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Navigation software

Navitel Navigator 11
for Android OS devices

User Manual

© 2020 NAVITEL s.r.o. All rights reserved.

The contents of this User Guide, as well as any attached demo materials, are the sole proprietary
of the NAVITEL s.r.o. Any commercial use of this User Guide may be carried out only with written
permission from NAVITEL s.r.o. The information contained in this document shall not be changed
without prior notice given to NAVITEL s.r.o.
User Guide - Navitel Navigator

Get started 3
Recommendations 3
Safety Requirements 3

User Interface 4
Route 8
Search 8
Modifying and saving a route 10
The Actions At Route Guidance 11

Sign In 11
Sound 12
Navitel.Jams 12
Maps 12
Settings 13
Map 13
Navigation 14
Notifications 15
User interface 16
Online services 16
Regional Settings 17
System 17

Route import 18
My trips 18
About 18
Feedback 18
News 18
Exit 18 Service 19 2
User Guide - Navitel Navigator

Get started
Navitel Navigator is an offline multifunctional navigation application used for efficient route search and planning.
This document is the user manual that aims at helping the novice users of the program to learn how to use its
primary functions, as well as to familiarize themselves with all the special features of the program.
Please take notice that this manual also contains information on online services of the program. If there is no
Internet connection on your device, the appearance of the program and its function set can be slightly different
than that described in the document.
To ease the use of the manual we have organized this document in a way that you can read it from the top
downward to learn all the program tricks, as well as use it as a quick reference guide where you may always find a
fine and precise description of a function you are interested in, or follow a simple and friendly instruction on how
to perform a particular operation in the application.
We thank you for using our application and sincerely hope you enjoy it!
Best wishes,

If Navitel Navigator is installed on a built-in or portable navigation device, we strongly recommend you to study the
user guide of the device before starting the program.
Instruction for installing the program on a tablet/smartphone/phone is available at
You can find the instruction on program registration at
The instruction on purchasing the program and maps you can see at

Safety Requirements
• Adjust the program settings and plan the route before starting the vehicle.
• Changing program settings or editing the route must be done only after fully stopping the vehicle in a proper
• We recommend not to get distracted from driving by looking at the screen of your navigation device, but to
follow voice prompts. Remember to set up the voice prompts settings beforehand.
• You must observe driving regulations, including speed limits and lanes, and maneuver only where allowed and
Remember! Road safety is of prior importance!

User Guide - Navitel Navigator

User Interface
The figures below represent main elements of the interface. Their description is provided in the table below.
The device in the pictures is shown only as an example. The model of the user’s device and orientation of the
screen may differ from those shown on the picture.

1 Upcoming Shows the next two maneuvers along the route, as well as the distance to each of them.
maneuver Clicking on the sign opens a plan of all maneuvers along the route

2 Street after Displays the name of the name of a street next for the upcoming maneuver
3 Indication of While driving along a route displays a list of the nearest navigationally significant objects,
speedcams, the objects of infrastructure (POI), speedcams and traffic events and indicates the
POIs and distance to them. As you approach, the program displays an alert with a countdown of
events along the distance to the camera, road sign or special road markings (on the right side of the
the route screen)
4 Road lanes Displays information about the permitted maneuver at the nearest crossroads or reversal
point on the roads with two or more lanes in the same direction

User Guide - Navitel Navigator

5 Route The active route. If the program uses traffic information, then the route line can be of
different colors corresponding to different density levels (for more details see Navitel.
6 Speedcams, The icons at the route line warning of speed cameras, radars, dangerous intersections,
road signs and speed bumps, and crosswalks (see Warnings for details).
events on the
Note: objects are displayed only along the laid route (not more than 20 km ahead), or
along the current moving direction if the route is not laid; no more than 6 pieces.
7 GPS cursor Indicates your current location when the GPS is on. The pointed cursor mark indicates
the current moving direction
8 Event A road event drawn on the map by other users of the Navitel.Events service.
9 Current speed Digital speedometer showing current driving speed.
10 Speed Speed limit set in the current section. If the set value is exceeded, the program sends
visual warnings: orange - overspeeding less the speed value set by user (by default - up to
10 km / h); red - overspeeding higher the set limit. You can change the threshold value in
the settings (Menu> Settings> Warnings> Speed penalty).
11 Gauges panel Shows the total estimated time, the total length of the route, the time of arrival at the
destination point
12 Current street The street on which traffic is currently taking place. The dashboard is only active when a
connection is established with satellites.
13 Progress-bar Shows the rest of the route, intermediate points (if any) and traffic congestion along the
route (indicated by color).

