IIP Fianl Report Guidelines

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1 PGDM students are required to undertake industry internship programme (IIP) spanning twenty four weeks, on a live management problem for the partial fulfillment of their course. The IIP is equivalent to 36 credits. Following are the guidelines, which should be strictly followed. Any non compliance would invite non acceptance of the Internship. In that case, the student has to repeat the same at the end of the course for the award of PGDM diploma. Guidelines Typing and printing guidelines: y The project should be typewritten on A4 size executive bond paper (Both soft copy in a CD and hard copies). Timelines are indicated below y 3 hard copies (1 for the Institute, 1 for the company and 1 for self) , 1 PPT file on the project, and 1 CD shall be submitted. y Typing guidelines: Font size 12 Ariel or 14 Times New Roman with double line spacing, justified. y Hard bind with white colour. Cover design has to be uniform and a sample design would be handed to students separately (Spiral Binding to be avoided) y Min. Pages 50 and max. Pages 60. (Excluding preliminary pages and Annexure) Submission guidelines: Interns need to submit the final project in the following sequential manner. Sl.No: 1. The details Submission dates

Deadline for submission of draft of final report to faculty (Rough draft should be submitted in the form of a hard copy May 27, 2011 to faculty mentors.) Faculty to return with corrections and suggestions to students for finalization of report (if required resend the corrected report and make corrections till the approval of the faculty mentors). Faculty has to ensure conclusions 6th June 2011 given are in alignment with the objectives of the study. Also to check the proper formatting of referencing and bibliography etc. Collect certificates and proof of internship from companies June 10, 2011 for attaching a copy in the report.
Institute of Finance and International Management (IFIM Business School)#8P & 9P, KIADB Industrial Area, Electronics City, 1st Phase, Bangalore 560 100 Ph: 080 41432800/888, Fax: 080 41432844Email: ifimblr@ifimbschool.com, Website: www.ifimbschool.com


Submit final bound report to the internal faculty guide for June 14, 2011 signature Dead line for submission of final report with all required signatures. It should be complete with certificate from company and signatures from Internal Guides well as Chair person IIP. Students have to submit (2 copies of the report to the Institute out of this, one would be returned to June 16, 2011 student after viva voce and one would retained in the Library) and students to submit another copy to the company. All students are required to submit a soft copy of the report in a C.D with name of the student and roll number written on the C.D 20th June 29th June Final evaluation-presentation & Viva Voce2011

Project report Contents (This format must be strictly followed) Cover Page (all cover pages should be uniform in printing style. A sample would be sent separately. And standard template of IFIM would be send separately for the initial Pages) Title page Certificate from IFIM Certificate from the company Certificate from the internal faculty Declaration by the student Acknowledgement from the student Preface Table of contents List of tables List of Figures Executive summary (2 pages) The Executive Summaryis the most important part of your report. It summarizes the body of the report, outlining its scope, purpose and major findings, highlighting the key conclusions and recommendations. The Executive Summary allows a busy manager to understand the report's significant information without reading the whole text.For on the job trainees, the summary must (a) state the problem or problems that you worked on; (b) describe your activities; (c) summarize the findings. The summary should include your name and internship report title. Chapter 1: General Introduction I. Introduction to the study, II. Background to the study Chapter 2: Introduction to the problem I. Title of the study II. Statement of the problem III. Objectives of the study IV. Scope of the study (2-3 pages)

(2-3 pages)

Institute of Finance and International Management (IFIM Business School)#8P & 9P, KIADB Industrial Area, Electronics City, 1st Phase, Bangalore 560 100 Ph: 080 41432800/888, Fax: 080 41432844Email: ifimblr@ifimbschool.com, Website: www.ifimbschool.com

V. Limitations of the study Chapter 3: Company profile (10 pages) I. History of the company II. Organizational chart and departments III. Products/services profile Chapter 4: Review of Literature (5 pages) I. Operational definitions II. Literature review III. Theories applicable to the study Chapter 5: Research methodology (5 pages) I. Quantitative /Qualitative analysis II. Conceptual, empirical study III. Hypothesis IV. Sampling V. Tools for data collection VI. Field work VII. Methods of data analysis Chapter 6: Data Analysis (10 pages) Chapter 7: SWOT Analysis, Summary of finding, suggestions&recommendations(4 Pages) Chapter 8: Conclusion (1 page) References&Webliography: Referenceslists all those books and journals, and if necessary web pages, to which you specificallyrefer in your report. Materials from other authors and diagrams that you have not drawn should beacknowledged explicitly when they are first used in your report. The references should follow awell-established and consistent style.Eg: Cruise, T., & Kidman, N. (1995). Divergent Pig Latin formation in egocentric dyslexic males: One possible explanation. Pig Latin neurolinguistics, 9, 125-180. Annexure: (Should not exceed 15 pages) y Copy of the questionnaire/Mechanism of data collection y Annual reports of the company (Most recent) y Any other relevant materials, press releases, related articles etc. y Log forms for eight weeks. -----------------------------------------------------------------

