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Integrated Planning Design & Build – Codex

Tim Moermans
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Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................... 4

Master Information .................................................................................... 5

22-02-2018 .......................................................................................................................... 5
New Attributes .............................................................................................................. 5
23-04-2018h ........................................................................................................................ 6
25-06-2018 .......................................................................................................................... 6
Change Currency from EUR to SEK ............................................................................... 6
10-12-2018 .......................................................................................................................... 6
Master of Export: Supply Replenishment Orders ............................................................. 6
Export Horizon ............................................................................................................. 8
21-01-2019 .......................................................................................................................... 8
Master of Export: Safety Stock ....................................................................................... 8
08-11-2019 .......................................................................................................................... 9
Location Calendar ......................................................................................................... 9
Master of Export: Safety Stock ..................................................................................... 11
Master of Export: Forecast ........................................................................................... 13

Demand .................................................................................................... 15
22-02-2018 ........................................................................................................................ 15
From Stock/Term Demand ........................................................................................... 15
Dummy Demand for Backlog Orders ............................................................................ 18
Exceptional Demand ................................................................................................... 19
Item Replacement ....................................................................................................... 20
07-05-2018 ........................................................................................................................ 21
Dummy Demand for Backlog Orders ............................................................................ 21
Change from Requested Ship Date to Requested Release To Warehouse Date (Requested
Book Date) ................................................................................................................. 22
Aggregation of External Customer Orders on Line number and Requested Date .............. 22
02-06-2018 ........................................................................................................................ 24
New Seasonality Groups .............................................................................................. 24

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10-12-2018 ........................................................................................................................ 25
Sales Area .................................................................................................................. 25
21-01-2019 ........................................................................................................................ 25
From Stock/Term Demand ........................................................................................... 25
08-11-2018 ........................................................................................................................ 26
Dummy Demand for Backlog Orders ............................................................................ 26
Sales Area for Internal Consumption ............................................................................ 27
28-06-2021 ........................................................................................................................ 28
Factory Capacity Planning Constraint ........................................................................... 28
Sales Area for Internal Consumption & Internal Support Production ............................... 29

Fulfilment ................................................................................................. 31
22-02-2018 ........................................................................................................................ 31
Kit consumption.......................................................................................................... 31
10-12-2018 ........................................................................................................................ 34
Kit consumption.......................................................................................................... 34
Repacking .................................................................................................................. 34
Minimum Lead Time for Replenishment ....................................................................... 35
Safety Stock................................................................................................................ 38

Replenishment .......................................................................................... 39
01-01-2018 ........................................................................................................................ 39
Replenishment for Outstanding Orders ......................................................................... 39
22-02-2018 ........................................................................................................................ 39
New Tunnel Setup ....................................................................................................... 39
Firm non-default Supplier and non-default Transport Mode Code Replenishment Orders . 40
Logic for Minimum Supply Lot and Incremental Supply Lot .......................................... 41
New Custom Fields ..................................................................................................... 43
23-04-2018 ........................................................................................................................ 46
Replenishment Plans to cover for Outstanding Orders Outside the Export Window .......... 46
Adapt Current Stock for Downstream Replenishment Orders in firm status ..................... 49
07-05-2018 ........................................................................................................................ 51
Aggregation of External Customer Orders on Line Number and Requested Date.............. 51

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Induced Lead Time...................................................................................................... 53
28-05-2018 ........................................................................................................................ 53
Change to Projected Inventory – Current Plan ............................................................... 53
28-06-2018 ........................................................................................................................ 54
Add suffix SHIPPED to Outstanding Orders with Status Shipped ................................... 54
03-09-2018 ........................................................................................................................ 54
Consider Shipping Interval in the Minimum Supply Interval .......................................... 54
07-09-2018 ........................................................................................................................ 55
Translate Minimum Supply Interval from Working Days to Calendars Days.................... 55
10-12-2018 ........................................................................................................................ 55
Kit consumption.......................................................................................................... 55
Repacking .................................................................................................................. 56
Minimum Lead Time for Replenishment ....................................................................... 58
21-01-2019 ........................................................................................................................ 59
Replenishment Lead Time for Enhanced Replenishment Warehouses ............................. 59
Factory Supply Chain Parameters for Traded Items........................................................ 59
03-05-2019 ........................................................................................................................ 60
Adapt Current Stock for Internal Reprocessing Orders ................................................... 60
Minimum Lead Time for Factory Stock Items ............................................................... 62
06-05-2019 ........................................................................................................................ 63
Lot Sizing ................................................................................................................... 63
13-03-2020 ........................................................................................................................ 65
Replenishment for Outstanding Large Orders ................................................................ 65
28-06-2021 ........................................................................................................................ 65
Factory Capacity Planning Constraint ........................................................................... 65
Planner Code .............................................................................................................. 67
On Order Reason Codes: Extension .............................................................................. 68

Bug Fixes .................................................................................................. 70

Induced Lead Time............................................................................................................. 70

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The overall goal of Integrated Planning is to optimize and integrate our Distribution Chain as
good and as far as possible. Therefore, we are continuously working on developing our Demand
Chain Processes, Data Landscape and Tools.

This document focusses more on the latter and will serve as a guide for said tools. It will give a
description of all the developments made, which have an impact on the Distribution Planning.
Although the focus lies on the tools, references to both the data and processes will be made when
they are impacted by the developments.

All developments will be organized according to the topic – Master Information, Demand,
Fulfilment, Replenishment and Bug Fixes, date of the development and subtopic.

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Master Information

New Attributes
In the Regional Warehouse Forecasting process, forecast updates are being done on a certain
aggregated level, depending on how the market input is being received. Therefore, below
attributes were added to the demand, fulfilment and replenishment module.

Views in SO99+

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In SO99+, only Item Location records (dispatch unit/warehouse/item/pack combination) whichc
had sales in the last three years and for which the item/pack combination is planned somewhere
in the network, are imported.

Both the sales and stock on hand for location CHN0497-SHG are aggregated towards CHN0698-
SHS, because we only want to plan the latter. This causes there to be no sales for CHN0497-SHG
records. As a result, the Item Location records are not imported.

