Chapter1 CaseStudy

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Name:Aishen D.

Chapter 1-Case Study

1. Does Monsanto maintain an ethical culture that can effectively respond to various
 Monsanto has repeatedly betrayed the trust of its stockholders. It commenced
operations in the 1970s when they developed Agent Orange in Ferrell,
Fraedrich,Ferrell, 2013. The first of many unethical situations they encountered
was Agent Orange. Because maintaining respect for the government and the
environment is necessary to grow a successful company, Monsanto lacks an
ethical culture that can successfully address multiple stakeholders. An instance of
this was when the FDA was had to intervene in order to determine whether the
seeds being produced by Monsanto were safe for the environment.

2. Compare the benefits of growing GMO seeds for crops with the potential negative
consequences of using them.
 The advantages of growing GM seeds for crops include the ability to incorporate
herbicides and pesticides into the seeds to prevent bugs from eating them and
weeds from overtaking them and thus killing the crop. This allows farmers to
grow crops more successfully, making them more profitable. The negative
consequences of using genetically modified (GM) seeds that have been
genetically modified with herbicides and pesticides are the unknown health
consequences for humans who consume the food grown by these seeds. There
have been no studies conducted, and the results may not be known for several

3. How should Monsanto manage the potential harm to plant and animal life from
using products such us Roundup?
 To mitigate any potential harm to plant and animal life from products such as
roundup, the government has mandated that farms use.Monsanto's GM products
will be used to create refuges. Twenty percent of their fields will be planted with
non-genetically modified crops, allowing bugs from both genetically and non-
genetically modified crops to mate, reducing the possibility of developing a
tolerance to roundup.

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