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Sanchar Nigam Executives' Association

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JTOO - 2022



Limited Internal Competitive Examination to the

Cadre of JTO - 2022
Focus Academy Palakkad, Kerala.

NOTE -08



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1. BRANCHES OF PHYSICS .................................... 3

2. MATTER ................................................................ 4

3. UNITS .................................................................5-6

4. MOTION ...........................................................6-9

5. NEWTON’S LAWS ............................................9-10


WAVES & SOUND ...........................................9-20

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Branches of Physics
u Study of Nature and behaviour of light - Optics

u Study of charged particles and fluids interacting with self consistent electric
and magnetic fields - Plasma Physics

u Study of Production and properties of sound - Acoustics

u Study of the atomic nuclei and their consituents and interactions -

Nuclear physics

u Study of use of electrical parts and circuits - Electronics

u Study of motion - Dynamics

u The branch of Astronomy that deals in response to the physical and chemical
composition of the celestial body - Astrophysics

u Study of heat, temperature and their relation to energy and work-


u Study of behaviour of object and systems to various forces - Mechanics

u Study of atomic and sub atomic systems and their interaction with radiation -
Quantum Mechanics

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ä Physics is the scientific study of proper- ä In Plasma state a matter exists as ions.
ties of matter and energy. Physics was con- ä Theory of classification of fundamental
tributed to generally by Copernicus model particles and how they interact is
of planetary motion, Galileo’s mechanics known as - Standard Model.
etc. in the initial stages and later devel-
oped by scientists like Newton, Kepler and ä Number of Elementary particles in
Einstein. standard model - 12

MATTER Elementary Particles

ä Matter is anything that has mass and oc-

cupies space.
ä Matter has seven states. They are Bosons Fermions
1. Solid
2. Liquid Gauge Higgs Quarks Leptons
Boson Bosons
3. Gas
ä Any particle made up of quarks and
4. Plasma
gluons are called as Hadrons.
5. Bose Einstein condensate
ä Massive particles which are made up
6. Fermionic Condensate of quark - antiquark pair are called
7. Super fluid Fermi gas/Quark Gluon Mesons.
Plasma ä Energy carriers in the matter are known
ä Fundamental particle in Fermionic conden- as - Bosons
sate is Fermions. ä The term ‘Boson’ was first coined by -
Paul Dirac
ä Fundamental particle in Boss Einstein con-
densate is Bosons. ä Bosons which carry electromagnetic
force - Photons.
ä Fundamental particle in Quark Gluon
Plasma is Quarks ä Bosons which carry weak nuclear force
- W & Z Bosons
ä At high temperature, matter exists in
plasma state GOD PARTICLE
ä At sun and stars matter is in plasma state ä Particles which give the property of
mass to the matter is - Higgs Boson
ä Molecules are seen in most irregular
form in Plasma state. ä Fundamental particle which is known
as ‘God particle - Higgs Boson
ä 99% of matter in the universe is in
(discovered at CERN in 4th July 2012)
plasma form.
ä Particle which is considered as the

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building block of all life - Higgs Boson UNITS

ä The term God particle was first coined Units are of two types
by - Leon M.Lederman (American
experimenter) 1. Fundamental units
2. Derived units
ä The existence of such a particle was first
suggested by Sathyendra Nath Bose. 1. Fundamental units
ä The Nobel Prize in Physics 2013 was ä Fundamental units are the units of
awarded jointly to Francois Englert fundamental quantities which can’t be
and Peter W. Higgs “For the discovery derived from any other quantities like
of Higgs Boson which was recently Length, Mass and Time.
confirmed by the ATLAS and CMS ä Fundamental units can be expressed in
experiments at CERN’s Large Hadron three kinds of measuring systems such
Collider” as CGS, MKS and FPS.
ä Equipment used by the scientist to Measurements CGS MKS FPS
create Higgs Boson and other particles
Length Centimetre Metre Foot
for observation and study - LHC (Large
Hadron Collider) Mass Gram Kilogram Pound
ä World's largest and highest energy Time Second Second Second
particle accelerator - LHC (27 kms in ä SI (System International) is the modified
circumference) form of MKS system.
ä SI system is the globally approved form
of unit system (1960).
ä 7 base units in SI system.
Base quantity Name Symbol
Length metre m
Mass kilogram kg
Time Second s
Electric current ampere A
Temperature kelvin K
ä LHC is located in - Geneva
(Switzerland) Amount of substance mole mol
ä The word quark was coined by - Luminous Intensity candela cd
Murray Gellmann
2. Derived Units
ä Quark model of matter was discovered
ä Derived units are derived from the
by - Murray Gellmann and George fundamental units eg: Speed, Area,
Zweig. (1964) Acceleration etc.

