designs _ _ 68

\Vhflc Js 0 l).1b}" " ilhOUI lhc t'HChamm<:m Of Motht'I'
Goosc1mtlnUhe!'11urstf)·rhymech lltlren?Poll.v.Tolll.
F'tleT. anti Ollier.s are here ln 11115 cl).1~cr. 11;1 ~!u:h am1

<:rnft lmoaqu U1.pull1~·.clul hing.1oybWt.iu 1d

Acknowledgments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 80

Aclomt•l " 11h blue llornm1ni Ille

r1bboi~a11dn(lr.ll rlbboi1s.g.1.1inm.b.and
nppllqu6s.lhecrtb qulh. l'klwa-11l11h11lll'l. •ttt'-
mk:fl.1$asllll'olo"Cl!le for bllhy1111r10t1uo:mau.
agoodsil•ch«"&t:tk'llt.s. IW'tlrl(/t.tfabc;iuUful
~tM3n:IJl<'.b:al !11Utlplerforacrosa-
polnu1olthc q ull1 11tlccber. Brginby
hlork5."'luct1an: dulnl"ilhcb;rby'S
OOnltnd tn mllco 11'1 !he name and blnh dale In
m.V'lnttollr.idllional 1"°'~Pfl7>1d'4and
LOf:CablnquU1 lhel1odd.,,..'Sof
pallcrm. dr:llaucAmplertDOl.lf:s.
Pu~"°",.,. l11duo.llll(lm11ncral!t.
nppllqut$addaddlc:au: hm11'!1.blrds.nnd,'ruio!.d
touch.bm!llmplchaod !'k>..wda;lgm..
C1nbrolder00()()'..'ffl 'rl1"'1rnitrborclcris
rouldbc:ju5ta,<1 flH01herwn1tonof1hc
clfm lve nowcrtdnlpll.'\bcl,sei
The ribbon botmls "11Jdnp:t111d11q11.1res
appllqu&l ln ai;nlldancl Mll lioro.:.'nl. Tbt
11blucprln1f.tbfie.. gna:fullllllc:htd
lJ<n lkm"t:Tappllques rtbbor1SU111..v5!uKks
..:oimpanythl'rtbhon. olbtUC'J10nn1twnna1
and 11&11 oullinr 011t1:rbonlcr. mt•1ncd
qulhlngadds a p'ft'I •ith,i.pringfkN.~
G m<!dulbmr."?>
hcan oornplctc the
To adapt this frame
dr!ilgn lOfita
deslgnongr:iph p.1per
n~. Ded(le how ~<e
bow rnod!sruench
oorner. 'tl\Clloddlhe
flm,,·....,, :dong the SI~
the blossoms as
~my r~>pr. or color of
l..,'elH•'l'U\'e fabric. 0r
workh lncornlumtal
su rc:he!I011nco-l lc:pnlm
~JJ1•0lS.f"orbest resu l1s.
cxpcrhucUI wiL hUl'W

1obe;oud ful u!il:for111<:
}"alSW!d}"'JJ'So{ lmnJ ba by'sblb.r11J<J<.,....We
pluy.Thcy'IY'mlldcfrom cll05eA·B·C~lh<:
scrnpsofCJ"'1t' plneor srlt~h<:d lcll"f'I<, bm )'"II
011x'ri;ofh1'00d.nml1 hc CMSUOOl:lluteyour
woodbumedand b:oby'sn:um:ortnUlnls..
palmcd n>OlilSand l\sru1altern;it1,-e.
Jeuers are adapu~d from CO\'Cl'aaib11tuow-..11h
on1hcpr<X!C(llngp.igcs. ~let.~~~~: :~Ing.
ONT vamlsh prot<'Ct>; i;pcci;i.lpllOIQ!(mph
1herkslgnsnndm.'\lcC'I ulbumco..:.Tfor}Wr
UIW!Spa.tkle. OC\\'bom.
I ". .'". ,.""'.."..,.
fmm 1 hcbolmm~10
rhe11ndemn11s ..11r1
"''''>! 11nd n'JY.'Suf hean"
andflom.I n101ff>1.TI1e
full-kni:1h "k""''eiWl'.
adck(L1 0 1h clirn1h1r
1l1e bwllh~ 1,. ~ykd
bmtun,; cbii.,'lkd
ei;pc'dnllv rora 001i,~,,
lhcbouum (';m CQnlt"ofJ
T11e m::uchl11i;:l<11>IS
k11lnt'd\\ith 1hr11mne
F:drl.Sle 11101lfs.:i111Jl1<11>
IOkt.'tptlll!l'll (l.SOlq!ly

ns1J<ro.'dbyruuiqu" ..11hpl.,mni l')'Ck11rlm

\'lnuriw1J.,'3rmnlU..!h<" IUWl!<mlnrlbbons.
l"hftslmlf18gfl\\TIAl\d AM'mbl.,th•
~~= -, ~~um,.·. chrtstcnlng{tal''ll"i1ha
Jlll~h.'\So,.'dp:'IU!'m Tiit
nl"<:r\"lo.'n~flneballsl" b.~..i pl)lnl of the" 80"'11
f';ibril:u._...,.l lurbolh l>'l!!lclci!.-u11451nd1·
prop:!.s pro.kksa Jo.lil(ll~"lir.Jn.\•-'hleh
"llOWY"'hi!<' k ullldcof,.hlm.'d
b:ll'kerou11dfor1he po.nd!l. n ....
~'Ok<' wid
dtllrotco:mloruido:ry, !romon:l'mbrok~
rtbbon.11ndlaor. W11116'>1.lll'ofthtsaitl<.'
'lll<' llOnfM'tbrimis n1<1t l fs 11,..,.lon1h<'
m1lnul<k:n.· d w!!h bird. burmc1andl'n1bclU~tffl
r1hlx~1.ilnd flower wllh ,,.,lln rH>lxm
n!Ol lfs.a:ndls ac.·c:•::ntnl ros.:11esandlfmu.

' I
Crib Q uil l
Shown on 1>111.,"'4.
Hnbht'l.lsl:r.c-ls 40x45 h1cl1t'S.

quUI 1op 1111d bd:lng: ~c all
lil)'\"r$tcgclho:r. Wll11plnkquil1
lngthmwl.quUtaroundfdgcs trf
gu n1 he011" ln opci• :<!"""""on
tioo1en! of OOW ~. HenlO\~
1op.1uml.ri.jt ,.• • cQgr:s un.kr""
Ind'! and trtmmlng ~ liribrk
~Add ptu't"IUl!iodfloral1&ppU
quts;a$da.;lo:d 1ommpJC1e

Paper Frame
F111lshcdsl1.ll' l,&9\4 lnclws.

Embroidery~ 111 t~
la\'l!ndtt", l\llle.di&r11a.odllgh1
Tup<:str)• nttdlc
FdMlpp<:n$ 10mo.IO:hlloss
""""'°...... _

Trartflrr lhl'J'illll'nl.rigllti.o
llWI. mnni11011d wl lh the color
kq•. Mukc 111lrnll' lnvigeof"cltn
&oplr pi:rl"onual pa.per to II.rt
l'"'lllnu'ld!lotno.10 ...U'i(~
1 5qww• • tSllldl
Mani ri ppln~ mwl rr:Sllll;ll lng nmy
tc:ur 1hepa1ll'f.
\\'hen tJie tblgtl b (()Dlplclirl.
Dlfk- · -
)C Llgtlllbiu.
r.: ~
!l; Allw
2 Ugl'll.-

g,~~§ 1
l;;l ll'd plea:. 8"<"t1tl! lhC ~'llllirul
&iyto~I biacklng u.'!.ln~
Cross-Slitch ed INSTRUCTIONS
l'rnrnlf<:r lllt' OOl!ljJlt1t: lkslgl1.
I «'Ill<,. of tll(' deo;~n wul lhc fab-
rk':.begln11d tchlng~"'·
Sampler ixi,ics 12-IS. omo g:rnph p<lpCr Moum ll~ fabric In the hoop
usln( fcl1-1!p nwklng ~ U:k' and loo.l(ln 1.'n.IM-11tl1d1lng. M.V<ca
the leuelS and numllrn!; un 1hb:I Mild! lh:u ~1nl.$ from u..: kJoo,w
p;oncm to ltrlp ~n J"llr (lll"ll ~htlOlheuppr:rldl. Workb.rl
FlolAA<:d illzo: t....; I 8x20 Inches. alpl1o'lbtca;ndnum~to 1ini;un- :icrQ'llST l1'l1.1lfi:rosis-5tlldl,.11ha
aHzc ),,.If :S."ll1lplcr lo thl' sp.-ice :olitch Nmnh~ fmm ioM'I'!' Im 10
MATEIUALS pr0\1dcd. If nccn;._'inl)'. rllmln...,11: upper r~hl . Tiiis Stitching 0001-
22r.!-&-l11i.:h 1li«ll:ufwhhc "omc o( m e l~.n dl'm1.'I HS In blna1io11 ra<1.1h" In :.In X shape.
1111rd•u1,1.oerfubrt( tlL<: ecmcr ol the da;in Ill m:ikr Work !I)!.' «'!llCT u( the lblgn
Embroldcr)· I~ 1n mlon; nou~d ~'Qllr lr11'(11pliOllS 111. a.an your lln;t.lhttl!<lll~hlhcborl1cr.
l110lecolot'kie)' 1.a.n''"' amt ll;11cs on1U chc gmph U~ rl,I! a "''al'"'
llu n , Jll"<'SS II!<!
Tupe;tty n-1k. crnbrul&ry p.11ier /Jl.>[Qr~· !!tltcht1v,:. llnls h"'I s:unp!cr fn<:'t'dowi1 o n a
hoop.fehrl1>p;:ns Olm.I lh" c<~~ ul 1hc f:ohrlc (L1Jn p1owcl, 0.-.1icrth e11aml'lc:r
i\lusklng1.u.p1:.gr.1ph J1"1JJCT "''ilh llW' m nsk hl!( uipe. u~ m"<J mop" r>ad<k<I m:•t boonl Tup.!
!ilr.u1dsof f1~1<1workml"rtwo tlloe~'o'S!Olht:b.ll-i<uf1~ma1
f11br1<' m rr~ 0..'1tnn!m• tht: boanl m1dfr:<me:1Stlr.<lf{'(I.

r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; """"'"
Cross-Stitch llps ror the
Wrong Side of Your Stitchery
I z _ ...
~ ::::...
Alt liough ll ll"lW.1t'4•11foiuhcl11:1y
mlly sem i tmlmport<:Ull. many
I lllf!ll l'l'\~1hcst llclll1 ljllO('{N n ·
pk1c1hr l'fl:JrSSSlUC/IC\lrow. 1<k-
• - D-1< lll_.
<'lnl1f'Oldenlcuu•u1Ki1111hc1m lfor- t11Motl-Uly, 11 l-UU11:1I Mitch I!> !ll 0.- RoM
mltyohl>C":&i ilct-oo tht•rnldtt·
Nde al thdt' work. To moWc I.he
W'hm,;c.ltchlm::..Uh lH'lll'lt1v o(
i::: ""'°""
S ~
1tt-n)Jlg !ildi.' Q/~-.1u:r1ro ml ~ )'OU nl:'fd no1 m11 ,v.a
Wl:ICIJe''l:f' pta!illhk, '5lltct1 Ok>
th<'rtl1'C:!IU11 \lfllM'lhtr.11d!!onthr.
I ll>mWlt°'U)'Umc)'Ulicunpk'tC ll
. .,.._ thCOOcit ofUielubr1<' b\•
~11111llnl{ •tu: thn::a drd 111.,-.ll!! 111i-
ft."o~ skk: I:< t'l"Tlit'!\I. Aet'Onl· lkT ll l<"f'l""''IOUSlySllll'l k."tl('fOSll<
pll!Jl1hlsb)'.,.,'Orklnl(lllTO$SU r.1111UIO'polnt " 'lllm'cmhrukk:ry
row. 5tllc:hlnit halt 1hc cm!5CS; ~1~~-un ..11h 1h111rolur

• Dlnta....
XeedLib.co m
Smocked Bib
l'lrollog 11);.l(hlnr 1ur lrotHm
IKDJ rurgatht•l'l n.g fabrk
~yan.lprlntb;id; lngfabric:
Embmlckr)· llo::;s IJ1 ~died
l y:u-dn.vrow«:>11onron..llng
l ynn1 wltU\'doubll:--fokl b1:111

f"rom 1•:hl!c fabnc:.anusutp
nicm.urlng7x241nchcs.lbl IG
b:~lfl8rmi.<s 1orncasure5 1ncbes
acro;;.,i.n.-..::ksmockon 1hc.""'·ro11g:
~n smockl11g aicnuc:r on
Jron.r. rollow cti.~n . fdt. for rm·
hroklcry. Wl u:nsmockJng IS oom
piece. Strom pk-ms. Ra"°""
ba>;th ig threuds.Sl.mch plttCIO
nM?a.Su~ 5 lncha• 1'1tk. Tr.tn:1fa-
~kUt ~ and cun'Cd hocmm
CO:lf,'tS IO l hesnlUCkcdpi«ev.1Lh
wu1 tt~blfopr11.
En~.,. I.lib paucm. bew.. ~
omogmph p;ipaa11dtrWISfttl1>
prlultd fnbr1c adding 'Mi-Inch
!ICl nnlllkJw'.u~wt plttes.. Mnlct'
a :JO hlCl1 s1r1p of pip!~ fn'lm
r111m ct1 fl.lbrk.~St:Wl1 wrtg111 skie
Tum m ldn"seninalkl\l.'Un('l:on
lnslorc:t1n't.'C:l~affnJf11 l>l:lrder
pk('eiuld-· lnplaa:to~
sew moohllog piping ,;i rlp m
OUI~ rog.: of bib from. " 1th
rigl1l skk'Sf.olcing._. fmm w
baook.k;"1 rl,!(1 1t.'Ckllnt:~"ClgcOJICfl.
Ol11ci.1n,,,.n11d11m1: 11rt:S1J. T rlm
cxCCSoSfallrk'nloo.Cll<lCk llnc ro,cc.
S.,..,.·bla81apo:w 1ieo.'kllne andnn

1~ - ·-

Wood Blocks Ribbon ''"- • nc:ck and .,.._ Embroidered

Baby Bonnel
S liuwno111,;""'•7. INSTKUCTIO~S
\\1th•lllfftta'!iilbkpcn. l!'lll~
Ftnbhol~·k.,.~~1q1~ b- ~l. brlol.t'. 10 lhr fllbnc
)~ul p1111m\. Wolii:crnbnlkby MATVUALS
~llllllC pktt.. lhill1C IM> ~pro midi cl •WI<' ~lun
ScmJ»ulllnf hpine
W<;O.iithl('lt, lfhOllJli'.lpt'T
llilr.tnds ol ni- V.'Ol'k Adil. (11.11
ll11<'. llnd~'re11Chk1 11J(~ltf.hcJ.
'*'"'' r<lbrtcandl1CJ11
N\I. •I ll ni~hh1,111 11d Ls IVcm-c 1 l w!A·loch"'kk~11 'la)i1nluf11Arn.m·l4'tll11-'C Ui rn
Woodflllen-.uKlp;>peT ribloof1 •hrough the f'.'Tk'I IJoelld. I )"Ml of L lnt:hwtdo! l(l'tlw:rttl
Woc-llNmlf\!llooti ins; vnbrilllib chis~ whh orpkllli!dlan-11reydrltrtm

/\ayilcJl'llnbo ....utlbh l(IUCba o/rmlwvkicry ly•dol'wt1ko•1nribbon
~ dutafmlnt ~'n aro:ird ~nos.1n--.i
1.NSTRUCTIONS Ing II) r-•cm lr~U\ICtion... llil•I>
""1ln1 plJIC', l.,H" &Ide~..,._ sU1uth11;1tlC'V. loCh01lhC'n'dwld Sm.all~I\-.:~
•~Ith 4\4.\~ locllftl. and tui> • •ttl l>N<ir:ol 1'\t':k:tt ltr cho: lnct'. S.-..· Wnltr~'lb~ pen

1 bot1um.<11Cl13~\lolnchc's.
usine~ ... Mlli.bur1)Qtfl
IJeadC"llt)'<'\t'AltJw ,...J:itnfl<'I'
thc.,,.,11!11llliM:IDbklt.MMcrtt.- INS'TkUCT101'5
1he s6cb 10 thr I09 ....i houora.. bon l'Ol!f:Uo:. std lclftu rc.-
IO'.tl EnlarJ!'JIMl~P'llJl'l&..onio
flll n:tll hob Will\ - 1 ftlkr. doMlcrnhdlWtmmm. IOllPlpaptt;l~outllnr'd
11."IUd. Ra$t!ttt'3 tmllkt 16): C\11 jll'ldl p:l(lt"m~IOJabnr.DOnot
lhlnp: llilUenq, from 11ulll on n1:1booinm:lV. loclt"""'°'llu..St"w cu10111rru111bnmur11 ll dadgl1l'<
p;tf!e 1o iw111o(uklr:. 111ak~l)ill l lT1~~ ends ltJttl'l hcr, makh'!! R cl n·k. ~mbroklcrat
(J( lemnw1d tl{)lo'Cl'St<>Ut bloek Run R l(llllw:rl ug Ulrt(ld 11m1md Tnu~o- nnbmltlrty 11N.1gn lo
~<.T~lli l0.5icle!l.top. Ql'll.'l'lJ0.'DfJ:1fdC.. GlllhCT1ilJbol1 1 hcf~UfitngWIU ~'lble
andbu1:1omolbloo:ilu:ilrlgmrtxln lrno•~L~. pm. Wllh l•"OiUWGalftoMllOd
llM'n wooo:IJum outU.nn
vi~ On the &kb ,,.,.;JI.
l.kdn.gllCl')llol. 1lilln1cki:l.lg11,1l.'i
I Lt'cM...., llnlllu: 18~
CUI 14' Inch
b1)lll'llw1·,.,.o(rtbtlot1 1111cl1M:W
• Ulll111J i>lio...~
aalln llllll':h•~ b° l(lna.. Ii.ran.
~'111'11l..i 1 u:irompk"lc. bd1Lndl1lllellftl.. 4nd bow: bullion Slilclic. ror flow.
T'ack1ht-~10.MdlcW'le ""~~knoU;b~
OfllO~~IOl~ptMlll> eel'l1'"'- OUll.lnit R!lctw ... re-

I Christening Gown
nwilninC nnbfd<by. Add bc5ld!l.
•'hen:linli&ll do:uanon J*ltm.

Coio'Il p111U"1'1 No. 2281
l'fo)W\t!l.fW"/la(V. •lllctMo.11:k'

3V.yn1d!>ol\•hK"h wkll,,~11

" ' )'lll'$ of,,., tnm •'* ~tKnd

l "'3cll.. L'f\'('11(\er. Ll,i,<h1 and1hr k

.\tleef'Q(lo-A· .. bl.nic:UomolOrlh('
')'l:lt.1 lrtm-lll~lrfllbai1'.Ml'k"1
r1bbon nnll•Nl'I Oil j)illler11. Our
MIJ"'nOlllll,.OjlCl11naJ Ml1rtl1"\(A,

Fair-I le undl8T01to'9o/ftao&-rna11d7RJ111'll>
of tic.u an: aimpltlcd. WQrtr; 5
Baby Bunting

Shownonpage8. "11.rndlng...tlhprow
f)"'1d/,,grow1 K'*Oll11o/r1gh1
MATEOUALS fn11 11 nnd!111ohok~r.a1Muffntxl

........, llnu ~1d1 F11tt-11Afllip0rt ·

M:1g11t yum 12 own lllll81:
cMny. ~light hlur. d:lrti;
10 ... for 113111 m~m: k 87
c-.otl'nen IOlltllfork:f\undcr-
amr.lc 1Mt4011Uforlrl\ fmn1and

} ~~I blur, mlnt.gm:n.. ILllW'~ nnd 611ohokJcr. Srfbodyllfokte.

l 1CClll 1f*"'.1~
- ' "''""'
dmdar 1lC('(bc
SU-:EVES; Wiii! Sl~c :t stmlght
SU.C4~1111ddouWc Rnu1 I • KI thn:ouftll bldi; Ip
ISQl-. • I~
potnlc:d nmlts: 16.lncb ..... fl!ML p I. rep fn:m • acroM. Rrp
2Altldl~~ m.rorunrll~mrma.IR:!I
O.ittt..:w...rp6«1s.o-tcnn- an.. larJC lllldl holdn. 2 small ll'o Inda: In( 10 ID <."l'ftlfy
~1u1p10Lnt.:rflldfll. Milch holden ~piilCl:'(llM:ltll!l!tlibtrow-'4 .. !ltlL
c m 11 .a<ax3·lnd11TC11u1tt1c rrom Ntncin·t11d1dl.1mr:tn-l.ol1t1~ CllMlfl'elOSW: .. lfr.llg!Unrtdlttt.
thc llntng fnbric: ,g111hr:r 11long l"°OMl:l"°"'!!IMCllllUIWU<klnput
bothol1hrlongsldetw11lllmg\ll mo;l'urbodybcglnntr11twlthC.art
is-•embn:lldm!dtcrt~ lwltllU11n"r~:!rooo .. o1no.-cn.
V.1tfl r1gtHU&bfctnl.KW and I r.-af'-ts. ~pal
!lllrnd~t.OOlll"-d n'ft'I :uiclor1Ml!llllV"lbnc. bl·
csnbtoldcml atrf11~a~·lndl INSTMUCT10NS m:MC l5tai:txtir&1.imt1olf'Olto•

1 M/lt";Stwtlcd 1X111klo1~11fdwui
lndlC11ti· patttsil l'q'>N•l'I.. llq;.ln
nTf)' ro11nh row" lhnCl!>--~2 ~
W01"koi1110ttrow,;11f MC..~
Wlll1"41'11sklc!lfadJl(,IJMICl - plllltf111aA11hC1"ilQfld1W1. lhrn olf5!iUltu lhl: IX'!il~lhrnca 2
lndl~(.-.tdlq'def:lO worti:rqieaal~llR'ill!ll) -Sltttnal111f11t42Sl$0ll
eydn 8trlp IO badi cdJ:I: of $hlrnd
~RN', md ' - MNdlies •
111..n un 1b: dW'I ltlll!Jh.tded
llfN) IQ m:1ln1111t1 m1mlr ~

YOKE: With r1ftht ak1c fac:tng

fabncpktt.Dasl~~·>e! .."ttn
thc~hld1~1 alk1Vi1"1('1!l1Ufl
bolh ... bolt•,, a~ F1nbh
d Jl'U1ont lllo!ig hmmnholr
lWMl 24 lnchdra1Jo11'11«dlc.k40
.!ilaul"rlgtllfmH .4!tr1.1,'ln~..,
nlW~o(thc~lrtm. lt00\': \\1lh5ln-bur24tom -87tWC'k5Ul."2ldl~.su.
wtlhr'CJ'llskb~piulbr: dn:uW OftJlllc: aod r.K:. am ()fl .a ldt from --~I llils. Do n111
bonnO'l bck to thr bllck ol Ur 1861D.DOnol)cltn..W«k6roor.'$ ,lotn.Jl\Irlnoi:ruw.~8
ahhnd 111rtp. llli\lct\lrllj ce111cr inMllt. MJoll:\'""Ytp;t(ftt-243~WoB
aoo:l nitm. b;tStc. Slllch wt1h ~· Row 7 l1uml1\4111"" M 1w:m~ K Chm1 1 a11d l'Olto':> I Umiugh 6 0(
Inch ~11111. Trim M d dip all L, ' k2tog.yu.1'1:1lfrom • a:ross. Ct111n:l.~ ng0&1i111:\'1'tl ly
ttitlk 1.
Rou¥& JO.tmd 12. Purl.
~1);1Cal on lil!il ruw- 23-1 lil>1-
WurlcChan~. WOl'k21U11'$11:\~1

HOlt:Sflandll Kl'lll. l11cm15C'I
• oa ~ row-187.CS.
C'*1l.~rr. v.'Qrlc8'°"..,of
etwi:l.Work1 7~'-"Ch.m3.
flnl ncckd«td1• With MC. •
k 1. 1i21ot-rcprnim
1~ .... w ns""""olChan5.

opniln( c:lo!lnL Cut nod _. oo Rq117 rov.'llofCh11113.llltemat- ~ l1'.nl'- 15011111.\\'orlc(lwvt6.

rtbbtonlirll. hlg RN'Ji of no,..Tn IUlll hnlrul KI '°"' MC.

St.-rotrd 11t.t:lakc1TJ1.1t: • f' l. p 2 ,\b'rm11!· Wotkrlbblugovcr12

1<ig. rep from ' !tC!'008- IOO !it.9. SIS. k IK'.~I lG St!> [lh ls foml:I a
Work ro11o'll.:Jn11d" of Clum 2 . rkti..'<' forr<1rllap lOlle anachal
Worklrou.·MC. 101; ....,,kr1bbbtg0\.,,...'.W5!!1.k
T11lrdlk'l'.'kdl"C:rout • P l.p2 1>Ci<1 tG ,;1!1,,r1blllng01-erl25b..
1~ rep from • n<:mll5 rov.·- 67 Rt5umc r1b pattern und rtb
!ltt1.Change10Sltt3m.-etlle. RIOl.Ood lllltil 1•ICOC: mc;"tSUl'C!I 4~
1<ow/:"Kl 11Jl.pl.Rqifrom• tnc::h""frombo:g.t.'han~..,toSlzi::
lllTO<SS..cndkl 1b l. four 16lnc hdn."Ularl1tt«lk'Rnd
How2:"1'1.k I llJLRq>rrom•. k4nlds.WorkCh.·u"t3~ro.."S
eudp I. Rcpche9C2 rows for I Ja.nd2of'Ch."ll13.Work 410l nlds
1ndl.cndwlU1wrong:skkrou.·. l:\'Cn.~ng2SC.St'\'Cnly
Tt1m(llgrot••firhN>>.: "K 1 .}t~ !lp;.o<ftl 00 lilSI l'Qlutd-88 SI!!.
k 2 t°& Rr:p fro 111 • a<.'l'USO"""'· Work5nubllfChun I.
mdk l. Crou.n:Ikc"~fOll(llO"S.(.'Ol1lh1u­
Fbd11g:WortclnS1!Ml'orllnch. lngtnpaUen1wl,.,,..,1~hlc.
fllndafl'loose~·. HttdJ: • K9.k2 108--ITf> fl'Qln "
~·slttl<e""'1m&.Jolflbll)d-Off around- 80!'ls. IJ«.'3kof'fllbc.
Cllgcof~-e1obl11d-Off<"dJ,.<euf R"d2: ' KS.k2rng.ft'Jlfrom•
tJ()(ly.T11m h<'f11Sat n.,.;kand low aruu nd-72!'1!1.
t.Tc:tlg<:IO "'' Tf>llgslde:-ln Rr1d 3' t\Ucmaung gra:11 and
P""'- yeno .... •1< 7, k2rog.rq:ifrom•
FTIO~l'BANO:Worklngbo.mon R11d<l: C11:a11b'<:«ISl7.C•ldpntt
slde0fSl'. ...'lllLMCttndrigln51de dh:.$. Alternating gttm wKl CCl'll •
fadng. using S li:e 3 drcolar na:· k 6. k 2 llli(. ttJl from• uniuod-
die. pick up 130 i;is along rtglu 5611tS... Brl-ak offgm'n.Con1l nut:
frow ~"-'· To form c;1S11ig {or " i1 hMCand,.'Ork nextGmcbas
cunlailo\<-er~. pickup!ltll folla.l"S
1hroughlxlt.hlhlc:k~ofhem. Rtuf.5:"K5.k21og.rqifmu •
~111g2a:n1 er ruwsou rlj.,•111 around.
sldeof tK'ln Opl'll ~·pk:king11 p Hud6: " K4 . k2 wg.n:pfrom •
011ly ht.'Tn ,;tl! ch<:OL Pick uv around. CKARTl
111roug11 bnch 1hk:k1JoeSSeo. on Rnd7; " K3. k2tcig.r'qlfrom ·
rw:o:k ribbing. Work ribbing k 1
around.Rnd& •K 2.k2l()g.r<::p
from • around. ~=--~Milt~-=--
How4: K 1. • )Uo k 2 t<JS. n:p RIKl9: ' K l .k2 1og.l'l"pfrom • llldOtledline,Clelt)
from " 11e.T0ss.cndk 1. BmllmL
R1111•!Sond7: ..-i1rl. H1>d /(): • K 2 tug. 11:11 fmm •

~ :::::
/iQl.116.·Knll. around-8 ~IA. Arrok otr MC ~n··
/W1118: 1\ l. " )"O.k2 •1JG.rep Ing an 8 lrlctl .,nd. Run end
rmm•acm1&.mdkl . 1hrou,_.'11 n:malnlng 515 wit! dr.:a..•
Ro4flS~ll: WorkMforfir.st:J uptlghlly. Foota•off.
S~:CONt) UANI:>: Mnk~ 1111 fo r pu rl rtt.I,..'<: lo<.'Cfllcrofrlbblug.
fi1"1>1bandlhT01igl1Row5. Work!11g:m er1>1forS""'""'
Row G !buttonholoe row): K <I •• Row~K:l 1og.kto lastl"'11- k
btndolT2SUl..k 13.Rl'J>fmm • 7 210(:.k I.
U111it5mun:. blndoff2sc.s.cud k 4 . Ro111 IO:Knll. Replasl 2 f'Q\O~
Row 7: ..-iirL c-.asdng on 2 m unt115sc.sr"11111!11.WorkC\'t'IJ!n
n!Juo..,,bJ ndotf!ll11orpf'e\1CJtllltOW. gnM LT i;i un rll Ile 1111"3Slll1S •I
Complete ~ for ...,.,.'$ 8 through l llCl leS. ,VcJ,.t rou.~ K I. 61lp I. k 2
l\l'orfirstb;mcL toi;.~kt . Casl.olfmnaL""
filSlmotf.Rl1)forothrrc:1r n.1p.

