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- Companies like - I give valuable Very close, these people are SEGMENTS
Lenovo or Dell for 1. Connecting workers to connection which anyways weary of people Supply-side:
the laptops and placement opportunities 2. other such from big cities. Creates value for low-
technology (buy a Mentoring workers to companies like the income to try and get better
lot so hopefully maximise career potential existing ones in jobs and move out of their
subsidises). 3. Partnering with Latin America as city.
- A service provider educational institutions to well as parts of Asia
like Jio for internet. offer training opportunities. don’t. Demand-side:
- The teachers. KEY RESOURCES - Through CHANNELS Creates value for
- Security personnel. partnerships I help - The local authorities corporations and firms
- The English - A place to teach, with the last mile who will help spread seeking workers. Also,
institute. network, laptops. because a lot of the word. creates value for firms
- Subsidised law firm. - Teachers. people need that - Word of mouth will willing to show diversity.
- The professors will - Network final push especially be important.
make the to perfect their - Announcements over
curriculum. English as well as speakers from a jeep
legal services. in the local
- Qualified teachers- language(5000 Rs).
unlike an NGO
where middle and
high school
students looking to
do some good are
normally teachers.


SMA is a value-driven proposition. Fee for teaching
• Laptops- one time payment Fee for schools to use the computer when there aren’t any classes
• Tutor monthly wage. A cut from the English classes and legal firm.
• Network- unlimited one time payment. Price for recruiting for the companies

• Rent for the Place
• Keep some money (10,000 Rs) aside for the repair and maintenance of
Advertising will likely be free since I don’t need billboards etc. just talk to
the community leaders who will be glad to spread the message.
Variable cost in terms of theft, damage etc. which is possible.
The building of cell towers etc. may be an important environmental cost. People will have new doors open for them.
More people may stray away from the “family professions” which may They will leave traditional professions such as farming which is really
change the social life in the village. pesticide heavy or taxi driving which kills the environment through carbon
The strain on power plants. emissions.
I would end up hiring people from the same village for stuff like cleaning
etc. providing more jobs.

Sources: Own elaboration, based on the Social Mobility App Presentation (SMA Team, 2021) and the Business Model Canvas(Strategizer, 2021)

Coding School {my own}

The coding school simply teaches coding in Indian villages. It then connects people to jobs and gets them interviews and offers other services though
partnerships to help the students go the last mile in terms of getting their jobs in cities like Bombay and Delhi.
I have chosen this business because it has multiple possible revenue options, and I can use one of the alternative business models. It will simply be a service
where older people (not children) of all backgrounds can learn coding, web development and other such things from tutors. Here, the best option for
implementation obviously the platform model. I would be a platform for people to learn and connect them to employers. In rural India, especially in places
where there is extreme poverty I could open up training centres where for a cheap cost I can give poor people access to technology as well as teacher and
learning resources such as textbooks, websites, group tuitions etc. for a fraction of the price of the same in the real world.. Obviously I would have a
complex business model in which I will have to account for problems like tech access, partnerships to educate them etc. which will be in my business plan.
Classes will probably be in the evenings and in the mornings I would rent this place at a cheap rate to the local school on a yearly basis for 3 hours a day
during which different classes can come and use the computers for their separate classes with their separate tutors and set ups.
I would also host social events/ gatherings where a few people could present their skills and accomplishments.

While I recognise that there are a lot of people doing something on the lines of this in places such as Latin America etc. the connections I give these people
would add great value to my business. Also I feel that the idea of hiring college students to teach would be ideal and is inspired by some other businesses
that I have seen because they are qualified yet would be willing to accept a lower wage since it is not their primary profession and is certainly better than
other options such as working at McDonalds.

I would then connect these learners to jobs at large companies where they will have interviews. I will realistically only be able to get these people an
interview since no company will hire people who are under qualified for such jobs. For the same another key partner of mine could be an English teaching
setup to work on their English to ensure the interview goes smoothly. I would decide a price with the English teachers and also take a 20% per student I
bring to them.

A very important part of why my company is better is that we also give them an option to take a separate English class to ensure their interview goes
smoothly. We also connect them to cheap legal services to look over the paperwork to ensure that they are not getting scammed. Since they have probably
seen this in Indian movies they would definitely opt for this service. Again from this legal organisation we would take 25% of the fee and ask them to give
subsidised rates due to the large number of people we bring them.

I would also have to local self government forms discuss the same with the people and recognise the people who have taken the course.

I will need to account for all types of costs(mentioned in the canvas) and I will also need a plethora of key partners since one company cannot handle legal
services, English language learning classes etc. which as previously mentioned is a large part of the value we offer.

I would keep 100,000 Rs for problems like computer crashes, hiring repairmen, security guards.

In conclusion it would be a multitiered model that is difficult to implement but though the right connections could be successful due to the plethora of
advantages it offers over pre-existing models.

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