However, for some item/pack combinations in CHN0497-SHG, there are a lot of outstanding
orders and since the Item Location records are not imported, this demand is not being propagated
towards CHN0698-SHG either. Therefore, as off now, all Item Location records for CHN0497-
SHG will be imported.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Change Currency from EUR to SEK
In SO99+, the currency was changed from EUR to SEK.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Master of Export: Supply Replenishment Orders
In SO99+, the flags for exporting Forecast, Safety Stock and Supply Replenishment Orders will
be separated and fed automatically for those for which we have a flag in the legacy systems. For
the others, the values will be maintained centrally. Therefore, it will not be possible anymore to
update these flags in SO99+. This way, the process will be less prone to mismatches. Below you
can find an overview of the flags per system.

Area System Master Menu, field

Forecast DOH DOH 7-1-3, Forecast Control Flag
Forecast MPSS Central

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Forecast OMPS Central
Forecast SAP N/A
Safety Stock DOH Central
Safety Stock MPSS Central
Safety Stock OMPS Central
Safety Stock SAP Central
Supply Replenishment Orders DOH DOH 7-9, Controlling System
Supply Replenishment Orders MPSS N/A
Supply Replenishment Orders OMPS N/A
Supply Replenishment Orders SAP N/A

The intention is to create flags for all areas in all legacy systems, so the latter are the master for
all and no central maintenance is needed anymore either.

When going live in Integrated Planning, the user needs to update the fields ‘Controlling System’
and ‘Forecast Control Flag’ in DOH to export Supply Replenishment Orders and Forecasts to
DOH. SO99+ will be updated accordingly. When Forecasts need to be exported to MPSS or
OMPS, please contact the Central IP Team. When Safety Stocks need to be exported to DOH,
MPSS or OMPS, please contact the Central FPSO Team.

Views in SO99+
Under Network & Market > Item/Location, you can find the tickboxes for Forecast, Safety Stock
and Supply Replenishment Orders. When ticked, exports will be done to the legacy system in

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Export Horizon
The time horizons for which SO99+ should export Supply Replenishment Orders to DOH will be
loaded to SO99+ automatically. Therefore, there is no need any longer to maintain these

The values for the export horizons are inherited from the DRP by Scenarios project and are set on
PDIV/Channel level. If DRP by Scenarios doesn’t provide any value for a certain PDIV/Channel
combination, a default of 92 calendar days will be set.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Views in SO99+
The Export Horizons can be consulted under Master Information > Product > Channel.

Master of Export: Safety Stock
When an SKU is live in either FPSO or IP, a message will be send to SO99+ that will tick the
‘Export SS’ box in SO99+. Whenever a Safety Stock Export is triggered, a Safety Stock for all
the SKUs where the box is ticked, will be exported.

This is an intermediate solution, awaiting the permanent solution where the message to SO99+
will be a reflection of the value of the flags in our Legacy Systems, DOH, MPSS and OMPS.

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Views in SO99+

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Location Calendar
The Location Calendar in SO99+ will be populated with the non-Working Calendar in DOH and
ICSS. Therefore, every change in legacy will be updated automatically in SO99+ and manual
updates in SO99+ will not be possible anymore.

Example: 25/12/2019 in BEL0201-MWH

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This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Views in SO99+
The Location Calendar can be consulted under Master Information > Calendars > Location

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Master of Export: Safety Stock
OMPS and MPSS will be the master for exporting Safety Stocks from SO99+ to our legacy
systems. Once the respective flags on SKU level are updated to ‘Y’ in legacy, the ‘Export SS’
box in SO99+ will be ticked and a Safety Stock export will be done during the next scheduled

For MPSS and OMPS, the fields that will act as the trigger can be found in below menus:
2. OMPS: ‘Ext Safety Stk Flag’ in menu 2-8-2, followed by 12-12-2



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Views in SO99+
The ‘Export SS’ flag can be consulted under Master Information > Network & Market >

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This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Master of Export: Forecast

OMPS and MPSS will be the master for exporting Forecasts from SO99+ to our legacy systems.
Once the respective flags on Channel level are updated to ‘Y’ in legacy, the ‘Export FC’ box in
SO99+ will be ticked for all PCC A, C, P and N items in that Channel and a Forecast export will
be done during the next scheduled export.

For MPSS and OMPS, the fields that will act as the trigger can be found in below menus:
1. MPSS: ‘EXT OPER’ in PP04 (both ‘EXT FCST’ and ‘EXT OPER’ need to be set to
2. OMPS: ‘External Forecast Flag’ in 1-5-1, followed by 12-2



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Views in SO99+
The ‘Export FC’ flag can be consulted under Master Information > Network & Market >

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

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From Stock/Term Demand
Demand can be classified as from stock demand or as total demand. When the customer
requested date lies further ahead in the future than the period that is needed to replenish the SKU
in question, then the demand can be classified as term demand. When this requested date lies
within the replenishment lead time, the demand is classified as prompt demand.

The idea is that in calculating the safety stock, we should not consider the term demand as this
demand can easily be replenished for.

In SO99+, the logic is built as follows: Each location has a prompt location and a term location.
In the prompt location, the prompt demand is used in calculating the forecast, which in turn is
used as an input to define the safety stock. Replenishment plans are based on this forecast and on
all outstanding orders, prompt and term.

However, a long-term forecast is still needed as it serves as an input to the upstream replenishing
warehouses and the factory. This is handled in the term location. No replenishment plans are
created for this term location.

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The term used for defining an external order as prompt or term is not strictly defined yet.
Therefore, until further notice, we kindly ask not to increase the scope of the assortment, which is
planned from stock yet. Users will be informed in due time when this changes.

Activation of the feature

To activate this logic for a certain SKU, a flag, for which DOH is the master, needs to be set.
More specifically, this flag is to be maintained in the ESPM Screen. When the field is set to ‘S’,
the SKU will be planned from stock. Alternatively, when the flag is set to ‘T’, all external sales
will be considered in the forecasting process of the SKU in question.

Additionally, the from stock logic has to be activated on Dispatch Unit level. This has to be
requested to and done by Optilon. Currently, the from stock logic is only activated for Dispatch
Units BEL0201 and USA0720.