............ .. ............
11.AT:WIUI MCundS~3dn:u Make 11 rope oord 43 b11;1,.,,. COl.ORl(EY
1M fK'l'dlc c:l!ll on 90 sts.. plocc
marker.join work.
(r1Jl!-,'el'tl<.l:I. Drnwoord Om:tu.gt1 e-
Row J:• K11hl.p J.Rt'fJfrom• c:a.<Jngmlowert.~'<:. o Ecru 8 Mini
llm\1nd.Noo,.:t- " K l.µl1bl.Rcp
!n.im •aruund.Rt:p llmse2r(J\f>'ll
M nk~ 2 · lnch.dlnm(ter 1)0(11 ·
porn from MC. r11ln1 . ch~TTY· 1111d
·~ a....,
for2~ locl!C$. llghtbtnc. Attoch m1upofh:u.
" ""'"
S I ~ I I' I I- • I 0 S "I I T c 11

~h~n ano 1'-'«'lal oceaalon11 for
£amily •nd frltnd to c-rlehratc • n<"W
birth. wc·vc aSSC'mblC'd llOfllC t"inra
~pedal gifts, and C'8f'h I• u~ to be:- the
hi t of the: party! For lru;trurt iunfi for
the project. on thc-;c fuur pag tum
to pa~c :l.•l

B llSruldpltt'l>ol
togood~for thc lk"ely
bll».rigl•l u11eoo,-
p111.1""'11 lforac:krA'f1
11U11. 11k:al«l ltlXtdo
llhlrtwldtkl. or<:Nnr ..
appllqurodc!>l8n.'n ic:
blb!!h!l'o'<:ill~~· doth
liu lngfor••oflnt"l<.~wltl
"~l~hnblc •1nyt for
protfClk.m. !)trl1,,.of
001hc l""'-b'in1he
A rolorlulsirini:; s of.:utolC\ltlJl).·th.,
ulc.Tib1<M1drn1rm.-s bludAn.110)',hi'J(>fl'I!'
thc'frorno/u"' run1osi:hehfrom
llllllH,,:IJlhlllbo•m.l(/t acQ'!k:plush Th!-llOd\
t:.oc.h100, bh.1.nd pa.ru.naulruin
appllqufdrmrnn\lko. ,.1mp1<,, !ihi!JI" and Ille'
aodnnl1(f..'<'tlic:r"·11h11 "1ng5att<U!acilt'\lotll)°
1rn.g111fffrat111r~ ar. thdr hiN" br eom
<Vlf"dn... ll!lplk 1uthl dinlffl!'lon UM'fdtfor
•~lln<'<:r.traphoro lh<-c:)'t:li.lllldgltlt' lllo!'m
rut,mn.l111t wuuldwurk to t ll~ lte<ld 10 m.1ke l hr
iis wdl :1~ " rr1h pUlow 1oysMci:nU11t-(h lor rhc
orfr1l.m1.'\1111ct11n:. youngesi b."lby.
~ll>ett\113Ct'fOl' lhl'
lhe1"1ndooA An
assonmtnt ol •adlrd-on


E l<TT1Ctl ;ofta
0r11ln:uyp:oper l).igs. 1tw
lalerlx.wme hand)'
lllllr.\l!<'nmtal rw:rsln
11«'\0ltd In pbtt •llh

T.~. .,
llOOI r.cru1be
n~ J>lil.lnoras
liincy M )'Qll llkc. They
WOrk 11p <1nlckl)' with
ori ly thcslmpla;tof
lluyd; ityeinbmkk:1y
tiny cmbro6dm:d tnlthL
r1bbon Um.As an
1hcblb rron~ follow dlt'l't'llons
l.ll'low. l~1tiC'TTIS h tt:IUli., \lo. Inch
To ~nbk. cut bu* W.. pal
1cm fmm ten)· cbl1 and ·~1.
Pin togclhcr lht dn.'lniC'd bib
frun1 lrl(tlt 'lkk up~ llnlllg, and
ll'fT)'<'kKh.:l.iasle- nroundfl'!l!tCS-
To hlrn1 "lge;.11St JH11-cl1.'1Sal
bl.'1Sm1wurnWu.' l"'O l ,,,.x32
Olhl,T~:if0Ulld 11<:"1;kcdgc.
Turu tUlllcrtk:c:ndsnntl Onl~h.

0..t biN" bib Nid p!l(M:l from
sh!nhi,t. Tum 1mdtT 1op edge ol
pockl'l lllllll.op:l(lt~'ll. Pre;..\llidtt
O\l1 e.-nljtesof pockct, 10~1l<"h1n
CUl11ft1111<,,pl«'D. J~ aisundc7
bib ..tiln. Rcpcm "-'ti!' klll.L

1'rlmroniers.111m, ra1Klp~
Tojblltch nk:1ug ut~k U nr. f'"ollow

~ I:".:=~~~··"'·
C111 11 HW.x l >I V. l11('h111c:o! oC
whh r('()IWIJ, M!Uch ~~ U~'t'Q( fab·

-~~eeMOt--+--- ~o,z ':fr!oe::;:

i __ 1op51hchlnpl:n.C\fl"l\ll.~-

1_ ·~~


- - j _._
Jni:h w1 1l1 c llllip for huu onholc

II~:;. ;i,~1:. 11~~~~"::~fr:~w-


CUtblb~fmmlhr tucktd
1 Sepan .. 11nct1 ~and1v1o~pim:$fl"Dftl
runn11111" ..-hi~ t'llbrk:. 1'1:1 make
For the 1... cdo bib wm. 111..J 111'1.":iiS. TOf>S1 hcl1 collar
Baby Bibs l:b:20lnd~IJ( ,.·hi1.-1Jhril' 1 011«"kt1;~.
Sm>p(l(blad< flll.lrk' O.n 00. cle. Tun1 t.ondi:r r.i11•
F1bcrllll::11"a1n'~pen ~m•:hinN1ppllqutlnpbo::.
Torthedow11blb Wl1h11(UlllraSllngU1m11L~
10\nchsquat"ofSl'riped l;ohl'W:" ~ruund 1 hr1nr.erdn.1"
f"oruchblb .S..-r.l.psof2 1iolkiM.kltf;1br1t.11 Fur1he b ult<>11.S.C'llll h rtt L
IOo,l,·l11Ch8qtWl't$ollctT)'Cloth j pi1~1 )"1 !'11 romponL., 1nd 1-1Jllu1ie1cr drdl:1l.Omhcr1hr:
and \111)i or ,.'3:1J"'111c pb5tk F'or thef......,r blb tdi.,'1'$. 111ddnl: In ntln1l.ll. Sc:w
v. )'ilnl n( aiuon :loC!lnt.IC"ka- 12\Pd>~ruffabrk,•·hh butltllr.U.fnintpalld. J.ulklorbl·
...... U.. MCktie bib frullor•~di:sigll .skdll'fttiom lO<'Onlple!:c.
6xl21nc:tlt!folwhlte~ton 8Jr l0lnc:llC!liol'drulm
Scm11"' 1>1Uld 0011011 fuhrk: fo.- 2su'01111.ll'ny111•111lt1n~th11110"~ l'orth<oclownblb
ll<"Ckllc fOl'"0\'1.'lllll'>! C11111111 b lhstmp••. ~JI ruffi('ll
10.12 Jnc:hcoafArilini~hinhig Scrap$ Qf l'l'CI f1tbrk= flli.:rllll Fron1 pollrn"lial fJJbfll' ·"1n1 un

SeedLib .com
~ r:1wt."ll,1,...,,.oflk.'lll loped("(lgc$. Ulher henmMXl r«1ru1!_(1conthl'
AppUqut!lower. lll('llu1)P•·"'"'fnt' OO Ler~~<cof 1hcLvgioreo:trui.gk.
Clown Block
10 bib: ao.ltl porn.porn,_ Follow 00 llasiC':IO)UOd.
llicins tnK:1 lon s to00tnplet<.'. St:dc.ptc:aSln1hcfoll<J\011i&or- Shownonp.ige2t.
P"w the fumer bib podlei$focl.rlJ(up.and1nt1t- MATERW.S
ma1u111.:~ret:1 :11lj!.le. wroc'!!
For1heshh1,cut blbusslmwn
onpo1tcni.Cu111 l x•H nch pltte sldcfodnguf1.Slll ch 1illlnym• 10 ,,.,.,,.

from !1nn1C fab rie forb1.1110111tu1c gciher.lel" i nff11n apcn1011ror Scr.lf"'ofC'Of11ms1\1~l!lhncfor

mb: prt:!illS 1mderk>ftgcdgc:lirind 11milng. Olp conterS.. 1um. and h3 l lt!Ml!itripsQUllh1t1111block
t~tchlnplat'f'. pn$'j. IJL!Ud-$iltd1 op!Oh'ig 6x3G-lnch ~r1p of org;indy
0.11 O\'CfallS from denim.Cut c!CISedln....:n:Ub11mlnto 1io...'krtS N:irt"()Wrickrac:k
twoJ',l,x7·1n.,h l:ilmJie.. l>res5 un· of«:l'w. s cm1l!<ufwhhc1111d 111.1111lcfcu
lkrlong~of5tr.•v:rnmltoirnf IOr h:nMh. l1o.-:d and ~hloe!I
0>'CnlJls.PUsltlon1hcO\<cr,lllt1t111d rorlhe • ppllqufddesign 1 )WoJ mdt nffour ~ lnch· v.·kk:
Strt1psui1blb ~hl1"1:St:w ln 1llik....,. t:nlarJt!: the p:1m:m. IJefow. ~dsaHnribbons
Tops1 l1d1QUtlinl:of frontprx:kef. UI LIO WUPh plp!f'. Ctn!<!!" and 6· 10 lrlchcs OI ~11 r1bbon
F(Jrbnt l0119.all thr>:Je l · IUl'tl• 1r.insfcnlc!l.lgi1 10 1l..:fron1offnl). l -hlct1-dlnm<:l.,,.f<1'1m00il
dl<mH;1 cr drdt..i from mS fabric. r1C nlburn 1.V1'ffusing d ress11 1<ok- Smipsolynru fOl"halr and
('.,'lll1Crtdgts. 1t1<:kb1g1nnhttfill: cr·,. carbon. Wll l1 ""al~T<msahk: l~I
- m front1 ia11e1. Tolln lS1 1. fol· l>l!ll.Wrllcniuucofb.-.b)·nriltbJnll R<..'d nnd h~liCk l'lnltroldcry no.
'°"'' l):}S!ClnStruc:tlun. .. d::l1c ln cc:ot<:rofl)<"(ldedr1<"k l!oa:. l'Qlycstt.>rllUcrllU
Rossand ,.vriltng ou1llnel>t!oct .. INSTRUCTIONS
ci;.cm b roklerlll\l11C'a11dd.:n r.. Pal ll"l'11S.ex<rJJf l 1m~aiMlfctol.
Photograph Album Trooepo111:msl0r1hc n1>pll lncluflrll · lnchscam lllL<...~ulOC.
(!Uk. Add 'lo -Inch s.:.un ullow·

Shown on P'"El'! 20.

l'lllllllhbrlc hllV\"l:l"booll
~1111d (.'11lSl\ape>I fr o r11
fabric. EmbC'lllsh lhc appllqnts
v.1ch $31 111 ur m orni ng tVltdM.$.
For the body
Trace l)llllm"' p;t# 26.. rrom
t,xxl)> "111ric.curfh-t3.<.J-lnch
square.<. and 2 "-"-'1angks. e.'lctl
:lxl~ tnclld.. Whh nii:111 sl(ll'$
r~ for appllqut~and s1 h chtn p t.1'N'. tlt//wsrm1t·1l11w. r..ciug.,;o.·w to11r (V]ll."ln'Sim on
"°rd lng 11nact1 l h~oon:l! ug eu 1hc bc."Wl:ip­ ,;irip. From 0011 1rt.st lng f:obr'k.
l'i1tci1•1Soed flor.ilnpp!lqucs ptiquts and inc:k ln pbo:-. f.m· "111 l luCIH•'ldc:bl:l!IS1rlpsasfol-
16 1.....,hmn:lmJ\l'conon~l ng l>rol<k:r Out lh ic sa:icdlC!i ruuund '°""~ "·e."ICt!2* lnChcslong:2..
F.n1hrolden·flo!i.5a.;dcslrod shapes.. Complcu: by \ll.klll~ 11ur· md1 IOV.-i11<.tic;lung. t'nS!lun·
ll:11tlng: ...-i.1er<'r.ISOlblePf11 ct\.ll!ICd appllquts wop the fir. dt.'I" r.1w cclgc$. lt ugthwbe. On
On~ker'sairl.K>l 1J.l(lpa s1gnsand sd1chlngadoo.1hlcruw ng1 11 sl<leof booJpjc.ml"-liC"''1>i;11S
1"rod ugµaper of nmnlfltl Mlccties nround 0tn- .'ltrip:!lM:roroch l!Cru 11 ruKlrtlgc
!Slrlc~ of from ('l)llTr V. hJ('h tliesc"'-ri l's":lt h fkkmck.
fru m bunlcnl. ~'Orin a k'1t~T tu ot:nttrou wic
squ;1reY.11h ribbon and IWld-- '
f'WtbeLlb\IDICOTU 111 pL.'nl frumof 1 hr ek:M-n ~
Tu make Jl'll lCnl. tlrow a "-'Ct · Finish f0<1nh l!<"".un on cube:
nni;e thelt.'l 1i,,'l h of album 011(1 111kl rk:krockarnl hlnsrnpe.
" idrh ofdn-'l1mf('ru1c~ 1fro111 fl.ip Wl1 h rtii:h1s~l<lg('lher.st.11c11
10 llapl onm brown po.ptt. atldi~ flt•h Mii~'"' (top of eiibrt 1r~....111g
...,lnc l1SC',m 1lllkw.'allCC!J. Drnw ooiei>IO..-uvailor rumlrl(.
~>0t l1<Treeinngk:fOC'thtpcdu.u \\.1d~llchnru..1ndshor.s:111d
O<l10 l)l'OWTI l)Ql)O:T. lh<'kngl h and h;uKls.ka~inl( OfJl"'lllllg !Or ~lutr­
\O:kl1huf./fflnl rot..Y(mly. :i<kJin~ lnti: •11L1fT. Pl.'l("(':>hOt'iil.iCIW<T113
'h· hlCh scrun aJlcn•~1111-.s. h1('!1!1('run ll11cof 1w.;im::1n11,1:u1nr
l"rom plahl fahrk:'. N1 Z Lv,.:.: 1Mll""'-rll!tns.ldes 1q..'<1.hcr.scw
und2sm.'lll • ""-';u~Crn I sc;un.S..-...• thi:o11<11111n"tnbody,
L'lrfll! n"--mrWe from b.'lt1lng. rlJ:hl:;Jtb lO@Cl ln".
lkrn ono: \ttllcnl skk· i'I\..., on 1)1m•'\1bcrti::h1,;kkouc.~ufT:
~ o( 111'! 1111WllkT m:tangb 11.11111~-W Ul'Cll lll~ l10ti('d. Sew
Wi1hrtgl1111kb faci 11g. pb."t'(>nO: hanm 10 s~ Add rldt. mck and
h('l}ln icd l'O.."Ull lf(k m opnnccn d h~l!I l>trlpos to mp nnd txol lotu
ol u..:targe~nr1g,Le.rnw~~'d l'df.,'t'S.Ca."llU,1!31COl'lll'r.:l!OfiL
o'l!fl. Repcm hlS1nM:1kms for c~ iTJtlllmN.'d

XeedLib.com .
Wt1 a 4-lnch •t"""' ol whlll' Bluebird Toy opmlll(.. Olp ClllU'.'11, U.llU.. and
'M:WLiodo:dS.::..· ..-tng:srollkb.
(1"llNJd Shnjlt'O'.'trt ht'fO.~m lJ(tlL lj('(1nnlui:at bolmrnllifronV
Ll.1 d')~ tmlO\'<' b.UI. Wlc h 3 S!KW.'11011r><tb~21. t>ead~nhly.i11 !1thfron1/hrod
sina.lltsof~~n!Olke 1usidef..pt.'Otlnga111«k. OlpCOC"·
,."n:ld! knab kw ')Q ;ofld OC*; MATr.IUALS ~ ancl n1!''!:5...kllit t.:tmnd
1"\ll"k oulllnc Sll!dMS I« nxlulh. ~)1lnlolbluephehaayl1Cfur upptri:dgcaol51dr:plcu9..pk'OI ·
,.1U1hc1lalrw11111UJC:rl1U.Wmp SCn1p11o(llcttcllt1rrflU 1~0.1 L'l:l lltT.Tnml1n111lllily
fell,V.lncilwkk-,nro.uWt™'bOI Scrupsuf 1JCOCh.w hU(', bock nnd U\•peT ~nL• 1 ~hcr:
W1t1ofhtadwrorm 1111'k.C1111a· 1un:1110l01C.wldblait"kfoh fOI' begim1ln,11~111ch fromU1<"polnL
o:.11.-criallidoor1Mdl.1'adl. lxak1111dC)'l5

Scwblnlbuuom1obocly, ~
Slltcl1 ti;d llldui;m11n1.r~111 INSTIC IJCTIONS 'norm $1'\ llr lln u ly, s 111..
l>llb1~Stwh;aS<W1111Ud EnlW'ICt' paltenl 111c=<. P1IGt' !llllcll oi1n1l ng c:lo<.00. Alkl fdc
~'e"lnthoprnl111tai1op.Turn 27. ot1l<1graphpapcT.tf':llc~ ~Uldtbow-10~
a11duimn\!l'ofbrtm..-llll11cit lnd1ai:tc'l4·l11d1~~)
rndL Milke porn 1)0111 fl'tlni )WlL F'olkM11i,gdlnx:'llanofn:tp{~llr
lt-.Mug t}in,11 ~·mis unnu , !:11111 r<i\011' 00 llaUl1"M). Oii l»«ini
t'l>!bl0Cpo111·1101n lllrough1ui101' fmcnplu~h.QuaO\i lnctl-<llllln •
tiM.Scv.· ends 1ooilCJliru: 10~· e1crdrrlrforblnllx.c1om. Music Bo.x
cun:cTldcholllnpbceOllhr>al OJI l•'O 1111!,1 ll11ll!b fn:.n !be
~. cu1beak 11111t1baaklln1na ~100~22.
fl'or lhehllif' frum1l<Qctlfch.F'oreyt&.o.nt"'(I
Wllhyam. make loopstl1chm ~hw:h-tllnmcter black dn;lc!t.. 'Ille nnl~hed musk box 1111:1&1ns
uroundthcfi.rwldocckllnrnuct 1wu ~ lr ich·dlnmcttT mrq\JOl.'ie 5x~ h..:ties.
t,w:klnJO_T. dll'b wMI h•'O " lnd1...tlamtorn-
whilr drde5 lrom fd1~
F'rorn 1ho:<KJ.11UHl)'.l:utm11:i;cr1p
Sew darts. ln hrnd icnd skb.
Srw Mml,¢11 rdi."' ()( QrM: bc;lll tu
M usic 00..- n1a:hanJ::Nn
1 2x2()..il ~h pku::ol\lo lll<'h
314 111chcs wkk:. ,..old unci.,r 14 llroll lll1W«O tlot.~ Soc-w 5«'0!Kl ~ hick 1111runrortl board
1nt11onooelnl(thr:Lutg1Uldy. bmlctO(Ttlfltbel"ttf' dotli.Wlth 7_.,s.1nch11~ol!.4{1u"Tif:ht
F'Olduuder\llnehln!he~lt ngt111ikbfadn(.-1~ uiWrnirdboat'd lot roor
lllm;tklnon l ~othcrskttol1hc ff'Ollt.l~andb:llk~Mc \it.)""Md~falx1C'b-o:iua(C
lc'l~h.Trlm1n"11hL11'4loch1l11d lltH ll'Nk ro (()fln )IOflll. &Itch Whlll' fl.bric ~p!I for wtndCM'l'i
srnch \lo- inch Mbhous ;uop II~ bt:ok ll 11l111{ao.'t'rbe11kupc:n l11g l11 ;ondduo!'
rrl111111ed~ ,.·okl rhr Mrl 11 b.11Ck,atl!chhigM1u111lrhcbeilk \4yard 1M)'ISler~Tlor
M11.!110y leiS Uiitn tWf tdo not f!dA< Olpasmn.IJ htlk'lnlliotlln pill(kllJ"l.tlW:•'illb
~lheribbon~Rqll'ld ln¢Mulf1he"-kwld.silp-slld1 Scmi-ol'fuslbkll't'bbtrut
li:ir1hc2'lf. -b11.'h111'1dl:Slrtp, ~
rl~ (okled ed~ ntop «lCh •xlier:
h1U1d-Rmher.Tnrkl npln.ce.
WUh r~hl 511.b f.-.11¥:. $1Hl'h
wings 10 "~ ''S lh 1ln,1,."I! 1.-. ......: 1111
2}-:anliol\lo ·lnd!.·ll'idtl\oolll
2)'ill\lsi!fl4 1nch ·wltk:N\lln
2-3)'11t'dooll4 ·1och· lllidl:llllln
P""P11w:r'!:d ll'hll(' - br rool
3)-ardiiol ... lndi.·111idl:O.
Sma1111ttiflcl."ll nowm.
Watr rt.'IWilllllcpcn:cmllg1uc

f'or couar;c11dts
:.1.7. onm 111".tJlh plpn". 0.u entb
and :>kb ol , _ from lown-

~boo.n.L\\<1lhb::plck.pokc a
.!'ldeofOJtla+,<c!dotoo p;i11cni~
L;iy fOG1T1<0mslt\e5 OU ptaeh

rabrt<! nnd dmw uruund ..:II
wllh wntct-<:rn!!o'lblc pen.
C\n bbrk' I ll'ld1 bc)'Qnd f:l.ldt

UOOH /\..._O Wlt.'DOWS: ' f'nllr:

v.1nclolll'll<.nnddoor pattrrnsonro
white fabric. Wllh fi.islble v.'tb-
u1 ng.fll•...:l111o pos1tlononpeac:l1
fabric. With w-.ucr...,...11s11blepeo.
dMdc: ..1ndl1w!lh1H11'el'TJcnl!it'C-
1lon5ll!Sstl(r\o.'U, Mark roch !l<'Co
ti011 for ""·Inch dl\'bJorl!i. With
twostr.mdi< n<gmy UU'ClkL and
ll51ngn IOUJC SlltCh. conn«t th!!
marltlllfPI Inn 111.igonal patten.
Cbuch thr ttirrod:i at intct'!l«'-
Uons ,..hh1151nnJl5lltc::h.Cluc~
'11.-lnch·wklc rllil:M>n on 111., l'l~r11-
ca1 dl•'ISIOtlS of the "11100111$. l~e­
fen1n~ 10 1h<: d~..gr.un. prlgll 28.
!!luc r1bbon Slr1 psondoor. Scw
llorolrrimiuuunddoor. gmherlng

ASSEMIU.\': l."01 llcett pleMi

Uw: smue sltt as tlie K,mi1-o)l'r
tlottt&k.ledo:>1m.on ..'TVflg*ll:o(
fabrk~l"11U11 1w:lgltte~
GIUC' 1hc: ~ Inch wk.le pdld1
r1bl10t11lrou11dthcuut5kleol lhl:
"'lndc::r..-.i.. Chi<' 1hm:: llorn! trim
ur i:ac-11e1K1 ut 1M1t1SC
Punch 11 hole 1hruugh fabl1c
kc:rt>Ole. Ctue musk:boxma:ha ·
n lsmtoilu.ldcufw:11JL
G lut'. cnd ()fonc11klc "'all unhe
ln..• lltecdgt'of<mccnd " ';:111. Re.
l)C'atfor~11xoshf' 111de.Clue lli.ese
IWO!l«'l lOfl$1(Jb'd htT.
GJucflur..il nlm\wtlcall)'aloflf[
;\ka51.ilt'h>Sid&:bouomdlmo.•n .
!ik>nof t!Oll 1&gelUldCUl(OOm-ron:
b."t:SC1o nt.Ctue10"111agehouom.

CO'ITACI:: ' l"IUM S: Run a long

,i:a1htThig 1hn::iddcw.111hecenttt
of 111<" grttn rlbOOn and '"ioqutg·

,Y eedLib.com
bushy dra.1. Spm"'uie In pt;rr. ~ Inch frgm UI!' ~ O:>Wllhln 2 r..,Uwttrr1bootles
Rtpeal wUhasea:n1llt"*ol lndlC! from the bottom edf:roo, On IWO 6-lnch k'nglhs..,,. rib-
green. r Of' the ~inc nround rhe w11hrtg?i1skte.oroong.~·1J01
door.g;n ho:rUie'd.· lOCh ·wlClerlb · uim1tleQernl><l.llH111:1um. =~~nd~~lan~l~~~~lll~
bonsl11t111ly~5POl ·jth1C.lhle Fukl 1he bn~ 111 C!ltobl!i.11 11>1 frencll k1101 toholU In I'~'"'-


