Tenterhall The Camp

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After word reached Greyport that the initial Pilgrimage had 1. THE GROUNDS
been killed, seemingly by bandits, Ashlanders (or as darker The grounds is the common area of the camp. Here
rumours suggested, something much worse), a second travellers and camp members gossip, undertake chores and
excursion was conducted. This time, Duke Robar himself ply their trades.
delegated a party organised by the Mercer’s Guild to
undertake command of the expedition. Attached to them 2. THE HALL
and in full support was the Church of Solneas. The massive tent simply called the ‘hall’ is the indoor
communal area. It is hot, smokey and typically filled with
In Mid-Summer, this group set out and crossed through the women and children working the large kitchen in the tent.
Highmarch, stopping briefly at Northwall before the trek
through the Barrowood. They successfully established their 3. ADVENTURER’S CAMP
camp and then began to organise a supply chain between The most lively (and violent) of all of Tenterhall, this place
Northwall and the camp, dubbed Tenterfield. has assembled in it mercenaries, sellswords and other
fortune seekers who have come to discover the wealth of
Tenterfield contains approximately 500 people, organised the Kingsbarrow. The tents here are always changing, with
into separate camps. Tenterfield itself has the capacity to groups arriving and departing on a constant basis.
act as a Class VI market on it’s own, but has trade links to
Greyport that, with enough time, allow it to access it’s 4. THE PENS
resources. The pens serve as an enclosure to keep animals in safety
during the night. The pigs and sheep here are tended to by
Tenterfield’s stability has allowed it to attract a number of the camp, and many chickens also roam around this area.
adventurers, mercenaries and sellswords to it, further
adding to the security of the small camp. Furthermore, the 5. CAMP FOLLOWERS
success of the camp has allowed it to gain some small Quite a number of young women and a few men work at
stability in creating a handful of small wooden structures. the back of the camp as whores. A large purple tent serves
As Tenterfield began as a travelling convoy rather than a as their brothel for anyone so inclined. They often travel
permanent settlement, it is an unusual mix of Valerothian, the camp in groups when new travellers arrive.
Hyrothian and Marchlander culture.
This large round tent serves as a makeshift chapel of
Solneas. Headed by the priest, the faithful pilgrims and
travellers are offered services, prayer and healing
assistance in the camp.

The Valerothian contingent is stationed here. Though called
‘Pilgrims’ there are a large number of priests, soldiers,
mercenaries, families and wanderers stationed here. There
is even said to be one or two young knights within the
Ragnall Ros Serjeant Haralt

Bon Caillot Rotbert

Miles de Galeran de L’ile

Priest of Solneas

Hruldi Valirsdottir Nitaka Lovara

The Serani



Total Age Terrain Mod
Animals +½ +½ 0 -1
Armour, weapons -½ +1 -½ -1
Beer, ale -3 +½ -½ -3
Books, rare -2½ +1 -½ -3
Cloth +1½ -1 -½ 3
Dye & pigments +2½ +1 -½ 2
Fish, preserved +1 +½ +½ 0
Furs, rare -3½ -1 -½ -2
Gems -4 -1 ½ -½ -2
Glassware -1½ +1 -½ -2
Grain, vegetables -4 -1 0 -3
Hides, furs -1 -1 0 0
Ivory +1½ -1 +½ 2
Meats, preserved +3½ +½ 0 3
Metals, common -4½ -1 -½ -3
Metals, precious 1 -1 ½ -½ 3
Monster parts -4 -1 0 -3
Mounts +1 +½ +½ 0
Oil, lamp +2 +½ -½ 2
Porcelain, fine -2½ +1 -½ -3
Pottery -2½ +1 -½ -3
Salt -2 -1 0 -1
Semiprecious Stones -2 -1 ½ -½ 0
Silk -2 +½ -½ -2
Spices -2 +½ +½ 1
Textiles -3½ -1 -½ -2
Tools +½ +1 -½ 0
Wine, spirits +3 +½ -½ 3
Wood, common -4 -1 0 -3
Wood, rare -4½ -1½ 0 -3 STANDARD OF LIVING


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