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Views in SO99+
Item 6204-Z/C3 has a prompt location BEL0201-MWH and a term location BEL0201-MWH_T.

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Dummy Demand for Backlog Orders
In the SO99+ Integrated Planning model, we are forecasting based upon the requested date of the
dispatch orders or external customer orders. Until now, only invoiced lines of complete months
were considered.

This had as a downside that backlog orders, i.e. orders with a requested date in the past but which
were not invoiced yet, were not considered in the forecasting, resulting in the forecast to be too

To solve this, dummy demand will be created on the actual location for these backlog orders,
artificially increasing the sales history. In this way, also the backlog orders with a requested date
in the past will be considered in the forecasting.

Important: The user should remember that it is not possible to alter dummy demand for backlog.
Dummy demand that is entered by the user will always be added to the possible existing backlog
dummy demand.

Views in SO99+

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Exceptional Demand
As off now, forecasting is being done on default location. In defining this default location for a
certain customer order, the supply network is considered. As the latter can change, so can the
sales history for all locations.

However, at any point in time, the user could have altered the sales history, which was based on
the supply network of that point in time. When the sales history changed, the alteration made by
the user may no longer be valid.

Therefore, a standard report was created to inform the user where the total demand has changed
since the alteration was made. If multiple changes were made, only the last change is shown.

The report can be found under Open report > Browse server > Shared > Exceptional Demand
with changes in demand. In the report, below information can be found:
o TOTAL DEMAND BEFORE: Total demand when the change was made

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o TOTAL DEMAND TODAY: Total demand today
o EXCEP. DEMAND: Demand added or removed
o CHANGE IN DEMAND [%]: % of change in total demand

Item Replacement
In this release, the replacement logic was added to SO99+. As off now, SO99+ will consider the
sales history of the replaced item when forecasting the replacing item. For the replaced item, a
forecast will nog longer be generated.

Currently, the stock on hand on the replaced item is not being considered, nor is the logic
different for the different substitution logics within SKF. Development is ongoing and the user
will be informed in due time.

Views in SO99+
Item 20211 TN9 has been replaced by item SRV.20211 TN9. Item 20211 TN9 has no forecast
anymore. The forecast for item SRV.20211 TN9 is based on the sales history of both item 20211
TN9, through copied inherited demand, and item SRV.20211 TN9.

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Dummy Demand for Backlog Orders
In a previous release, dummy demand was added for outstanding orders with a requested date in
the past, so it would be considered in the forecasting. This dummy demand was mapped to the
actual location, which was causing some undesired behaviour in the forecast calculation.

An improvement was made so that this demand is mapped against the default location but the
lines are (still) considered for replenishment in the actual location.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

The report IP_External_Demand_History will be updated so the dummy demand is included.

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Change from Requested Ship Date to Requested Release To Warehouse Date
(Requested Book Date)
Since the requested release to warehouse date/requested book date are the dates when the goods
actually need to be available in the warehouse to deliver to the external customers, we will as off
now forecast and plan according to the requested release to warehouse date/requested book date.
Furthermore, this change is necessary for the from stock logic to work optimally.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Aggregation of External Customer Orders on Line number and Requested Date

In SO99+, both the total demand and number of lines are considered in the forecasting process.

When availability is bad it happens often that external customer order lines are being split. We
will have then possibly multiple split lines with the same requested date. The total quantity will
stay the same, but the number of lines will increase. This has a possible negative effect on the
forecast calculation. We want to capture what the real customer demand was and not what it had
become because of bad availability.

To overcome this, external customer order lines will be aggregated in the sales history towards
the line number and requested date. This will give a better picture of the real demand and will be
to the benefit of the forecast calculation (sales history).

Item 3626 M-12 in RUS0589-MOS.

Sales History
Requested Year Requested Month Requested Day OrderID Qty
2016 2 29 16R0001309-2-A 3
2016 2 29 16R0001309-2-B 2
2016 3 21 16R0001946-7-A 2
2016 3 21 16R0001946-7-B 3
2016 3 31 16X0157466-2-A 3
2016 4 4 16R0002428-1-A 1
2016 4 4 16R0002428-1-B 2
2016 4 12 16X0175865-1-A 5
2016 7 6 16R0005208-24-A 1
2017 2 28 17X0104483-2-A 10

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Aggregated Sales History
Requested Year Requested Month Requested Day OrderID Qty
2016 2 29 16R0001309-2-B 5
2016 3 21 16R0001946-7-B 5
2016 3 31 16X0157466-2-A 3
2016 4 4 16R0002428-1-B 3
2016 4 12 16X0175865-1-A 5
2016 7 6 16R0005208-24-A 1
2017 2 28 17X0104483-2-A 10

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This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

The report IP_External_Demand_History has been updated accordingly.

New Seasonality Groups
Seasonality groups are as of now based on Product Line for Items and Region/Market for Areas.
A seasonality group combination defines on what level seasonality is being calculated.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

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Sales Area
For the SC4.0 Motion Industries Project, a new sub region was added to the Integrated Planning
SO99+ model, being ‘MID’. It contains demand going out USA0720-CVL to a set of Motion
Industries Customers for a set of predefined items. Therefore, the sole new Sales Area (should
be*) is MID-USA0720-CVL.

Demand Alerts are run on Sales Area level. With this change, there will be an extra Sales Area,
MID-USA0720-CVL, containing demand which used to be part of NAM-USA0720-CVL. The
demand is thus split over more Sales Area, for which Demand Alerts need to be checked.

Views in SO99+
New Sales Area MID-USA0720-CVL.

*We also have MID-USA0720-SEN and MID-USA0720-SPK due to network issues. These should disappear over time.

From Stock/Term Demand
It was decided that the From Stock feature in SO99+ will not be used for SKUs live in Integrated
Planning. Therefore, once the Item Control Flag in DOH is set to ‘E’, and the SKU is thus live in
Integrated Planning, the value for FS Demand in the data we send to SO99+ will be forced to ‘T’,
even though the value in DOH might still be ‘S’.