User Guide - Navitel Navigator

14 Return Returns to address search or returns to normal map view, depending on how you got to
this menu.
15 Start Defines the selected point as the starting point of the route.
16 Stop by The button is displayed only when the route is laid. Marks the current point on the map as
an intermediate route point. Each subsequent point added becomes the first via point on
the route.
17 Finish The button is displayed only when the route is laid. When you press the button, the laid
route on the map comes to this point.
18 Route By clicking this button a route will be laid to the selected point from your current location
or a specified starting point.
19 A point on the This icon appears when you click on any area on the map. At the same time an additional
map menu opens and you can perform some operations with the selected point.

User Guide - Navitel Navigator

20 Main menu Pressing the button opens the main menu of the program.
21 POI Display of various POIs on the map. Different icons are assigned to different POI
categories. The program also has many unique icons for various brands, shopping centers,
hypermarkets, gas stations, etc.
22 Booking,com Hotels that can be booked with directly from the app. See
Service section for details
23 Map buttons These buttons are designed to control the map view (2D / 3D) and scale (for more details,
see Interface section). To change the scale of the map, use the / buttons on the map
screen. A single press on / changes the scale of the map by a strictly defined value.
Holding one of the buttons will lead to a quick change in scale.
24 Return to Return to the current position of the cursor on the map, if it was displaced.
25 Navitel road Navitel road events service control button.

User Guide - Navitel Navigator

This section describes how to create and modify routes, as well as other possibilities of working with routes.

You can create and change a route by selecting a point in the list or on the map:

A route to a point in the list:

1 Choose Search.
2 In the Search window start typing the address you are interested in or the name of the object or geographic
coordinates in the format you specified in the Settings menu (see below). You can also find nearby
locations by selecting from the categories: Filling Stations, Parkings, Food, Shopping, Transport, Banks/
Financial, Hotels/Lodgings, Entertainments, Med. aid or Police.

3 When manually entering an address, you can sequentially add the names of countries, settlements and
streets from the list that opens when you enter the initial letters by clicking the arrow at the right of the
object you need.
4 Select the point which you would like to navigate from your current location by tapping it in the list.
The Route menu will opens.
5 In the lower right corner tap the Route button.
The program will build a route from the current position to the selected point. The program will offer up to 3
alternative routes with indication of distance and estimated time to the finish point.
6 Tap Go to start route guidance.

A route to the point on the map:

1 In the map window, select the place or POI (point of interest) to which you want to route.
2 At the bottom of the window, tap the Route button.
3 In the lower left corner of the page tap the Go button. The program will build a route from the current
position to the selected point. The program will offer up to 3 alternative routes with indication of distance
and estimated time to the finish point.
4 Tap Go button again to start route guidance.

User Guide - Navitel Navigator

Voice search:
1 Select Search.
2 In the window that opens tap the microphone icon in the upper right corner, and then say the name of the
object or the address.

Note! The voice search is available only if you have a voice recognition service on your smartphone or

Note! The voice search is possible only in the language of the map or English! For example, for voice
search in the Czech Republic, you need make a request in Czech or English.
3 Select the point to which you would like to navigate from your current location by tapping on it in the list.
The Route menu will opens.
4 In the lower right corner tap the Route button.
The program will build a route from the current position to the selected point. The program will offer up to 3
alternative routes with indication of distance and estimated time to the finish point.
5 Tap Go to start route guidance.

User Guide - Navitel Navigator

Modifying and saving a route

1 Lay the route one of the way described above.

2 You can lay a route from any point on the map and save this point to speed up the further search using the
drop-down menu.

3 Once the route has built you can:

• using keyboard shortcuts to add the additional points, avoid highways, toll roads, roads with vignettes,
unpaved roads, and change the type of vehicle;
• using the drop-down menu, save the route, import it, enable the simulation, and also go to the navigation
settings menu (see below in the Settings section);
• swap start and finish points or select other points.

4 You can look at any of the route maneuvers on the map by clicking on the sign of the upcoming maneuver
and then on any maneuver you are interested in. Return to route guidance mode by clicking on the map.

User Guide - Navitel Navigator

The Actions At Route Guidance

You can make changes to the route already while following it.
To open the change menu, swipe up on the speed and sensors
panel. Functions will be available to you:

1 Add intermediate point — adds the additional points to

the route.

2 Detour — automatically reroute.

3 Search along route — searches for points of interest

along the route.