•ha.11e~Ami.l)• tof<Jrm111e
l<.IWlU"d1hr lhllnt.
Y.11h1mmrbbde.cu111>e1""' I
rtbboot>uatiesnorl\1nc. Trim 1~ rOJlol the brog ..1111 •'tt1k:lll lllllll on rodl Nik of1 ht
Jlhlk ing$ll<:"ni. Cllt OUI Ill!' h l1lf boot l"tl, ' l'rhn di.: IOf1't\IC "1th
l'orilw:roor d1clrwl1hplllJnlllk11J5. 11l nkl11J1 N~;w..:.1tl'IU lh~ ln
Glue Illa: d!TtaJ)• Qo!O •·h11c sidcoltlk'bootk' ..11hfnbrlcgtuc:.
c:::udbolw\llnAltl!nWlbljJrow>'!ial To•ppl~UM:H& C'Ui""'>B-lrldllenill111ol~
J!all'lm:dllndllallatt.:roesW 1'1akcyourOIO'ndi:::Mgl'lor~ anctpul11hruugh$flt1>forlill:inp.
7.fnctJ wkhh . GI..: ll 9 Inch "uip ooeol1he1111ln"1l 1>au~1l'llo.'t
ofg111tleml111Ce~ !romnnd IWl, forllppUquo': 1111u em .t:nlllqlc
bock t'dt,'<lulrwl lh~ Clue l"'O 1iru tcmton1 thelll.teui thebiljt.
n:N'>idrLailbta!:on1.indt'J'Skkal Cul~ fr1'lln wmr:..i1utr1ng
front.clblckolrool~ ~lnch-.UO..~O:nln-
Qmerroo(llndgJurw1QPn1"""" 11.M JlllSlrlon 11pJ111qut 111.proio:I
edgeofl'lll~'C. m.'\lclyll41n<:honbo\'Clhc:OOI·
1tm1 11Ca1n Un<l uf 111e t.>1oa.
~;n 1IX'lll5h whh rn1bmklciy n11d
Fablic Gift Bags
l;-abtic Booties
'Ii )=d at (IC)llon prim fnllOc ~l(l\0'1\00~23
fubncliJrhlttng: MATEOUALS
~}':.lfltoffirslblelmcrf.11:1113 •l lo'.xl5-lnd111Cn>pof8)'1\lll<"l k'
Plnklngl!ll<'(lnj 11111.'dcutfrllf<KUllrP,'>lr Ch ild 's Sampler
l~Lnctldo("' lnch-wldc:rtbt)()l1
~~~~~ E.mliroldct}• <io..asdc.'slrwl $hr>\0'!1011~23.
f'llbric: ,giue: 111nklng shcaD
Wnttt·~J)rn f1nkh<"d~bl2xl~lnches.


J>reo;hrlnk1herononfal~ N<JteP:111cmpll'CUllm:luckl4· 14x1Nnchplcct'o(l4'4.um1
Usca11:11irrhmdtbilg•flpal· lnch&e".un~
~ C\ll lhcbgg •JWt 10 make
Md tl>C'n 1.~11 0111 th<' tionom . Add
£nbrgr llw: pa.Item. r1ght unto
(lilphpap« 0.11 no10 °'men
pll:=Trnnsl(t thema.rklngi.fc:w'
llll'fmnt(Jf 1he 1111pc:r boulnntL

color kl:)' I
L ·lnchioeiut1Wk)y.~1 t1 thCL"Cfl · 1hc from and l)IOCk un 1hc 111>le INSTRUCTIONS
ter l.IAic:k altlrbng Lop pat1rn1 llka:!I with lhl' "''~"'nlll'i'hlr l11l'C'IWUplelcdc:rSl(nb"'Ork<"d
and "'-lnd1 ~ allooto':UlOI: w
CUt out Int ll:lf( 11'Ulcnt!i from lh<'Upper-00.Jt t ~ ol1h<'Ald.l0olh.Rli:'.fcr1opai.,'cl2
botl1p~offabr11S.Wllh1hc ~l.ttk OOI for 11 l<le'e11w:m ol c1h f«~pn_~llehlSU'1.M.'llrtn!lfOr"'Ol'k
"~ •kle!l togct!M:r, f11~ LllC hon ltc:s l'ur h•'lh)' i,:lrt or 11l!tSJ1 l~ih•'('rut1!11:1tl1ch~ 11m\ 1 hcfl n ­
t'.abtlQl ti:igt-ther.0.~l lhcl llrlClfOI' todn~fQf too,•. Tnm1hc: lmlngtktnlls.
inrll 1-:11 _ . aJlllolll-..nn: and 10p~ollllf'Ullf'C"boor:lr ..11h
~ 10.)oln. "*boft tn rwr...1111 1Jlnktng~Y.11hrtgtu-.kb
lhelllil'Vttl<kf(ldtlg.pn!:l810 l~'Clho:•r.sewl»ckKWn(l(UPf,....
make 11tinrp fold!! on th(' rwu bootll":lllnL
sklc$:111 hc halo11gboth11kk'«lge!I WI01 the Wl't)UI( bl<Jcs. l~lht:r.
11111C":hthc:upjll'rl.:tu1ll:m ll te1'Ulr.
nts111g1otli. 1'rlniulf"cdt.'elllong
B~il'' In'i

l:.~ery baby sbnuld ttten 1: •t leas1 one
Kt of hnud kmllC'd buo1u•s or a
crod1ct('d crib c<>verlt'\_ In this M;ctlon,
dC\'Otcd enlln:h· to kJHlt('n o.nd
c1ochr1r,.... you'll find hc1doom·(1u.ohty
gifl.5 IUl.'.b 8Jo I ti .. l<1yct le SCI shown
here. 1 \\Cll llB toys,. halo)
.oJgh•ln<>. and othn f?.•HTnrntlli Wh.Hcver
your lrvcl u( kill. }OU.ft' l\lrC to fo1d
n ~iftyou'll enjny -.w1·hml! for o
ta~·ontc d1ild. In trufl1on lnr th1
proJr•·I· I• .in 1111 pa1!<" JN.
K11lnlng11b.lll)• ,..,.c.,lt'I" Pro.l"WIW'l"pm•\'
ur afgli;u 1. .. 11~·h rali,, ctK!\«h10b!-10t'l111
fnr11:smalkr h1\~111rrn n1o...... TI1rfh'l::l.11111011
lnll.uiea11dmau·Ti;1l'i C"Jtdt,!:tn ft:\l llr<'Slldt"-'11
rlum w1 11Uull"S fold-0\'tTrollaramJ
~1mlml. pnllitlnl II d!W••'l'lfr1flgrult'l.TIK"
gooo.ldiai~ • ok';lma caph.'lihlll\d)' t'Nfl.1P'
fl('Wp.1n~ur11.;11.,.fun rmdi..mo.dcln a lbt
:~~Ill"" p:111rm I~ :•nd --.W"'l up
11lrlt;d;. Tioclo:Jtk.i..
111(-b\~IC!>n.righl. ,.·hlrh lllT"l:ldrll>Ololly
bl.alKJ\lllful c.;1li.;..,k>11 In J,lann ..tltclM!&. come
ofknlucrlpauttn Ull,.-tlloo,"t'f"an lnfan(!i
Nltd~tl)alotfc:r..11 11nkbfnrwanmh
dill!~'<' from mhkd TIW'f,.-o n~1jorm<11I&.
do!i!(Jn. ~t\ rnl>~etlln'k~aill
~l!d1r111nduir 11 1t:1I 1'1'.M'5kw"lhf' •l2lc:J6.lnct1
p.l(1cn1a.ncl:u1mukolr lll¢1nn. Or 11t11m"
L:k'\' ci.e.-n:.1mo11r !it.:ond.vd...L«.alitll.111
Al1 houghctw-i1"11i.. 11.Siog~-.ritrr rl«'lllcs
ru"ltl lienl30C-l'!IBl1 :ind ""Un;tt'd"'<'l~hl
eniln-~.Lndh1d1 .. 11

brdlfJki11t111· 1ln1<'-
00 1.l ~IWU/\oll.,'U>

~r-E~; I
k11ln.i:d lnfn111

wctonknUllJ\.ll lll>tl
rrocflt'l. lhmid1« 1thl!Jl
«'nll'1"b.ack .fl
dr.o,.'SUi•l,l{•rnl'l! rulda
~ .........
purtkuliu (""""" b made
In p.~I N1111Q. U nho

tlX' hem~'" dll:!>.... Or
Jtm1>hJli• fl!'rm11:l

::~=~~'-",.'!~:" h 11 0

1... 1o;hm,l >'dh ·h Aft,.rthr.,.111Mt':>mt• 1·oi11W1~1111·i;;nnw•

I 11vd lur1hcb.1l1\
,lfJ:l\oU>.flflo<.r 1$1>11'JoAI
l'> •'1'>1:"f• '"""'11:.h the

:::::~::! .. ~bM.,.'f'<"nllX'
tb1blr1..._.I .... ~II"-.
hLu>k<1 or11 knllll'l11lf'
•-n>.:lirttd b.lby afCw>
A111 ..... 1un .....1'>iu<ial
"'°rk"dlfklllk.Ull)'Oll<I lt:afuuuk~ !hf' mntrllh~lk1wt"1~

l ~:i::..~·~t:~.~mft<. ol

1h.111kroctot1... ·n , ..

I tlJ..'<'l".!i bodV r~m... nr"('

1t~u~u.11ru ..... 1
..,t1mal '~"'"°' wiJ
..J1;1pluj!rn:1~hlmfl.l l

lho: u~lu~.d! lr
lkol1'5" lhr1'1U11 L~
,\11e111hrol•lrn..J 111U1 11 h .

l 11;1,."lsll.'llk'li"•Uhl>J,I;
fXT"',ll\aJU\' l'rtlw1>1.-.kl
1....,. ..Jd1 l r ll11'sh h~
\'uu i:ru1 11d.i1~ U1b
I .--.ou.z; ...

=-•uk"•-1 ,.ill'ur

frln.i:.,mao<'1u1M 11"\1he
f.JO' IUCl'1'llll',1klnl(of
11..·Jutiglor.or,.,,..k 1hc

ru.:IM~h'"""'h" l"hh...., 1~ n"311r ·~ ofcok>r.> ul •·•m

tli~l •1 !l<'Whnm In t11r11 "'"l~h.1hl1• ·•·n-Uc ~1••tl 1 n•":lli:11Jk' In ,...,lj!l11~
m!•I" wtll t~r" ~ llhw wr1i:t11 ''•'"'· <Ul'l ts11 ~11 11~1\lr fvr l~•I'}'
·~·!hr ltNUplT '<"I. P<"fh• • ..,~ ... ,,,. for0\1101 ~ i;!.-1rn1<·n 1~ F.... "-'CILIUl)ll
•l'f ~ Nf1•TIM"l\O) • l>ht' W!K,.i•v11<. ""1mll(hl"'•llll1f>
1~un1 ··~~,..Mr(" Alth•vu,'11 p;lk' l'ifl~ muk~ a.11 tu1.111r~ ornfll
,dh,...._l1rn<J1p•~ I
... l~ll• <,..=:.Um 11<';~1
.u 1<1 1·11.-hl"•M nl~Jl11e I
J\.}11<t-.·•,...·n fmot11('oo..
""l'llk 1 1to·u·1<k ""'""'
I 111..-h.UrKllhl•ll~
"fbtlghr r"(d '"blue
111...ic:11l uftt1r
kf'l•f"'"1.'T)1h\11~11111111!•· tmd ll tt>11.111.,,•11•I-..

r ~-·"""''~'
"'""''"'"rll~ .....
11... inumru:Ju. nor
kn111 ... 1heaf.(':11.11ud
lnnmy"'pim .... 11:11
Wl'"'fl"ll'''°'heous ..
~~ Li i l~l!'. SW!.'.1l('r no•I fl
111<'Wtlmal~' h rad ...
... nhrnlorchan(t'.S

l ~i~S:~~E
11nw1hr lx1•k



I Ol<Nl l"-'11Ulai<"h<.>k"""
,..,.,u.,_; the}' ...~lh!•UIU11
•., ........irn:idltnr
..T.N•lruf and di;i•l(

,...,,.,.. minor lrr11lll~•n

I tu NO"T1'iJ rh-.,sklu
11 .., ... ,oddini:!
~·mrnt_... m'*1u.<J1u;:
liull!Jfl:'t.bo!Qd;..(11' rnni:
oluool•m.· - r .•'I•
""-...Jl<J\Oo• f'ordoll"-

l fml mY""<org!ued~111ld1
nul.[lynm\,.ll\·.111<' ''•ll"l•lnall.[hilll ll<, 111 1~•11t'T11'.> !ht' h~ .1 ~on.."=rall(!""'·
•' mfll<"11"l h.~b.· af'l.[h•u•. sci•rh .... - "'\'J"'<ll 1.. m ....... mll 1lu·hQHl(·1-. ""lkrl(l n w1rt""'111L.'"tl\'!I.
11 /x;n•_o1<.lap 1i;mntlt~ 1·1·, of1i.;tth.i1 lun=n,.,... I Uom-.-. .... l1o·l"""11h n.~· .. 111 1 tr..u1:.and!h't'
!ro11111kl frl-.hlo1111.l nlunll<1nn1'--.hi1Jle'\I hU1l.H"l<I Ut.1JW'SI" whhrl1rm1nlfTal~fmn1
,,,,,..,..,,hd1o;.1111!)lro; -.rl1dw'> 1w«lk 1l1<·11•"11"k 1ln•

I lh :tS ....1 11.•l't'"'l lrt"

m.1dt•"irh~pun w<1)!tll
Oroi;r 11"" "'1"·~ ··,-.an·
C!l"- 1 1<~<~ 1. W•lrk lhr
i ....... ·~l.l!llll!
.,!0111.[ li ll"
BlankcL cardigan. 1"'1tt:yu, k l. yo, k :J. yo.k I. yo.
(!111.k l .p;;soJ l•"b::p 3. Rep ....,.,
l)f\1clt'~l"oru 1'1JC"Srt.1IO<l!las

cap. and Booties from " !Ob.\! 13tu..k l . p l . k 3 OQ:tdlngrouilrti:chlakk): K f1fSI

ll~pl , kL.p l , k &. 29f32. 34 J11tsand~on111l1d1
SllOl''t10U!xigal30..:JI. Uowl2: K6. " p 5, k3. p ln, k 3. IKll<lr:Tfut· Upf'C" tllg.tn Front: k
Rcpfrom"ICllDsl l l !KS.p 5.. k6. 1icxl 61 (63, 67Jtaand~on
Dlrt'Ctb1Sa1T1iw"Stl:e6 A kllll~ RcpRl>w!IS..12unllltotnllo:ngth ~hcrlioldrrforllldt.lr.M:~
(;h:ingtSrorSllir'!l I Ycarm1d 18 ]~ 35\it liK:h.S. ~ml Wl!h l«Jlo•8of mah\ L11l(2DL3'l.34lMSonnecdlt
>otomm. f\lllow tu po.m1the!ICS. 1i.11. Rev RCN,"5 1-1 ill~ Ah Kl orr. IOrUppct l.eftF'rorn.
t'\nbha.ldlc11Ulw• l9t:tO.'lll
111'Chie5.UUtnkt1'-4'1...:361nctlcs. f"orthcc:ard!(u UPPEH l£fT f1.IO:'m WIWJi: In
lnclndh14,t 1lw.bonlrr. ""-'tt':CUnt~10 l~ wnrkl"d In one pr1er lllll ~h tk "ll'l1 rowl 111110
111!.'cewundemn11. k:ugth frumdMdh~l"O\lo'bi3!3"'.
MATER>ALS 31.\JinctlQ..md• lronlt'tljtc.
UODYo &anintl l°'dgt'.
IV lov.Tr
l1\."lltlll1 21l li37, 1451SUI. NECK ANDSllOVl.Ot:R S ltAf>·
S0..(18[)gn'('l11ilrrompk1c IWt.t!S l ..:J: l\nlL ING.Row /1Blnd ofT ft11118 jtl. 101
RDwol K5aud~ltnc:llU
cnrdJ&'111. c:ip. ruwJboock!i 011$.'lfdyptnfarbu11onbiuld:.kto Row.21 Work to~"W!f '2!11!!,.knh
SUitOalw111numnuchd l lOOk
fh"C' Ko lnch-dWIW.'lri- bulton:t
111.-11 5..c.:oand l)l;ll'.t'tl 1('lll'$U O!l
IU'IOlho:Tplnforbulttln holeb:uKI.
Rom.S. Pl , ' (k 1. ,,:tl411mes:k
Knh flra '2~ 1og. 11-urk

I. p·I U~. 6). k I \k 2UJS) IWkt:: Rao -'. f41>Ruw2.

Abbr.,..luloa..: ~ l.iast' •17. (yo. k II 3 \[111"1; yo . (~I I , k I . For I l ',-.:1rmu.l l8 Mo111h...~ .~IM's
Citl~ Slocldncttrscl1ch..OM!J• r-.11 ...b: k 3.p 4 1s. t11. 1tep (111 /y: l~l Ro\!." !l flr 6 ~#(Muhs
I lnch: 8f1J'l>'!l • I Inch from • w ~ 6Ms. l k I. )\)/ 4 .<tzit:Of1tv WorklruwCYen.
llmci;: kl,p l. Forall'/!of~TI\eft: ""'l 8! 1 9.

l'or lhc:blanket HOt1•t1: 1\l , ' 11 2.111 2 1og1 1"'lre 20\ Sl!IOn r1t'«lli-.
Swl.lug at U'lt ~<Mon 113.k416.0L p 16.k -& 15. 0 J. Rcp .~1rom: BlntlotffirM9ta. 101
from • 1o la:!t 10ab..p2. fp21ogJ ltl$.WUf1¢lll:rtJIS&.
Rou:,,l-4r Knlc. !lria::p3.k I. Fo/I011.fngtv1eWorkC'l'l'n.
Rl.lu•!J: K 5, fl I, • !k l ,,Y(l} '1 H0t1• 7: P 1."k l , pl.k3 1og.p Ulnd 11ff 11'!11 sta.
Urnm:k 1, p3.k 1. (k2 togHwke l , k l , p4J5..6~Lk2:1ug>1wk.'c:yo.
~kll3Ufflr.9<)'0-tsll . kl . kl , ~k3. )Ukl , yo.flill . kl , urrD1 IJ,,\CK: SUp 1hc 61 163.
pssol 1w1tt:k3. 113. Rc:pfroT11•to IJllllO)l"icr:k2:. 11 4 C5,tlt. Rep 071 Sb frum OOMt hOldtr <lflto
ll!Stlll'l&.(kl.yo)4tln~ kl.p from• 1oll\'ll8 M:;.. k 1. 1> 1. k3 ntullc. With "TOl'R side 11-ctrlg.
l , k.5. 1.:ig.pl. k 1.p I joln}'llt"lllOfirSl ... Worich!p-co:r
~·&K6. 0
p2.1p21ug:Jh•'k'I!: Rowtf:KJ. " p5 l"t(5,6Lp15. Miid! WlllJ lcnlth from dMdlng
t>3.k3, 1115.k3. Rc:J1frmn• 10 k415.G~ Repfro111•101't1116J1tS. row ts" [-& ~ . " °"'1 inctl(ll. r:nd
Jastl510tS.p:.t.t1,2logJ!u•k'r.p3. p 5. kl "11h11rv"'""°"kedOO"'T00ffllllle.
k6. RowlJ PI. " l k l . yu)-lllmcs: k
Rau.1 7. K5.p 1, " k l.p l . k3 I.pol Ui.6J.k3.tk:.l: llJl;.!1Yi1cr:. NECK A.°'DSllOlIU>£RStlAP-
1og.p l .k l.p ~.t k210ft ltwk:c: {)"fl.. k LI 3 Urnt'!>; yu..(sl I. k I. 1NG. Ro11111 I 2: lllnd off9 (ll. IO)
yo. k l , yo.k3. )V. k l.yo.ll'I Lk !8'1011"11..t:: k I, I' 4 15. 0). Hep 11ts. k:11.TUS&
1. i->l1•Yr.k2.p3.Rrprrom • from • W kw. 6MS. lk 1.)0) -& Raid 3-lo Bi11d off 9 ( 10. 101
101n:;.tl3!U-k l , pl.k3rott-pl, Ume.tk l.p I. ~k-=r-.Ulndolfmnlll!I.
kl , [>l , k 5. Rm•• 10: K 1, " p 2. i ll " togt
Rt1,,.8: K U. "p 5. k3,pl5. k3. '"icr: p!J, k-1 f!l, (IJ. " l!I. k .. Ul'l>eH RJCtrr ~'RON'l'l SI 29
Rtpfro111 • 10L111t llSQ;,p 5, k6. 15.6J. fk'pfrorn • to,_.10MS.p2. t31..3"J~ froo.nrsgt11 fron1h<JkS.
Rt.o1119: K 5. pl. ' lk L, yol4 ljl:.l:H""lt''"ltt:Jl !l. k L tt conccdlc. WrongSldr:ldctrig.
llrnes:k L. p3. k:.l. lk2mftH"'ln:: Rm••l/ ; f'l , " k l , p 1.k 3 1og. p Join)~•rn toflnil !jl, Worlc ll!l ftn"
!)uk JJ3liule9o:}U. l!il l . k I, I. k 1. 11 4 \5. GI. k 2. lk 2 log.I UPl!(:T l.dlFrofll~lon.
ps.90J~kl . p3. Riepfmrn • w 1-~ ~ kl . )U.k 3.)U kl.)"l:l,
bsl Ll iM!l.l k \ ,yo1<1 1loor:a, k 1.v Isl 1. k l , pseol 1wkep4t5. 6 L Bl!ITOS UANO: Sl 5 bnUl)n
l ,kfl. 1<qirro111•1(1L..,,t 811tS.k 1. p 1. k hmuls.tr<tOr>a".lit', jlll11 ynm :lt
Raw IO:K 6. . ].12.lp 2 qa 310ft,I' l . k J. p I. lnner~ Workbnndlni;:antr
•Wk'r:p3. k3.pl 0, k3.Rri>f"""' Rvud:.ll\ l , " p5..k4! 5. 6).p oqUdi WllU "'1<PI' knglh 11111 fronl
• 1ol:li>lllS!t!s. r>2. !p2tOl(J1"icr. 15. k<l l5.QJ.Hl'f1from • tollJsl 6 ~ bind ofT. Wfth pi11t1. mark
1l:J. k6. S1.S. 11 5, k l . Rq• ltw.'1.1 5-- 1:.t unlll 1~hkm for ~. llu uon.'i on bmld
RIM11ll · K5,p 1. "k 1. p 1. k3 1Dlllllrt1t,'lhb 5V. I0. 6'1411nrt-. hini U.! o:fil"lllpln" lnch fromkw.·-
10ft.pl.kl . p 3. k2. (k21ogl l:nd•ithMowl:ll8. 12J. rr~ai.ilb51 pti1"' lnehbdaw

BIJl'TONl lOLE IJAN0:51the5 rortl~"'f'. rick up:md k 97 !lt.S<:\"<:'11· How 6:"K3. p3,k l . j.1 l.k3
S hi from safety p hi onto 11<.-e.lle. lyaloi1g1wk«.1gc 10 11.11hl11L'ISl.2 tog.p l . k l , p3, (k2tog) 1Wke;
Wl1! 111glu .skil'!Wdn.g.jotn)'llnll() sts frum ld"tfrontron.e-r. )'O.kl.)U.k3.)V. kl .)'l"l. (sl l .k
llnll5t. Worir. lng.'lner$4.1«.11u1>I<> HQ<u I : K ~. p2. • tk L. )'UI 4 l.JISl!IOll11.1oc::k2. 113.kl. pL.k3
unc ..i 01flrstpl11 <mUuuonb.1nd. lin><S;kl . p3. k l. tk2(0!tllu.icr. ~Lkl,p3.k3.lb!Jj from'
c11d:<1 fruni«lge. l.)'O.k 1) 31imes:)"O.(&lt . k I.
F'frsl lJut/Q11/wlcrou,. K 1. k 2 l)l'SUl •wkr:k3. p 3. k ep frum•m Uow7: "K6.p 5. k3. p 15.k3.
l ~yu. k2. L'\'St l 'lSIS.lk l .)v) 4 1ln~: k l . p j.15. k 6. ltcp from· ~
f5<.'('(Jt/dl>t.1tt(Jl r/wl1•row: K 5. 2.k5. Rof11& ' K 3. p 3. lk l , )"1 4
Wurklng.-.ncr.51lrc11:md makc Row:l:K 7. " p2.lp2 1ogt t"1ce thnes: kl , p 3.k3, (k21ogltw'cr.
11 houonbole IJliposllc rnc.il pin p3. k 3. p 15. k3. lk!>from • m l\'O.k 1) 31lmet1:)'0. lo.l l . k I ,
u11lll lnlgthofb."1tllssan...,1w
Qllpot<lle slde.Blnd otT.Stlreh .,_
L~l6st•q12.tp:.! u:ig11wk:e p 3, f>!'"<>l1Wk'e:kl.p3.(kl .)'0)4
tlmes: k l .p3.k3. Rcpfrom •
ba11dsm,.wc111 er~So..'Won « ow3: K5. p2. " k l , pl . k3
rn.111 ons: flnlsh l>uttt.lf1hok5. ioti-i.i I. k I. p 3.!k 2 tOJ.(11" 1ee HowM' KG.p 2.{p 2 tJJg]lwio:':
yo. k l .yo.k 3. )U.k l .)'0. 1811 . k p3. k 3. p 15. k 3. p 2. (p 2 ~ogl
su:t:VES:Stunl.ti.gm •he""''Cf l . p:>50)111.1c:c: k l.p3.Rtp frum • 1w k."C: p 3. k 6. Rep fl'Olll • ooce
l!dj.,'l",CUSl<ni49153.571stS mL'tSI L4 SIS.k Lpl.k3 111fi:. lll . Rotul0:"K3.J)3.k l.pl.k3
Rows l-4: 1\lllL k l. p2.k 5. ·~pl. kL.p 3.k2.! k2 wgl
R0t115(right!ll00t K 9,I JO. la Row4: K 7. ' p 5. k3. pl 5. k3. t'-li<r. )'O.k l .)'U, k 3.)v.k L )"O.
(yn. kl l4 11n ~ 1> 4t5.6\.k l.(k k q1from•1 0L'l.'4! 12sis.115. k 7. IN I. le I . (-.J)l"1oc:: J13. k L.p I ,
2 1og,i twkr.()'n kl l31\mes;)'O.
!1111,k l .pseo:>)tw~ k3.p4 (5.
61.lk I.Jul 4 llmnl: k 9\10. I \l
Rtx1• 5.• K 5.p 2. " lk l. )'1)1 4
UnJtS; k l. p3.k3.tk2togJtwk:c:
l\V. k 1)3 tbne:i:)'O. tsl L. k I,
k31og. p l . k l . p3.k3. Rcpfrom

Rour l /: 'K 6.p5.k 3. 1115.k3.

Row6: K8(9. 10J.p2.(112 togJ p$$0ll " il.T: k L p3.Rq1from • w p5. k6. Repfrom • onw.
l\\'loe: p3.k4(5,6),p 15.k41:S. Lastl2 $l$,j kl .)'OJ4tin~kl-11 Rcm;/2·9: 1«'1>~ 4- tl .
GJ.p2.J p2iog} twkr.p3.k819. 2.k5. frow2Q: 'K3. pllK-eni.vkeron
001 Row6. K 7. 'p2.lp:.!tll(IJ IU.1ce: •lttdlc. 113.lk l.yol 4 •hnes: kL.p
Rou17: K 91 10. 11). p 1.k3tug. p3. k 3. 1115,k3. Rep froin •11> 3.k 1 .1k2~111.'k'"t':U<o. kll3
p 1. k L pH5.6Pk2 r<ig11wk.T. ia!ll.l6$Ui.p2_ !p21og)lWit.-.,; p 3, 11!1Jt:S:)'O.l:<l l .k l. i:->lt"'kT:k
)'O. k I .yo. k 3.yo. k L, ~'O. ($1 L. k
L. psso)lwloe:k 2. 1>4 (5.6). k l . p
L, k3!u(t.pl.k9jl0. LU
"·Ruiu 7: 1\ 5.p2. • k l . p 1.k3
10g. p I . k I . 1>3. k 2,(k 21og)
3. p 3.tk 1. )'0l41hnc11:k l.p 3.
pl.'llCC 111arki:r onntt(llc. k 3. Rql
frum' onre--l marltcni.onntt
Row& K 8 t!l. 101. p5. k41 5.61. i"icr:yu. k I. ~'O. k 3. )'U. k I.yo. (lk-.Alwuysslipmnr~;crsoo11oy
p 15. k·H5.6).p !5. k8 t9. !Ol. I~ I. k l. 1)5.SQI 1"1cc: p 3. kep
Rom9' K 9(10. ll l.()..,_ k 04 from · tu~1'1sts.kl.pl.k3 How2l : Woritai< Rl!'Rolo.•5..
tlnlnl: p 4 15. 6). k 3. (k 2 l"!l] t~.f'Lkl.p2.k5. Rnws 22·241 Cornlmdng 10
1..'ke:()'O.k l J3 Umc1:)"Q.(,;ll.k Rou•8: K 7.' 115. k 3. p l~. k 3. worktnp;1t.dt"COO('~bdon!finll
l . J)l;li(l)t..1~~ k l ,p41 5,6J.l k I . Repfro111•1oias1 12..ur.: r.m11n!l.P m;1rkcr, (111low ll11:1>«vod mark·
yo)4 tlnics; k9(10. I I ). 5. k7. Rr.11L""l.'lllll11W!S(llM:r 111Un:. ('r. txfOttthird m. . rke<". and foi-
Row/Q K 8!9. 101. p2(p2 u)!!) Rlndo«. k'M~•lg founl• nW ker on otXI
111.1 (c p 3. k4t~.6). p 15. k 415. and('\"\'Q'f;>lhi:r'°"'' OIKC

G). p 2. l112t<>g1 1wloe; p :l..k819.

Roru /l: K !:l (I O. lll, p I. k:'l

·n i;: (nlake 2~ W!lh tt0eha
IKKlk :md2!>1m11ti'i ofyam.111.,'\ke
cha111 131ncl~loog. ~'Ml<..,1 Uff.
RJxu2S.: WOT"k t'\"<:'ll
/Wt1•26: Worlc1o~m.1rk
er. tk'conest.~vmpl<:1e row.
wg.p 1.k 1.p ;I t5.6). k 2.(k:I Knot e:och cud arnl dmw rle HU<t ' 21: llt'nl0\~1ig mlll"kcr!I.
t<.ig) lwi=)'O. k l.yo,k3.)V. k I. th l'Oli£hlklw 5ofc:och ~-e. W'Ofk JIC!"O!>S.
)'O.~l. kt.psao1 1wkr. 11 •1 (5.6).
k l.p Lk3tag.p l . k9!1 0. I ll l'"octbec:ap CROWN StU\PIN"G: I~ 12 st.'f
R<,N.u 12.:K8 19. IO).p!'i.k4 t5. Stantng :uio..·<'T~.i:::oo on t'\"el ll)"S~Olll>t'Xl f"OWalldt'\..
GJ.11 t 5.k415.6!. p 5. k 8(9. JOJ. 86SIS. cry Ql lk't" l"U\\'. work In gru1~'r
ltq) kOwS5- 12forpat1111UllOH1t Roms/-.'l: Killl st llch(orf,rowii. K<mc rvw. Dmw
kng1hts 6!h (7V,,t1!1.11nchc..i..e11d Ha<J•4 Crighfl:lkk:~ •ti 3. 11 3.t k ndout>l<:strruKl ofya mthroui;h
wi th J«l\o.· t2. Work Lo gan~ l ,)"OJ 4Ume$:k l . p3.k L.(k2 Slilon1wmic-. Ornw!llli uig.,1tier
!llllehfor6rows..1Jlno.loff. tug)twii,.-el.)v. k IJ 311me$:yo.1s1 m"11"1.'t'1 1re.J.11.n1hc !lb;:id(~
&'Wtsl1UUlder and slce\-e.!iea111S. l.k l,Jll!lllQJIWlco:: k 3 . 113. !k I. IOL,...'ihttancl5C\\' I011«kmgr,_
Sl:u.< lnskc\'CS. )'Ol4tl nie>~ k l. f' 3. k 3 l<epfrum
" m>0;: F'.ARt'l.Al' (lllak., 2t.CIM on 14
COL.t.A~ ui,;111 ...WC fad ng . j<>l n Ha.115: ' KC. f'2. (p2tc~hwk.T: ::~\"<lfk 1ng;incr>11 Uct1 fora
f at1110 1htnl S1tnrromt1gh1frunt p3.k3. 11 15, k3.p2. (p21og1
t"il:T-:p 3. k G.Rqifrom' °'~


~ftlfa Kl , k 2,;t.i to,I,. k IO TIE: Wllh t"'Ogr.u.U,O()Otm WQrk. p Oll "'"n)llgsidcof,.'Ofkl
L1111t3i;1:1.k2 111111og.k 1, lkpin.;c hrltL t~ellKTmlll croch•'I hook, lllnd olT3 (4. •1) 9tlS: ll ~ u111ll
ruw urnlt;j lltlirtrnaln.. n111ktactmh1 J8l!'ldMlk111"'f':ts- 27 t29. 321 !>l!I 1)11 n=Dc: Jilal:t'

.!>'"TNAA V.Urti~=O\uoli&1.sln
~nt'rstltch(or9111chcs. Btnd
I 1rn otr: Kone Nd! encl and draw
rn11o'\lnl11g .t• un llllOlher I~
F11'Jov.~ngrout K ~to1asl:
2Sl.'l. k 2 1tll-
pomnnd3110Ch t00'0\\'llllfl"Up. Infant's Dress with Nourom Pml. l«!JIL~ 2 n.m'S
f'Ol'thcbootleli Eyelel BOO.ice ~t;~';M~·~~~n
Sum log 111 mucr al~. (&51 tlOlrmca!!t1tt1j:3\lio i~ . 4 1lnc:ho:s.
oo 37 SI!!. Shawn on Jlllfl" :12. <'!Ml ...1m k mw
Ruw I (IJUI ill/ od<l·num/Jcn>d
toHR Knll. ~lorts11n:fursitt6t.10111li$. S llOUWfR S l-!Af'lf';{;, Rt.,, J,
Row:J: lnc l tttnflr.;c ..._k 16. O~for~l21l11dl8 Ulndolfftrsc7!11J;.p~
lncl&1.lnt11eholnott21'1Ji.kl6. MunLlls fotkiw In pam11hc'9C!S. lb/l:l:KIUI.
In<• l stln1ie~l1R.k 1-41"1& ~111\YK'dd ia.ttib:<:il; lll !:Kl.2 11 Hou::J.·l.lludoft 7(1!.l!l~s.p
Ruw4: h ll' lnf!TSlst.k lff.bic ltw: ht:S. lM ~'OSS. SllJ!l't!llllll111.ng 1011 1. 13)
1n cachdnc.\"t2~kUl, btl"ln

Ofll:!ll b1
H!J4.,6: hicb1flr-11st. k20.lnc
'°'~11 uf nein 2111~ k 20.
hloelnm:.~ l lit,lc 1-49 11111
Row&hi.cl11flrs1st. k22.loc
O".HSO!l l.11Uaby
Sl.r.r fnur2<1 . h1Chdn.·u~ir k11U
11U1on w lOlllCfliClkkl'for' lii11:knl

RIGlrT MCI\ AR,\lllOU:

S IM !'ING: 5 1111 27 {21), 321 Sis
frum holdo.'f oute> llC"dlr ..1th
on1:stlnmd1otnca2*'-k 22. tlngn«'(!k •'f'llflgsiokfiodru:,
lncln 1iex• St.k l-S3lllll.Mnri( Sl«4~1tnecdk:$ Howl P111."'"""
1<1!>1"11'-'"'0fkal(or•Tt.lluttlkk. S llll:O S!t't'ICl"lldlel tinuk 10r.. 2· K2r(lf!.karmlll.
Worktn i:;11·u.:r 111 11c11rorarow s. SU1l11llnl<k1$:ol;;m:.Jl huu<ms How .'J: P, H<111:lSl:l rov.~lll lC!I'•
umrly2 !2.31 •hnei<. W01kr:\"111n
TO SIW '& L''STEI'. Htlct• I K ~Uona: &r1l114"<17 lil51Unlllkfll.'lhl5~•00k:fi
31 . l!l l .kl . p!lell.d!IMC•~ C.ll.fC! 611b- llndl:8m.....: - 1 b>ri<tumllOlr.n>d•1lh p 11M'.
o.w n:mlllnlnit !ltl<.Tun\ 111111.
/lQw:J: Kl 0.k21i:,:i, Tl 11n St J OUUJ~:R S llAl'ING. Hr!w /:
R11ui .'l: K 10. st t. k I , i-o. INSTRUCTIONS llh1tlo1T7 ..ts: k iocnss.
1'\lm.~1.#4· 1:i:~lro.."S2 SKIRT l"'Ul'k In~):: Deg ru Rcu12 p..,,,_,
11nd3 ahnnlMd)'. ~ C<\,<e "'Ith dmUo\r nr.alk.. HDw.'i lllndoft'7 !8.l!I !IU: k
Raf1Jl6:K 10. k2tot:. k 13. 1:1>51.()C\ 1601176, 192)111...... rtlloe lllCnJ9S.
RJJW/7: K 37, mnrkc:ron 111'('1.llr. rn lndlcnl~ c:nd Row 4: Hcpnov•2.S1111~mnln·
nfnid.SUpm:1rk~-ron~·rm1; hi#( 10 111 , 131SISfllJIUIOlllL'I'
UOOTIF-EDOING.Rau• / - Eyc- j()ln. ll(lklerftwlj;dlofncdl.
ln'rotaK 2. " ~k2 1qr.J81imcs Rnd J Knit. Rnd 2 r•urL
k:J.Rrprrom·~<:nt1W11hk Hnd.~ 3-1· ff.q) Roch I and 2. f'ROXT AAAllK>I..£ S IW'INGS:
I. /./ow:>2·3:Knh. Wmk 1t1 " ' 111 tknlt '""-"" mdl w1111 riJ:Ju "Kk rnctu,q. ~II • Ilic 60
Ho111 4: K 12.(k2!o(ltw k~ l,yo . until 1oi.-.1 ~r1,11:111 ls6\4 t(;'4 , 7141 100. 72! M~ from holclcrrn no 1hc
k 11 3 tlmr111:yo.flll l . k I. Jl!'llO) I/Idles. ·~
1wta:kl4. ,\lcfrmtl " K2.k2•oerl'Jlfl"OOl Rou'S 1-2 lllndoft':JI• 4fsu.,
HQuJ.Sandollodrl.ntJmlJtn:Tt • amwxl 120 {132. 1"41 51:!1.. rompleu~row
rotL.,.,K 1 1 . 11l ~. k11 . Rep f.lrl<b 1.... tl!IC't'. H f'N1• 3: K :i 1(1'!. 11'tlrk rio,_~ tn
Houi6: Kll . lk2 r~l!Wk:r::)'I). Knltrll!)(l2 mds. 1:1!112Sbl.k1u!t[.
kl . )'O.k:t)'ll.k l . )<>.11111,k l. ,Veer md l>Jlrler mdJ • K 2. yo. H'1W 4 · Purl.
flS-'Oll•'kck 13. k 11qc: rtfl(mm • around- 120 ~.5· K1•<1ft.k9 ( 11 . 14Ll,)u
Row8.:K 14,{k21og)lwicr.l,)'Q, tl32.14 11j,(Jo, k21og,k l:lllwU:)"n.k211ljt.k9
k 1)3 tlni=)1).!sl l .k \ , pR"OI RclJ R1 111!1 l - 1 ml<'C.'. llf'ltlll\'1:' Ill, 141, k2t()ft.
1\l'lcc:kl:l. ma rker ru•d 11Mde :st." ll'I. follows: H-Ow 6; l'utl. Rep R'""" :J nr1<1 •I
Row IO:K 13,fk 2 U)f:J ...1a:: Wh h~ 11 11t'l'dlc.lJhwloff tlts1 ll l . 2!rnt.w1.'llmc:s. Workl!Hl2
)"Q,kL)'O.k3.~kl . )'O. l .... l.k 3 14.411>1"'k~S7 !61.66l l 1.0l~C\'t·11.
l . J)5l!l0Jfl111.T.kll. "'!1. lbcrrnn:iu<111tlllldtTb- I Fbllw.LVIJ/rutn l\2 1-'. 61:4,)u.k
Hows 1:NIQ Rep RQ...,, 4· 12. frunL 2 1<Jit.k 1213t lmes:li.2t" . GJ.
t.'oms 21 · :U • Knlt . ftlnilolT, f\b1 !.imoi,,.W11rk l'\TU
s.:.rtJDr;ok111ltlsok'~1._, L.EFr ll/\CK AH1'\HOU.: S llAP·
ING< Wh11 Mrnle?U ntt'dle\. •'tlrk
lnro.'!llnNN. tkon~!l>kleol
FW/ouVigmux l\DI 11. 13):1.)'0. OOCkna.ilnlgc.k 10111 . 13151s Abb~tlom: Sr.: 1•47.
k2. •Cf!,.k 1211 ..·lct:)'O.k2tug: k 9 fron• hokier. pick 111) ruxl k 10 Gaiige: ~po'llSIS• I lneh: 4 pal
(1 1.13). 11 4 . 16]!1l.Snlorl,l!ldlfmm1irck l'O'i<"l!• I lllciL
,\b.TmW: Ji,111. ~kS(IO. 12Jsisfmmfrom
nolder.plckupruidk IOl 14. IGI INSTflVCTIONS
u.:rr t.:F.O< ANO Sl-tOUl.Om.t sts ;l.looigrigh1from r-:kcdgc:k MOTit"\makc25): Wllh~t·
SltAl>ING. How h K :.!O 121. 221: 101 11 . 131 srs frorn rlglll back htlOl<.ch'2(l.
plin n:malnlrig llL~ cm a l'lokier. noldet - 48 !60. 70J su1. Ht:!t" l:St"lnliC'OOndchfmm
[)i:crn;lljhl800C61nl!10Cktt\,<e(J11 R<1<1.1$2-4, Knl1 . Ulndoff. hook,"tkln r1ex• ch. SChlfolkl\O·.
C\"e1yruw.wurk u nt ll1 hen:nn:).I 1ngm: rt.11from • :tt.Tt.OSS-2S~1 11..
t l 5. l !;J~on 1l('Cdlc. Worke-.-eu KECKBAND F1NlStll i\'C: With Mr1rk th l"mwforr1glu81(1(lof
u111l lleng1hfrOr11bl-gofRrm hnk crocllC'l l100k. ,IOln)'tln1-a1 u1>pt:r "'(lt'k. Ch s . IUrtL H~1"(·flfh:rch-3
llluipln~l!l3!1tj31',o&Jhldln.eod rl~h t OOckc:orncrof nc:ck •~.ch alw:l)'!iCUlmts11!1ldc.
m am1holecd~.~ l. 111:In .io.nmc 111.'ICC: SC"Cl"euly Ruw2. •Sr In lie\! lie. de In
Net,•/ mu~ lllntl off 7 SIS.. com- around boctc llP'="li•'8 to u1•pc:r fotio..1r~ sc rl1)frum"llCl'US&--
1>1c1e rov.". lril. bait.i lrun>er:cll I.tum. Wiit! 2:5.sta. Ch 1. 1unL
1-'0IWwill!J f"Cll<? Work !:'I...,.,. pln.s.m."\l'k 1)0tlllionfor41Ju1um- R(Jl11:l & • l11A1Sldc."dc:ln

DlndolT. rlCJt.t SC. M'.iukillollingdc::~
RIGHT NF.CK. StlOUlJ)f:R lo\l-,: " S(:lll~hSCmncxtplll; ofl'h ·3 . 01 3. mm.
SI W'l~'G: l..e:11"1lf,'mf~'r8l l O.
l2) ch 3 • .-.l<lp 11a1:Z.te.11<:ln1C1C;1:1 RoutS.f · l9: 1u,>RIN'!l:lnod3
61$ ou hokli.'r IOr L'<'flli:r from: !11['-bnnonholc 1uai::le. lk p from• all l'm.."ll rl\~ m tiJd (l( N~· IO.ch
Jll:ICl" remaining SI~ from holder umll all bun onl""'5 h::r.1" been :5. 1Uf1L
omo 11Co.'(lle. JOl11)'am QI n«k wm11k:lcd.!ICJni:;lrt1t1e HJ«.•mcr Malor/1"1ffl•"fas)i'ill-R11dl:
edj,'tl lu1tl k :.croo.- 20121. 221 ()f l;i.">CkOj~.'nhlglch 1,tum. Workln~:ieross.!>1~1111 L!lSI """''· •
s1s.Co111111ct1•a!i f0f"otllt'T'Sldt<. AC..1rr1w:Scl11~hM:llCl\l5I> ~klv I'> Im:/\ nlonl! C1Ctge of Mouf.
l<tlln:kOjJCllll'lt- llillkhlj\JSClll (flclnncx1,q, cl1 :.!. i>kl 1>WJ0111\lo
s 1.EP.VF-<;: St11 111 ns :u io..·~...­ <"ilChCh..Jloop.t~ISlLTlOU .S.:..•on lrl('hf0011,t:.-.Ji,tel01ln"'4i;IUllOCI
cdge w1111~roJ.c.11tneeo:Jk:icu;i1011 bu uons. ~'tln11:T.o11nL'lke~.<'l13untlOC­
!H(:lG.40).!ols.. SC:\.•slt'Cl't:Sl'IUl ~i;c:•"Slc:c\'CS conl('I" nladt"; d1 2. Rt.-p from • 2
Hom~l ·2:Kul 1 . totlresos.l·•.&ng 1o n 1. 1ln1tS:; " !>kl1111bolu V.lnchnkiflg
How:J.K 4 c3.41:" k in fn.n1 C1Clge. (tk:ln1w.x1 1:11.ch2.Sldp
antll n b:d<Qf ncxt!ll-lncmlldc: TWl~'Tt.O
CORO: CUL four 3-- aboutli.hleh) 01ln1<$:h1llllllror
rq>from • 10L"&S14J3.-Usts: k la.'sl yani knglh11olyam: kOC111q:al1 ner!llm11kt"dt".ch~. JOhl"'lth$1
4 (3. 4J$lll-60(00. 721 n:m. Cl"IUOl)l!~Mi. J>l."'lCClulOILl'ti"n d !<lto1hlrd c hof ch -5 m<11m1ik:l:c
R11m<l: l'ur1.Row 5: Koll . Work O\wdOorlmoborhook.1"1."'0lh l.bt~..im.:r. Flis1cnolf.
C\"1llfl5151for3(5.71 ........ ttcnd Ln "°"dlrtt1loo umllyam
.'W::nrorLt"K8111. 14):ij'O.k 2. 15 taut. llokllu~JU<'ll. fokl In h.~lf ASSEMULY OF MOTIF'S: Righi
rog.k l 1J31 h~yo.k2 1 ~k8 and,..,lca.<lcf<ildt;(l l:'fld11ll1tlcatB side flld.ngand "'fll'klng in back.
! 11.l-IJ. Work3f.5.51ruw!I"'"'"· thnc 10 1 ~okc OOIU. u ...,, mnl loop$011ly, wt1l1)>.llfchmollfs1u-
tl 1 ~'11C1Tk.1h0~()1l""lll."lof h'ctl1cr. M;ikc~Mrlf1$of6mollf§
TO l'~ l lAPING.Rwlll 1-2: Bi nd dm>& lrt 1ntolcn,1.,'l h <l<.'l;lm.l1u ul r:>eh:jOlnS1r1 1JOS.
off3(4. 4 18($.C011111letcrow. k llOI tT\ll~ IO!!Cl"Un'.
Row 3: K 3 wg- 2 -!il <kc nutdc: OIJl'Sll>E EOGJNG: Whit rtgh!
k 9 (1 1. 14): l)'U. k :l 10g. k 12) :.itk:fadn ic.Joln)"llmln1111yror-
