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Sports Injury

 injuries – are damaged tissues or organs

Musculoskeletal System
✓ Bones
✓ Muscles
✓ Joints
✓ Ligaments
✓ Tendons
✓ Cartilage

Functions of Each Musculoskeletal Structures and Possible Injuries

 Bones
o Anchor for muscles
o Fracture
 Muscles
o creates movements
 Joints
o fulcrum for movements
o dislocation
 Ligaments
o stabilize joints
o sprain
 Tendons
o attaches muscles and bones
o strain

Direction of Forces Applied to Musculoskeletal

✓ Compression
✓ Tension
✓ Shear

Factors that Increase the Risk of Injury

 non-modifiable
o age
o gender
 modifiable
o tournaments rules
o apparel
 intrinsic
o individual factors
 extrinsic
o environmental factors
Types of Injury
 Acute Injury – are usually the result of a single, traumatic event
o sprain – are overstretched ligaments
o strain – is a twist, pull, or tear of muscle/tendon
o fracture – is a crack or break in a bone
o dislocation – an injury to a joint; a place where two or more bones come together, in
which the ends of your bones are forced from their normal positions
 Overuse Injury – are injuries that happen when too much stress is placed on a part of the
o stress fracture
o tendinopathy – usually due to a muscle imbalance between muscle pair
o osteoarthritis – is the wear and tear of a joint that result to its deterioration
• it occurs commonly to seniors
• cartilage is the one who is being damaged
o bursitis – the bursa is a sac-like musculoskeletal structure that provides support and

Sports Injury Prevention

 Adopt a Comprehensive Training Program
 Use protective equipment and practice correct technique
 Incorporate recovery strategies in the training program
 Follow rules and decorum during competition

How can the possibility of getting injured while training be minimized?

1. Proper Attire – the attire should be appropriate for the chosen activity. It is important to
consider comfort and protection when choosing appropriate attire.
2. Proper Technique – an individual needs to consult a trainer and ask for proper instruction in
performing the chosen activity or exercise.
3. Gym Etiquette – individuals that subscribe to gym facilities should be aware of the rules and
o Ask for spotter when lifting loads
o Do not drop the barbell at the end of the set
o Puts weights and dumbbells on designated racks
o Be aware of the exercise area for each equipment
o Do not use mobile phone inside the gym
o On a track, inner lane is for walking while outer lane is for running
o Do not engage in horseplay nor talk in a loud voice
4. Proper Environment Conditions - it is advisable to check the environmental conditions
before the exercise session.
5. Adequate Recovery - the recovery period is just as important as the workout session. It is
important to provide the body with an adequate and proper nutrition to recover.

Cervical Arm Sling

 Provides support for forearm, wrist, and hand injuries.
 Bandage placed around neck and under bent arm to be supported.
Price Principle
 These are the practical ways of controlling inflammation.

✓ Protect – protect the injured body part as aggravation will increase the inflammation.
✓ Rest – rest is recommended to give the body part enough time to heal.
✓ Ice/Cryotherapy – ice is commonly used in injuries because it has an analgesic or pain-
relieving effect.
o Ice massage
o Crushed ice
o Immersion
o Cold gel pack
✓ Compression – another effective method to reduce swelling is to compress the injured area
using an elastic bandage.
✓ Elevation – swelling can be reduced by elevating the injured limb higher than the level of
the heart.

How to stop bleeding

1. Direct pressure
2. Raising the wounded area higher than the heart
3. Tourniquets

How to prevent infection

1. Wound cleaning
2. Do not use alcohol
3. Dressing

Guidelines in Providing Care for Heat Illness

1. Seek shelter that is cold and away from the sun.
2. Decrease body temperature by loosening clothing, wiping the body with cold towel or
putting an ice pack over the head or neck.
3. Stretch the muscle-tendon unit that is experiencing cramps to relieve tension.
4. Replenish fluids and electrolytes by making the person drink one cup every 30 minutes.

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