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1. Find AM of First ‘n’ natural numbers……

2. a, b, c, d, e are positive consecutive odd integers. Find AM……….

a) a+(c/4) b) a+4 c) abcde d) None

3. Sum of deviation of observation taken the A.M. is …… or ∑ (𝑥 − 𝑥) = …….

4. ∑ (𝑥 − 10)= 400, n=20 , Find 𝑥̅ = ….....

5. ∑ (𝑥 − 10) = 200; ∑((𝑥 − 25) =50; Find 𝑥, n = ……..

6. AM of 5 observations is 10. After adding 1 observation, the AM is increased by 1. Find the value
of observations added.

7. AM of 10 observations is 12. After adding 2 observations, the AM is increased by 3. Find the

Mean of 2 observations added.

8. AM of 5 observations is 6. AM of 3 observations is 8. Find AM of 2 remaining observations.

9. Average age of 10 students is 20 years. When two students are joined, the average age is
increased by 2. Find the average weight of two students.

10. Mean weight of 15 students 110 kgs; mean weight of 5 of them is 100 kgs. Another 5 students
mean weight is 125 kgs. Find mean weight of remaining 5 students.

11. A classroom has 24 students and a teacher. The average age is 16 years (including the teacher. If
the teacher is excluded, the average age is reduced by 1 year. Find teachers age…

12. The mean of the below data is 6. Find P….

X 2 4 6 10 P+5
Weights 3 2 3 1 2

13. Average mark of 150 students is 60. Average marks of boys is 70 and that of girls is 55. Find the
number of boys and girls.

14. The monthly salary of male and female employees are Rs. 15,000 and Rs. 10,000. If the monthly
salary of total employee is Rs. 12,000. Find the ratio of male and female employees.

15. The mean salary of 50 persons is Rs. 5,850. On verification it is found that the salary of our
employee is taken wrongly as Rs. 8,000 instead of Rs. 7,800. Find the mean of corrected salary.

16. If X and Y are related by 5x-3y+30=0. AM of X is 36. Find AM of Y……

17. Average age of 15 students is 15 years. Among them, the average age of 5 students is 14 and
other 9 students is 16 years. Find the age of the remaining student.

18. The AM of 3 Terms is 14 and next two terms is 18. Find the Mean of 5 terms.

19. AM of the square of first ‘2m’ natural numbers.

20. There were 50 students in a class. Ten students failed whose average mark was 2.5. The total
mark of class was 281. Find average mark passed students.

21. The mean observation of 50 observations is same as Mean of 49 observations, if one

observation’45’ is dropped. Find mean of observations.

22. Mean of 10 observations is 14.4. Of these AM of 4 observations is 16.5. Find the AM of

remaining 6 observations.

23. Mean 6, 4, 1, 5, 6, 10, 3 is 5. If each observation is added with 2. The New AM is …...

24. A company’s Average Annual earnings for the last 10 years is 40 crores. For obtaining the same
average earning for 11 years. How much earning must be made by the company in the year 11 th

25. Arithmetic Mean of 7, 9, 12, x, 4, 11 and 5 is 9. Find x…...

26. AM of ‘n’ observations is 𝑥̅ .If the first observations is increased by 1, second observation is
increased by 2; Third observation by 3 and so on. Find the new AM.

27. The mean of 20 items is 5. If each item is multiplied by 3, then the new AM is ….

28. Which one of the following is not Measures of Central Tendency?

a) Mean Deviation b) AM c) Median d) Mode

29. If AM of 15 observations is 9 and the AM is first 9 observations is 11 and AM of remaining


30. Which of the following is positional average?

a) Median b) GM c) HM d) AM

31. The total frequency of 3 series are 50, 60, 90 & their AM Means are 12, 15, 20. Find the Mean of
combined series.

32. The AM of 1, 2, 3……… 11 is . Find x…...

33. Find AM of the first n positive odd nos.

34. The AM of first ‘n’ natural numbers whose wts are equal to the squares of their corresponding

1. Find the H.M. of 1, , , …….. .

2. A person covers A to B at a speed of 30 kmph and in returning B to A at a speed of 60

kmph. Find the average speed.

3. The distance of 100 kmph is covered by a Train at a speed 25 kmph and his next 50 kmph by bus
at a speed of 10 kmph. Find the average speed.

4. HM of 15 observations is 75 and 13 observations is 65. If all the observation are combined. Find
HM of 28 observations.

5. If 3𝑥 − 2𝑦 = 0 and HM of 𝑥 𝑖𝑠 12. Find HM of y.

6. A man covers one-third of the distance at a speed of 10 kmph and one-fifth of the total distance at
a speed of 20 km and the remaining distance at a speed of 14kmph. Find the average speed.