1Wlre)'O.k2t~:kU (l l . 14):k3 l'll:r "ll· C::h 6. de 111 ~ sp-
tOL(.Roo14: Purl. Beribboned Afghan .sranln1H·Onk"l"~pmatlc: • c11 I.de
/b1•.S.°"·2si_$1'!be(!ru>tlend lnncJttdc.ld12.drln 1~1 tlcllO
ofrow.klll."l"O&l.Ruu1 6t:Pur1. Sho\o'llOf1 1~3:.I. 1lnwsd1 l . deh1jolnlnl(bet"'t'rn
/lDu$7- l(};l«:f11!1S(2rov."'S ' "1oc. nllltils. Rep from • m nr.xi oomcr
/b1•ff: K3tO{G.k8fl0.13):yn. flnlshedWJ!:l93:ixa31uc h..s. "P."" lnCO)flll.'r Sp ullllccdc.rll3
k21og.1c l 2..)~k:Z1og:k8t 1 0. and<1c. • ••e.111.<1clnfX'x1dr.(d1
1 3J: k:S1~Rtow/2:Purl.
Cumht1lt lUW'Ol"k ln51111.dec2 "'"'RW.S
COOts & Clark :opon ..1:dglu
!!.dclnllf".x1de1!0rlints:d1t . <r
ln jQlnh~ bcl ..tt>I rnoilk. llep
!ll!ll'l!Clll"l!Clld(lllflCll'l l"OYo'n.ntl yam: ll ounccsofNo.3off- from •• • m 111"-"1 l'Ol'!IO". ~t'P from
Cl'Cf)"<Mhcrruv.·umll 1hcn:•UT 18 "'til1e "':\tOl.l1td. Jotnn1thlnichofch·
( 18. 16).!i!SOllUttdlc. Scm1ie;of11110rt ·"-rlgl11 yarnsln 6 . FlL-;!Crlllff.
/\i(."\1 ro11~ Purl. lllnd uff. !ic\o• p..'l$(f"I rolols
Hhll11l<k:r11CnTILo;. Si:reFal umlnu111 crnclw111ook
Si7.C' l 3{<ll"l ttOChCl llOOk
/'iF.:CKllAND. N/1111 I: lllghc side IO'hynnll'l.....::hllf'il.-hic:h ·wLd.-
l'aci11f1.1Ultljolnh1g)W!lal Id\ S:"""11 11nd1>1t1kr1hbon

ltlUBON 1HtM: Ulllng ph040 li"ISTRUCTIONS RtJw :J.St: ln 1io.:11t5sc.3111:tn

~1ol1.!Xlf.'t'3l. asuguldr. ..'<."ln't' lil'..AJ):Bql.N"'1lln" frOnt.v.11h next!it. 11e lu1 1e111lh1.~d1 1 . nun.
pink and gm:n ribbOns ~ •'hJle.dl4 •.J<JlnwtU1!o!Mtobm Rout:ISC:lnno:1St11:.2atln
61Mps. Dqtl n "-ro>ing from un 11E:X1..-• .:i1111cet11e. 2s:-mncx1
~(kfor l)Dll 1 L'IJ~11CJrlbbm 111 """ Rm/ !:Ch L. 11M1llc6...:• lnr1ng. 5C'-~1 nncxt 511l'.':d• l.mm.
UC paratld 10 Ndl 001('1".
""'' °'"' Du1101jolnnid!!l:marlc l:l.'ll!llof
md ,.ilh ~)' pln And "'°'""'
Rl)t,,4 , Sc1nnr".xtti5C'. 211C lll
11t:Ooc;-. KlnllCllt 9C. :?~lnocxt
l.11SC . CUI rlbl.lon5111 (.U"licr.<nnd ...,111.:och~lfngmdtolrd ec.$C;\11 nQl61Cdil. mm
l>t)!J nnnt.-w 111rlp.Wht.'fl tlbbo11 ~ cm~t~Ufcochmd. RlJw !J: S<: lnncic t6 9C..!2iM:ln
;1R"all"'Ol'ell.!ldjulol110afgl1"11 R11d :l.· Wark :lx in t'fV'h !iC- 1>o:xt M·• .::ln110:l:l lil:)l"'k."02l!I:
lbfbtand~Foldbm:kr.iw 12-c.Rnd3.ISc-ln1\l!'A1..:!29Cln IJ1nr1illl('. ~ln1.0:1611l'-:IOSC..
~O(nhtJ011'1Md!CWln~ n.x1act 6dme11- l8:ie. Fastm oft'. lta\-.: 10-lndl md for
l-l11</4:(Srln1iexl2 M'..2fJIC'. lll !eWlrlJt. S llj!lllly 1to-ilhcra4rafgh1
Po.-thcflow.'.n no:l ~ l6dn --24 1ie. '-"4,'<" 1u1d so.>" .-.~"' In 111.uc.T on
~bltt-:?0 \I.1th Sitt I hook.~ /bl(/,'i<l5':1flncxt2M;. 2sicln htad,1.,i1iepliowgrnpb. 1-..:w.

S.jol11W11h.ia.trollli11«'rlng.101 no:t 11<:1811n--32 !I(". mo....,._
3.~crcln rt11g. c h 3,"'4.111 In rill/II RnrlG:tSe lnnex1 •IM.:.:t;;cr11
S th ncs-S111:tNs.F'u!il.e11off. lle.\1 lfil:I G llmctl:"' ln ~'* 2 UODY: U<>g11t 11a•k11o·1111111;>1tt.,
~ cti'i . .Jolt1"11h &11Mtoiinnr111#-
,iwl.M le&Yft Rnd.J7-9:Sc-lnCIJICh5e~md: Hnd..• /-l: Work~b"Rum I·
Mnkc 20. Wit h 511.c I h(.iok, d1 on lase !ll ol Rnd 9. ui.tkc cnlor •l ol' l knd - 2... oco111astm1l
7 • ..tMln~1dchfl'Oln hook.8f cluuigcasfollov.~drn1>•1 1 plp t11 Homit!J6: Work t'\"eO. lbHl71 •
1J1nr.ncb.2deln11C(ldl.2trc'ln lawW.dn:ip••hlle.}1.1"1thmalzr Scln lltlll3!ie.2f!l'lnna1!1Cn:p
nQtch.deandseln no:'l(ldt:lll.i anddra..- Uuuugb2 lpiion hook. from • .round-30 tot.
In la<11 ch. Worki ng In vpp:11;1h., Rtul JI>. Whh nwl= '""k n-a1. Rltd 8: " Scb'1no:xt'19C.211Cl11
iJUeoCch. wurk!!Cln1 1l'Xl cll.2tk• Hm/l/:Sc ln 1ll:Xl L 0 1~:. 11nc 1n nai ""t ro:p fru1n • nn1u1 1<l -3ti
1J1tadlolne1112Ch, ,,,;: lu1161 dt. orxtllC.tcln 1ic.o:1 51C)9 tlmcs:inl:' !IC.Rlldf/ Workl:''ell.
'T'hi:k ak11f11ndno..-cr1~hcr
In"'°'' sc-1~ ..W 1'orm
f°""hnid:!ieln1ic::a9ac - 48sc.
HndlQ(2#:lnnal..-• .:'.ln
tlC!{l8"'1~ Umell-'IOSb.
m1diumch 1011fgtw1"11 hfn:nd1 /lm/ l:J:Se il 111CXl IQ M(', (1111:: 111 Rn1//l1S<-l nno:xt 39C..!2!!C ln
tUMU al all ll'lltr.!il'CllUlt!i o;~
IXIC. ~be OIVgn>upltlgdtht:
flo\<"n'$lUld 11\rtt klr.'d 1md _ .
Ill rt'fl\8!11 h\ll, hlR~ll(ln.
I I.ii llOCl 2 .-19 limo.,.
fr.11 9C. i;t:
lnclnnexlSC..Klnnc:in IOSC"-
S811e. Hnd£ 13 7.l: Work \'\""L
R111123: . Sc l111iex1 2 11c:</mU}
$ln 1.-:itl!!IC.!M:IJ1las6~
.ec..Hfldsl2- 19' WorkC'\Tn,
Rrrd :.W: 1S.: l11nex1 IO liC, lllC'in
IJ/llllfJlnttN:llQ/ rld.1 211&yam · ~• lW'l 4 tln---'S!IC
CoTtmddrou•drrougltfllllpson Rnds2/-.10:Workr'll:IL
Rllds31-32: " se1nnn1!lsc.
Baby T1gcr Toy =~~:;~ ~~~-to (let: tl\tt next 2 9e: rq1 from•
-~~~~-- Hll{/2-l: " DttO\-..,..Ut",,;C2111C.ll<: arour.,\- 27 scoo,111Sln11I.
ltlncJt.t:.IX":rrp rrom • iuuund. Rnth33--.34 • &-lnnr:ld.-.cb.'"
Rtld2S: " Sctn ncorr '29C.~ In n<?CI :!SC: rrp from " Al'IJU!ld-
11J;C1"li>11bc>111 11 'h 11111~ wll.
I 0\..,.. •icx• 2 ltl~ rep rrom • m lasi 12 11<:011 l:ISI mll. F'lnlsh ll.'< for

0.1n1!1& 0iorkRall lran-4~
n oru: 2,.h'ltl!JNU. 26 1 nm!!;<";
l..i.dn i'W>. l ""llltr
J& P 0$11$1Jdwce~.str.w11I
~"lusai 1..icr:tne:M:t1ulNO. 122
!IC.$Cllllasl iM'- 25iii.'-
Httd215: " 5cln1M!:ltlll:. tb:<MT
llt",,;12!11::.ll"llfrum 10L~~.a·
lnl: l~l r- 1 7fll:.

H11d 27: • llel-O\-"M"~J.t 2!1C.

t111~1$C1t:pfrom • 1oi....t21;1.•,
dn'U.t:r last 2 ~11 ...•• F'l&!;.cnl
-- He:.d.~llefltl t ubod)• mnl'Ck

IUNI) l.t::GS (111ake 2 1. lll!l 11&

co funn rl 1lg.
maW- . c h 'i :joln
R:Nbl-1 Wl#k•lorlkcxt--
2-lao:. Hnd:SilS<'lnnatSoc.lnr:
11l11knm\No. l 2hl:ll'k off; kl:noe i. I O·hl('h rod ~ulf IJl ll<'l<llll:l•l linM:t1- 2811('.
&..J ul1u11lnum ('ti.l•"hci IKl<'lk i r..t dr""' y..,..1.,...i lhruuglt si.. Hmts6-9: Wl'lfk a..,.n,
Small ~o(~aod b!ue olL~ mdlllldpuUt~llO":!it"- Hnt.l IQ Sc ln 1-.eia 0 11e:(<b'
f(oltforeym1mdnotw" nirri:rlfl a.Trnn:t2,,.,.15 1iml:S:lielnne.J
\.lo}~IJ"(fof l \l lnd1 ·" 'lilrr1hl>oi1 9sc-2!Jsc.
1~i.1u nh~ ~::AHSlnw.k1·2):WUh111!111.e.r.h R111:l.• IJ-J6:Worke11:11.:1'1:"1<:1•
ti Hou• I : 5"' In Srt'Ulld d> from olfll:IC\11uta 101nch"1d&utrltg
o\bb~t lon.: Sftopr.llf:C'-17, l\QOk..:lll1not3ch.3"'Clnl;dl MdWWlnpla«'M~olbody
Cl.uie: .a
!lllt d ~ -
rounds - I Inch
I Inch. ~ ch . World~ nlon.i: <>Pft(iSlu: ,,)(lo'
ufch11ln."" In m:i<t -t ch: 00 nol
I FllON'r u-:cs 1111111<., 21' Whh
rMin', d1-l:)otn101'onnrln.(.

Rud.~ 1-l: Work ~ for Heall- MAn:.RIALS Rows 6-7: Rt.11 Rows 2 and 3.
Rnd.5:Scln ncxl 8Sot".2,;cLn
COOtJ< & Clark R"'I Henn sp:>n-
)~1m: 3 (3 . •IJ UU11CCS o(NO. I
llCilftSC,SC ln nextl l SC.2SClu "'hllc um.12 1:.1.:.l)nut l<.~of locll('!<. end wll It llO" ' 4 or1 wrong
rt<:Xt i;c.iK"ln lnsr3 sc-26!1(!. No.681 m1stgn.>en »illc.<.1 1 [.tum,
Rnds6-7: Workt'\'t!ll . S~f'"and l ;i.luml munt:roche1
Rndtl-Scin ncx1 Ssc.(<b:m't:r llflQk>:I AR.\lllOt.£ SHAl'INO.. R11w I :
2 sci 5 limes.: sc ln next 8
oc.~ r f""Our 'lli·l nch ·d iame1r.rbnnons SIS1hl fl fSl 451S. d1 1. ' :>cl n1 1CJC I
!IL'-2l!<C. ~ )md of "'3.lslba.nd e b!i-11<' ch - I Sp. ch l :rep from • :tn'OI;.~ m
Rnds !J. J-l: WOl'kt"\'C'tl; f<'.t:lt.,11 lasr4 sts-37(41 , <! 51S.ts.01 I ,
off. km1ng11 JO-lnc h t'fld. St11 ff Abbrem11ons: ~ 1xii..'t' 47. 111m.
legand Sl:wlllplate\'. Gaugc:WhhSltt l honk:9"'-"lln· Rows2-J.: llepllows2aucl3uf
dudlrtgcll · l spst .. 2 111ct1o<S: a IJaek. Wilhwh!1couly.repRows
TAIL: Wllh n mlu, c h 4 ; joUJ rov.-s•2iuch c:s ·l :1nd 5ofB."l("kuulll ~ t1frorn
....11h>1lsi1ofunnr1n.g.. firSt rowofarmho lcshu plngk!·l
HJtCt l :Ch I , make 5sctu ring. (414 . •l 'hl IUcllC'S. ~'lld wlth m:rw 4
Dono1jotnmd$;mMkL'ISI SI of onwrti1i,i.:sllk::(~<'.tloff. Mnrk
c.'ll.:hmd•olndk::uelxgofcach f"orl.hesw.:=ata 1he9thl9th. 1111ll51iflfl"()lllo!aeh
mll.Rnd2:Sc ln cach !!<'--5!1C. BACK RlllB INC: tkgh1111tig a1 cutlofliostrowtolmllror.ccndor
H11d!J: 1nc1t11tex1sc.sc 1n roch twrov.• C\lgc of ribbing. wl1h F' sl1<>1 1l dcrS<:<O nl..~
,,;c mound-G:;c. hook:u1dwh!te.ch 7.
Rnds4-6: Workc..'E'I\. Row J: S<: iu St.umdch from FROr<-'T:WorkthC~'1'jfor
Rnds 7- 1& Rep Rmls3-6 three 11<1ok:uu!h1mr.hch:ieross- 6sc. 0."ICklhrout.'11R()W3uiAnnhok:
IJIJJ.CS. Ch I.tum. Sh"plng.
Rmb; 19-28:\\'orll"'-m a.'CT9 Row2:St:l nbfld,.· lpofcoch sc Na1 roo,:ReJ} Ru w4 ufBaclt..
~-~'astcnoff: le:we a1 0.1nch cnd. acrtlSl!.ch 1.nim.l«:µ RIJ\\•2un- Chi. mm.
Stufftllll and sew In pla<."Ca! l>a..'IC tll ribbing (n<.>1 '!>lrt! chcd) Is 10
ofbotly. lJO'h, Il l lndl<':\. A1 eudof las1 LEFT NECK AND SHOULl)f;R
rowchl.donotmm. Sl lAl'lNG. Hocv l:Sctn fir.it sc.
l"lNISHING: Cln two "' ·Inch · lt:hl. scln ~eh · L S[))8!9.101
<Jl:u1lt"ltrdn.:lt>sofblueMtand oom·: Wuridng on ottC long 1ln~ do •MX work O\'tr t'tmain -
rwn V:..lnct1-<liaml'l et' dn:.:k!i of edge. nlllkc45(49. 531se('l.'<'nly lt~st:>. 0 • l. mm.
black felt:glutbJockplecesmop spaceth1t.T0015ctlgc:.C\1 I.tum. Rows 2 - 12: l(<:p l~-s" ruld 5
blucpl<:ct:sfor <:}-CS.Cllla l ·tnch CluuW' HI I hOOk and work In ofpat S lln1CS:rcpRa<o.•4ooa:.
dlame1cr pittt of bt.1Ck foll for pat nsfoJIU'\•>s: Rnw l 3:Sclnfl~l !!t.(d 1 l. ~
~trlmlo!lh.af'f'- C luc q'{'!land Rowl:Sclnflr.;tsc;·chl.sklp lnne><lch· I spl5f5.6) 1in1cs:do
rlOOl'ill pt.'lre With black flosa, nexls.!.011:in m:...:tsc: re pfm111• •;~u':t"7.k owr remaln hig $1S. Ch
cmb111i<k:r " cul'\ul line <Jf b;tCk ~-15(49.5S)'!>lSOOU rlt h ~
St ll Cl1t'S bel••1eet1 1tnds 6 a nd7for No.:hCh • JSp!WuSl.Dunot~"Ol.U>I llot" / 4:Rc11Row4.
momh. Mnkr. w h1!1l<e rs 11'1th 111mtn g·ehasn.s1.C.111 .1 u m . RuwJS:S.:inllr.11,..,.l<:h 1.l'IC
thrt<estralld'tofblad< floss ru1d Rt1tu2trlt,<lu sltle~ Sc In nrs1 sc ln ll('xtCll 1Sp)414.5)Um.s:tlo
S<W 10 face With 6 strnnds of nnd ln n«xt<:h· lsp:" <:h l.si,,!n 11U1 " ""rk 0\1:1' remaining~ Ch
p!nk floss...st ll c htoticd:gconnl! ncxt ch - 1 s p:reprrom• tO!llSISC. l. tum. l~ nows 4 and 5 umll
k'gll by dmwb~ :1 !ilmnd °'°"'" l)row <I/I (I Ip In la.«t ..;c.. d/Tlll length l'> s.-imc ;is IWk. end "11h
Rmls4-7 und pulllng In 514,_'iuly wh/re. with !Jft""''· !JV alld <Im«• l{()v,• 4.F"a;;id 1off.
m formt<x:'j...i\ddriblXJnllo\<• 10 t/m.1119/1 Iii<: 2 //)SU<I hook-(.TJ/fX"
neck. dian~ made F'a.~t.,,1 off wh!1c. RICUT NECK AND S llOUl.r
Wlt11grta1 . <:ll l .tum. DER SHAl'INO..Rou• I.- Wi th right
Row.'kSelnfln;tftC. " d11.li('ln sldeof wo rkf:\Clug.sklptlu:nexc
Crocheted lltXI Cll · I s 1~ r<'Pfrom · wi:.st2 :.ls1snlkrR<N.• lofl.efi.N('!Ckand
!IC.dt l.s klp llCXl!IC.So'.ltli:ISISC St 1oukk:rSha11hLg(lh~3s1 san:
Sweater and Shotts chau gl ui: rolor w white. F:l.'<1<~' m~~:'lltcrfrorn 1l("Ckope11lngl:jolt1
o«gr~n. Ch 1.mm. wll!l t.' ln ucxtch-l S!):dt J • ..cln
Shown on1~-e35. Row.J: Whh"·h itc . ..c\nfirsl>1<: sartl<' ~p. ( ch 1.s.;: 1n •l<'Xl <:ll · I s pJ
111 uli n ...,.,1ch· l llp: " rh l .~l t1 7(8,9Jlln~(;h l.sklp ncxt 11c..
Dhttllons are for Size 6 next ch -I sp: rev frum • cu l1L~t sc. !i<'hl l.'ISl~-
Morllh$.C\11mgoo for Sl~.a; I ' 'mr scl 11 1'1.St!ie. Ch I. tum. Rcxt.,. 2 · 12: Rep Ruws 4 and 5
and l8Mo11111S;uiilu paretll l..,. Rcxu5:~lnllrsc...c.• eh l ,:\C ln or l)l ll ch pm 5 llnlCS. then n.1)
scs. flnlshl'llches1 !Ilic ls 19120. ncx1ct1 l sp:~pfrou1 •10J:liil2 Ruw4oo~'<:l111!1'('.
2l) h 1Cllts. sc.eh l. s klpn<:><l sc.,;,,,ln lasl sr.
Ch1. 1u m.

Row/3:Sl s1!111lr.it (J!8.8lsts. from opcnlngtoncckcorncr:311<: M.:>.1 2 mws: lkp R""'l< ~ and 5
c h I, ISC In nc.~1 ch · I s p. c h I ) 5 In com<:r. !I<: L.,,·,:n ly around m.·1.~k o f stitch 1)m . ~'asl«11 off.
(5. 6) llnx:i: scln Last. sc. Ch I, cdge1orlgh1from oomcr:3scl n
cum. 1.-on ter: !i<: a"t."1tlyalongrlghtfro111 UACK :Works.1mcas~"RONT.
Ruw 14: ~ Row .; of sOtdl C'dgeof opcnlog. Ch I. mm.
pm. Row2: Sc In each scanJ\m d. Ll::G HJ UDINC lmake 2~ Stan
RDw / S:Sl stlnllrs.:lstS. Cll L. ni..'lkltlg3sclnccmersc m i:-ai:h Ing m nllrTIJ\\' n lgc of rtlll>lng.
(sclnno:1 ch ·lsp. ch l )·IH.51 con1<:T. f'astcn off. "ilti fhook. ch 6. Workn:'! for
1l111<'S:i;clnlastsc. 011 . 1u m . Rlbhlngon OackU'o1'r5..cumll
Rep Rows <! onrl 5 nfstltch 1:.at BUlTON LOOPS: Whh Slr..l!W tl rl\.lblngmea:iurcs <1 Y,(S.S)lnch
m1tlllen!,.'ll1 lssame ason IJ.ock. pln11. mark poolllon for•I bunon cs.~cnoff.
~,ldWlthRow4.P:is1cnoff. loopsonleftftom~<:ofopl:n­
lug. Ma.keah11110t1 Loop o n edge f1~1SH1 XC: Sc:w :sklc scnm.s.
SU::f:VF. RIBBING: Work as for at C-<1<:h pln as folk>wS: With F Ac tach leg ribbing;; to eac11 k'g.
Ribbing <m 113<."lt umll rlbbltJA llOOl(a.ndgrectl.jolny:immscon S.:V.· lrg and crocch !irnlll. Adel
(llOl Sl~d)('(ll b<•I V. (41'>. •I'll.) <:<lgi:. • <:h -1 . ~k ip ncxl liCOn 1."tlgc. elastic lo walSt. $e\\•Qllbu1tons.
lnch._-s.At ~Klof lastro"•ch I . do s lS1ln 1icx1sr..Ro:-prmm• 1hrcc
llmcs nKJrc. f"n:ltenoff.

S IJ-:£\'f:S: Wnrldng llCJU!<.'I 1hc FlXIS!llNG: St:w s lrt"-e ~utd

Knitted Bear. cat
h:mg edge. t1 k"l.ke 23 j25. 29) SC i;;klcsc.1 ms. Scu:on bu11om•- and Bunny
t'\l:rl ly$p3<:ctl. Ch l. mn1.
Olal!b~ to I hook nod "'Ol'k hl Yort.lle 1horts StKm11on 1iagc3G.
[l(ll a.'lfollo"""R"'n;/-4:Wi>rk as ~iWNT WAIST HJ l.llllXG: I.leg
for RO<.>'S 1 ~4 ofU.'lCk.ch:uiglng 10 ;11 narrow Ollgc of rlhl>lng. \\11h Animals an: :>p11TOXJ111;udy 10
green m mrl of Row <&- 23 125. grttutmdfhOOk.clt9. Wo rk as lnch~ttlgh.cxcludlngc-DJ"$.
29Jsts.Oi 1, tunl. rnrmbbtngonB.1Ck<11-.,r 8!1Cu n·
Row 5: Wit h green. wor11 as for 1U rlbbing utea:>t< l\'S S (8'11. 9 J
IW\<.·3 ofU."l!.'kcti.·1.11g111g1owhhc lnch1;5. A1cru1or1as1ruw.ch I.do Drun:sw1ck Pumfrc1 sponyam:

~ 11 :~~:~ ~~t:;i ~~-~'°·

m"1l!l ofruw.Ch l,!llnL
1<ow6: Wt1hwhltc.work asfor
lh>Y: 4ofllack.01 l. tum. ~1«);\"I": Working :ic;m!;6 long r.281 sr.1 a.1l5 hem he r. N<>.
Row 7 1w1th white nnly~ Rep <'dgc.mnkc -1 1 (45.-l!)l :tee-.-enl}' ~4dartn)()U\.h~1 .Ko. 557
Row 5 of paL Ci I. tun\. s p;>«'(l.Ch 1. 111rn. <:rnnbcn y. No. 599 grnnlt<:
Rou.18-l11r~wSclnflrlll i;c: Chruigc •o l hook. R<>w / : Work ti<a llier. No. S89 nl(l1"t'
ln1w.11ch-Jsp11rala.•.i.>'.:.d1Jwl(/ asfor RO"'IOf s wcatcrUack-41 bc:nhcr.No.f>O:ll nrrllum
,;c-2·Sl (11em(lde • ch I. sc ln C•IS.49)st:io.01 1. tum . yelJOw.No. 563erunbrl\1,ge
ncx1ch- l s11. Rc11from • 1o lastsc: Rep Row!l'.4nndSof"~/ldipm he"Uhcr.No.f>OObl:!ick.nnd
rl1/.5{'ll/$<ll>!t!$(}rtlhr.rn/n.'<l.'1C ofBoclr. unW1omt1>k«' m<:".i.'luns NO. 500 Wl\tle
1<.'(L'1mm:lc. sr fnlc1S1 St:-2·St/11r 3 1 oc~end,.1th Row5. 511.C•l knln lngmnt!oi
made. Ch I . rnm. Nc•1 IVI~• R"Jl Row 8 of TWOl-:al>le 111.-ool<s.
Hows .9--1."l: lkp Rows 5 arn.J ~ Slee><es- 45 1~9. 53) Sit. CJ1 I. Pol\"ester nbcrll11
ofstll chprut wlcethen rep l~ow 5. wm. Scra1,,.of"black.wh!!t. g<>ld.
Rep ll'!>l 6 rou~ IRowll B- 13) lkp llow,.5 a11d-l of 1><"-u111 il p!nk,andr"<:<'.lfelt
lwic.: 1nore-35 (37. 4 LI 81.S. 1otatlength lo; 6 1h(7V. . 8llnch.-.... Bl!» ofhlock. gmy. white. and
oVext 2N. 6/m11JS:Rep R(ru'l< -1 end with Row -1. (;h I . !um. p!nkcmbn:>tdc1y n<l!l5
and s of st itch p..11 ntu:m:ncly Cu"J1<.11!1n:ad
changlng 1og:l"<'Cnon1helastrow. ~1 RST U:::G S llAl'ING. How I :
Oil.tum. Sc- lnn~t !!e. ld1l.sc.tnncx1d1· l Abbrcv:iatlons; Stcp;"l(,'c-17.
~·~~~~ : 3 st • 2 rrn:ties: 8 rows
/,at;l f"Qfu: Wh h gn:c.1.reµ Ro "· sp l 9 llO. ll) llmcs:OOn0t. work
-I of stitch pitl. FUSlcn off. Sew (ll.Un:1mdnlng~ Ch 1. 1un1.
,;;lloulderse"·~"lo"' N<'.i.1 2 rv<<JS: RL'J) ROW:l 4 a nd 5
of pat.f"asicnof'f. I NSTRUCTIONS
NECK ANO rRO~'f F.DGJXG. lns1 n1euons f<.>rindMd1mlan1-
Row I: Wllh U.Ktl<ifl tlideof work SF.CONOl.F,.C S ll.\PINC. RG.11 mals wlll follow. V.~ 1cn n row Is
fadngand f"hook .join gm::n IU I : Rlf,~ 11 sltk fndu,i: . .skip next 7 nothlllic"<1 l(-d.W01"kl'>"Cflln5lodt•
cndsi01cemcr fron ton Wl\o.· l of su; alier R owlnffl~l.q!Sh.1 p· l nMTc !J.llU:h . Kn!! odd ·nmnbcrnl
Left Neck rm d Shouldn" Shn ptog. !ng:jolnyaml11ncxteh- l sp.cl1 rows wld purl L'\'t:!Hmmt1ettd
chl .sclnjolnlng:kttplngwork 1 . ~ ln$.1me1> p.ct 1 l , (M"l n nc.~ 1 rows. Rrp lnstn.1C1 ln11~ :ifu:r • m
flot. SC C\~llly s p."l<:C<l nklng Id) d 1· l s11) 8C9. 101tinK5:chl.sk lp tvm1>1<.1en J'O\\·.
•lt'XI SO:.&: ln la.Sl!lt"". Ch l , 111m.
1-1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .....
Forl.lxlxu Nnws2.'l-2S; Workr.-.:n ln st!il.
l)EAff n «JNT; neg wllh M,,.j, l«M.<J26:Pllsis: &l ll'lll llSI S
Usl~cJie<jl\Ul.<Zl\IQOl6Sts. mlll>lder.
Rows I , :JmKl 5: K. inc I ,.. H<H.VS 27 wu:J 29: Working l)ll
cach11klc- 22!11.!'Cnd ofRQw 5. th c l l~1s.kmldo.t .s<mu:1l111t"dn· 1aq....,. - 1sittch
{/l)W 6 · :J2: Work rt'ell In SI SI.
RoUJ 2.1: A1111d1 ~ 001.S, k
I SltOCll O!klc.
Rom.'< 28-30. Work ......,,L Bind .® ,...._

Rows2.,-26: Wotk11bbln~ k 1•
olrl'!!m 7 stll. WorkotMr ~of
p:iW I O<:<>rm!;'.pcHW,I.
0 S..o.!•HNl1>9<

lffius27-40!Workc."eT1ln!ltSL EARS (m,'lkc' 1..-ol: With c:hesl ·
HQu.vS ./ 1-45: Work C\i:rl follo\O•- m 11.c;Non8sis.Work<l t0wsst
llll[ Lvlorchan fOl" bear's swe;iter. SL Rou.s5and 7: 1A<c I :.t<:aeh

Rotv46: Wlth ~oots.pocmM.

UQlt'S•/7-./9:Workribb!ng k I .
Rou::i 6. 8-1(), o.mJ 12: Work
Rows /Jrmd / :J: lnc l ,;teoch
Row50:AIUld1grttn. p 11Cn-.
/lou$5 f -56:Will11l"l=lnst51.
Row57:K l lscs:slmnll -.
W"'1< ~'Cfl IOr 5 mon: rov.-s.

Row:s58· 72.:Ststcn1 llsr11.
Rou.is73-75: Work r1bb1 ngk I,

Hou• 76: Aunch ch<:stn uc. p

t"tNISllll\G: Fold eadl arm Ill
halfand:scw!<rnliw.Stufl' lt,t:lnly.
~·ol!teacil<'Drln half:Uld-·
!lt'am s..Scv.·so-.imsofrall ,
lk'g.IOl\hl/.:Whh legs.~front
Row;177../JO: Workl:'!\'Cnln sii;r. a nd b:lck of11.11lnml t ~th"1".
RO<IJ5 81 (W<1$3: K. (kc I §1. SmlT ngJn ly. h!Sef1 urms as the
taeh 8kk. sick !lt'um s an: sewn. fold lWS
Rflws8:2cmd8-l: PllCroS!il. Do ::.~11.ty Ill b."\'lle OJld lllSm ln hl:'ad
Blndoffn:m7su.Sl5t!IOll• Gathc:rn«:ksl.!,1:,hlly11slng)""'
t!Okltr101lttdlcww:l ...~(JllM:f" 1omruchhcadcolur.Cu1ru><1se--·
kgtocom:i;pood. fd1li:a1U~MllldJ.-.,,Wn.riflh1.
Embroider n:1111olnlng flldl\I de·
B~~/lllACK;WQrkrt>ikirfft'llll talls u...111gs1xsu·...,ldsof ct11t>ro1-
lhl'Ou,1:t1Row!i2. deiy floss. Stil dl on bl oclc nod
whll cfchcy't:IWl11l whllecmbrol·
IJl;AR TAIL. ROUI I : Slip nrst 8 deredhl,i.,'11Ugt11s..agokl muale.
.stsm hnld1:r .WIU1d1CS11111t.k6. and ablaek mou1hn11dq..,._,,.....,._
RQf.1:s2-1 Workc.-et1\n:st!>I. •·orlberabbll
Row5: Dcc 1 :ste-.ich 9cle. RABnrr FRONT: >"i:lli<M• bc>lr
HQu1(i; W (Ni<.L-...,.L !~~is.U1~h Raw 22 1>S.111,g
Rou.t7: 1nc lsi e11d15ldt.
llcf."s8· 1/: WOl'k t-...,,1inlit5L H0<1•23; Whhj.,'T"..., il11:.k.
Hclun1 a.llsu;mruiedlc. Row;; 2·1-2E: WIN"k ribbh!J: k I.
Row 53 Qf1X1ck: With gl'l'Cn pL
)~Lm .kltl-"JUtiS. Row27:K3.(pl.k2)5tlmc.'S: p
Compleui OOCk ;..sfo..-frout. 1. k3.
Rous2St111tl30. 1' 3.(k I. p2)
AR.\15(mal<t2l:Wl1h,;c-,.o;n!I. 5Umcs: k l .p3.
ca-;ion22M!l.Worllt-~llllstl:ol RowNK3.111 l.plattoc."1"'
ror12rows. 0<1cablc11t'\"dk'andholdlnback.
Rou:s J.'1-1 1: Worlc from color k""A1st.kt;;1fromroblcn1...:dlc:..p
chllrtfortJt:-'.u-':tSWt."dl<:r. l . k 2J3 !lmc£kl .
RowJ8:Wllhsei oots..1><l•.T09i>. n~~: '""'"' 27•:JO four llnk"'!i
, ..
Hows J9 2J: W<>rl< ribbln~ k I,

HIJI'-' :12: Wll.h c:hfo<lnut. 1•

Rou.'!147-49: W<.orkrllibl ngkl,
:!,_~•· 50:Anactierar1beny.p

Curnpk1t< r~mo lntn& front f'otthcklu en !::AUS lm.'\kt: 21: With rrtau•'C'.
l!ru11('f>:lforbearfrontd1:u lgh:lg Kl'ITF.N F'RO:-IT: W1th .:ran l1 c. C:IS1 Dnl 2:;1:i,
IO!lcll UOl:olfor J>..~W::\. foLIO'-I' bc:lr (mm tl lm11on~ HOul!flntld2: \\'ork~-.'t1• .
th ru111!11R0\<•22.
Rt\DUff OACK:Follull•lxwdl How2.'J, \\1thyt:iiuv.·,k~
1 1:::1..!.~'1<.p:don<ll
r«:1lons t11rou.gJ1R<no•52. Ruw:.U-26:Workr1bblngkl.p Huws 3;.5. 7.Gn<l9: K. 1lcc I st

RARBIT TAJL.How / 1Sl7su1m

I. Wort! C\Ul 1lm:iugl1
Roms43·45.· Worli: rfbblngkl .
•12. mo:hlikk.
Hr>t 1 •/l1 Chrmg<:m~·. k .
tlOlder:w1 1 h~• =1 ~knex18scs: pl.RllW 'lli:Withwhltt. p ~ Rnu-sl:J. 15.17.<mdJ9:K.t""
sJ r1:m7s1s1ohQl&>r. ,.'Ot.l!S47- 5'J: Work•'"-·n. lstl'aCh!'.lklc.

Ho11!f<2.,,1.: Wurk'"'"''" R11m57: K ll . SJ rt111 J1 11t~m \\"urkt-.'C11!111'0lighllow21 .
Nutc: WorknllTOW1Jnc,.i ndk.'.u- SUU;t1holdcr. Ulnrlolf\2!1l._'L.
cd In SI SI w ll h llOhKT1':1!!r.11<>1" Rvw!JlJ: Wlrf1gr:m11r.k111.-ross.
Rilf1<s60-71:Work~""''· SKJRT n«.>:.'T: W l1h m m-
Roms -I rmd 8: .,, ~ I M <"<lch How 72: Wh h whhc. p a..'nB'I. bn<lgr. rnsi oo 30sis.
H11ws7:J..76:Workr1bhlngk I. l.Ro11t>l"'1.· \\'0li<r1bhlngk l . p
Rcu"' 11 rmd 15: K. Inc I st l)l , HOl,1<s"/7-78:WorkC\"r1l.
<:ro<:h 11ltlc:. Row79: WUhbl:ttk,kJ11:roO>,". Hou~ 4<1t1d6: I' wll h)"llow IOr
Worke-~n1h m1.11::<?1 R""• ll:l. R<' H<11111080m1<l 82.: Work e\'ttl. i;;4r1pc~.
1umnll stltchcs 10 1l«'dk. Huui:. 81 l/fKl8'l: K.1lcc I Sl How.S: Wlrhmm bli<.lb"'· k.
/WwS.7qflJnrlcWl1hcrruibcr· .,..._1. t<klc. Hows 7. 9. II , m><I 1.1: With
ry.kilefOS.'l:tll 22Mll. H(Jl1•8<11 1' ~ 1lln.tolf7~ mmbti<~. k. eke I st .,;,tdt skk.
•oiiov.·<llr"C"Ct.iuns for bro!' back Wurkothttlr(llOfOITC!lpond. R<llt!!t>'IJ. J0.12.nndl4:1'"dth
IO<.'OlnJlletCh.1ci<. r.:unb~.donOt inC()l'(lct:.
Kn"n-;N BACK: \\'ork a!I ror HowJ!J: Kn i1.Sl!Ot!l10 IM>llkr.
ARMS ( ni.~k1: 21: Wh h )l!"JJllle. rrm u 1 hrou~!h Row 52.
aast o n 22si.s. WO<'l<n..,,, ITTlltSI SK U <l' OACK: Wurk~mo:asfor
for l8mw,., Kn1'EN TAii- HOO• /: SU1111.:x1 sl<ln from . Sev.• '!'ld r
"'81tl!I of
RousJ9-2J: Workribbln,i:k1. 8111."iio,., ltd1 holdt.T.wl1hgran skln t~
p•. II<-. k rcrncr6Sl!;: !II n:m8~~ to l·lnlShhorlyplea:!l~mb­
fl0f.1•2%:\Yl1 h .wawur.,p~
Rows Z:J-25: Worlc nTn.
Rot••::!G Pll sts.:1l~msi 1 0
Homs2-26.: Work.:......,.
How:l7<ul(/~K.dcclsi .....,h
bo:ur. Cr...rt 0.-i'lell' the hdd1<1itch·
.,,.; ol'l&kln mbouorn dki1l<'11'11
S~ I C'f, St:v.• C)'l'brolo.'11 uslug
iit llo;.h ho klcr. " lclc. b lll<:k<:nf].ldl h read.
Rau .. 27 mKI 29: \Vnrkl ng on How:J()m 1d32: Worlt •.,...~,. A(ld fnd!ll frotu""' follo\O•lug
ll&1s.k 1mdm.li<t111t•lfme.dcc I
Rl1w3J wad 3!l: K, hW' I !II MCh •he )l;IU~..,,. 1>agc ·15, St lt"h on

Work1hrougt1 ~30.UhMloff

Woc-k 1hcoppc.sitc$1<lie•ll1K1w
Worit i.'\'Cll for 26 niott n .....i..
Rrt u mulJsil1dttSt01M'(((le.
~~~!_hocf.~Wll h lll'hlt.,, k
golfl rum hllrk fdt ~')'l!S w11h
Whitt: '°'nbroldo:rt'd hlghU~ll.$:
r.-mbrokkTapink 1'IOl5enndbL1d<
mou1h .
c:.:om plclr l).'d"" {or kll tl'11 >---- - - - - ----<
•:AkS ( Ul!lk(' 2): With llt.1\1\'I\ fmnt.
"*"on lOst.s. w oi·k r,.~,, fnr 7 Changing Toys from
ARMS lni:tkt 2~ Wl\JI \'CIJoo,o,•,
.,:!;':!: J6.rmrl.2a l'.drc 1 St c:l:SI on 22 .:..T.11 for 7
st1<. \\'or!(
Existing Patterns
V.'11lle1~an l mal ttl)'!' "'ill
l.Rnu>$8- JO:Workrlbbl rli;k 1. p brtn.,.: loo;:o/joytOll \'l'f)'!Wall
ehlld.)'l)uocxd1..x llmlt1hemm
Homs :15, 29, a nd 31: K. Inc· I SI
..ach .-.ltlc'.
a:::::_ JI, C.11lUli,'e 1o~mn l 1 r_ k 1hi: mlonJ " 't pro..·ldc. f"or a more
prcciOlllllll)'R>r Unlnfunt , wurk
Work nui lhrut.,,:h Row •M. Wurk.:....,.• lllfOuJ!h ltow 25. tll<':liol.tk:swltJ1 ,.1lt!nyam1111nd
Bintl'11Tl0SIS. /l()f1•;lfi;l' l l. sJm11 llSCSlO lin:M Ihm\ ln pa!Sld doth.Ing. Or.
bra~!(!)'. kn it them 111 ..w-
F1NISlll NG: Aln.:h 1-1)· ~
asflirt."<'la! IOrl.ocw. Adll fiw:Lnlf.,a-
Rl>tt"' 27 <md 29: Worklflfl. on
llS1~k.<ire l S1i:achllkk"­
M.l'.d·wdgtll yarm wl!h 8U:c 7 or 8
ottd lcs. or In mgynms "'ith !lb:e
1ures ro1iov.1og 1h.,µ111 1""1. 1xige Rl)l1]$2$<111lf :JO: WorkC\'1"11. IOor l<W. 11tt'dles.DreM thcm ln
>tfi.Stltchonpl nknM~ l ")"t:S llludoff7sis. COIOl'S tO m.lltr;h ll " hikl'&fll'luite
with wht1" 1.-mbn.ll<k.'Tl'<I high· \Vorl<01 h <'T\).1 WIOCQrt\'i;JIOIUl 1>Ut01.
llgh ts. WKI o gmy 1no111 h !lnd ~
C\'eec Lib.com
Heanancl cad1ofur.\"l !'ir1m<s.2S(""lneudof
next row. Rt.1l from•'.! tlmt•!I
Alphabet Afghan 1111J!'i:: :1Cln cndQfrachofl:l'l'l:J tiq: ................................ liq!1 n!nhlg)
ch ......... _ ........ _ .... __ ...... - .. ctiWr1
Shownon~c37. :~~r::::~~ ;;;~,kn':~~ <k- ....................- .... cto.1lik:Cl'OctlCI
furm m cr.!'f;ln11cxr.;!'1ndeoch lb: .- .... _ ....................~
~lnlsllecl slle Is <Jpproxhnmd~· s11 01a.stst , 3~1n1as1 stfor rnr· dp.......... - ... - .. doubk:µol.ml."ll
43:d3lnd1i:c<1- 11<-r. joiu"~'h"l"'rn nrsr ~Fl\$ <.hf .•,._..... ___,..... doo. 1blc rrd:lle
l l"fl olTC'Cnt. h dc_......... _ /i.'llfdoublem:x::hct
MATE.,.,_, R11rl:J.-Joinl.1lut: "11h,....ln :!('(" lnc................- ....... - ......... 1~
l'lngn11lnPl1~'0(1t111()(' [5().!(r:'lm undO<Cofnny<:'l>llier3·!>C: ·IU(IUP.2 k ........._ ..................--··-·--kllll
l>:dls):8l>i1l1St'Cl'\ 1.·I b;1 Us so::lus...,,11esc:• "w-k se ln c:.:h sc ljJIS~----···•*•"•••• .. ••••loop(S)
blur~ 1 1 ,.~n llgln 1use URHm<L \\'t>rklng3 .5'C In <:t'lller SI MC ... - .......................- .. ma.l n color
Slie l afJ.!h"uhook o f .-.ich39COOl'll<:r#(1-p: jUl n\\ith p ........- ..·..· - - · -1""'1
Sl1..,G alnnilnum<'fTICl1cr hook Sl!Sl tOUt::g sc. pm......- ...- ........................p.i1tern
R11d 3:Ctl l. :>c in..ain<.°Slassl ps.!o<> .... - ••- ........ p<cSSSllpStOI..,..
AbbreTiatlo,..: Sc.-.: p:igc47. M. 3><: 1n llt:XI SC:n"J> Imm • or rcm ................................. n:m.'llnhig
Gauge:1nnfgtuu1s.1t1c11. :t0sc.s .. Rml 2. Faslcno!f. t)locksquan.-s r ~'Jl - ....................................1"1.'J)('(ll
5~111<:he:i:l0~·3111ch"". IOl'qHlllSl1.C. nld ......... _ ..... - ....... - ruund
sc ....... - ............ s tnglet;'l"Odtef
INSTKUCTI ONS EMBRO!Df;HY OJ' BLOCKS: sk ............ - ......- -..- -"'k lp
llLOCKS !niakc 25): Wle h ui;ni FOllowhii: gr:iphs. ri,rJlll, wt:1rk sl.st .........- ......... ,_........ t<llp$1ltc;h
nm!:~fghnnhook. ch:n. cros.<;·st hc hcs on Uloeks. Stild1 SP·-··-· ..·-·······..···-........... - Spat"\'
Huw/(/lf'St/raffr. 1"""'1honk 12 hr.111 l>locks. ~·orihcal phalle1 Sl'.(s) ..................,.... _,_ ,.."Stltchl.,,;)
ln S«Qnd ch fromhook.y<J.J)ldl blOckS,s1i1chplnk ·:Ul(t.l>h>l'bor· st8l .. - ............ s1oeklnc:t1c:stUd1
up lf>:tndle"J\'t011hook. 0 in,!;Cn <kT (show n 011 eh~U"t ) on n.~n 1:3 1og ...................- -....·--·· ICl!,'Ct hcr
hook!nncnch . JO.pullnplrn.nd bloekS. Tu c:omµklc •he re main yo ......... ,........ _ ............ pm01"Cr
lro1-.: on hook. Rep from • lng tcuers of 1 h<"alpll~bet. dmw • ........... n'pl'.1tfmm • r-s1t1ilialtcd