Please note that it’s still necessary to change the FS Demand Flag in DOH to ‘T’ as well.

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This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Dummy Demand for Backlog Orders
Until now, backlog demand, i.e. outstanding orders with a Requested RTW Date before today,
was loaded as dummy demand, which is visualized in SO99+ through the transparent part of the
bars in Forecast & Demand Management. The downside was that the user could not enter any
dummy demand himself anymore, as it would be overwritten the night after. Additionally,
updating exceptional demand was not possible anymore either.

Therefore, we will now load the backlog demand as normal demand, opening the functionality of
dummy demand and exceptional demand for the user again.

In order not to lose the transparency of what is real historical sales and what is backlog demand,
the yellow curve, i.e. outstanding orders, has been extended to the past.

Please be aware that the backlog demand (part of full green bars) is mapped to the default
location, while the outstanding orders (yellow curve) are mapped against the actual location.
Therefore, when the actual is different from the default, it could be possible that we have backlog
demand which is reflected in the normal demand, while it is not in the outstanding orders and
vice versa. The option of adding a curve which visualizes the outstanding orders against the
default is being discussed.



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This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Views in SO99+
Backlog demand is now part of the normal demand, while the outstanding orders are extended to
the past.

Sales Area for Internal Consumption

A new sub region or Area has been added which will contain the Internal Consumption Demand,
or in other words the Finished Goods Demand which was used as an input into the Production
Process of the same or another Factory, and the Support Production Demand.

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The Area is called ‘ICS’ and stands for Internal Consumption. Furthermore, it will be created
automatically for every Location which had Internal Consumption Demand in the past or
currently as Outstanding Orders.

Upon go-live the Internal Consumption Demand will be checked and added. As off then, the
Demand Planner should also run alerts for Macro Areas containing ‘ICS’ and update the Forecast
when needed, i.e. when new information about Internal Consumption or Support Production is at

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Views in SO99+
An example of a new Sales Area containing Area ‘ICS’: ICS-ITA0297-I10

Factory Capacity Planning Constraint
To reduce the number of external customer order re-bookings and date and/or quantity change
requests to supply replenishment orders into the Factory, one has now the possibility to define on
PDIV/Channel level if replenishment for outstanding orders is to be done on the external
customer order requested or accepted date.

Possible values for Outstanding Orders Planning Date Type are ‘A’ and ‘R’ which respectively
mean planning to accepted and requested date.

The complete feature is to be activated on PDIV (value ‘*’ for Channel) or PDIV/Channel level.

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PDIV Channel Level1 Constraining Horizon Level1 Constraining BAR included Outstanding Orders Planning Date Type
869W 2603 30 N R
869W 2604 40 N R
551C 2424 0 N A

Views in SO99+
In the Demand module, those external customer orders for which the field Outstanding Orders
Planning Date Type is set to ‘A’ will be mapped against the month of the accepted date.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes. SOP sP2.4.05
Monitor replenishment and improvement features depicts the functionality and the steps to be
taken to activate this feature.

Sales Area for Internal Consumption & Internal Support Production

Internal Consumption and Internal Support Production are to be treated differently. Internal
consumption is defined as the movement of one unit’s (factory or distribution centre) finished
goods into a factory where it is used in the production process whereas support production is
defined as the movement of finished goods from one factory stock to another factory stock which
produces the same finished goods (direct internal support production) or directly to a distribution
centre which is normally procured by the other factory producing the same finished goods
(indirect internal support production). The former is typically permanent in nature while the latter
is typically temporary.

Internal consumption flows are recognized through a logic and if such flows are existing, they
will automatically be mapped against the sales area with prefix ‘XIC’ for the location in question.
Known exceptions to internal consumption are to be brought forward and added to the exception
list upon go live and whenever such new exceptions are created. These exceptions are maintained
on location/sales unit level.

SourceSystem DispatchUnit WarehouseIdent SalesUnit Comment

IC DEU0188 I01 DEU9F01 Repacking
IC DEU0188 I01 DEU9F03 Repacking
IC DEU0188 I01 DEU9F06 Logistics_Workaround
IC DEU0188 I01 DEU9F13 Repacking
IC DEU0188 I01 DEU9F21 Logistics_Workaround
IC DEU0188 I01 DEU9F26 Logistics_Workaround
IC DEU0188 I01 DEU9F75 Logistics_Workaround
IC DEU0188 I01 FRA9F42 Logistics_Workaround
IC DEU0188 I01 SWE9F81 Logistics_Workaround
IC FRA0225 I02 FRA9F40 Return_To_Factory
IC ITA0297 I10 ITA9F14 Reprocessing
IC ITA0297 I10 ITA9F15 Return_To_Factory
IC ITA0297 I10 ITA9W13 Obsolesence
OD SWE0140 LKA CHN0698 Move_of_Factory_Warehouse

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For support production, each network entry point SKU with PCC A, C, P or N gets a support
production sales area which is recognized by the prefix ‘XSP’. Agreed support production
volumes can be maintained in those sales area.

A logic to identify internal support production is present, but since default parameters such as
PDIV, internal supplier etc. can change, it’s not flawless. Nevertheless, after evaluation, one can
choose to activate the automatic mapping of the flows against the corresponding support
production sales area. This can be done on Location/Customer level.

SourceSystem DispatchUnit WarehouseIdent Customer

OD FRA0260 FRI SGP0533

Views in SO99+
Internal Consumption Sales Area.

Support Production Sales Area.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes. SOP sP2.4.06
Internal Consumption and Support Production depicts the functionality and steps to be taken to
activate this feature.

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Kit consumption
In some units, kitting on finished goods is being performed. Since forecasting is being done on
external demand, only the demand on the kit designations is being captured.

To translate the demand on the kit designations to demand on the components, the kitting logic
was set up in SO99+.

The forecast netting process will now include both the independent demand (external demand) as
the dependant demand (kit consumption and expected outflow to downstream warehouses).

For now, the kitting process is only setup for locations TWN0503-MWH and JPN0515-MWH
and for those kit designations which consume components from either SPDIVs 530D or 869W.