4 Show route — show the entire route on the map.

5 Route info — A list of maneuvers along the route. Each

of the maneuvers can be viewed on the map by tapping
on it. You can return to route guidance by tapping on the

6 Reset route.

Sign In
Register or log in the Navitel cloud using your existing account on the NAVITEL website to synchronize your
points and travel history.

User Guide - Navitel Navigator

Enable or disable all sounds in the application. Please select > Sound.

Activate or deactivate the service of displaying traffic jams on the map, as well as taking into account the traffic
density when planning a route. Select > Navitel.Jams.

Select > Maps. Lists of previously installed maps and maps available for download or purchase will open.
If updates are available for previously installed maps, you will see a system alert.

Installed — list of maps previously installed.

Download — select a previously purchased map and tap the
download icon. After the download is complete, the installation will
start automatically.
Purchase — in the list that opens select a map and make a purchase.

Using the drop-down menu in the upper right corner, you can restore
purchases made earlier

User Guide - Navitel Navigator

This section of the User manual describes the program’s capabilities to customize and personalize its
functionality. The settings are described in the order of their location in the program interface.

In Navitel Navigator you can change the map display parameters. To go to the map settings menu select >
Settings > Map. The following settings are available in this menu:

3D map view — enable or disable 3D map view.

Rotate map — setting the map orientation in the motion direction. The
GPS cursor is displayed at the bottom of the screen. If disabled, the
map will be oriented north and the GPS cursor will be displayed in the
center of the map.

Auto zoom — enable automatic zoom while driving. The following

options are available for configuring auto scaling:
• Used scales
Select the scale interval within which automatic scaling will be able.
• Preferred scale
Sets the value of the scale to which the program should aim during
automatic scaling.

Navitel Navigator allows you to configure a number of visual settings.

Please note that use of visual effects may increase time to map

Map tilt — sets the map tilt parameters. Minimum tilt makes the map
look more like a 2D map, whereas at greater tilt the 3D elements of the
map are more prominent.

Reset position — enables automated return back to your original

position after you move the map elsewhere. You can set up the time
that has to pass after your last action before the map position is reset.
The minimal time is 5 seconds, the maximum time is 40 seconds.

User Guide - Navitel Navigator

In this settings menu you can configure the specifics of route planning on your device. To proceed to the Navigation
settings menu, select > Settings > Navigation.

Vehicle type — select your type of the vehicle and the program will
consider it when planning routes, and propose you the most comfortable
route for your particular vehicle.
Tap the Vehicle drop-down listbox to see the types, and then select the
appropriate type.
The settings of the Truck graph make it possible to select several types
of freight transport (van, dump truck, truck) or an custom truck with
user-specified parameters: total weight, axle weight, width, height and
length of the vehicle. The routes will be built taking into account the
road restrictions for this type of transport, allowing you to freely travel to
your destination.
The configured parameters of a custom truck are saved and you can
use them in the future, even if the vehicle type has been changed.
Please note that for the proper work of this function the map must
contain the corresponding data.

Route on cards — create a route by the roads. If this function is

disabled, the route will be created in a straight line.

Note that the Route on a straight line is used only for measuring
distance between two points. Do not use this option to plan a route
for navigation.

When planning routes in Navitel Navigator, you can set up the “avoid”
conditions. When such conditions are set, the program will try to avoid
the specified road types when planning routes.
If there is no way the program can plan a route with the selected
conditions, the program will ignore some of them.

Guidance prompt – sets the distance to alert about the upcoming

Rerouting — determine circumstances when the program should try
to automatically re-plan the created route. Navitel Navigator provides 2
possible conditions for route recalculation:
• When found a route faster
And here you can set the time by which the potentially new route
must be faster than the current one in order for the program to start
replanning the route. The work of this function is heavily based on
information received when Navitel.Jam service is updated.
• When off-route
Here you can set the distance of deviation from the current route, at
which the program must start replanning the active route from the
current position.

User Guide - Navitel Navigator

Trips record — enable or disable track recording.

Show current trip — highlight the path already traveled along the route
with a less saturated color.
Avoided countries — countries whose maps should be excluded from
the routing.

Using the Notifications settings menu, you can configure the system alert settings when driving. To access this
setting menu select > Settings > Notifications.

Speed penalty – sets the amount of non-penalized overspeeding.