oou;;..;- 271i>Si>nhook.
Row J {SCCfNl(//in{/}: YO.dt:lw f - - - - - - ----<
U1rough I l1 1011hook. ' >"· drJw
1hrotQ:112t11><onllook. Fk 11fmni•
a<TO!<'! Lllllllllp~mon!IOOI<. m 11lwork 1hc <'mh mld<•ry.
Rix112(/lf'Stlm(/J:Skflrst1't>n l·
calU:tl"(>hnwhc loY.•.' hl5Cnhook t\SSEM !ll.Y: l~I}' mu hlO<'ks 10
ht'hlrH1tlC'<l1'<-'r1icalbar,yo, dr-Jw alplml1<.1lmtortler. 1X.):"ith1hc
u 1• l1H 111dh:1weonhook. Rcpfron1 t\ B b lock. nlilkc 5 SU1fl" of 5
•m·ra;;..~ -271psonhoolc, liloci<.'i.llhl"flWing 11n:iJµ!1.'\lx1
How2/:K:romt1111!/}:Rl1>Usfor hlock "111\ah('<tr1l>lock. S.:U·
Rn"'· Srm11d ll alf. ilqliare<!ln!O Slrips Wll hH wtU1>
Ucp Row 2 nlm,1t'Cn limes 1;1 l1 chlntheOOclrloopsuil\lwhi11·
SUI Ch lhcsufps1og.
IJiml~rout"Sk flr.;t'"'"lcal
!Atr ofmw l:.:lo"'· " lnscnhook UORD F:R. Rnrl I: Join b lue
beh lndnextl'<..T dc:ilbai".}'t>.draw \\1111 llSI SI In S<!\.'Ondocuf uuy
lp """''l·!h '"'"kal b.v and 111 on «m1~3 sc.gruu11. ch •I.de- In
hnnk- 1 Ip n-m 011 hOOk. fkp samcsi1.ssls1. · ch 1.sknc~t~.
from • OCt'\'JSS-21 rows. Dono1 Ocl11ntx!S("". Repfrom • nmu11d
fa<;l•:tl off. etttlh!af~h.'Ul. and m !llrn><"llme.
Tmnsforlp 10SlzeGhookuml ,...,,,.kHlc. r.h l .<~!lnet:tucr i;cot
bc:g etlglng :ts follows Rud J: each oon1er3 sic:·gmup: ending
1' 1msq11are 1owork;lltl11j,':N<k1.1f ;;:'.~. <11 l.slS1ln 1t11r1t ch11ftx_-g:
lllock. ' scln<".nd ofmchofnext5
" ' " 't'.2sc ln endof 11e11trow.Rcp Rml 2: Ch 2 , In Or.>I Ch • I Sp
frorn ' 2tln>C!1 111<1n:.lsr.lncnc1of "'<Xlllde. 1rc. d.:. hdct: ...: l11m·.x1
rach o rl:t613rows: tu1'JJ ;;quareio d l· l Ip. • in ncx1 t:h· l Sll \\"Qr'k
workalor1gliottU1n•"%.<c:.3 sc ln thOC. de. 11e. lit. hdcl: SC In IHC~ I
fll"Sl!ilformrner. \IC l11nextand cil · l sp. lk p from • around af
t,'aC'll s. CO~'L'>I S1:3scin bo;tSI for g tmn. endln.g"1111osl st l11H>pof
<.'Omo-; mm 91Ju:•n- 1owQrkak>i1g ch-2 at t...g of mil. 1":~~1m off.
next skle ofblock. • sc In cm.I of Wt~l\'t:!nynm<'n<'N.
I I \<.I

