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TIME COLLEGIATE _Class XI PRELIMNARY EXAMINATION Time 3hrs 2021-2022 SECTION “A” (40) MULT LOICE QUESTION! 1. Each lifeboat on the Birkenhead had a capacity of +170 +180 +24 60 2. ‘The ‘Tin “PAKISTAN” stands for * India “Islam. “Tran “Industry 3. “Au revoir’ means: * good moming * good day * good bye * good night “The Wolves of Cernogratz’ is written by: * St John G, Ervine = Thomas Campion =D. ¥, Morgan * HLH. Munro 5. The man murdered in Newcastle in was: + HH. Munro + John EdwardRobson Steven Carter * DY. Morgan 6. ‘The central and principle ofgan of the U.N. is the * Security Couneil * General Assembly. * Secretary General * Secretariat 7. The name of the accountant in ‘My Bank Account’ is * Stephen Leacock * Montgomery’ * Miller * Hans: 8. In*My Bank Account’. the author wrote ‘ustead of on the cheque. *£6:56 * £56 8G" C * 556556 * $6: $56 9. “..1 sometimes wonder why Twas not giuited the 7 * hell * punishment * peace * mercy 10, Amulie died on Decetnber, asapieared in the newspaper +27" 328° 20% +30" 11. “Science and Scientists’ is Written by * Stephen Leacock + Sherwood Taylor HH, Mamo *D.M. Morgan 12, “Tehanced to see at the'bigak Of day the e * solo chitd * solitary ait *solo gitl * solitary child 13, The scientist who gave revolutionary theories concerning gravity and light was * Rutherford * Robert Boyle * Albert Einstein * Newton 14. ‘The Hostile Wimess’ is written by. * Stephen Leacock *p.¥ Morgan "Dr. Johnson “*Sherwood Taylor 15, Wordsworth described the morning of in his Sonnet, * September 03, 1802 * Ostober 02, 1802 * September 02, 1803 * October 03, 1803 16, William Shakespeare's “As You Like it? is a play. * legendary * tgie * comedy. * religions 17. Under the Greenwood Tree is in Act Seene of 'As Yoot Like it’ IEVE Vell 7 “VILL 18. “The Character of Happy Life’ is written by s * Henry Wotton * Robert Browning” © Walter Scott * Leigh Hunt 19, The abbot “rode to Cambridge and * Oxenford * Oxbridge * Oxford * Oslo 20, According to the shepherd, the worth of King John was penee, less than ‘the Savior. *28:2 *28:1 5% IX, X, XI, XII, NMDCAT & ECAT +r (2022-23) ADMISSIONS OPEN TIME COLLEGIATE XI 100 PRELIMNARY EXAMINATION Time. 3hrs 2021 - 2022 21. The name of the poet's village in the poem "The Deserted Village” is * Ratisbon * Aubum * Kirkby '* Neweastle 22. “The Deserted Village” was written in the year +1760 1765 "1770 1780 23. Lucy Gray appeared in the second edition of * Sonnets * Poetical songs * Lyrical ballads * Odes 24, Complete the line; “No 00 Lutey knew.” * brother; sister * cousin : relative “mate ;commade —* friend ; brother 25, The first stanza of sonnet is called a/an, . * Septet * Sestet * Octave * Octagon 26. The poem ‘The Lay of The Last Misistrel’ is written by * Sir Henry Wotton * William Wordsworth ‘Walter Scott * Shakespeare 27. Professor Corrie believed humans to be by mature. * humanitarian * fussy * pugnacions 28. “You know we French stormed ’ * Raynoldstug * Renision * Ratisbon * Regenspark 29. Robert browning was a/an, Pee * Middle age Vi - * Beginning Elizabethan, 30. And rwo copper coins ranged there with enrefil art * German + British * French, * American 31, The Count’s Revenge és Written by * Alexandre Dunas HL Wala Anthony Hope Albert 32. “Simply this: that at sometime m:your life you must have: the Count of Monte Cristo.