Speed limits sound alert — sets the type of alert: signal of voice. The
program will warn you about the speed limit on the road section along
which the movement is carried out. You can also turn off the such
Please note that in all cases the voice notification is triggered only
once: when changing the speed limit on the current road section.
Speedcam sound alert – sets the type of notification: signal or voice.
The program will warn you about the controls in the moving direction.
You can also turn off the such alerts.
Selecting speedcam – enabling or disabling alerts about the controls
(speed cameras, radars, dangerous crossroads, speed bumps,
crosswalks, etc.).
Show traffic lanes – enable the information about the permitted
maneuver at the nearest crossroads or place for a U-turn on roads
with two or more lanes in the same direction; the progress bar under
the sensor displays the remaining part of the path to the place of the

User Guide - Navitel Navigator

User interface
This menu contains the settings that will help you personalize the program interface. To go to the interface
settings menu, select > Settings > User interface.
Skin type — the choice of interface colors:
• Day
• Night
• Auto
Automatic skin switching to Day during daylight hours and to Night
at nighttime in accordance with the sunrise and sunset times for the
current location and date; also the skin will change to night at the
entrance into a tunnel (if a tunnel is marked on the map).

Show zoom buttons — toggles zoom buttons on or off on the map


Collapse zoom buttons — turn on to collapse the , , 2D/3D

buttons into the one function button on the map screen. When you
touch this button, it will unfold.
Show compass — turns the compass button on or off on the map

Online services
In the Online services menu, you can configure the parameters of the online services of the Navitel Navigator
program. Online services are available only for devices with Internet access.
To access this setting menu select > Settings > Online services.

Navitel.Jams — turn on or off the display of traffic jams on the map,

as well as take into account the traffic density when planning a route.
The optimal route will be laid taking into account the data on traffic
jams that the program receives from the Internet.

Show road events – display on the map road events marked by other
Update speedcam – enable or disable regular updates of the control
tools database.

User Guide - Navitel Navigator

Regional Settings
In this menu you can change the language settings, as well as adjust the units of measurement used in the
To access this setting menu select > Settings > Regional settings.

Interface language — select the program interface language.

Map language — select the language used to display the street
names and other objects on the map.
Voice notification language — select a voice package that will be
used for voice notifications. Some languages may have multiple voice
To download any voice pack, select it from the drop-down list.

Distance, velocity — selection of units of measurement (metric,

nautical, statute).
Height, depth — selection of units of measurement (meters, feet).
Address format — select the order of indicating the street name and
house number.
Coordinates — select the format for representing geographic

In this menu, you can change general program settings, such as background mode, GPS settings, volume and
other system settings.
To access this setting menu select > Settings > System.

Sound — turn on or off the sound.

Application volume — volume of sound notifications of Navitel
Sound stream — select an audio stream on the device, the sound
settings of which will be used when playing sound signals of the
program (music, system, alarm clock, reminders, call).
Sound mode — choose an action when playing voice prompts in
the program while playing other sound files on the device (Nothing,
Muffle, Pause).
Background notifications — select the notifications that will be played
when the Navitel Navigator application is running in the background
(Off, Important only, All).

Adjust time zone — automatically change the time zone to the current
one in the current location.

User Guide - Navitel Navigator

Route import
To import a route file:
1 Select > Route import.
2 Select the route file to import.

Despite that the route will contain all the same intermediate points, the traffic pattern may differ due to possible
differences in the map versions, as well as taking into account information about traffic jams.

My trips
Navitel Navigator allows you to save previous trips in the program.
To view the list of trips, select > My trips. A list of recent trips and favorite trips will open. In this menu, you
can delete, save or restart a trip on a previously completed route.

To access this menu, select > About.
In this menu you can see:
• License key
License key is a unique code that confirms the user’s right to use a software product and / or digital product, or to
receive updates to a digital product.
• Device serial number
• SW Version

Write to the technical support service of the NAVITEL company, using your mail client.
To do this, select > Feedback.

This menu opens the Navitel.News service, where you can get an information about software updates or other
useful information. To go to the News menu, select > News.

To exit Navitel Navigator select > Exit.

User Guide - Navitel Navigator Service
You can book hotels that support the service directly from the Navitel Navigator app.

To do this, in the Search menu, find the hotel you are interested in
or click on the hotel icon marked with number 22 on the map (see
the Program interface section above).

Then click on the name of the hotel you are interested in. A short
description of the hotel will appear in the properties window that
opens and the “Book through Booking” function will become

© 2020 NAVITEL s.r.o. All rights reserved.
The contents of this User Guide, as well as any attached demo materials, are the sole
proprietary of the NAVITEL s.r.o. Any commercial use of this User Guide may be carried
out only with written permission from NAVITEL s.r.o. The information contained in this
document shall not be changed without prior notice given to NAVITEL s.r.o.

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