~bo1nii. ·
°"" lmrumo
Thr pi\nrl

'""-""""'"'for-bal>lr.>.a l{Y\ NKla1onJ1o(

.,,."Crl<1h0il01"""'•"' lo\d.Jlnh..Ow.l1o•d
W"*nlhr.irlol 1..-. ... ..U.thrdln
p.a1ch1','l'kn11dq1111Uru,: r>T'<'l11p.1:>1r:b.lorm •h<"
lln."llu,r ll ~!>l,... l~
obcul11!u11 l,'<ll1d "~uh~ 1m(l n~l" l1 h n(L1Jkl"1'
L"qu1<·krr.Amll,.,._ 11nmnortk111111
n1b al'~ 'In' mMlr ~n.m'lf')odrl ~
ln•rnfWl'ITTalli~lc ""'lnandaplpt'dn:ll,¥
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I e1r~lnnlnl.J.b

I ~~;: ~'~, ~~:11,11«.

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ttl\lfT 11'111<"1
l dlllo'ttnt1u11m.'\l..nt1d

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mf1'tl ... l~Wl'k•llmneh tn;i.mlq..-tolOIJP!'.·nw:;,ir

OJ\<nk1Ji.ln.lumlln •hlklrn'l .. hook.""' u..,,,1;tllyfmh1,...,$\l'l'l'I
1hllid1arirr "'"''"" n~~"Q!ll•"'"'lthjm·Pnllr dc:lll!<l!;for,.mbrultlrry
nwo:k-,.·IU1alh·n...u- Uln.'ilr.. 1~11.,.fOI andochcrol*Tlilnt'"
m c111lh• .. P.1UrTn"'- lu,.\llr.>l~>nf"Qf t1•1U!'> ~~1h,l!Hff'~I
..... w1111i:,uu1•11m1 01 lct • hrlo,111\'"'"!ll<T for111far11 1,..."CSM>rW-<
~-our 011m "'·""I' of tm>11\fr•1r..t5!:nt'ttlllt' "M1l:>!<U1Ult"Bfa-.'Ulitt"
lndh1tlu..ill1••<.lf1"''" ;in•....,1..U1>1nTo( quU11w1m1b-1hr
cn:.111v11 mlu'Ufk.uullntnl'm 11 0t·1...,lni 1' ~1!r <U\'t'l'lrl
Soun~" \II i.:o~·I Ln<'t11lm>11lttv"r ~111 .... oon1i.v~'l Ot
<ksle~b•r1111,...,.1 -'Jlf)[Jquf'lora .. ..- <e a \nl)>r;aJhumqullt
fV''ffln~ """"II'""'""!
\Y•U,...,<kln'1 hrJm1r to kl~~:~:l~~ 1 uf1n1 llntl
1 1ru1l1110u.pn,.•J<k
frlrtKblllllllamllv"'' llh
br~crn.1n"'"4llfil<T IJin.flt'll'\l\.. l>ld !allf\<o1111ltll•nl'llWUnlo

:~:~::~1~:~~~;·~~ "'
am11 ......-1h1~11CJll"h
"-"itkn Pl.m: hi 1>1l•<"h<:d from \\hhr ;.Jt,1.1od:.vf kn<.<..-.alon(111r1Lnr<..
~lll1plr loo1L-.blos,...-..1)!;
lh~ ~~!.~":i, '-ll<ln~
1hrn;unrnflht'l:<unllLl1 trl.lii,t:!<.,.;•mJrvunJrd
pat<:h"'lKkl,;lllL'mU"o<'li JlrifllW<'l~<"'.Th,...... ;\udl<-l\•-..;.,...,.,,.,ufur

::~~~; ~:i.~~~~k1~.d I ~::~: ~~m k.... ••

lhl'UIUL"l ~dA"'rrlM.
h•r .. 111~<"<>'roi.

11'lnkn«~M:m• lk~·lk>lul uso.1ll"<r;u1111<"V.i('k ln!!. ~11 11vl•·•"I>""' mvn.·
SllKh<,l•tll,.'t'1)1<'rlor h.w k ~nun<t l,,11\~t ll:ih!r. (1jM f il<'llt1ld11't l,.,<:;isk'1' IXlnlrNuntll l ht'
r och mollf nm.I Ill" ll"•IU Jm: IX>'>Slb1lnl~ "IT 1n•k>. ,J11~1 ~ k r t<'"l1 ll1'' (Vl'<'rk-t1>o1h1:tb!m1
~·:;:~;;;;~.; ~ ~~~;:: Into
a.-;s.rmb !1· lsitr1p1u1u,..1 1":1rtNl. fm 1niohu1•lt•
1on..,·t!l{.. blo..:k lh1«s1.,,,,J1<r11·ntumnn· .1n<IS1llrhn:m·snf
TI1«UlllL"1<1Jloo1-0.·rl... l!Urt<'ru<"p;111<'"'" ,..·.•r111·,,11J<.ttl f'n:n<:h Hlhrt<'.
Wurl& t"rroch knutlooi1small ~1Nl!>IUNG:~t•'OSl:rarl!h
Embroidered and dttb br:t""'t'al tllie IOllfl Mildles ot cnxhcl Ulf'tlld or paut «llton.
Tied Coverlet (ln ll\CQln'L"l@r'bod)' andllmbn:l· lltlhtquiltln"""-s2md'le:I;
L'\l't'Ntr111l(. Work t hercm:lildn~ ~~'" iuld a i 21neh lmcn-:Us.
S l10W11 11n 11<llge$•18-19. llrt'< !Sh1 OI Ulhw- ~lh:l ll:'!l. !Work C<i m:r 1hcc111lln:-.tlt'T'l"lll plcc.ll:
Olll lhM'!U ll!:h<SntOI Ullllh<'Ure;\;J 111op lli.: 1t..d C0\~1111dla:ultl
The llri~IC'd CO\T.rld 1no:•10...ures fllln:lwltltsatlfl"1h(llCS.I _.u111iace..1ta11 ru,:llM: mfllcd
29"33 lnrt1n1.
Qdudh~ rolJle. \l.1~11hc1:mbrullltryl!lcorn­
f*t"'1.trimthrtabnc'w 16..-..18
MATDUAUI llldic... l.Jd1lly ~ on wmrig
~ y:utl er/ <f•Mnch " 'Ide uinUum -5l<lo:.U!llu~tr!)n';i$dOlh
"'''~htwl1Ue fabrle 1•1:.n• 111r pOtyt$1o•r tloY:tt bc-
1 y~ITT111rlntfllbricforw11 '""'t'Cl11 hewro11glikb of1hcem· Animal Quilt
l lliil'il«bJlftrll fab!Yfor broldcmlJ*"-"'llJ)ll ll1C1~ol
....11111· llllin.I: Wwte: hiliitc thl' ~
Sl10WJ1onp.igcl!i1 .

fklMln the follo'll1n(~ =i.:.i:~~-"'=:r' 00: ~lb~stio.ilo:Wll"291ndws..

with lllhlce quilUng thmid.QuUt c.io:ducUng the n1ffie
hron i;ho1peo1 ..111111>1!11el !!-11-"l(les
!:!Oklmcmllk::t" 'Qskcltl!i ll/,'l11 (lr tkl!ill. ftl'mO\~ rh" l..>lrstlni,-: MATEJUAJ..S
l\lopinbof 4'1· inct1111dr rt:d
2 )':Ud!iof2Lnch-• ide.:;atttcnd W\lhrl,!Ollsldtsl'f:'Mlltt In.ti' prt111fabriefor!Jllckl1Uliifld
11.11ttc~ 1h1'2111d1wkk~'dr'illr(O.md1hc O.ll~~Mf11~
.i y;antsot31nc:h-•'idr~mhtftd embrukkralplett \ll)-.utld "4hldlwtdc"bllll'
WhhCC)~ f'rom Ill<' bocktn,11 filbt'k. 011 1irtm fabric for 11.-~hh!J Slnplii
.i ynnlllflf1uu·rtm·1:0ttonmrdlng four i.tr11"'- eoct1 5x·M lndlC$. Y.pnl ul-14 -irl(hwklo:white
l'ellrl t'04 t01 1orcrochct llu m1.I SM.'~! • t1r.img"'1 hen:1 1d10 !.'IKl m ()l)l lonfrlhrlc
forl)111( •hctV>-erk.1 111:1lu:111:uJti'cin;:k.Whh ""TOI~ Y.l~ml('(J(:l1 0f1\I"'""' h >C11
Qulllhilllilitt WtbU~l1CT.. fllido.1rdcuihalf •·1tll:'m:twxl•'hltc1lri111
16x18-1nt'hpko:of~~.,... lrnllthwb(-Cachf'l'",_.~,o ~~I.I)·

fl11u·uundthecnbn>lt"""-'l pi«r..
!';:'11r'.hf'l')Tlrt n Un. &t 1h b 1>i<:<.'I.'
Ql1lh h,·1111ng
lNSTMtJCTIONS :l\i y1u dsofg;111 1Ct't'1.13\lo · l n~h­
Nole li~ntcilom nlkJlo• lor n "-ltk:.,-dc.1
V.-lndlloClltlllllooi.'Ma'. COkOING:CUc fuiu...jr111!1.Cllch 2\lo)•.u"dsof""·hld•Wtd!'JUUf-
J'n-li.lu\llk allol1hl: fbband 'liJ.:-1-1 tnd'lc:!... from thl' 1:w:kfru; Jllllnr1bboo
C'Ol'dl11f[ ~'tlll"ll 1he '"hl1c !iabrlc. b.bric. .Join Imo oiic lllnt l;fnp: flal('Glbn:lldr:lyftoNi
<:ut 11 pla'I:'IOr1hc llrill._ mc11•1ur- M'l'l" l hrrottonl.'Of'<lll\A. QuJ11h1Bthr.11d
hl,ll t fo: l 6 lndit"S SCI Wlltlc Wntrr~~hk'1ll'n
C.'OVf.IU .. t:'T TOP A,'llll BACK·
EMUHOIUf:RED BLOCK: ~::,, .. INC: Cuc lop pkl't' H) u~ISUO! INSTRUCTIONS
tar-gr tilt' .,attcm. "11fJO)}le 0010 3'.b34luct-. 'ol.i11trWu!ikb110- ,'l;ar 111~nJO:Oc11i,. lllJQol· for u
~~·U.C•"atl:r~ Willtt, K""I" tht' plpbl( thm Lht• '6 Inch ,,.,;am :\ll(M'lll'lt'I'- lbc ftrt
pm tO lr:u lSfn"llw'~ll!UO p1"'""131nc:h<')"dHIOlhl'CUI· bllc'o.lblodc>in-.rt'llo'41nc:tx:i;
UW: ~m11i11lnlo( ~ofwhllc fllb- l<lcio:'t"O.~
rie.. 0:< 11 cr 1ticdeslgl1 11111hci fah- C11lfjultthaalrtg1:1llj.:.htlyl;u~
rle 1n nl~IW 2 Inches bt')•10d the lh:m 1<~1:1od~rtnwm11gsld<: AN IMAL Bl..OCl\S: 011 tlwi
ofwp. whu" fobrk:. 1lr"o1w lf"fl &>A-Inch

U8hi,y Ihm: !it!U!Mh ot nrlbrol- Q u tho:~ iJ¥:)•tl)" W"qer "'l'llUtS. Do nor nn c.u will.I n.U
dcl)' llo!ta aM rckrrtuc t(I UI(" tli;in the quih iop. With 11(h1 ~·b~lltu:d..~
a:ilOrlu:y. ~lr.ViOl'kJ."U\11 ~ «:¢tht:!'. - · ti~ lop and ti~ l&lllmal JXMlnm.. pui;e.: S6,
~Ju:tlCli-l11 therollowtnf!11n.'n!I: blo·k-0((0'-.:rln llJ(tf1hM', lcai1ng 1!1110 the !(mph l1'IP1et. With !ho:
the rlbl.1011:llrca.-.1.S, wtnp. nn1l :lll0fl"l lh ~for1 u m h11t: n'lm.cup 11'lllcr.,r,wiblc prn .. 1r.itttlH"!)OI ·
1aJl11of ll!r1 l~1ui11,.t:011'll.. mttJ how con1t'111. 111m. trm~ tHllO t11e h LUt•kJl. Ulllng 0111.
ofU1e bt'nr:thchonicrock1'1". !IOO- l ll M"~tltd1t'll..WOt'k Ol("OUt lbit.,. of
~- and hmn: t•v al<b ot l'OCh thrllnhnals•1ththn;oo:~°'
blodl: the cun.-nl fr.urll:'*"Ur11 ol l'i...U!<c:frcnd•knouandsaih1
(IU'Tbge....alldtckf.DflClll11aee ..alhJIClla$de!ilm!IOrOtbcrcm·
•"I~ and lm\'1:5 llci"''ttfl Ille lln*1aymWcllbl11n1•ms. CUt. lhc
hcQnM(ll l tll!.'bon\cr..

I bkX:k5 from •ho:f.ohrie..

55 --~

1 UghlGt-. 4 i.r..ncse. 1 G<wy

2 Pucn s Ugh!""'- a GoldMei.llic
3""'- 6Plnk ·~

1'NIMCl..E 81.0CK: M::ike n lrl· HUFFLE: From pink fRbtie.cut

~~::1 :i~~~% ~~n:'.
Mad1ine-Stitched l1)('11e1>:M...,.•thc111ripstogett)crtu
Dr.I\\' an X through llK' tti1tcr d maU one pla"t. FTOm 111<: blue
Coverlet fabric. cu1 fn,, ~rlf\8 nldl mca·
4«1u11l1r1:ulg)c$.NJt.l 1.4lnc11 !illrill!l2~44ln1:h1:S:: ~·NriJIS
oroi1ud aJl 11kll:!I ofoneof i lll'! rrt Shown on f"'\go:50. tO,..~licrtomalu>Oll('pl«t.
u11g111ar 5'X'll0118tuldu•••,th l5,,.,... Whh the rl.j.!1 1\ !Okb mgc:th('r,
uon :w ixittem u:mpl.ire 0.1 t 20 The: flnl'lhcd W.e lsappru.~lm:ne­ jo111 blue and pink Slrfp! nlong
1rtan~ff'Qll'ICW.."flof1hemtand ty :)(t(.l4 i11d>e1., excludlufl 1h•· ~long~- SN> tlw:shonei"lds
Wl1Hllp01111:ibrialt4010lnl). ruflk;,. l~ l1'<Ttom.1kc1tdrdo:, Wll.h
Milke 10 squarrs frUrn 1.hc trilln· u-mtigslllel10f;0!1hlT,fok1'5tr1plli
~n11cm:1Un~rhcrc<Jandwl1hc MAT£R1AL8 hntf.n1w~"-"'Cl"'t: lll"t'5S.
prinlS lt!l)lll l pf«t: lh~~ l lot,.'<"l htT. ~)";1.flluf4S-lnch·"1<1rOM !l rlll W lthyclio..• thread.~11d!ioo·
fabricforc1uU1 lop rotL•-estltl11unthcplnkedgcon
ASS~:t. l fJl.\ 01'01..0CKS: ~)':"mlJlrinu:dfubncror
8-:c:c righ1~1pt.11ktuKll.llui:)oC"lhe
nod sew Ur 20 blocks 1ogether. backing: rnffit. Giothcr tont •he quill lop.
ultnn.wlng thoe cmbrolden.-d and •l yardsofl\ltlnch-" ide \\1th 1he rtgh1 skle!.ul'ruftlrand
pi<'Ce(l $(JIU'"""-Mnkc fh~5lrtps. g:nl><:rnd qull11op {:Icing. b.~~ milk in
•.v1d100111alnl ngfou r blocks:11c:w COllOll~ p iattat<J11 th1' L'l(('«ljllni_:,.
Nrlp&t~thcr. _,.)~·1 ·1-lnch -"1'11:'Plnkfiibnc
V.yard 44l no:l,.wick:bhicfab<lc QUILT fMOUNG: Cut l lw: qull1
SASlllNG STRIPS: fro1n OM' f'".JS!d mrhlnc embl'Oklny bodth~and1hcb.'.u1tngsllgln ly
1111.... fabl1c. <:I.II four sa:.hli>g
6111p$3SfoilO\\'!£ tWU~ll'hlg '"""'
QuU1 lianlug:-""'cr~
~t lmntliequllllup.B.-w:I'
11.cbackl ug.
3..:32 '.lo lncile:I :ind 1wo ntt:1is11r-
tNSTNUCT IOl'iS l\S.SE.\m1.~·,w1111rlgln::»<Jeso(
ltt1slon!' on ~II rn<~ mhcr !he ,...,..£~ ln,.tni<:llnns ::lllolo• for ii. 1tic-1opa11dl:(1d1fadrig.11\atllhll'
<~~ V..lnd1~1nl'°"-..ux.i:. sil1c h11round1hc'Oldesofthc
CUI four red$1Shlugsiripsrni qull1, lr;i11nga 12-lnch opcnhlg
follow.¢'" " nl<."a'iurlng 2x36'A QU ll .'r1'0l":t·rcm1 ll1<:m.1 ur.d m1um.ll"l111 hcn1fletxw"'k o111hc:
lnet1esand1wo 11 1N1Surl11g2.~:l l f:ob r1<:.cu 1:1 S1riJ>off.,1~45xll 11ull11011sol1 1loesuo1rotchl11
l1tches.l>fect, 1l>CSCi;irlp!! tOllL<: lnchel..SmnlnJt I Inch (rom Uw: lh1! 6C'(lm.)01p1hr~runl
hlucbnntcrsou1hcqulh mp,111- rmi.· ~· ">11 11 111<:.,.,ucr('l'll:!;ble tum. lt;md·S('W Ute: opallng 10
To rnmplcte. nmchluc:·~ltch In
l llC!loi.'fil1isamum\1hcbl0cks.
1'1/'llSl'll NO: Ctn <1u1tt l>acklug .tl(;WL0~111aclducmuli; 1 l1tho11 th~
(from n!<l fahrlcl1md harthig10 nllU"kl"ll Unt:I}. cllanglng 1hn:'..'ld t - - - - - -- -----1
n-ure 33x38 lndld.. On 11 nm colorsouctdl\JfW'. 0.n 111'1.'
sur!;n. i..,..... 1hc quU1 pkttS ac; block"fromlhhi,;uip.....ad!JTM:a· Decoraave
IQllows:thcbackl ngl"-n:>ngslde sur1u~9xll Jnmcs.. Stitching Tips
u11~ 1hc baning. nnd 1h<:11um 1op 0111'01.1rado.li1 lonal blc-..k11.~
lrl«h1 side upl, Make '"'re 1hc 111tt1S11r11ii,:9x ll ll\Ches.from thc ~·orc hc fl •ldl koking flnl•hon
bod.tug and 1hc hnl llng t.'(ICnd:? rcnmlnh~nt"l.Ll rolpku: dfnbrW. projcas.,..,bcUls!ICd"'1!11lkieoro·
h ~ around Oii all ,;ides. aa~rc US1tlg lh" l'ho1ogr.aphasagul(lt,, ll\'I.' m.'lcil.lllC stllehlng. pacl lht
alll<l)ns10gc.1 IM'I'. drn."·klttt$!A.U.C.OJui1f:acito( f:ilJrlcbdOn::.)'OUbqi:\n.Cut 1!0b"
llc.'g11mloga1 Uir ...,,.,tcr. qulh !I~ four block." "1rh the "~la­ (S(a'Oeiecl' to t'llual the fl n1She\l
nrou11d rhc:ln._""t1c00f:esofthc a11· "'"''""',blc pe11. Mnct 1i1K--11tltch "''l'l'" stzc.ofthcplroeyouorewurking
lnml squares. aud 1111111 1m X dl" th.:-:se k1t~ u!ilng deCOr.:llh,, on.and baste ii tothcwrongsldc.
sb,t:nln1hc1r1m1!t)tsc1uarcs.yul1t ,.;rliellf!S. l{ Uw:fkcxc!Jlklc"IOO thc:fn:d
olon.jt lhC Ll 1'1klc~of1h('btu1· Altc:mattngthco:leooratl'"'u'ul dogs0t11hc 1nat:hlnt.pLio:cnotf!-
,;;11shlng:<;1r1p. 1)x,11lpllabelblock$. 1lk'l.'r1hrtt lioolt P"fk'I' undcrntn!ll h, Tmr
l};t;lc wld!!CW q'da n.dflc 10 lilodc~ l<J!r~l>Cf1omakt01ie~rip; llWtl)' the JXIJ)l:T "'hen )'OU oon1-
11w: quUt 1op 0trly. Trim l:.lCtt!iS make '"'O mon:: su1p1<.. l'ktt \ht pk:tcth'°m:w:hlnecm.broklay.
Mripti togM)l('I"; llr<S!i "'-~Ulr.i !ti
(u=·~~k;11 ~~:~\ftc!1:1:
l).1uhigwl'JOOo;klngmaJLownV. 1
Inch !if'Alffi nllowm\U', Tum under one s ide.
!ll'3nl nllowruw" and whl~lleh \\-lt h rt(htM!kst~h<T,hiL<it" C:IM.'Ck thClhrcadl(fl!Jlorl, Wllm
11u11dll l<>flmnnl'lt1. 1he<'Ol!0t1Loc..oaround1ht-rdgcs 1..hc:tl"l1Slonl$(Ol'ttet. tlw: 5"\1ctlc5
oftl"'qull1top. .... 111 11<: naa and1111100.h on 00t11

Dresden Plate Add \.$ -tncfl sewn allowa11C<S to wl. . . j)ito:tllt.'ln lCJb~lieralOng
nu thectlg<,.."" cm s tm pcs from sromUnf'.Oo 1lOI si ltdi lm o1he
Baby Quilt pla.stlcOrl':l.nP.Jooidtomalu,• 1cm !!mm aJk.)wrulOl' :'.ll the Ou!Skk'
plall'S. Crn a 5·l n•:h-dlamd,,... «ib<c(1hl~S1"(1 wl ll c~1h<:lln­
St10W110111xiec52. r:lrck'fro111rordboon.lfoi·ccnt<Tof ISll!n,!! oftl~u1Hsklct'dget. l'Tei5
m<>1lfs. (TI>L'i mc-.isnremcn1 In · SC'alll~TO<mcskl!'"
f'lnishcdslttls43x59Y.i lnches. c!mksa~ ·hKllse<:u nallowanre.) Fokl unoJer theoutsldt-L·un °""I
nlg<$of1 he rilm c.~nt<.'r.1"~c.
!\tATERL\LS DRESDEN l'WHr: m .OCKS: ruid ll(1ml-a~lJ(1ut- ti..:: !llal~ to
AsSl!:nicdb!ueandp!n k fahrk: PT<:shr1nk nl! falll'i<:s. On ""T00g thr OOckgrouodsqo.m,rc.
i;t.T'.. p!; skif-o{fabr1CS.t~ruuuml t<'m· On dn::lc.i. mn1 under ~ Inch;
2ynrUsof45· inch -<11de whhc plm1$ ....11h n so!i-knd penci l. lll"tSS:mda11pllquC: 10 1hec:cm er
l'OU-Onfabrk m;;ilcllh1g am.ri~ on patll'Tll oftheplaJC ulOlif.
J ~yafds(lf •\ 5-lm:h ·wldc pk'.<.~ ! u si m lgtl1gmln Qffnbrk:. Pkcr<111Utbloeks1~hcrmak­
Loacklugf:ilirlc l'racC <lm.ll'l ll OU I (lt0talof48 lnt: two :! sirips. l"<lCh wUh lhnx
Qulltb....ulng p lnk"-.:<1gc">a11d •l8blnc " -.:<tgn<. blocks.1'1cw~tr1ps r ogccher.
Qullllni;t lh rt'\ld F"orliorder. 1mcer111dti.u :)~ pink
rlastk:orr11n:lbo>lrrlma1crlalfor m un bonkr "~.,_.,,and 3•1 IJhw: BORD~:R: 1\lu:m:11 Ing bl1ie and
l~11pt;:.1l.'. outerbordcrw~'es. 1>1nk ou1tr"'tdi,.<e&bet" -ttnwhitc
l'lum1hcwhhefabric.l'UI out Inner 1rtangk:s. pkxt: imffldcm
I NSTRUCTIONS Sl~ 16\/t loch whHcsquares. ru 1d bordo.T ""'f.'dgeS to cxtmd along
1Vofe lns1m ctkmsaUnwfora OOwhltclnncrhunk:rtrtmgic.c c-..1ch 11klcof 11lcqullt top.Onl10I
'A·lnch seam allowance unklls traceru1dcui6 r:lrdes. ~llch l111 0 1llol!seai 11 a1Jo.,..anoeat
Olhl'ffi"'5(,Spcclflcd r or •·.""ll:h q11!11 b lodc. an-.u~<c 1hct1U1 !1ldc~<c. At wn1crs.. dim·
Trace pattcrus. be'/oit1 for rile l 6~nl'la1e "~- n.ltC>"­ lnatc.,..hllc 1rla11gles.l'lctt3out·
D=«k:n Plntc w..:ig.: and the in· n:u1ngblucu11d1llnk"..,.1!,<ts.O..·· c:rlJo<tlcrplcc!:>.1~hcrm111m
11t.'t nndo1,11erbordcr1'1.1.ngles. glm11r1ga11hc1uuTowc1'l(lofcacl1 oomer.Sew llOl'lk.'ttoquU!'slop.