It will be clearly communicated when the scope increases.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Views in SO99+
The Bill of Materials Map of the kit item can be found under Master Information < Network &
Market < Bill of Materials Map.

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It shows:
1. The code of the kit item which was inquired
2. The code of the components where the kit item consists out of
3. The quantity of each component that is used in the kit item

The kit consumption of each individual component can be found under Fulfilment > Parameters
by Item/Warehouse.

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When highlighting kit consumption and expanding the view, using the arrow, we can find all kits
that consume the component in question, along with the number of components used for each
respective kit and the expected kit consumption in both quantity and lines for the time slot chosen
by the user.

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Kit consumption
To deal with kit consumption in a standardized way throughout the organization, the data model
was changed.

For now, the kitting process is only setup for locations TWN0503-MWH and JPN0515-MWH
and for those kit designations which consume components from either SPDIVs 530D or 869W.

Further units and SPDIVs will be added in line with the deployment of Integrated Planning.

Views in SO99+
The PDIV and Supplier for a kit item are defined as ‘K’ + Country Code. As a result, the item
code is ‘K’ + Country Code + Serial Number + Package Code. That way, the correct Warehouse
can immediately be found. Since kitting is done locally, the Warehouse Level is one.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes. For the Local
Planning Teams, a Qc was created that explains how the Master Data for kitting needs to be

In some units, repacking from a CPM PC (Central Product Master Package Code) to a non-CPM
PC is being done as a standard process. Since forecasting is being done on external demand, only
the demand on the non-CPM PC SKU is being captured.

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To translate the demand on a non-CPM SKU to demand on the CPM SKU, the kitting logic is
used in SO99+.

The forecast netting process will now include both the independent demand (demand on non-
CPM PC SKU) as the dependant demand (demand on CPM PC SKU and expected outflow to
downstream warehouses).

For now, the kitting process is only used for the repacking in location MEX0747-PUE and for
SKUs from SPDIVs 530D, 869W, 568D, 568E, 759I and 759M.

It will be clearly communicated when the scope increases.

Views in SO99+
The PDIV and Supplier for a repacking item are defined as ‘R’ + Country Code. As a result, the
item code is ‘R’ + Country Code + Serial Number + Package Code. That way, the correct
Warehouse can immediately be found. Since repacking is done locally, the Warehouse Level is

Since the same SO99+ logic and functionality is used for repacking as for kitting, the views in
SO99+ are identical as well.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Minimum Lead Time for Replenishment

As off now, the operational Transport Lead Times and Warehouse Lead Times from DOH and
ICSS will be loaded to SO99+ automatically. The benefits are that Lead Times only need to be

Page 35 of 70
maintained in one location, i.e. DOH and ICSS and the Minimum Lead-Times are in line with the
Operational Lead Times.

In the source systems, the operational Transport and Warehouse Lead Times are depicted in
working days. Since SO99+ works with calendar days, a conversion will take place before the
data is loaded into SO99+.

Views in SO99+
In the Fulfilment module, the Minimum Lead-Time can be found under Supply Parameters when
selecting an Item and Warehouse.

The Minimum Lead-Time will be the sum of the Outbound Warehouse Lead Time and
Transportation Lead Time out of ICSS and DOH, converted to calendar days. In the example we
have (33 + 3) * 1,4 ≈ 50

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This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

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Safety Stock
In SO99+, safety stocks are optimized within each Service Class and Location combination. For
the former, the definition has changed from PDIV + Product Line to only Product Line. This
means that the item groups within each location where the safety stocks are optimized will be
bigger, leaving more optimization freedom to SO99+.

The scope is set by the Central FPSO (Finished Product Stock Optimization) Team. When a
certain factory is deployed in Integrated Planning, which is currently not part of FPSO, it will be
made part of it upon go-live.

Views in SO99+
The Service Class is now defined as ‘Planned’ + Product Line.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Page 38 of 70

Replenishment for Outstanding Orders
According to SKF policy, open Dispatch Orders with Hold Code Status ‘1’ and Credit Hold Code
‘S’ and ‘H’ are not to be replenished for. Therefore, these lines are not send to SO99+.
Consequently, these lines will not be replenished for either by SO99+.

New Tunnel Setup
The tunnel definition has changed from Channel to PDIV. Accesses are granted PDIV level.

Within each tunnel or PDIV, there are different planning groups or Channels. The user can here
select the Channel for which he or she is the dedicated planner.

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Firm non-default Supplier and non-default Transport Mode Code
Replenishment Orders
SO99+ sends replenishment proposals to DOH. According to these, the existing supply orders,
which don’t have a firm status, are subjected to change. The replenishment proposals are created
based on the default lead time, which is defined by the default supplier and default TMC.

Sometimes, there is a need to place SROs against a supplier different from the default or
alternatively, place an SRO with a TMC different from the default. As the user, most probably
does not want these SROs to be changed, we need to tell SO99+ that these SROs need to remain

As off now, SROs which have a supplier different from the default and/or a TMC different from
the default, will be treated as firm orders and SO99+ will send back the supply order ID, date and
quantity as it was entered in DOH by the user.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

The user will also be able to track those SROs which are considered as firm in SO99+, which are:
1. Firm DOH status: RPI, SHI
2. Supply order line supplier different from the default supplier
3. Supply order line TMC different from the default TMC

For this purpose, a predefined report was designed, which can be found under Open report >
Browser server > Shared > On Order Reason. The column ReasonFirm defines what the reason is
for the SRO to be considered as firm. There are four possible values, which can be filtered on by
the user:
1. SKF status: The SRO status in DOH is RPI or SHI

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2. Supplier: The order line supplier is different from the default supplier for the SKU in
3. TMC: The order line TMC is different from the default TMC for the SKU in question
4. SupplierAndTMC: Both the order line supplier and TMC are different from their
respective defaults

Logic for Minimum Supply Lot and Incremental Supply Lot

Next to the user-defined Pack and MinQty (both in ESPM), there also exists an item/PC specific
Pack. The latter is now included in the logic for defining the Minimum Supply Lot and
Incremental Supply Lot.