* * stabbed wronged Timortally offended * poisoned 33. The duel between Albert and the Couit.of Monte Cristo Was to take place at ; * Bois de Vincennes * Rue du Helder * Champs Elysses > Normandy 34, According to Moreel, Albert's only. chance of safety. lay. in Motte Cristo’s * kindness * generosity * revenge * friendship 35. planned to leave Paris along with Atbert. *Couitessof Morcerf Monte Cristo * Beauchamp, * Morcerf 36. Which of the following isa-permanent member of the Security Couneil? * Gennany * Japan * France * spain 37. Eddie died at the age of ___ in the year #2251919 719; 1916 * 19: 1919 "221916 38, Tom Meldon died due tom, * heart attack *hemonbage * broken heart ° hiver failure 39. Prof, Corrie believed in keeping tohimself * dreams * conflicts war * secrets 40 was a fisherman and 4 sailor. *Femand : Edmond * Edmond : Fernand * Beauchamp ; Albert * albert; Beauchamp IX, X, XI, Xl, NMDCAT & ECAT (2022-23) ADMISSIONS OPEN Subject TIME COLLEGIATE 7 Class | XI ‘Max Marks. | PRELIMNARY EXAMINATION Time 3hrs Date l 2021 -2022 SECTION “BY (40) (SHORT QUESTIONS/ANSWER) NOTE Attempt TEN part-questions from this section, selecting at least TWO part questions from each sub-section. Answer should not exceed six sentences. Each question in this section carries equal (4) marks, SUB-SECTION I (INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH BOOK-T i. Why did Manning never believe that King was the murderer? ii, What does ‘scientific’ and ‘unscientific’ workemean? iti, How did the Birkenhead come tobe wrecked? Was any member of her crew to blame? iv. Why does the writer apply the word ‘terrible! to the first year of Pakistan's history as an independent state? SUB-SECTION Hl (SELECTIO! MI : PARTS vy. What lesson do you learn from the poeun;"The Toys"? ‘vi. Why was the name of Ben Adhem on the top of the last list, showed by the angel? vii. Briefly narrate the tragic story of Luey Gray viii, What does Oliver Goldsmith describe in the poem, ‘Lines from thé Deserted Village"? SUB-SECTION Ill (TWO ONE ACT PLAYS) ix. Who was the Count of Morcerf? What charges appeared against Morcerf? x. What was the past story of the Cotint of Monte Cristo? xi. What opinion does Professor Corne hold about Women? xii. What did Mis, Meldon diseaver on the death anniversary’of lier son? SUB-SECTION IV (GRAMMAR) Xiil, Correct the errors/omissions of verbs, prepositions and articles, a. The honesty is the best policy. ‘b. [thas been rainmg for mid-night. ¢, The patient had died before the doctor comes. d. I meet my fiiend yesterday after a long time. ¢. He and I am good friends xiv. Use any THREE of the following pairs of words in your own sentences (total 6 sentences) a. angle, angel b. waste, waist ©. seize : cease d story: storey , duel : dual 4. cattle » kettle UX, X, XI, XII, NMDCAT & ECAT (2022-23) ADMISSIONS OPEN [ [English TIME COLLEGIATE x1 ‘Max Marks | 100 PRELIMNARY EXAMINATION Shrs Date [- 32-05-23 2021 - 2022 xy, Match any ‘a, Anonymous Money mbignous “Son; e. Lay £ Delectable Note: Attempt any TWO questions from this section, Each question in this section carries equal (4) marks. (20) 3. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper, complining against the broken condition of roads in youreity. (10) OR Write a moral story omany ONE of the following: (G) Pride hath a fall (i) Honesty isthe best policy 4. Write a paragraph of about 150 words on any ONE of the following topics a0) (@) The Problems of life iu Karachi Gi) Merits and Demerits of Intemet Gi) Importance of Gaines iv) Blessiig:of Science’ Commerce 5. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences into English: ao) wet ts AS 9 es ae abana Ute wile 5 i we ue I) Be By Soe SSG ys 8 cf ks FE le Bi Sis MSs pee ch ies ais Be Sols BSS LS Se et IX, X, XI, X11, NMDCAT & ECAT (2022-23) ADMISSIONS OPEN

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