ASSEA!llLl'' flnsl(' Ihm:' l.1)'tt5

1~1W't'nslOIL01>~ 1 li.ebadclng.
" "l"OngNde: up: 1he b.iuln~: 1/1('
plrotd top. rtgllt skk 1111. l land-
c1ull1 lt!lck'l<lmi.
'1'rtrn bmtlug 10 'A Inch t-ui:~l~T
UIUll qu l11 1op. Pn::$s uodn" ro"'
C(lgc>I"' lnchontoi>.Trfmba<:k·
In~ 1u lh mp. mm wlller ro"'
~and :;Hp-sd!Ch doscrl.

French Knot
Baby Coverlet
Shown Of\ 1iarge 53.


<;01to11 for 1 opn11dback lu~
1"6yanbl uf 44·1rn:h"'hl!e
l."Ol lOllO.t<lHel
:Jsk<..iuscuUOf •knl1 and Cl"ll<'hc1
lh mld
F.mbmldcfy or qulhtng hoop

l'n~hrlnk au fflli ri<.s.. Enbrj(c
<blgn unmgraph papcr. Q 11f:;ili 1~ • 1 1r"dl
rlch11 01 wopk"l.'e>.~ hn·1•.11!1Ul"·
lng 40x481nehe& for1hequllt lop V.inchfrom 1hc•M1u;k:• •bon.ftt.
andllningback. \YJ1h Ute rtghl si<b '<l-""hc:r.
basie w <Dl lOO ~~ 10 llW'" OUI•
(:0\11".NU,"T TOr- 1'"<41<"" or 1lln 5ldeodgesusll11-:(l 'A. ·bic:h ,;e-.1m
u111 11k=111opthec:nbrg«IJ)3.I·
h:n1 <UKI tr.ace the tblgn
1ht! ,.•mercros.1blepen. F10pthc
t~ng """'-
v;u1cn1 H> nwkc mirror hn.igcto In l ht:llackh~plect'.11.>fll 1hcqulll
" ll c111ilr1ra111 s. l1l3l.WHhr1ght $kle!olll!:t'l hCl".pl11
CUt 1u1d 11'lstc ti"' flmmd m 1tm the backlog 1011..,11ulhmp.Scw
" "rofl8Sldcd ll te 1opple(:e. l'I°"'=' aroumlt hcm.~rlC1u$htgba1;.U1~
C:ibrk: In hoopat1dW'tll"k thrrn- threads a.s ;1 ,,_'Ukk:: iro.,.., a 10-
rirr. dallgn l..ISln& ~·rei1ch kuc.- llM:I• opentng rnr naming.. CIJ1)
!-!l!Ctl<!!l.. Work thcou1l111<:ot1hc RJldlJima.nicn;tumandfl"!"""-
bonW flr.u: then work stnm1. Sllp-!ld• chopcn ln~('IO;le(I.
ie-a.-es.wldbrtTksofboo:lcr. In
1hco:rrr r('f"of thedesl(ll.. ""Qrkthr
OO!llm: dthcdn:k.ihcn pmt'l"ll)(I
rn 1hc-;1cn1sof 1he llowen1. C:Orn·
11ldc c m\/roldcry by ""Ofidug !tie
o.llowtotlry. Trimro.·;;rk.'ta~to

lrtt whh )!<II(\ mctnllk: nrnl"h Allb rCYlatlonJ: Sl;<e l~>t.."'"1 7

~~:ii~=~··=/~= ~~6 su1•\b>rh: 8mo.r.~-1

llcnc..s&. S<:\o>!itlll"IOlr1'1_10p.
~larhlnt' - b:inlni; Ill ..TOIU: INSTICUCTIO NS
~ol111oddiieau:Je'llltlilr.C'lll i\brel'a1u:ml~U.llw:h
orn.ln"111l( Vt · h..:h~m:ug111 . ~onlk>ll·.via:s..
Ctn bl.UCklngh.-.;k 1u m:Hl"h fron 1 P.• 1~1rg<' p.111 en1. QflfX>Slfl~ F'ok.I
0:.0.'a' C'Ol'din,( uslllf! ~vntm..i tal.ll1c ln lll>!f and nll p.lllem