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User-defined Min Qty and Pack

Item/PC specific Pack

Old model New model

Page 42 of 70
Minimum Supply Lot 1 527
Incremental Supply Lot 1 527

New Custom Fields

Below custom fields were added in SO99+:
• Forecast Control Flag
➢ Flag in DOH that tells if an SKU is set up to receive an external forecast or not
• Planner Code
➢ Identifies the responsible local planner for the SKU in question
• DRP Flag
➢ Flag that states how the SKU in question is planned in DOH
• Stock Owner
➢ Identifies the stock owner for the SKU in question

Externally Controlled Flag versus Forecast Control Flag

When we refer to the Externally Controlled Flag, we are talking about the export of
replenishment plans. This parameter is set in menu 7-9. Furthermore, a corresponding value can
be found in the ESPM screen, which is updated when the flag in menu 7-9 changes.

Menu 7-9, Externally Menu 7-1-3, ESPM

Controlled SRO Screen
Externally Controlled E Y
DOH Controlled D, blank N

Menu 7-9:

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ESPM screen:

When we refer to the Forecast Control Flag, we are talking about the export of external
forecasts. This flag has to be set in the ESPM screen. When the value is blank or ‘I’, DOH will
ignore externally received forecasts. If the flag is set to ‘E’, the DOH forecasts will be updated
with the ones externally received.

In the ESPM screen, Aver. Is the current month’s forecast. Option F19 will bring you to the
forecasts off the next 12 months.

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Views in SO99+
Custom data can be found in the tunnel view under Custom Fields.

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Replenishment Plans to cover for Outstanding Orders Outside the Export
Additional replenishment plans are created to cover for outstanding orders outside the set export
window. In order not to create too big replenishment orders, these replenishment plans are
created on a back-to-back basis but considering the incremental supply lot, for which DOH is the
master. In creating an additional replenishment plan, the excess stock created by the previous
replenishment plan will be considered. This way, there will never be an excess stock which is
bigger than the used incremental supply lot.

Item 3204 A-2RS1TN9/MT33-12 in TUR0415-MWH, with an incremental supply lot of 10

Date Outstanding Order (Qty) Replenishment Proposal (Qty) Excess Stock (Qty)
13/09/2018 13 20 7
20/09/2018 5 0 2
26/09/2018 4 10 8
11/10/2018 2 0 6
14/10/2018 8 10 8
21/10/2018 5 0 3
24/10/2018 5 10 8

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13/11/2018 2 0 6
14/11/2018 9 10 7
21/11/2018 10 10 7
22/11/2018 2 0 5
26/11/2018 2 0 3
13/12/2018 10 10 3
20/12/2018 10 10 3
24/12/2018 4 10 9
25/12/2018 3 0 6
26/12/2018 2 0 4
7/01/2019 2 0 2

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This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

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Adapt Current Stock for Downstream Replenishment Orders in firm status
Downstream replenishment orders in a firm status are not imported in SO99+ as outstanding
orders. Therefore, they should not be included in the stock on hand which is send to SO99+ and
populates the field Current Stock. This adaptation has been made.

Item 6011-2RS1-12 in BEL0201-MWH

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Page 50 of 70
This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Aggregation of External Customer Orders on Line Number and Requested Date
In SO99+, both the total demand and number of lines are considered in the forecast consumption.

When availability is bad it happens often that external customer order lines are being split. We
will have then possibly multiple split lines with the same requested date. The total quantity will
stay the same, but the number of lines will increase. This has a negative effect on the forecast
consumption. We want to capture what the real customer demand is and not what it has become
because of bad availability.

To overcome this, external customer order lines will be aggregated in the outstanding orders
towards the line number and requested date. This will give a better picture of the real demand and
will be to the benefit of the replenishment (forecast consumption). When lines are aggregated, the
maximum split letter will be shown.

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Item 6412-12 in RUS0589-MOS

Outstanding Orders

Requested Year Requested Month Requested Day OrderID Qty

2018 4 2 18R0003554-2-B 7
2018 4 2 18R0003554-2-C 4
2018 4 5 18R0003812-86-A 7
2018 6 12 18R0003302-16-B 6
2018 6 12 18R0003302-16-C 6
2018 6 12 18R0003302-16-D 5
2018 6 12 18R0003302-16-A 13

Aggregated Outstanding Orders

Requested Year Requested Month Requested Day OrderID Qty

2018 4 5 18R0003812-86-A 7
2018 4 2 18R0003554-2-C 11
2018 6 12 18R0003302-16-D 30

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This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Induced Lead Time

For a given node in the network, the induced lead time is that part of the total expected lead time
that considers the service level in the upstream warehouse(s). The lower the service level in the
upstream warehouse(s), the bigger the induced lead time will be and the more the proposed due
date will be pulled-in in the replenishment proposals.

Since in SKF, we are planning with a scheduled term supply order book, we don’t need to
consider the service level in the upstream warehouse(s). Therefore, this feature will be eliminated
in the replenishment module.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Change to Projected Inventory – Current Plan
In the tunnel, the Proj. Inventory (Curr. Plan) curve shows us how the replenishment plan is
acknowledged. This curve will be updated several times per day, while the forecasts, safety
stocks and tunnels are calculated based on the data received during the night. Therefore, there can
be a slight difference between what was On Order during the nightly calculation and what is On
Order when the Proj. Inventory (Curr. Plan) gets updated.

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In order to account for this, some logic will be applied:
1. If a supply replenishment order has changed from Proposal to On Order, it will be
imported in the current plan.
2. If the quantity of an On Order increases, the balance will be imported in the current plan.
3. If the quantity of an On Order decreases, nothing will happen. This however, happens
very rarely.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Add suffix SHIPPED to Outstanding Orders with Status Shipped
For Forecast Consumption purposes, invoiced and shipped lines within a certain horizon from the
current date must be loaded as Outstanding Orders. As the status is not shown in SO99+, it is not
directly visible for the user which lines are still open and which are invoiced or shipped.
Therefore, the suffix SHIPPED has been added to all Outstanding Orders with statuses INV and

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Consider Shipping Interval in the Minimum Supply Interval
The Order Time Factor is based on the Economic Order Quantity and does not consider the
Shipping Frequency, which can cause supply situations where the actual Supply Replenishment
Order Quantity is not sufficient to cover for the total demand occurring between two shipments.

