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S.Y. 2019-2020 SCORE



Directions: Read the statements or questions carefully and then shade the letter of the correct answer from the choices given before each number.

1. Who is the first man to call himself a philosopher?

A. Aristotle B. Plato
C. Pythagoras D. Socrates

2. It is refer to the study of general and fundamental problem such as those connected with existence
knowledge, values, reason, mind and language.
A. Psychology B. Philosophy
C. Anthropology D. Sociology

3. What is metaphysics?
A. It is the study of our method of acquiring knowledge.
B. It is the branch of philosophy responsible for the study of existence.
C. It is the branch of study dealing with what is the proper course of action for man.
D. It is the study of art.

4. Who coined the word philosopher, which he defined as one who is attempting to find out?
A. Aristotles B. Plato
C. Pythagoras D. Socrates

5. Who is the first essentialists who believed in the comcept of ideal forms?
A. Aristotles B. Plato
C. Pythagoras D. Socrates

6. It is refer to an awareness of the individual of what is factually present as perceived solely by the
A. Scientific attitude B. Natural attitude
C. Phenomenological reduction D. Eidetic reduction

7. It is refer to the individual, and all the attributes and characteristics that set him or her apart from other
human beings.
A. Human Person B. Philosopher
C. Educator D. Animal

8. What is SENTIENCE?
A. A group of words that expresses statement, question, command, or wish.
B. A feeling that something you have done is morally wrong.
C. The ability to feel and experience and perceive things
D. To officially state the punishment given to someone by a court of law.

9. Who was significantly influenced by the thinking of the great Greek philosopher Aristotle?
A. Plato B. Immanuel Kant
C. Aristotle D. St. Thomas Aquinas

10. Who believe that the living environment should be respected and regarded as having rights to flourish,
independent of its utility to humans?
A. Arne Naess B. Murray Bookchin
C. Francoise d’Eaubonne D. Anaximander

11. It is conceptualized as a critique of current social, political, and anti-ecological trends.

A. Deep Ecology B. Ecofeminism
C. Social Ecology D. Ecology

12. Who is the pre-Socratic philosopher and scientist told about the Creation-Destruction.
A. Phythagoras B. Immanual Kant
C. Herbert Marcuse D. Anaximander

13. What is biophila?

A. love of all things B. love of other living things
C. love of the living beings. D. all of the above

14. What is cosmophila?

A. love of all things B. love of other living things
C. love of the living beings. D. all of the above

15. Who told us about the power of humans over nature?

A.George Herbert Mead B. Herbert Marcuse
C. Immanuel Kant D. Murray Bookchin
16. Select the best definition of aesthetics
A. It is the study of our method of acquiring knowledge.
B. It is the branch of philosophy responsible for the study of existence.
C. It is the branch of study dealing with what is the proper course of action for man.
D. It is the study of art.

17. What does this means, philosophy is a set of views or beliefs about life and the universe, which are often
held uncritically.
A. We refer to this meaning as the informal sense of philosophy or “having” a philosophy.
B. Having a philosophy, however, is not sufficient for doing philosophy.
C. Philosophy seeks to combine the conclusions of the various sciences and human experience into some
kind of consistent world view.
D. All of the above

18. What does this means, phenomenology is free from presumptions.

A. Does not make claims about some objective reality
B. Studies objects or events from the position of observers
C. Reality as one perceives it is factual real
D. All of the above

19. Essentialism believes that there is an “ultimate reality”, What does “ultimate reality” means?
A. Permanent B. Unalterable
C. Eternal D. All of the above

20. What does this means, “The Body as Intermediary”?

A. Like all other animals, human being posses sentience.
B. Though my body, my subjectivity is opened to the world and the world is opened to me.
C. My body is not only an intermediary between me and the world but also between me and others.
D. My body has a unique value and dignity.

21. What does this means, “The Body as Intersubjectivity”?

A. Like all other animals, human being posses sentience.
B. Though my body, my subjectivity is opened to the world and the world is opened to me.
C. My body is not only an intermediary between me and the world but also between me and others.
D. My body has a unique value and dignity.

22. Which of the following best describes a fact?

A. The feelings of the main character. B. Something that can be proven.
C. Something that can't be proven. D. How much the main character likes something.

23. Which of the following best describes an opinion?

A. A person who can prove something. B. Making a good choice.
C. A person's thoughts or feelings about something. D. Something that can be proven.

24. Which of the following is an opinion?

A. Todd is wearing a blue tie. B. Gary was unhappy that his team lost.
C. Sheila woke up at 7:30 in the morning. D. Jose won the race at field day.

25. Which of the following is a fact?

A. I'm the smartest student in the fifth grade. B. I received a 98% on the reading test.
C. Reading is very easy. D. Gary Paulsen is my favorite author.

26. What question would you reflect if your concern is social and political philosophy?
A. What is truth?
B. Why should anyone obey any government?
C. What is life and why am I here?
D. What are the sources of knowledge?