:~=t~~ ~\':?11"'~1 .
likb fr11.1ng. .._,... bao::k m fro111 .
I =~~r::O::s~1~u=
tor 11111"' WKI k.'gl>- Ou sok'Yi mid
lar,.tng top opm. Trtm -.n. dlJI Pl•~ \lo•...,. ponkx• d llm1 po.TI ·
c:un-a.. rum. nud 1 ~ 1m1I froo1 bn111m flll'dt1.,,,·
Cl.JI l"'-O S10Ckl11Afll"'t>lfrom Wllh l'l,llhl sltk.."I (acing. pin
llnl"ft~DlllllngV. lnch9:am l.lod~ tro111t llO(l bodt µlcln 10
l\lkN~S.-.-picl'e!or~hn'. grt/l(f'Sc>l-:Wfl.l:co:n1o:rfroo1
~~~~~~1;~;'~'.uo ] ru~. 1t~~~~·~~1:- 1~~~1!i
CUt l'\•lfand cuff llnlni;i UOm .w:JrthlegpWa:s..IN\1.IU(opntUws
oonlnL~1 111gfabrlc. ·atktn~'.I.
tnch m IQIJIUlll bo:~ • om. J111 ;m<111111ch
Appliqu&I Stocki ng !l('anl m11rgl11. IC\11fl5 01l<'l'IJllllH litlln< 1 1)\)c~ UHllSoflf'g.-i; • um.
~pk:n' ..1m1111tf;Nlnlllskk'.1 Tum wKln" Mnlli!ht NI.... ol
Sho'A'tl(JflJlll+,1('60, On ril.(lll side rl c:ufT. - · liltt 10 P."'' and ~Udl IO IWO ann pk«5
!OCallo!~ clip ~ion't':!l. 1for Inner u.rrns).. Phi and ftllu:h
flti.J.shCdi,.la:ls8141nd)l:lllOflg.. Wl1h rtgh1 ~ lildng.. _. lnrirr ann.. to ou1er 11nu 1•kl~
!IC:allop:t.l ~of cuff And llnlnl;- lcQ\i113 apnllngs Ill tlJJl. Trnn
MJ\T£RIAL8 Olp cun~Oi)l'f1linlrljl:~~ !lmf!L~a111J111m.
V.yard~for io«xkln{t !ictlll\S. rtt:h1shies fadni:. MNu: dj.:1 11 w<>O<kn ""'"'lK'OI by
'4yard<'Ofllnl!lilll( bbncl0r Kttpl111t ndl ll•lin& lrtr. plM.T ..akttlft thr •'\l!ldel1 00...'tl Into \I,
cutr.. pl1llng.. anddrum cu1Th>Ndt51'ockhig:1!1:1'·str:llgh1 lnd11hlckdl5':!J;::i-Wld.Drlll• "'-
uppllqul' ~otniff 1ostodlh~l'ul1~-.. 1 ff b 1t hdiamrtcrlml(olnCl'll1e1of
"4.ywdllul11gWbr1c 01.11 ol-i.icklrlft. Tum u111Jer~iu11 roch d1'lc.
l:b:IO-lnch~olbon~ nw')tl11 oflinll., twld"t'lll· .cop AttOd\ "'1115 ond ~ • rol
5'.-mp of 1tm:n f,1[)rk: fur
Ser.apollnv\l•n ful.orlcforbcflr
tr~ !;all\1 ldit...".uK.T T11n1 mlTl1'>'CT' '°""" Vian:' '"'"' WQQ<im dbl• on
llL'ldeo(tJoily. hl!OCl1 one l'Ul ler
Ll~htydlo"iw. 11\nk,L"l'Cal ll ,ll lld
Teddy Bear
f.11"11." m body · ·hi:tt nwked.
ll1mugh f,1hrk' of om1 ur ~ ia
11~1rk<d Slldt' Q i;n.uid ..~.ooen
Smallb:udsfar.,-.:-llnd l"IO!or Sho\o'llonp.'11,Ttil. dbc onto <0r1cr pin~ t.omd
I 111ch siuro ppOq11t for1n.1:1:op Jll'OI~ upan tl)Y'C\lll' ll111IL
~yanl 1\l\l'T1:M•~lt1Clrim MATKIUALS Shoff 1nu1k, wu1,._ :u KI tti:s.
Cnaph p.'lpa;
NurTOWC\MIOO ~U'lfl1ig
pm "''-ardClllllli~ 'OOI
. l lluld-....... OJlmif\5>.CXtqX lit:'Ck
brtll<'t l OOn:h1 ru:rfor 1)(1" 'Slu1(1 ~lllch ii.on ~ on bMI: head jlltnS.
INSTRUCTIONS S1llc:!l;'small1'11ct't'ofdurk Wllh rtghl i;l(lef l'.lacing. "Ulch
f:n~piUla'll.Qboc...-\\11h bnM"111inylfurl1oC*' hmd Cft!llT ID !Wflll !iil,b frtmi
w11tl"l'('1·11:1."lblc110::11.rn11.--c111ock EILllCkt'mlnoldnyno,,,. t...-\(1'1CO."kdigelOl'Otll'- ~i!Ch
ln1t!lhn11N1mlplaocmtmofap1lll Cla!6<1'~ IWlKl i;ide jllt= frOllll't'llltffront
quits (WI lilt!ll'.OL-klni;? t.brtc. Oil FlberfUL~i:r".. (Wbon nn:k10~. 1um.
rlQI i:ut OI U litOCk lng unlll uppll -llnchleng1holl -hK'hdl."lmeltr Altoch ~'e'i by (lll')hln81hr ~'C
(lt~lli1d1:11100ldl'ry1ire<:um11IC1 r. "'IJooJckJl\·rl ~hunk thn1111o!hfalirklllld!l('l_"llll'
~AndCU1.ou11lru1JVlltlttt Rlm21nchlon(C'Oltnplns ..11hfitilco1't'!'S.Stufflk'.atlnnol)'.
pk'aS from bbl1aii: lllkN• \4 Inch Rnm.."..'lck l \xnfm !!0-.unm Culanfqllil:ll'"'11ri."Ul11k°ll'4
,;e0 111 UJl(rWilll<-.... l t;u1d(lflJllllLUt l1l1Jli.: 2 1).1!1~ N11. 512 roy:11 !lkbl from 11nyl for,_.,
5.'llln <ol.IU:h !lit btw'" no.,,,
"llh t~1111~widlnnrri:nr
blur ! MC~ I ball

SW- S knimng rii:nlloo

~u. 600 u11drowldofloor1wfll.Pl:ittstuff
I~ undo llOJ(" un(I !Wiii_.
!1'>1!1'pllf ll1Wlrn:""""'15~- Rr
,..Ith 1»11k. Whh )dkN•.m nlh!I·
$lhch~.. i.lod)· p:ui.. Adcl
I kr 10 pt1ow...v:1ph. \~lg'! (\I. orn1
embroklo:r moo.1111 •·1111 :ll'"
1 $quar9 • 1111c:h

With rlgfn ,.ifb fadn~ ;<iel!.' Det· J..i;uncckl'Cig('<!Wl')'Ol)K:r i;1!1alo11g From nn:knlgc'. "'Ork
.,ans; k:a1'C bol1om opet1. Tum.: row1w1ct. Worit L-...,nun ~m5 12stsfromf'rumholder. 111Ck11p

s tsu111Uk:ng1hfmrn liq:ofarm - l I MS l.O.kmg OtlltT Fn»n ttlg!'-
hok: .i;haplf1!!111cnsmcs~ irn:h ­ plck up 6 ~s along IW:k llt(k
rnarkcd. 'l\1munderrownlb<esof ('!l.l\lndOIT'. Krtplnga:n1n-18S1.S rog.:, wurkl8S1.1<fromuack1K:l'k
neck nlj::c: 1110 lic:<.1<1 10 btld)' .:u ou llllkkr ro.. B3ck neck. 5hape hokier. pick up6St.S11lc111grcm
C'CtllC'r !mn1 aod l:Qek. mau:tllng mn7MSolrig11t .shoulda"• lor ll3Cknn:k~i;1s.. Workln
sho11k.lerstamswlth !IC'ltddans:: ldl:J•oukler. k l.p I rfbfor 16r&.l":J. Blndoff.
sllp-,;1hd1 lnplac:c. $el"· s houklrrnnd orck 11C.1 m.
~l«>!l.'T: Workni;. forBack111ul1 &'\ollxi\UHl-Olftdg('ofsJc..'\..,((l
F'C1rlhe1JW1:al"r leUl(thfromt:icgor nm 1r ~slll•P· F'mm nud u,-.ck :o.mtlH>k:. Sew
BACK! With MC msi oo 36 :1t$. tng mro.<.ul'('S 2 hl•.:lteio. L'lld!ng ~ol~~ fmtn rn:u'lunto
Worklnkl.plr1bl<.or5rm."!J. wltll :1 "T\1111:(-sldr rvw. K 10 for Fnxn and Back ru-rnhok bound
Cha11gc11;1,..Sl,lno;, l >l.!lf.S 0111irst kf1 !111ouldr:r: s l 1em 22 ,;is to oil' fdges.. SC..- rem $l'atll5.
row - 50 1'1$. Work C'\Ul 11mU !U- hokler. DttlSlal llC'clc('dgrC\'tt')"
ral length nlt"'d!il.L""" I~ Inches ooier row 5 11mo::s. Work c-""' "'" f'orthe.i..lc..p
a1tlln& l"it h a wmn.g-sl<le row. rem 5 !l(S ulltil kn~'l.11 from bo::g of Wllh MC. ca...i on 60 !KS. Wortr;
a.nuholr iJ1aplng 11M:M1Lrts ~ ink l.plrlbfor 81V1'1L.0"1ng<:
ARM llO l.E 5111\l>ING: Ulod off indl{,'OI. Illl1d olT. Keeping C•·mcr ln615l.workClmw11.ln<: 15.!il.llOn
91Ms mhegofne"12ruv.-s.Wtrl: 12 51s On bottkrfot'f'n:lru 11eck. fln;1 mw- 75SlS.COnt ln ,;1 "'·
L""'" ' on rem 32 SlS uni.II kn,ttth l<hapcm u l0 &.s for~1tlihoo•l ­ \l"Of'kSl'Ollo'5of!!ir1pepru.tl'l'TI:
fmm~olannholc~plng dt>rasflll"kft"ho111dr,t. 1Jlll(lo(I'. \\'ork7f'Ollo'3 0:-.'hlln MC.
~res "4 Inch. t:nt!Jng " '1111 a Ne>.11'1JW (rigl\ti<klrl:Kllllll!
"'rol'l£·&1de n>w. $U:1:.'\IES (1n.akc' 21: Qlsl Oil 24 UO.'l'US!i "'"'·end
k l-38SU ran.
sts.Workln k l . p I rll.lfor5 r•2 mgf!CroSS-rn~~ K 2 totil
S1'RlrF. PA'l11i:RN: Work UC.'lt " '"'!l. Ct1m 1gc-1ostSl.l11" IG~s e nd k 1- 1(1 StS n_,n.
2ro"'S lnwhlw. onfln11row, \\'<>rkC\l.!OUfll l11 oc.al Bm•k ofT. l)rlM L71C.l through rc111
Nc.>.1m111: •K 2"•11 hwnlte. kl k:f16'th 15 2'4 Inches. •·ml "'" sis. J>ull t!o'IH.l y and fllfilf'tl; s:w
MC Hep from • ttulbig k 2 "~'h wrou~sldc. Work5 f'Ol"'9 Mrlpt" b.1ck &eam. Make pom-pum "1th
whltr. Work2~1'1)Vo'Swllh 1"11· V.'him l<llal ~lglh Is 3% lndl- "' hlt~ yarn. Sc:WIOClfl.
whllf'. Ct~ IO l\ICmld"'Of'k e<. rtllvk b« 1111d md llf row for
L'\~1urnllt hek:nglhfrombegol annholoc. Work C\'t'l t ln hlC mnll •·o,.UlcK&rf
nnnhok' sJ1;1phW IS 2...., lnL'hcs. 10Htllrngth1S5\li lnchoL.cridlng With "·hhc.. r:w on 1 1 ias,
end "1th a wrung-><ltlr. mw. wllh:1wm11t·sklcrow. UlndoIT. Wl)rkk l . plrt\Jfor 8m11'$
(' A'<.:.>7 mW< With bhll'. k n it
NECK SllAPIKG: I( 7 fnt' kft FINJSIUN(".: SN· ""ll "huul- ACl'(l!<!!..fl:•l'IOU<fngn11L~W!1 hblue.
!<llOUklrr. !!'lnm1255'SLOliOkk:r. dcr. ~ m lo:ft Shoukk-r, "ith MC wurklnr1\Jbtngao;ewtllbl1Cd
aot1~<111skk:factng.111ck11pll ~rllmed
~ICl•lllleandrrpfmm • lNS?ll:UC'TIOl'fS
10rncx121'091")1..Chaf111'10blue MU-dfyin,tmfiau, •11h6ta
and .-.,, ln11n • l(w>uo.1 2 """""' bicspoonto ol h« 1mtn" Dough
Chat~'e 10 whh e. k I row. I CQn- (Jhoo.ddht•11ofi.ncM Mlrky.Stp;1
llrll.IC In ril.obln( ..11ti \ll'lllte w1lil roiedoup1lmoball!i 1Urolol'".Fur
tOCAllall,'\h~201ndles: bodb. \Kid 2 labbfJ001111 lmlaru
mdwlthwn;11!(--n>W.~lxt u:apri-1:updOour.U...foodllDI
1rs.C111U1nr11tfor7~~~ Olliton~(drllhlnitlltwlulher
BlntlolJ. rolornl trhol!I. Krll'lkl 1111111 dough
f~ISt;mll(ll h,

FOf n.1 omamcnu.

Wooden Puzzle Form body p'.UI& by n>llln«
Shown •Jll l~t«: b"2. and fl.llf11M11( LL Mol!'lln1 ~
" 1lh ..~.ucr when: p l«'O::I loud,.
MATEOUALS f'urh1Wlfll'"'-CtiptJ1'iw1ort1~'U1
Scrapac(~lnctlptllC' Ofapllf)l"l'dlp;i'*"11n~
M)'lkpilllllb;drnrl'ar'l'llM bdOtt ~ 83kt • 275
gn'Q b :IV. booml.. Om;irnmts
11'STRucrlONS :tl1" ~ when they Ne hant
~:nLvgc t he Jl'ltlt:ru. llf..'fom 18qu#9 • l lnch ('QOl. l>ra"• f."llX!i 11·1111 tndla Ink
Transfer.,..,.,~ U,) pine. Un nui and a fl1M' IJJbU pen. ti>r l'tlCdu<..
pkv:s:.-lll.f'lalm~umo INSTROCTIONlf .-1110U!J1o/ft'dpaln1 \'IU'llWL
wood. V.'hn1dn>.vamb11 1ollelal ,'"1tc,"-.iNio-'3fkn'..-
111'\"all!o"lf)"U11ll11to putttm.
£nl.vge pnm:rn, atxx.¥~ f'\:lr omamnii.
c.'Qt·l1onuu111.·11t, n 11u11elltat' litm1 Forn i 110(1•~ mmcl1 hJ pl na'Olie
(1olwlcandQr1C'fromfu5lblC'"TI' orblOrlc . IJ.llJ.clSmlnulC!lm27S
bi1J«, ~ bNr r1dM skk
1111 ~Addllm(IWl!lk\:11..Bailc
twrllbbll undmw:.thL .iop fdt. 15mloula..cooLAddMm..bai<c
rtin'apaptT"lc.wdU\'ftU.-omll 15 mint•~ rool. Add an. 00.-s..
nwutruwlfll!l(IMll'1all~lll:I" ur01htTfl11NungdtuU.-..IW<cw1
r-.n·~d 1hru1ipllqut10-

ain.- 1hr!abnt1ot1acfdL

,~ ....
huu roruntUtlunc.

S1111rr aud Pft9 a dl:unoncl

10 omrunnu. dl'Oue line,;, 1t.•\1h ~bO(hcr~M;olu!an·
nll'll'll lnc sa1h 1 lllltdk'S. W11rk ot lLCT d~m1ond: cul 111 hntr ~
bladc t'rent:hlullll?<f<Jl"t')~ nanv 111r->~ Md 1111i.111 l>.'lll Qf
0.1t bear from ft-11 , kl:t\1ng\4 ~11"ork1U.
b:ip c( nnbsuklny nc. w top (I( ForcU.pcr
on111me11t (C1t l1o'>id1ig. Alllldl:lper!>li:i1JCIJrlttt1111:1ct1
Appllqued Bears lnglf'Jlloi,Nkl11 1rt.u~"'11hsafe
1y 1llnNt1tpNU\'tTll Addll:gs.
Dough Bear
For ballerina•

9xl2-lnd11*"ccofgrrcnfd1t10 C11t11 \'4xl.CIJ1dlMf1puf"fld.
m;ikcolourom.'lm<'.l1L..I se.•ruonl1'111Mill'floOO.·nnUd-
Scr3f!tolbrownorrfttpludot lniplllour."'mp!!lalt dkt0~l"CTand0111n1Wltlbodl
fabtlc'andbi8o;-kfl<N 11\!illllllltll:IC)"Ucpninu. Gl11r10llllW'•1'lr:n•~.u11W11.<t.dfy.
Thrra l u>nm11:h tl l<:' f1ll>t&o:3 1'tXldroJorh1'o(
FtlSUJ1'•wrbh1J1g lrnl~• In k: nn~ 1101t11 11N1 For wreath
1.>ra-.m.lllcr'• mrboo l"'Pcr Wm!"fn>klrp11hnhru.sh Tui!;i 1,.'QG·tnd11hl(l1!1lrll)S
Sn..usafn)•pho.1M1J1ttrllp. tn1oadrelc.f'LDr:'l'no1 l-.posl-
~dnylonnn.~ fianarma.Cm.,..)ol111wfchbooto'

For b«tln Modd.zi.&

~le 1m""' ror
1Juugh lhf"fll.1j!h

Cross-sti tched
Bear Ornaments
Stl0\<1 1 on111~ G:?-63.

Em\Jruklay ~ tn dcslml
ookws !-: Colar l\cy. brifJt.I \
GJ:·4·Hncht.T> o1 Nlkoillhn:' lor
CO!to11<llnllnit:gmpl1 p.:11,.,.-

T"1l1$kr dwi.. righJ. 111 jl.rlllll1
~. Makcamlrrorlnw:rd1hr
111<' lrumn.: m11l plac-nnnn at
1'c:dcly'" l,lndlcmcdw11hl't'h.;ut
Tiii' onUUll('llU; $h()'o<'ll OU
l>lll-'<'o.06:! 63nrr•l!ltchmvm h thr
but 1heplll(Tlnm1 u/1hl:roltn
dm-.•tfltl.JC:,Lr01 nllnc1 o~'tllea~
p.~per JXlllcm. Cm1rr tmd rm•l."
~t'Ull1111romtng ..11h1hr
nmchlu~~111 h rh l h~ PIPhl!-! IO rhr
bo:.tl1utllno• Olplll<'cun>atw"ll
1'nloeaoi.lru11hcbhapr nt1hr
111hcl1un 1hr~1m Uncmf11 11Kl
I ~·".=-"'"~=..-...~

Sllp-sil1ct1 lhta\llm blicklllfl ~ o

1l~plp1t11:t'tltll(hevfn:ont. k'lt> ~
Slutrbc111'l Ml11sc11ch thl't'lll'I•
lngdO!of:d. ·1 ~kuk)(Jpul ct11!•t OI
CIL'J}'floslihlt lM: !llf)ofoniat1..-n1
I cocoo m
8 'Nlow 8 Gr-.
1Squ9r9 • 1Sdlctl

IOr hmulln.e. • er-

t fl I


Mucl11.TGootil:a11i.1 !<11rof kn r lc. nnd Tom. !I ~

IM:t"frlen<bfurm 1111' l'tpcr'iiS..1
ln,.IJ(r.ulonfOl'OOT TI'iech;immTtll<A-ial
llUIW'f)'C'Oll«:Uan lltt'CUI from mol!iloffn,
TIM'pmch"ukmh ...Uhlhf'011ll~liralll'11
11uJ.barleftbu""'° 011u:.l11jtprnn;111m1
.....-nrudl:OnT:Jlll\l""''" 11\IU'kmi..lklkwo:-
l lll'l lch111'()(1(andqulh "''116l11.11of'llCfl1k· 1ialnti.
noai.hlj.( lcct111~Till' 111w.l1ouctldul
lTUl<"r~lx..'f~"" rmbroidrn'•!droluf
).D:JIO'"G<x>sr<.lll .. M''"' Tllt'rmuitnlnitqnllt
hCTUDf\lellln( hh:k!t"'1:~1nlhl'
~ ...h...,....

l'Wp. Wtr "°1llk'\\111kk' nntll'di:kTnl Wiii\ A
llM'Tt11-0'"Clo:k ~kithrT~rhJ't•lo:"
~ l llibr.PQlly1111l h lM'I lionnU11:honki
..i... a1:t1Ilofa

... ..
"1111 <'·~· 1):.JruOO ou
lk5.lg1.., 1;uchus1hc

=~ ~
UHr111 1Crd;IJ pmt~'rn am l
11 .,nuni<'l)'Ch:irorto~
fabric bdUft' -.:nibh
niorellur11hk•fabrk "''tt:!i
Paintlnit tlM:' doS(n omo
oolom.l d m!lt!.Jtunf""',
or p;:11r or..,,...,mns wuu~1
llt1'0Uf(h011 I lll l~
c h:ip11·r, ll1<'ll'olntcd
51.lld,... andtht
Clllb!'Olt,....,. ll'er.i<:.

1hr()ltl \\'umomtn11
dl;\r.IC1<Tmal(Jxinknl Sfio,,1(1),0/>0«
lsu¥tl(orthc TI,.. 1~n1:r11h<On;1
llp!)UquM ttllr ha.l(,/fjf. woodtmmt, 1011100
rllapn"- Wiii 10)~
MU<'h li lt n1iµltqu" I•
11So.'tlf< 1r thrlk"M-cr
I l:s 011 OUI 1111'1 safd)
ruimt:lrd ~"'I"' arid
n 111111u,,.1 onooa "',10J1k11

~-i 1 hs.1Uu1r11m1n 1l1("I
§.a1¥: I
the~ 11i:•-r1ntXffscn11llt'
..__ _ • _ _.__ _ _ _ __ .
fabrli.:ior' th<'l!'X krt

~lfor1 l 1lsloy<b'4<1n
r«i1l"trsrdfcr1fl('W« I~"·"'-~=
'""m""'"'"'""' I
Y.1lllc \l.'tnklr1<.dl
pl"'Jlll', lij/, 111 ,.,.,.y to :_~~:~~:~,~Un (lJ1(!
1w:ul1)1ancl,·xm1 ('1Ubrotdo,_" f)',lr1111$.:.llld

t h11~ blt:. TI..,d111'L" otlll'1...i11;11!nOll0 11.,._
eq1i.1J prmsc>1tlornand T'r.vl!llcrthr0t11illlQ

f.Jcltln<t... 1it.111111('"'tlh ..111t<Ul111r:oJ;or:t)ik:
"4u~~ ou1lhK' ol "")' vf p;llm Thn111Cld
ltwM<Mh"r~ .,mt>10l<k'r\'hlul otho.'I'
d1Umcll'T'!i,1uod;;t111r'<' rt<"l..., ll ll W('(' WIUie
r:M'.hponiulltl'll•~•hr Wlnkle. lor rxamplr. Is
outline- :!I' 11 "'l•kk nnllrllblll'tl•i•h
compktnl Ur)·
kwh0< 1 ~tn11 ..oum
II r..r II
<)'..,.n .Dn...,,.ltr ll w
"'·--.... I
.im"°l'lrto~ Marv'Sliomh
ll(n re wl•hbri.a:ln 1S1..x1un•l"1rh.Fre11d1
IKT'l'l kpahu ~m1d k 1 11~~. A/Id l"'1'drcs!;
cow:.of,-kfu nni..h I fr::uu~ t lo..u

oo..... ng1>1.. 'l11"'
.,,,. I
l!Jl(Jl<lfllgi>U~ of 111'1:
Th""' M ~ll In 11 l'ull.
l".:11:r l'im1tlkl"l'.0Wr.

:1~;~:;:E I
paigts68-00on lhr
luur'lh ~le

,.,!1:;,~:;:.,r~,11111~ ;~'7,~
dt-cora1cd bo:IOn• !1,..box
bi!ISM'lnhlal l lmn

nn"~ from chlkfllOOd

1 • 1>111).
MotJ1er Goose Quill
Sh11um on pi~ tl8 69.


I pnl11(purple ~u •d pink c:dloo
Jy;l/'do( plnk pll Kk>lrouon
2'111 ~W('fs or pink pl<ikl for
t:<n.bruhk<y fi()rM.rlbbnn..,
rut1fld11l lhw...,rs,poinporn11.
Purpk'1>e.1r1 oocton
Embruklt.'l)' llOOJI

1'Vole:: All rneasureinenn1 alkN·
r..w"' lnl'l11!1Ci1111alkno·;uice
f"or I.he nurKry rhyme blocU
6 block.« unto the unbkac:hrd
mu,,Hn. ('fJ(h 1nra>1url1U,:6'hx~
Inch•...~ and one blodl rnmsurtng
£nl<ifJ.,'<' die Moihcr Gt~ tJt>.
slgn.rtgf11. ri/xo~o11dH 1c'1xflg­
Centet"andmm.~r<!rlll<? drtl"'h'Wi
p;ipcr- ~md 1me111g v.·lied. 1'l-3a:
Ql"a"L ll<'~lllinc!>v.1thbrov.-n
m:utcl11~ 1aL
Co111plel,.all !l'd11t1nganddrro·
IOhlghllght rhrt11:s4!1l$. ~-()1" 11&'11
rrsulb. lhnlt tl M" l'mUdllslnnems
dal i'.tr.lmf'C8.. TT1m rhrlk'sl~ •S
;ml.I 1mn:h:L-;nl "iJPllt1ut&. (;w


Oull - 1 ~ .. v. lnch ,..._,~ • 11nch

fo"ortheappUqoedbeartbLoc:b JH.1fl>kplrKlotandllK'plaldf'11J. pm1crrni.ll(ldlu,i:l4 · hM.'h11C:1m11I

O.u fuurhlrx'k$from tll<l'rollco 11a<.0 11 IOblocks.frum 1hrplnk kW.Wll'lS m 11 11 sltb. From th"
10n~ureG'hx6'1.1nc11a1. M;1kr jJhM.i(Jt fut.Irie. lk k'n1n g 10 l hc ~-ul k:o.nn l:.t l~'('lrlarU:1kfinml
u ht·11n -11hapal rcmptucfrom1h.. Jlhotll@:mrm. Jl'll..'<'ol (;8.69. for 4!1m.a1L 1 rt:u~
curdbo,vd1ofi1 ll1"!lllm1n:. Add ptattmm1. 111r.cc 10 nhl('Jl'lld1
\j; -h1t.i1~nJIQY.11r1ttandcu1 bloclul,:l'(1askle. 9Uh1n& strlP'
f'Ot" tbe
fnurhronsfromOl<'plnkplndol from Ille pink plndut folmi:,

fnbric.B;l.'llr.anrl~undtt~· Yorthelria11jle&hapc11 l'UI four:;1 ri1ie.. cad! nl('a'!.tuinjl
a1ge$ofl....-.ans :uw.l 11ppUq111': 10 DrawaM1u:1n:111C1."l$UrlflR6xG G...,11::HV.lnclK.S.Wlththcw.i1er
tlu::mllmhlocks. hl<i11"$. l)rm"' tin X ll1rtn1gh the rr.isablcpcn.."·r1 re:~ 1 hc
S(1m uc.Cu1 ~• ll,'('111;\J~lelhalful
For lllenlnt: · p11tc hblockll the squa~) for lan ,<e .,am:m. Cut
raruilntng 1rt."l.llg.k' In h,'llf Lo
·~~~~~~ ~~~~~:;
waru('d 10 ";uldet".H (fil:OJOll
M:tllca11e11mn:01nl>olu'U1001 -
)lL"ltC": m.:i&irln~ 2'hx2'h lodir.s. n-."llle the ""'3lkr 1""-•crn. ~\..,ke st rip~ HWoukl ride U1ruoq;h the
Cu t 40 IJlucks fmm t<nf'h of the c;IJ\lhl;~•rd 1nnpL-.tcs frum t lieiC romlm1ed

:&1r""l1hlrd•rlp);"On fl1Tfl· noc Chilcl"s Pinafore

g;ulder"lbmltatrlpl l.llllng thc
J....-ple prllt1 oouon and outJtnc and Bib Overalls l'or l.bel.OJI
Mkcfws.~lhl'Mnpt. Cuti.1>pk\.'alof~. c.dl
12xl2 tnd>C9 from lilt' I blCh
.u.cmtil7 of qu.llt lop plu,. 1111d uni: fmm thl' V..·hleh
R~r!'IOUN:rli:tg:nuli.~74. MAttRIALS flhM• l.amh11&1 r 1111" lhrtt 1Jk'ices
b'tht~andontrrcllhl!' J>urttro~mmmcrcwpillu:m 1~l1C1" •11h the V..1111:11 plita-
tqUiil"e5 11to11nd UIC' MolhcT" Fabric )lit. . . . and OOCknOi pbrnl b<:t•wt1 Ille IW'<) I lf1d1
Coo!!c bklclt.NOii n~ the •Tl'tlrnl spcc1tkdfor 1>1"<Hl'TTI pla.u::l('l dry. •:11Lvg..""&llllJ1C,bf!.
dirlldlOool'th<'qullt !Of).!W;<'>ll Gm11 h 1111per: " '"' ""' cra..<.ohh' !M"ll lvu~ uml lr.v-t' 11 onto ll ll! J,:lucd
bll:25U'tpm.«JC/lwtl h onthcan ~c11rboniw1ll'l"mlti ~o(.,..ood.cu1ou1 wtt hbilnd
bAock btl•Ten 2 nllior.paidl tr.adfljll•hcd liltWIUod!iOVldllmClllllh.
~llJld2mottsu1po.W\1honc ~ll'llllllM"-llpliruwn En~ Old Wonw1 b1 011£"
l ~tttbioclt ll('htlmJ ll<il llUn>l'f)' 111-orklngpcn f.'11/l'kpalm" Sho1::1111nm1,tJt1fXl:Slte.exrludt1111
rhyn'lf: bilxb. s.:-.r llrM! IMi" trl· Efnlln*lrf)• l'lol;li mil! rlbbon11 bonkn.. onto i;.raph l>;apel" and


&... the lltrlflll to llM" ccnier

Thi: 11Qirn«l p!W1lou."' of 1hc
bloek. kll\1111lthctr\l<111Lk pk.tt
lmoonU! C h lill111. v.'or1dng
chlldml°11 dulllin,11.. 1Jo.igc 70. rue
mildc from unllkw:hrd mu.~n.
I WUOO'.l1llnu""t:rlf"".llX'd lh1e11 wKI
"'"oodbum 1ll1Mklli< ci.ally sp:ot'ld
aro11nt1 1 r...t~~
"1th llCl)1k' s.tms. l'Olor di:-
frttnl#<:olltlt'lrt."lf'!!klllml1t> l.lcfofl' h<'(lnnhll( 1NC1nbl)' of lilt(n 1\$ dailrcd Speckk' 1111: side

~~··p.~~.ur: ~= ~~·~=~:::~·~:
l'll'()~lrWiglesbe111'ttnOllC )'OU •1'111 UM: tblpl on lhc ~V dul>i M Qc,.-n l'n1l"5.
llllfllt"l' rh)'llM' block 11nd 2 mon: mcrn IUkl cue uu1 the po111i:n1
SUl\)llwltht...,-nliirge trtru~lcshe pk'cc ()•i kr. blb.po1; k1"1 . 0r~irtt f"ur1hebufl
111.'C'Cl'l""' 1lll i.e-pud1 tqu;:U'e. l'nlaootllr1C' ofpu1nn pk«" 1-'nJ1n l'.thlft1phll'CUlllkttlO
Pko;e1hmrfllrlpmlO ll.. qulh1<1p.. ornotM.l1"1rllhW111Cr~ t..--uT3'AJr.13 (nd.,.. Dl1U '4
f'lo:ttlhc lour11mo"\ll 1noulf(lei 10 pcn.Palntdc:ilgnOllr.ahrr~ lnd1 1101es1h rou(hthc:mi1aof
ll11:qulll\Ujlhlwm11k1rthcl'l:ll cunh1,11uu1,R<:fi:l-toll"lt'lnSll"l .... 1hi: 1.llbe :t\4i \11cho::i1 fn.1111 l!1lCl'I
liet'l!q\liln:'. n ons .., thcqull• . '*"<e
14 War ct1d • ...nda.IL~
f'kcl:'anlnrp.lld!JqWin:IOk:fl thl: 1111"""'1 rt1ymt" blocks). farl.lt- Wll.hl~od ...w CU1'41l"hr.dl;.
llklrolc«ftQflhc:~l~.!Olrlpa. Qdh on tt.- 1~ p;i.lntlnc. land tAdl 2•fndl ~ dnU "'
-·&tripil&IOWld<.'nllCTIOCiua,re. cmbel.lbtl ln.l{of lllt'<~/\'r md1 hok'!l In Ilic ctnlf'fll: -.a.
.!1Cmhlr"'1nnm1~1og 1n 1hc Mun <k.M--.:ls l! nnngh lht• ~
f'~U>equ.111 p1111rm1n...cn.>eelon.,., pl.11.T ,..<l!lihi:r,. Ill etl(l8. ftluc ll°M'
~"Nin Ill(' ~lk pbkl. ml and IO'ficri51Uao.'ft..irlpeo.llOlfJd.
p.1ttensqu;1n-roinr:;a;u,,.. 47i<<t7 Woodbum llnll pntm • floral
rnd-. fll;llT b.1tliug bMwtt11 !hr rnc ~ lfon cni:lt whecl. J«i)r;l.ll lhc•
(julhbHckhl,IC..WTUflg:-ltlr1 1p. ruul
Old Woman In fl0!11ldrslgu 1a._-.('(1011 1lw:th:ipcd

..,... ........
quilttop.ngiu~up.11:1!¢tall lhe Shoe Pu ll Toy ~Wt lM:" lllpplco;'llnlundttll'
ltl1'C:tlhW'qull1 :around border
.-ntl'lllntbdwt'O!fl l>lolllnOoolor:

TO)" liUUltl:J 13~ Inches tuJL

r _._._. .
Cknti:r ;111<1 jtlllC top of Ill)" 10

'*'dl.mld&lndlt»odt. ln-.m
Unc around tMhlnc 111.rflJI'- and
llnl!.IOd :IJl(~ lll'li!! heanll,
Tkthr14ull1onpl;11d .itic111 ln
2kcc of lxl2·1ntlll"ll:arplrll'
1141i:rtof~x l 2 hlli 1 clear 11hll'
t~of~andutan ~ul1'4·111dlril:wphll'
-""' "1th pnw1 mnan.. Trtm mo, 1'o°VW.Jt.'4 .. loch00."t'h
bllo1dogm.t.ccoCq11U11°'1. F"Durl41nch..c....i ..""'1cD
fortheUltl(Hng.11k'o..,'1rolk.\I 1\m:tll11 hNo. 10MUX1$rl'M•''
11trlJ18IOll1l:JW.1'"'1\l,,x•71nche'll. OIY!ICft"Vl'e,~
Wll.hrig111t4cksbd.~-·~ Waodll'lim«:~~Ui
10 Q\llh 1op.. 1" - ul'Jdtor tilt' mw Con:IGlld.-wdetlllt'fdKwpuU
n:ljteandh1tnd·-·on_...,,1111e Grnpll1•1ptt:t'nrbo0Jl'lpcr
oo pllddsk"" Onhlh~'OlllCr.I. t)(lnl,;holl
~~lhtllll'Op\coe$0f\ l'orl.hc:pock.et 111hllr fllbrk- for the front and
u1tden.ldcofb;~wllhltk"'UOll MllChh or IITTfld·n11p llq11e b1Ckll«'tionsn1ulH11hlt(.!lfn.>n1
~AHachllCflllll'cyc 1o(mn1 yu11rthula:ol'd1'31,11'.n IY, lndlt':!o 11Jel\o::a:.for1hcboxln1t1Ufp..
ol'1oyllndaddcord.t~cn11 fromthcQ)nttrofaplettuiwhUc CU12pkcesd111•htlt>fubrrand I
•~1bo::ad1omdr#COftlb fahnc: nil II> mraisurt: l"lll6 dfln:cc1o~Sl:i..'\l11Cho.
pull. Kub tO}· ..11h 0.111Wi oil, l11Cllttl.U>mjt'a1""11~1hrl'°"·· ~"l)r1hch.-uldles.cu1 !I pk<:aof
t"l· 1no11f fro111thcooroerol1/1e whlltOOllOn.!lp~Ol lkt'l<t-.
Moihcr~block. ~N , ll:l tmd !I pico';s of' a1Uro. NI w mca·
thcllppUquo!dcslgll.1 swt!!IOx3inrha1.
Diaper Tote Bag Qn llnd~,.. l-':<e161ncb U-cD«tt10~fm111. ludi;.
pkccolikeoe101hcWT01U(Sidrof boinng strip,1•11<1 h.::lndlCll. Sew
SIH1"'110fl J~<c? I . the 111111lk1UI! bllJl·k. With "''lt~r­ p1111ni.: 10111111<ro1111mdb11('kD11
cn!llObkprfl.dmwdlagof1o'lllhu:!i 51:!-!unllnrillollflliltbllndbouom
f1n~l~ISl6x18lnct.:.. tn1•"Vdtttcdons"'4lrx:hap:anlw of~ cUpoomo.-n.,5cwplJ1hlfllO
tmllcdi:unontb)~l~blodt ~<ll~ks.
MATER>ALS and 11uU1 etUJCr b)' hand ur ni;1 \\11hr1glll!Ol<bf0d1ig..-·<:al·
2'h }1Utls whh.C('(lll Of lfnbrh; chine•. Cut llw •tulll~-d p lt<tt ltl k."!Jli1 1lng111 1hchlllllUC$OU IOng
'h}1irdcnlJco(or11111'ngantJ nJCltoiun-13• 151nctlcs. Sklr.c k'a\.., lilnt mds OflOI b-
llnln&liandlr.s ~cpl~aruu11dall,.,.,. 1un11!~tum. pn::ili.
5mtp!J o( falJrie!. fOI" appUqufti arid Onhh 1hl' jot111ng ends. fn.n Cnit.,..- aod basic !he J*kct on
BY, ~wtb of ooi:!Oll cording 111•hl!r I.II.Irk. M lining l:b-15 1/lchU1ll~of~.Sc-\O' h11lll'

l'hyn ri b1)0l)..,,i;1crllc«e ln<'lm:i. Whhrl,l:lu ~f:..111(. g11Xl''r ix'lwn:u ll>r plph1'! ;and
Wlttc'rc:rm<;lble!Jn1 sewthcUningiothcqulllNP.:.,..,,
a.1n,itanupcn11u:b-1umlnt; Sc<o-ba:dnl:alrlP..nghl~
U-"STR UCTIONS dip""'"""' !Um. pn:ss. and-· fud.11,g.1000Clmm. Sev.•011hcr
NolrAJl.st.iu:hlr11tl'll~fOf'n thc•ltlnllflJ:dillt('(I. &1111-ol'l>w::hlftlilr11>1ublfllxock.
'h·ln ct1 11<:Hm n1Lowi"ll1",."C. C11!) ~~"'"C.'<. Hlnl, Sew lllJJIJJ~ IQ
():)\1:1' ll~WfUJ.U'l "'1tl1 bias-0.11
l·lndl•ilkcalko~rlJ•li:lrpl11 Cm6~(Qdlma~ut lllarlr.~tdhandk:$a
h~~asfdc. tne 17.d 9 lnct___.. from Ille IOJI, '..? i11thn1 from 5kb oi1 lxlg
fmm:.ndbioo:;k. Srl<•onhmKllr.I;:

!>k.k:- dlmln11tlng rhe plph!(i In
o11n1MiQtl$. l~111Klcr'il,,hK"ll
1't'SU 1111lJ<'N~.u1c.:-
01 lop. Pin Unlng

Wee Willie Bread-

Dough Wall Plaque




l ~i~~=:'1ut~
• 11nch
Snlilllp;1pero::U11: 1M:ropol

MIJC1hcwt11n-t1nd•-tl1lnl)(IWL 6~ollxflx.26111Chdtw-

Atltl f'lour 1u111 tnl.~ ..-ie11. lftlou,1(11 1>111rkir cnc~
Iii! ~In'. add ""°"'water: II <bu~h 4 pkrnl cl I x 10• 18 Inch dlW
.. 9lk:ky. aid lbir. KnNd lhc
~ ...niU-h.SlwtlJI' mco I pt.ft'oll 4 \.Ul61nche.
tll'll.(Q!.'IT.•ldanMidl!. Jll)'WV'Xlb'~tom
•:11J..argcthc 1xu1en1{11Wn- 6dllnL'11hq.:1i:ilb>
\\'!1l k:.pngc'7!i.ornugm11h 111\lier. Sixh,'T I 'llix l \o!r·lnd1clowcl 1>1 1 ~'1
Jn unier m n111llr 111e ibW1 9 WOOtlf1111C:gm1lh1>1111tT
lnt'hc:5 t'401. dW1 1hc pnntm., WOQ(binllng tool. •ln·flnbh
WX"~Gf'-~lnm. l>Oh'uml'l:lor: •llnlbh
CO\~ l<'itl1Rh 1111lnumfolt and l~STltUCTIOl'IS
bn,<ti1 1o!ol1111lt 1..._..,.o(donath1t1
~(IO.'n"lhr:iqtnlC'nUlalll,..,dro­ F-lhemdplc:tt.
~f'otd.m~doulJtlOCJb. l_.tlakc'2.)Clur#ldda.'djolm
telnmlliilltdk<as.U...-rr- :i1-..~al·'Oold~ha.
"l)loltlngly 10ft!ue~ 1qJl"lltf'
•)Ul• ~ 11blt1hc11ht11 ....,_ Forthe~p~
!Jt"gln ll)' Mi.•pln,t the t:U""TI /M.o.kt"!l)Clur11ndd<"'°"ljo(111
fn;im one b.\Q ~ dougt1. make 2f*\_u.uf•'OOdt~htt.
Mm5 and hancb from Rplnll:r twnp arm 1t1 ll lf' tll;lv.'1:1-Joint
balb illld llfladl to p-n; .... ~ al wood WI 00.'ml'Ctll
l lt'fld (pb.-e lllllrpln rn tw:k or Si\nd$111001hly0111\lll!kb.
htodl. 1hrt1 MIJI. A!Ull:h )~\j.'Un;•
kpuodtt1 1M"flO'WILlllet100.l hl!< P'o.r lbclboJl-bly
IUtkkll and "UJlPml- l'U•lt dot.u!t1 l!r~lhrt)(IJ(p11t11:ms.rf9111
lhrwgll 1 ptlt pm;s lor l-.k
nnd hair, Add roU.v and bow.
oi11a itrtpl1 IDJW and '"*" out
Omtl)'Url 1hr1...:mo:m from the ~t0111lr aMl pia:rs. l/r
oook~sl:lt'll1 gnd11ol ..'O(l(l m11,,~1rouy; o11
LiQ•apmrl\lnthckfi lw\dwld Mlk' l~ ll lt'KJ'll!O nu.hori
~tOmakt•l,,_,... ,hrlMl:J 1U1Qlly /C:UC ou1ahap5 from llr
M'rTllOhaiW~ra:noM:pnd. Wl)Od.OnttM."!lmdi*U:S.I'*"" 15Q... • 1 h:n
St111pe1hcllmto:mnnd~tM ~~ llC'oll'l~lll!C'jl£sn'IDnl:I
llilpe!'d[p O!I U)!l flK ll.'lllfla" 0o MATDUALS
no1 1lllll-c 1111' lmm:m Q\'l!f 1he C:h lt" 111wt ri.:1llfr1.1rn 1uwtha'k10 'l>y:>n lrn1blmchtdl.'0Mto11
1wu.iai111ts lhne. tl l(' end pica!!.. Sw:11 L C lu.t and mu!l!Ln
Oak.clnakllr> ~(20010'.l".l!S Mlllhebonumuf!Jol).in~ V.)-anfl'alltoforpt1ltiJilllld
ikJnal fur l 'J IJllUIS. Allltw lhr
w ith fl0')1lr!I. u!dng lht' 1•llUIU-
P.n l~fournunoc·ryrh)i lM"fS.,
I y:ITll of 11.tm)\ll m11011 wnJ for

=~1,~1i:t:/~~ f~~~::::
111£i•"- Jll'f.'a174 , 77 , ttnd79.omo pl 1ll 1 ij(U1' 1111rru~· t;"'e h1 111 fur
gn.p/1 p:.!pn'. With rwboo Jl"lllT, edging
"'flhlbc lncb lnkandlhedor·dp 1rnnWTorlt'daol01t1>t'llld:i*itot ~.,...~llitfltT'and
pm,\ppl)'nnra.ol-":t"~ bCtt. U9t !hr Ou""" mtl(U'" In lhe lradngwhm
lo;td1y. boftn de!Jpl t&rotmd Ille' cun'nt Pl:'nn;lnn11ftnr.ltph1™"1
111m>d1111t1m.w.·1<1rt11ufltfll h !ilo:laj. olrhr: IM.~. Woodburn mar1dtlt(P!fl
e-rtl11vugll 1hrp;11le'l" ttlp1111 u ... c:111T 1he t~l111t.... ~1111St1\l.1 1h N:r)1k'orfobrtcp.1l111Jo
l111m:m cld~ lhraldt.. Slip (ml~ •'llmbh. Sa1J1r1~1n1hl'u!lh
t.mrm IJ'.-r Wrr WUllr'5 lwld. ~lk:i8s.pnorlmt1om.
pcm pon'l9. rldu;d, rlbborl1o.
Mother Goose a.rtll'k:1.llfkr•••'tflS."ndno..'n'
:i111>llqt1t'l foranhtlll!ll1111mts
Wooden 'lby Bo."< Pillows l::mllrokl1:1yll00(>1tnd nttdle

111C' flnl>llrd 1\1;.;c, 111 lllC' lm \!I TIN: llnL'lll<U sl'!I!' f>( w.,.. Wllllt EnlnrJ:<' J)lltcna onto gml)h
2'1xl7V.lllCl>ao. W\11k lel-. 14x l llu1.•hcs. IJU l<" llo ~pct'. l:>.M1hk'thelll1rot1 hepa1
l'Tol11 l~ 1311.x l ~lncl>nl. terubylr!ll11':C111rllqL~•fl'fq\.UJ2

luw nwiNm'tnt'fn!I. 1'r.Ul!lf"'UM'
lbll:J• 1otllll1r'UShloll•b'd&•IAk
c:r'aell'tlon Mid mw::tn1 •1n:l
"'ithUl.mJlo•n 11W'l(lfll l1Cn-

FDr cka>nilill: lhe pillow top

OJinplncnU !'<'llmbutzmd dm>

l """""'-

rt.:t-11 ~amount al JIQlni

lb 11n:\m11ia1111frumblttdh l(t
on 1hr~don1110..•n1olildtlK'
tnw.11. J>alN upmb111 r..c O¥n'
ll M.'bnM"TIPt llllUtS.~1':l~htt
ON IO kttp thnn from 1unntn1
brfur'l'mot.1111fOll lO l hCftl':ll*'"1l.
1hr p;ohn wf1h11 ..'t."l 1llifl.l...~lr 1hll'
<~ 1~ l'l'lntl\'C 1111.• crnw. bruth
___..__ __J 11\k~ •·11('11 dry. !l'llnt 1/~ ('(;Jn'M

,...,_ • tlrdl '~i:::.:-u ..dty.""'1riecmn

bypnWng l h!'•"TtlnjJ-"ealttlC'
fabric ..-t111 11 ...,.m1 Imo. S!)nl)'
!>UU'd1 lhc f.:abric lbfhlly as rou
10 hl&hll(hl the ~1. ~"or tJeW
rtsult!l. llm1111W'embt'Ubiun('fll»
Jo tllt' lnlfOl'l<W\I dtuib 50Ch 19
Tnm the dc51j.p~ "'1ch rtct:rail,
porn p.Mlto. 8-'fn. rtbbon blJr.

KWlai lbc pillow

I 0rd'Jt11sil1rtlblflUnr°"'nid1lll"
)'Ol'ld1bi,:111'1111pc (lf1lop .. 111
"""""- l>nrw• Jlllatghl 11nr--

- 1 bolC:~o11n>11r 11m"lln(,tbt1r rl~

ill.!le <JI front 1>k\.~ for boddll(.
O..w ronllnl. wkh hl»<ul Qlko
f."1ric" IO makl' pljlbtg tl"lm M Oil
w~ WIUk' pUIO\ll• or 1'-'il: liamiW
Liu: ln lift.I al Jlil1'"4- ~UCh trtm
Wlcl1 rlj..'hr !>ltlo:.i of t:1ol('k :md
llnc. it'lll'inl:. IUI Clpnllnj( •bl.-
IOtll. Tl'im ~Urtll, tl.Jp (~ onoe$ und
.._ ...J t'Unl<'"'- lllm. 11ulfnn111y.S1111
liqoMN • 11nct1 l•Ulctll/W"openir\11~

Dur ,;pedal thmlb to 1hefe'low-

'''l!J~ Wll(} n:Jrllributt.d
pnd«fs lolhlsbook.. 111'ctllrlOlf:
/Xl!}C. lllf! adn101.<11t'dgmcr11 spctjf
fXlfJI.' nunibcr. A ptl!J'.' numbt-r
l.~11 l.kbky-62-63. appllqut

ea:i=~a-62-63. OOugh
Donna Martin I .~
S.'llly Ma·..or - 20-21 . bnbr blb5
Janet McCafknJ1-68•69, MOO.er
/Jhers. 1'o1-f(l/~ICiWtd
t,erlmf<TII $kills aJt1trtbu1rd m1H:h
to Uris book..

.\!Ike Dklcr- •l -5: 7.1ml0dfed

atau:lnlfktlll'$00t!'rl1:slg11eror Goost:dl's[ltnil blb;9: 20·21; 22-23: 53
sourre ll(l!iCOfltri/Ju.terl all qfthL· Jean Nomuiii- 7, s mocked b ib llt'drich·lllo;o;lng--<.:7.hlocks:
pro)<.Y!tm1'tcr1a//l-;rtvlfnrth(I( .Jan '"'-~rson-2 l . d11wn lJJock A: 2•1-25: 30·3 1; 32-33: 34- 35:
/>(If/(!. Charlcncf>u!llarn -22.gHl bags ~: 4ij...19:50..!> l
Oc:\'l:rly l<f\'tf'S-4~U:5 l Hopk ln>1All!Uxtmcs- 37;52:
Und.1 Armcn ll'0\11 - 72. dougJ 1 GencR08cni,,,rg--e 60 ·6l : b'2-33:68-6!l: 70-71:
11an i;t-,.. Mimi Shlmrnln- $3 72-73
Da\1dk!hc--(>2.pt1Z1.M: Viking $eo.o.111g: Machine-SO Srol1UU~52: 6'!.mt:puzzlc
hl(IJ)' UUnb Utdr.tt-61, bmr"s Dun Wlpp!'nn.'m - 71.pull l oy
Marll\lnelJetbie-37 For 11u_v roopemrlotl and ro..,1e-
OU"l:!Ow:m'1Wlt-21.blucblrd ·"Y- '~'e l':>.1et1d O $pt'dO/ tJu11iJo; 1U
Coots&Clark--30-3 1:32·33:

t.wm l lolr.urfCollh1.'l---t-5: GA-


Coot.$l!iC1nrk. lnc.
69. quilt de!;.1£n 72 Cummlnp Point M~
Tiic~Com.wn-7, ,."00d Snunford. (..T 06902
l>lock5 DMC OJrpum!km
Stisa.n 00ltglwl-3G 197 Tnun bull Str...'t'I
t>l1y llls 0 on!<mn- 0.boo r1Ci: 22. i::uza~tlL f\IJ 0 7200
c;o(tage rmlSICbox f'O(k"'Cill"
Dtick:F'nl~ fk)...;3798
Dcbm ~·clr.on -63. (1(1.'IPfalloo of Sru1Rllf!M:LCA9'&9 12
Cl'OM-6ll!Chcdbear.i C"\I. OffrJlY & Son. Inc.
l'n lkv,"'llr l'a11 ~-P.<:flrt5ten· 26 1 M::idbon A•"e
inggov.•n NCY York. NY 100 16
Run llawbulltt-72.~box
Olanc l l:l)u-20. album COli'U': A $f)tdll thnnk•yo<I W the
60.opptlqut1'tockin~ .fol/U11.1.'111g~ISll~>Oilieskll/S
Clu1$ 1ilnkn-52 nndeffertsarr!J"(.utly
Alla l.OOythcn~ky-23 . .sampler appnrlcm:d.

Eleru>Cr RJndmn

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