7. HM of 𝑥 , 𝑥 , 𝑥 , ……… 𝑥 is H. Find the HM of 5𝑥 , 5𝑥 , 5𝑥 , …………. 5𝑥 .

8. A man purchased Apples in 3 different shops at the rate of 3 Apples per Rs.100 in the first shop; 4
Apples per Rs.100 in the second shop; and 5 Apples / Rs.100 in the third shops. Find the average
no.of Apples per Rs.100 .

9. The share price of 5 companies are Rs.10, 12, 15, 20 & 24. Find the average price of a share.

10. A lady travels at a speed of 10 kmph and return in the same direction at a certain speed. If the
average speed of the whole journey is 24 kmph. Find the speed while returning.

11. A person buys eggs worth of Rs.100 in each of the 10 different shops. Find the average numbers
no.of eggs per Rs.100. The suitable average is ____
a) AM b) GM c) HM

12. The Reciprocal of the AM of the Reciprocal of observations is ______

a) GM b) HM c) AM d) None

13. An Aeroplane files around a square filed of side 400 km. It covers first side @ speed of 100
kmph; Second side 200 kmph; Third side @ a speed of 300 kmph and fourth side @ 400 kmph.
Find the average speed in covering the field.

1. GM of 8, 4, 2 is: …………

2. Find the GM of 8, 10, 20, 30: ………..

3. Find GM of 4, 6, 8: ……….
a) 5.77 b) 5.32 c) 6.14 d) None

4. GM of 40, 50, 𝑥 is 10. Find 𝑥……….

5. Find GM of P, P , P , ………P .

6. If 5𝑥 − 4𝑦 = 0 ; GM of Y is 15. Find GM of x…….

7. If GM of a, b, c, d is 3, then GM of , , ,

8. GM of 1, ,1 ,1 𝑖𝑠 1 . Find K…..
2 2 2

9. Find GM of 3, 6, 24, 48: ………..


1. For two observations 8 and 18. Find AM, GM & HM.

2. If HM and AM of 10 observations are 20 each. Find GM.

3. If between 2 positive no’s AM and GM are 20 & 16. Find HM . Also find the 2 Nos: …..
a) (10, 30) b) (8,32) c) (24,16) d) None

4. AM, GM and HM for distinct observation are connected by the relation ……..

5. For 2 Nos, AM is 30, GM is 24. Find HM. Also find 2 Nos: ………
a) (36,24) b) (30,30) c) (48,12) d) None

6. HM of two numbers is 4 and AM (A) and GM (G) satisfy this equation 2A+𝐺 =27. Find the two
numbers: …………..
a) 1,3 b) 9, 5 c) 6,3 d) 12,7

7. If the Arithmetic Mean of two numbers is 30 and geometric mean is 24 then what will be those
two numbers?

1. If 6𝑥 − 5𝑦 + 70 = 0 and median of 𝑥 𝑖𝑠 25. Find median of 𝑌…

2. Find median from 23, 35, 12, 40, 29, 30, 18, 24: ……

3. If, for 𝑥 5, x , 𝑥 2, 𝑥 3 (x>0) the median is 10. Find 𝑥 …..

a) 24 b) 32 c)8 d) 16

4. The median of 11, 13, 15, 19, n+2, n+4, 30, 35, 39,46 is 25. Find n.
a) 22 b) 20 c)15 d) 30

5. In a class of 11 students, 3 students were failed. The mark of 8 students who were passed are 50,
56, 45, 40, 42, 44, 41, 54. Find median mark of 11 students.

6. The Median of the data 5,6,7,7,8,9,10,11,11,12,15,18,18 and 19 is……….

7. For the distribution:

X 1 2 3 4 5 6
F 6 9 10 14 12 8
The value of median is ………..

8. Find the value of median for frequency distribution is equal to ………….

X 5 7 9 12 14 17 19 21
F 6 5 3 6 5 3 2 4


1. If 3𝑥 − 2𝑦 + 30 = 0 and mode of y is 42. Find mode of 𝑥….

2. In a frequency distribution, the classes are 0-10; 10-20; 20-30; 30-40; 40-50; 50-60. If the mode is
37.5. Find class having highest frequency.

3. Mode is 18 and mean is 24, Find median.

4. If mean is 52 and median is 56. Find mode.

5. The difference between mean and mode is 63. Find the difference between mean and median.

6. Which of the following statement is True.

a) Median is based on all the observations
b) Mode is mid value
c) Median is the second quartile
d) None
7. Mean is 55.6 and mode is 46. Find median.

8. Which measure of central tendency is used for ordering the size of particular garments for

9. In a moderately skewed distribution the values of mean and median are 12 and 8 respectively. The
value of mode is:

10. Find the mode from the following data:

Class 3-6 6-9 9-12 12-15 15-18 18-21 21-24

Frequency 2 5 10 23 21 12 3

11. Find the mode from the following data:

Class 0-7 7-14 14-21 21-28 28-35 35-42 42-49

Frequency 19 25 36 72 51 43 28

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