27. What element would you change in studying epistemology?

A. question of origins B. question of appearance versus reality.
C. question of the tests of truth, of verification D. none of the above

28. What fact would you select to show that the human nature has more than just a physical body?
A. unchanging human nature B. mortal
C. temporary D. uncertain life

29. Complete the sentence by choosing the best answer.

Freedom, action, and decision are fundamental in ________________.
A. Existentialism B. Essentialism B. Idealism D. Ecofeminism

30. What fact would you select to show what is essentialism?

A. Humans are totally free and must take responsibility and define the meaning of their own lives.
B. Real true essence, invariable, or fixed property that define what an entity is in its truest sense.
C. A human person is thrown into a tangible, physical, real universe.
D. Man exists, turns up, appears on the scene, and only afterwards, defines himself.

31. How would you show your understanding of the body as intersubjectivity?
A. Like all other animals, human being posses sentience.
B. Though my body, my subjectivity is opened to the world and the world is opened to me.
C. My body is not only an intermediary between me and the world but also between me and others.
D. My body has a unique value and dignity.
32. Arrange the following hylomorphic in order from least to most.
I. plants
II. men
III. non-living bodies
IV. animals

33. What facts would you select to show what is rational soul?
A. It is capable of thinking, reasoning, willing, reflecting, and deciding apart from sensing and growing
B. It feeds itself, it grows, it reproduces, and it has feelings.
C. Capable of feeding, growing and reproducing itself.
D. All of the above.

34. How would you show understanding of social ecology?

A. It espouses a reconstructive, ecological, communitarian, and ethical approach to society.
B. All life forms have an equal right to exist.
C. Comes from the idea that women and nature have significant connection.
D. Universe is a living embodiment of nature’s order, harmony and beauty.’

35. What facts would you select to show what is ecofeminism?

A. It espouses a reconstructive, ecological, communitarian, and ethical approach to society.
B. All life forms have an equal right to exist.
C. Comes from the idea that women and nature have significant connection.
D. Universe is a living embodiment of nature’s order, harmony and beauty.’

36. The following statements are the nature of philosophy except:

A. Philosophy is a set of views or belief about life and the universe, which are often held uncritically.
B. Philosophy is a process of reflecting on and criticizing our most deeply held conceptions and beliefs.
C. Philosophy is an irrational attempt to look at the world as a whole
D. Philosophy is the logical analysis of language and the clarification of the meaning of words and

37. Which statement is TRUE?

A. Edmund Husserl is the father of phenomenology
B. He described phenomenology using “four poles”:
C. Noema (the act of perceiving)
D. Noesis (that is perceived)

38. What ideas justify the statement?

Man as rational animal.
A. Man has the capacity to tell a story in order to ascertain that there are things in life left undone.
B. He can recognize things sensitively and intellectually.
C. Man must free himself from mere conformity and imitation.
D. All of the above

39. Complete the sentence by choosing the best answer.

_________________ believes that the orderliness of nature and the harmony of nature with our faculties
guide us toward a deeper religious perspective.
A. Immanuel Kant B. Arne Naess
C. Murray Bookchin D. Francoise d’Eaubonne

40. According to Pythagoras, men and women of the world could be classified into 3 groups except:
A. those that love pleasure B. those that love activity
C. those that love wisdom D. all of the above

41. It is refer to the rational attempt to formulate, understand, and answer fundamental questions.
A. Psychology C. Sociology
C. Philosophy D. Anthropology

42. Complete the sentence by choosing the best answer.

The study of _______________ enables us to think carefully and clearly about important issues.
A. Philosophy C. Anthropology
C. Sociology D. Psychology

43. It is the study or theory of reality.

A. Logic B. Metaphysics
C. Epistemology D. Value theory

44. It is the branch of philosophy that studies the sources, nature, and validity of knowledge.
A. Logic B. Metaphysics
C. Epistemology D. Value theory

45. Complete the sentence by choosing the best answer.

The ____________ claim that all knowledge is ultimately derived from sense experience and, thus, that our
knowledge is limited to what can be experienced.
A. scientists B. empiricists
C. rationalists D. idealists

46. Complete the sentence by choosing the best answer.

The ______________ hold that human reason alone can discover the basic principles of the universe.
A. scientists B. rationalists
C. empiricists D. idealists

47. A state of true quality free from biases, interpretations, feelings, or imaginings.
A. Objectivity B. Subjectivity
C. Creativity D. Originality

48. The following are the characteristics of the ultimate truth except:
A. resides in the intellect B. it is immutable
C. it is limited D. it is eternal

49. Select the best definition of aesthetics

A. It is the study of our method of acquiring knowledge.
B. It is the branch of philosophy responsible for the study of existence.
C. It is the branch of study dealing with what is the proper course of action for man.
D. It is the study of art.

50. What does this means, philosophy is a set of views or beliefs about life and the universe, which are often
held uncritically.
A. We refer to this meaning as the informal sense of philosophy or “having” a philosophy.
B. Having a philosophy, however, is not sufficient for doing philosophy.
C. Philosophy seeks to combine the conclusions of the various sciences and human experience into some
kind of consistent world view.
D. All of the above

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