Starbucks Information

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Targeting for young adults (aged 18-24): Starbucks position itself as a place,

where college students can hang out, study, write papers, and meet
Targeting for men and Women (aged 2544: Starbucks target this group
creating the "third place" to go to between the home and work for relaxing
experience and atmosphere, as customers within this range tend to have
high income and professional careers.
In this case Starbucks has planned his positioning in such a way that it distinguish their
products from competing brands and give them the greatest strategic advantage in
their target markets. Starbucks has a descriptively simple statement to inspire and
nurture the human spirit-"one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time"
Starbucks positioning strategy was customer base so that it can give the best service
more than what the customers expect. Starbucks has gained a competitive advantage
over customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction as Starbucks had developed its
positioning strategy based on the customer and provided the utmost facility in terms of
layout, furniture to the music, and in terms of employee satisfaction Starbucks make
employee as a partners and gave them a personal security with a freedom to
participate in the every decision of the business and make it successful
Along with selling high quality coffee beans, Starbucks offers a
variety of speciality coffee drinks, teas, hot chocolate,
merchandise and a limited menu selection of food items. Their
stores offer a clean, relaxing atmosphere with free wifi for

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