Therefore, the logic for the Minimum Supply Interval was altered so that the size of the Supply
Replenishment Orders will at least cover for the demand occurring between two shipments.

Awaiting an automatized solution, the Shipping Frequency is maintained manually and centrally.
If there are questions or concerns, please contact the Central IP Team.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

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Translate Minimum Supply Interval from Working Days to Calendars Days
DOH works with Working Days, whereas SO99+ works with Calendar Days. Therefore, we have
implemented a logic that translates the source data for the Minimum Supply Interval from
Working Days to Calendar Days.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Kit consumption
To deal with kit consumption in a standardized way throughout the organization, the data model
was changed.

For now, the kitting process is only setup for locations TWN0503-MWH and JPN0515-MWH
and for those kit designations which consume components from either SPDIVs 530D or 869W.

Further units and SPDIVs will be added in line with the deployment of Integrated Planning.

Views in SO99+
Tunnels for kit items can be found under tunnel 81-KIT. PDIV coders starting with ‘K’ are kit

Page 55 of 70
This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes. For the Local
Planning Teams, a Qc was created that explains how the Master Data for kitting needs to be

In some units, repacking from a CPM PC (Central Product Master Package Code) to a non-CPM
PC is being done as a standard process. Since forecasting is being done on external demand, only
the demand on the non-CPM PC SKU is being captured.

To translate the demand on a non-CPM SKU to demand on the CPM SKU, the kitting logic is
used in SO99+.

The forecast netting process will now include both the independent demand (demand on non-
CPM PC SKU) as the dependant demand (demand on CPM PC SKU and expected outflow to
downstream warehouses).

For now, the kitting process is only used for the repacking in location MEX0747-PUE and for
SKUs from SPDIVs 530D, 869W, 568D, 568E, 759I and 759M.

It will be clearly communicated when the scope increases.

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Views in SO99+
Tunnels for repacking items can be found under tunnel 81-KIT. PDIV codes starting with ‘R’ are
repacking items.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

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Minimum Lead Time for Replenishment
As of now, the operational Transport Lead Times and Warehouse Lead Times from DOH and
ICSS will be loaded to SO99+ automatically. The benefits are that Lead Times only need to be
maintained in one location, i.e. DOH and ICSS and the Minimum Lead-Times are in line with the
Operational Lead Times.

In the source systems, the operational Transport and Warehouse Lead Times are depicted in
working days. Since SO99+ works with calendar days, a conversion will take place before the
data is loaded into SO99+.

Views in SO99+
In the Replenishment module, the Minimum Lead-Time can be found under SKU-L Data >
Supply Parameters when selecting an Item and Warehouse.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Page 58 of 70
Replenishment Lead Time for Enhanced Replenishment Warehouses
In our Legacy Systems, the Transportation and Warehouse Lead Times towards the Enhanced
Replenishment Warehouses are not fetched from the standard Transportation and Warehouse
Lead Time tables. Instead, there is a different process.

As off now, when creating the data files to the external tool, this process will be mimicked, so the
values are in line with what is retrieved when an Enhanced Replenishment Order is received in
our legacy systems. To be more precise, the Minimum Lead Time will be set to 0.

Views in SO99+

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Factory Supply Chain Parameters for Traded Items

As off now, the Minimum Lead Time, the Minimum Supply Lot, the Incremental Supply Lot and
the Minimum Re-order Interval will be send to the External Tool for Traded items as well. An
example of this is Landskrona Seals, PDIV M474.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

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Adapt Current Stock for Internal Reprocessing Orders
Internal reprocessing orders are not imported in SO99+ as outstanding orders. Therefore, they
should not be included in the stock on hand which is send to SO99+ and populate the field
Current Stock. The summed quantities of the internal reprocessing orders in firm status will be
deducted from the stock on hand for the SKU in question.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Views in SO99+

Item ‘QJ 310 MA’ in USA0720-CVL

The physical stock on hand is 21 pieces.

The ongoing and firm Quantity in Reprocessing is 4 pieces.

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The Current Stock in SO99+ will be 21-4=17 pieces.

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Minimum Lead Time for Factory Stock Items
Produced Items
The general formula for the Minimum Lead Time for Factory Stock Items is:
(𝑀𝐿𝑇 + 𝑂𝐿𝑇 + 𝑇𝑅𝐴𝑁𝑆𝐼𝑇 𝐿𝑇) ∗ 1.4
• MLT: M-Lead Time
• OLT: Offset Lead Time
• TRANSIT LT: Stock in Transit Lead Time
• 1,4: Translation from working days to calendar days

However, the Minimum Lead Time is assumed to be completely firm when calculating the safety
stock. Since we are considering the M-Lead Time for every pack variant, this is not exactly true
because still some decisions need to be taken within that M-Lead Time, i.e. the D, E and pack
decision. To mitigate the impact on the safety stock, below exception has been added:

(𝑀𝐿𝑇) ∗ 1,4 > 365⁄𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦
Then the formula for the Minimum Lead Time will be:
𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 + [(𝑂𝐿𝑇 + 𝑇𝑅𝐴𝑁𝑆𝐼𝑇 𝐿𝑇) ∗ 1,4]
Traded Items
For traded items, only above mentioned general formula will be applicable. Since it is not
possible to identify traded PDIVs and or PDIV/Channel combinations, this needs to be
maintained centrally. Therefore, the Global Planner needs to inform the Process Owner upon go
live about the traded PDIVs and or PDIV/Channel combinations.

Page 62 of 70
This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Views in SO99+
In the Replenishment module, the Minimum Lead-Time can be found under SKU-L Data >
Supply Parameters when selecting an Item and Warehouse.

Lot Sizing
A logic has been created to automatically calculate the Minimum Re-order Interval, the
Incremental Supply Lot and the Minimum Supply Lot for the IP live assortment in the
Distribution Centres. For the Factory Stock SKUs, the logic stays as-is.

