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NAME: JUNJIE C. JAMORA DATE: 06/14/22 Section: BSOA 2B

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given
him.” James 1:5

I. TRUE OR FALSE. (2 pts. each)

DIRECTION: Encircle T if the statement is True. F if the statement is False.

T F 1. The letter M- is represented by single keys on the shorthand machine.

T F 2. The letter I is represented by combining and striking together the letters A and E.
T F 3. -V is written by simultaneously hitting both the F- and the asterisk key.
T F 4. The L in words such as “walk” and “talk” is stroked because it is sounded.
T F 5. The letter G- is represented by double keys on the shorthand machine.

II. Write short or long vowel sound of a, e, i, o, u and write the machine shorthand outlines on the
space provided. (2 pts. each)
Ex. 1. heed long e = HAOED

6. scrap Short a = SKRAP

7. fed Shot e = TPED

8. set Short e = SET

9. net Short e = TPHET

10. snip Short i = STPHEUP

III. Write the following sentences into machine shorthand outlines. (2 pts. each)

11. Mom is in her 40’s. PHOM/S-/TPH-/HER/40/AOES/-FPLT

12. Many 13 year old girls are at the mall. PH-/13/KWRAOER/OELD/TKPWEURL/-S/R-


13. The 50 star flag started flying on July 4, 1960. T-/50/STAR/TPLAG/START/-D/TPHRKWR/-


14. Taxes are filed on April 15. TABGES/-S/R-/TPEUL/D/OPB/PRIL/15/-FPLT

15. Will you come home at 7:15 or 7:30? HR/UE/KOPL/HOM/AT/7/KL*N/15/OR/7/KL*N/30/STPH-

16. I saw them leave the house. EU/SAU/HRAO*EF/HRESR/T-/HOUS/-FPLT

17. The bride and groom (Pam and Tom). T-/ / / / STPH-FPLT//PAPL/APBD/TOPL/STPH-

18. I saw six signs: right, left, stop, start, up, and down._EU/SAU/SEUBGS/SAOEUPB/-S/-

19. Mom wanted the van. PHOM/ WAPBT/-D/-T/SRAN/-FPLT

20. You can leave now! UE/K-/HRAD*EF/HRESR/TPHOW/STKPWHR-


IV. Transcribe the following machine shorthand outlines into longhand. (2 pts. each)

21. TKPW*EUF/HER/SOPL/KARB/-FPLT Give her some cash.

22. T-/TPEURB/R-/TPH-T/POPBD/-FPLT The fish are in the pond.

23. R-T/TPEURB/TPH-T/POPBD/STPH- Are the dish in the pond?

24. TKEUD/PHEUFP/PWRURB/T-/TKOG/SPTH- Did mitch brush the dog?

25. T-/KAT/SKRAFP/-D/EUTS/EUFP/-FPLT The cat scratched its itch.

26. SEUT/TKOUPB Sit down

27. STAPBD/PROUD Stand proud

28. PWAD/PHAOD Bad mood


30. PWAOPL/TOUPB Boom Town

31. STKPWHR-FPLT Exclamation Point

32. STPH-FPLT Opening Parenthesis

33. STPH-FPLD Closing Parenthesis

34. P-F Paragraph

35. * Error correction

V. MATCHING TYPE: (2 pts. each)

DIRECTION: Match Column A to Column B. Write your answer on the blanks.


___F___36. snuff a. PH E R PBLG

___D___37. grill b. P EU FP
___I___38. cash c. K AO U T
___B___39. pitch d. TKPW R EU L
___A___40. merge e. SH AO EU PB
___G___41. slim f. S TPH U F
___H___42. take g. S HR EU PL
___Q___43. heed h. T A BG
___E___44. shine i. K A RB
___C___45. cute j. PH A*EU
__M___46. Monday k. K AO EU T
___N___47. November l. O BG T
___O___48. January m. PH O PB D
___L___49. October n. TPH O*F
___J___50. May o. SKWR A PB
p. H E D
q. H AO E D

God Bless

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