On the Job Interns may follow the following format

Title page to Executive summary, follow the same order as above A-1 Description of the company/institution - Internship department including the name and position of your company supervisor. - Company address & contact number. A-2 . Brief introduction of the organizations business sector

Institute of Finance and International Management (IFIM Business School)#8P & 9P, KIADB Industrial Area, Electronics City, 1st Phase, Bangalore 560 100 Ph: 080 41432800/888, Fax: 080 41432844Email: ifimblr@ifimbschool.com, Website: www.ifimbschool.com

"Brief introduction of the business sector" refers to the main area which theorganization deals in i.e. consumer consumable, consumer durable or services, e.g.Textile, Dairy or Telecom etc. But you should discuss the main sector and NOT theorganization under consideration. A -2.1 Industry Analysis Discuss the impact of "Five Force factors" on the profitability of the industry in which the trainee receives the training in terms of: - Level of threats posed by "closed substitute products", also specify category of the closed substitute products, Availability of the raw materials needed for the production - Level of entry barriers, Degree of competition, - Degree of ease in acquiring competitive advantages, - Degree of sustainability of the advantages. A-3 Company Profile Company Background and its growth strategy, i.e. whether it is a holding company with subsidiaries or SBUs in various industries, or primarily focuses its effort in a single industry. The model(s) or method(s) being used in evaluating overall performance of and allocating resources to each subsidiary, or product line (in case the company focuses its effort in a single industry). - Vision, (if the company has not had its vision developed due to its lack of knowledge about the vision or being a small company, it is necessary to draft your own version of vision on the basis of your discussion with the management). - Mission Statement (if the company does not have its vision and/or mission statements developed due to its lack of knowledge about the essentiality of the vision and mission statements, or being a small company, it is necessary to draft your own version of vision and mission on the basis of your discussion with the management and your theoretical knowledge on the components of the mission statement). Company's short and long term objective - Company's products and services' strategies: y Whether the product is locally produced, imported or imported with certain adaptation, and if it is locally produced whether it is employing backward integration or outsourcing, y Positioning of the company's products, in general, as compared to those of competitive brands in the same industry(ies). y Target market(s) and areas of distribution coverage: e.g. international or local markets or both. The degree of coverage in the local markets e.g. South India, or the entire country. A-4 Competitors Analysis - Analysis on strengths and weaknesses of direct competitors in terms of management, operation, marketing and finance. - Analysis on strengths and weaknesses of each indirect competitor. A-5 SWOT Analysis - Analysis on changing external and internal environments, presenting opportunities or posing threats to the industry or can be specific to your department - Analysis on the company's strengths and weakness in terms of Management System, Operations, Marketing and Finance. A-6 Analysis of Product/Service Profiles and the contribution of product/Service lines/items to the company's total sales and profit. A-7. Training program (minimum word limit: 10-15 pages) a. Detailed description of the operations/activities performed by the department(s)you worked in. b. Detailed description of the tasks assigned to you.
Institute of Finance and International Management (IFIM Business School)#8P & 9P, KIADB Industrial Area, Electronics City, 1st Phase, Bangalore 560 100 Ph: 080 41432800/888, Fax: 080 41432844Email: ifimblr@ifimbschool.com, Website: www.ifimbschool.com

OR Detailed description of the project (s) assigned to you. c. Problems you have encountered in your assigned tasks e.g. handling objections problems faced by sales representative determining sales promotional budget faced by product managers. Cause - Effect - Definition d. Solutions & Recommendations - Be sure to suggest atleast 3 solutions to each problem identified. - Identify the best solution & explain the rationale for your choice. A-8 Contribution of the project to the company A-9. Recommendations for improvement (minimum word limit: 200-250 words)In this section, you are required to suggest solutions for all the problems ordiscrepancies (you have pointed out in critical and SWOT analysis) found in theorganization. Note that Section # A-4 to A-9 are NOT expected to be copied from anywhere, the student mustprovide information in these sections based on his/her personal observation, learningand experience gained during the internship. Cheating or copying in these sections isNOT acceptable and hence the entire internship report can be completely rejected asper ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY of IFIM. A-10. Conclusion (minimum word limit: 150-200 words) In this section, you are required to describe the organization/Department/Work station according to your evaluation/assessment in the light of critical and SWOT analyses. References and Annexure as above

Prepared by Prof. ShajiKurian, IFIM IIP Office IFIM Bangalore

Institute of Finance and International Management (IFIM Business School)#8P & 9P, KIADB Industrial Area, Electronics City, 1st Phase, Bangalore 560 100 Ph: 080 41432800/888, Fax: 080 41432844Email: ifimblr@ifimbschool.com, Website: www.ifimbschool.com

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