The Minimum Re-order Interval is populated with the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), topped
off to 180 days of demand. This limitation is on Location/LCC level and can be altered. The
input parameters for calculating the EOQ are maintained in and retrieved from DOH. Also, the
shipping frequency is still considered. When the EOQ expressed in days is less than shipping
interval, the shipping interval will be send as the Minimum Re-order Interval.

The Incremental Supply Lot is calculated by taking the largest Transport Pack Multiple,
Collecting Quantity or Pack Quantity of which the topped of EOQ is at least 75%. Please see
below a small matrix with some fictive examples. The Transport Pack Multiples highlighted in

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green are all valid candidates as the 𝐸𝑂𝑄 ≥ 0.75 ∗ 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑃𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑀𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑝𝑙𝑒. Out of those
candidates the largest Transport Pack Multiple is chosen.

All the Transport Pack Multiples are retrieved from Central Product Master (CPM). This means
that it is assumed that all these Transport Pack Multiples are in fact also used in Logistics.
Exceptions can exist for M01 and M02. If the latter are indeed not used in Logistics, it still
doesn’t pose an issue to order in multiples of these. Nevertheless, if we have a big concern with
regards to this, please contact the Process Owner.

Furthermore, Incremental Supply Lots are only used for planned SKUs, i.e. PCC A, C or P. For
non-planned SKUs, the Incremental Supply Lot is always 1.

The Minimum Supply Lot is defined by taking the maximum between one and the Incremental
Supply Lot.

This development impacts SOP sE3.3.01 Maintain Master Data. Please carefully read the updated

Views in SO99+

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Replenishment for Outstanding Large Orders
It is becoming a global process that External Large Orders are held by a Large Order Filter and
are to be reviewed manually by the Planner. He or she will take a decision on the booking of
these Large Orders.

The corresponding Replenishment for these Large Order then also needs to be in line with the
decision taken by the Planner. Therefore, Outstanding Large Orders will be send to SO99+ as per
below logic:

Large Order Flag Send to SO99+ Replenishment Date

Y No /
H Yes Requested RTW Date
R Yes MDT Date if available, if not, Requested RTW Date
C Yes MDT Date if available, if not, Requested RTW Date

Evidently, lines which are not send to SO99+ will not be replenished for.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

Factory Capacity Planning Constraint
To reduce the number of external customer order re-bookings and date and/or quantity change
requests to supply replenishment orders into the Factory, one has now the possibility to define on
PDIV/Channel level if replenishment for outstanding orders is to be done on the external
customer order requested or accepted date.

Possible values for Outstanding Orders Planning Date Type are ‘A’ and ‘R’ which respectively
mean planning to accepted and requested date.

In addition, with the intention of achieving the same goal, one can freeze existing supply
replenishment orders so no date and/or quantity change requests are made for them. When
activated, existing supply replenishment orders out of the level one warehouse which are not
booked as requested and with a requested date earlier than today + replenishment lead time +
level one constraining horizon will be firmed. The user can freely define the horizon and can also
choose to treat supply replenishment orders which are booked as requested the same way by
setting the flag for field Level1 Constraining BAR included to ‘Y’.

The complete feature is to be activated on PDIV (value ‘*’ for Channel) or PDIV/Channel level.

Page 65 of 70
PDIV Channel Level1 Constraining Horizon Level1 Constraining BAR included Outstanding Orders Planning Date Type
869W 2603 30 N R
869W 2604 40 N R
551C 2424 0 N A

Views in SO99+
In the Replenishment module, the external customer orders under tab Customer Outstanding
Orders will depict the accepted date under Date for those PDIV/Channel combinations where the
Outstanding Orders Planning Date Type is set to ‘A’. For all other orders, except for large
orders, it will remain the requested date.

Example: The requested date of below order is 21-06-21 but is accepted to date 21-07-05.
Therefore, it’ll be mapped against the latter in SO99+.

Page 66 of 70
Tab On-Order contains all firm supply replenishment orders, irrespective of the reason for it to
be firm.

Example: Below orders are not in a firm status but are set as an on order in SO99+ because of the
activated capacity constraint restriction for this PDIV/Channel combination.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes. SOP sP2.4.05
Monitor replenishment and improvement features depicts the functionality and the steps to be
taken to activate this feature.

Planner Code
The field Planner code is added to the SO99+ mapping.

Page 67 of 70
Views in SO99+
The new field will be available in the Item/Location reports and under tab Custom Fields in the
Replenishment module.

This development does not impact any of the existing Global Planning processes.

On Order Reason Codes: Extension

Several reasons can cause a replenishment order to be firmed. When firm, SO99+ will not
propose any changes to the replenishment order in question. Possible reasons are:
1. Status: The SKF supply order line status is RPI, SHI or REC
2. Supplier: When the actual supplier is different from the default supplier
3. TMC: When the actual TMC is different from the default TMC
4. Frozen_SRO: When the frozen flag on supply replenishment order line level is set to ‘Y’
5. DO_MDT: When a manual MDT date is set on the supply replenishment order
corresponding dispatch order (supplying system)
6. Imminent_RTW: When an SRO has an imminent requested release to warehouse date,
independend on when it is acknowledged, it will be considered firm.
7. Capacity_Constr: When for a certain PDIV/Channel combination the capacity constraint
feature is activated, and the supply replenishment order line’s requested date is within
the replenishment lead time + the level one constraining horizon

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Views in SO99+
Tab On Order in the Replenishment module will hold all firm supply replenishment orders,
unrelated what the reason is. In this view, there is no indicator with the reason(s). However, this
indicator can be found in the relevant report.

The on order reason codes as such don’t impact the existing processes. However, some of the on
order reasons are a result of some features that are to be activated. These and their related
processes, are explained in their proper sections and documentation.

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Bug Fixes

Induced Lead Time

The Lead Time assumes that there is availability at the source location at all times. However, the
Target Service Level at this source location may not be 100%, causing the Lead Time to be

The Induced Lead Time is the portion of the Minimum Lead Time, which accounts for this
imperfection and is propagated throughout the network.

This Induced Lead Time was not calculated correctly in SO99+, causing to low Safety Stocks in
the network. This bug has been corrected by Tools Group and has been implemented.

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