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Some Physical quantities and Conversion of Units

their units 1 feet - 12 Inch
ä Plane angle - radian (rad) 1 feet - .3 metre
ä Energy, work, heat - Joule (J) 1 inch - 2.54 centimetre
ä Power, Radiant flux - Watt (W) 1 mile - 5280 feet
ä Illuminance - Lux (lx) 1 mile - 1.60 kilometres
ä Conductance - Siemens (S) 1 nautical mile - 6080 feet
ä Capacitance - Farad (F) 1 yard - .1 metre
ä Pressure, Stress - Pascal (Pa) 1 pound - .4537 kilogram
ä Magnetic flux - Weber (Wb) 1 litre - 1000 cubic cm
ä Radioactivity - Becquerel (Bq) 310 K - 98.4o fahrenheit
ä Frequency - Hertz (Hz) 1 acre - 104 square metre
ä Electric potential Difference or 1 horse power - 746 watt
EMF - Volt (V)
ä Magnetic flux density - Tesla (T)
ä Luminous flux - Lumen ( lm)

Scalar and Vector Quantities

In general, physical quantities are
divided into two classes
1. Scalar quantities
2. Vector quantities
ä A physical quantity that has only
magnitude, but no direction is known ä Study of motion of objects - Mechanics
as scalar quantity.
ä The study of causes and changes in
eg: Mass, Length, Time, Volume motion - Dynamics
ä A physical quantity that has both ä Motion is a change in position of an
magnitude and direction is known as - object with respect to time and its
Vector quantity. surroundings.
ä The actual length of path travelled by a
eg : Velocity, Momentum, Force,
Acceleration, Displacement, Torque etc body is called the distance covered by a

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ä Speed is the rate of change of distance.
Velocity is the rate of change of displace-
ä Velocity is a vector quantity since direc-
tion is taken in to consideration, where as
speed is a scalar quantity, since direction
of motion is not considered.

ä Acceleration is the rate of change of ve-
ä Speed is the distance travelled by a body
in unit time
ä It is a vector quantity and its unit is m/s2
ä If a body is in uniform motion, it covers
equal distance in equal intervals of time.
ä It is a scalar quantity
It's unit is m/s ä A decrease in the velocity with time is
called deceleration or retardation. It is
SPEED = DISTANCE otherwise known as negative
TIME acceleration.
H Speed = Distance ; unit - m/s
ä Velocity is the displacement per unit time. H Velocity = Displacement ; unit - m/s
the change in postion of an object in a Time
particular direction is called displacement.
H Acceleration = Velocity ; unit - m/s2
ä It is a vector quantity and its unit is m/s
ä The motion restricted to a straight line
is called one dimensional motion (1D)
eg: Car moving on a straight road,
throwing a stone straight up.
ä The motion restricted to a plane is called
two dimensional motion (2D)
eg : Projectile motion, uniform motion
of a satellite revolving around the earth

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ä The motion in space is called three ä The path of projectile is known as its
dimensional motion (3D) trajectory.
eg : Motion of a charged particle, a kite ä The path of the projectile is always a
flying in the air etc. parabola.


ä The motion of a body in a striaght line is

known as Translatory motion or lin-
ear motion.
eg : Train moving along a railway track, a
body falling freely under gravity etc.

ä If a body is moving in a circular path,

then its motion is said to be circular ä A projectile reaches its maximum range,
motion. when the angle of projection is at 450
eg : The motion of earth around the sun. LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MOMENTUM
ä To-and-fro motion of an object is called ä It defines that the total momentum of a
oscillatory motion. closed system of bodies remains constant.
eg : Pendulum of a clock ä This law uses in the application of rocket
propulsion, jet engine, fire a pistol etc.
ä If the axis of the rotating body is within
the body, its motion is said to be spin LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY
motion or Rotational motion. ä Energy of a body is its ability to do work
eg : The earth spins on its own axis in or work is stored in a body as its
24 hours.This will make a day. energy.
ä When an objects travels around another Unit of work - Joule or Nm
object it is known as Revolution. In CGS the unit of work is erg
eg : Earth revolves around the sun in 1 Joule = 107 erg
365 days.This will make an year
ä The term ‘Energy’ was first coined by -
ä The motion of an object in a vertical Thomas Young
plane under the influence of ä According to law of conservation of
gravitational force is known as energy, energy can neither be created
projectile motion. nor be destroyed but can be transformed
eg : Rocket fired into space, a golf ball from one form to another.
in flight etc. ä Law of conservation of Energy was put
forwarded by Albert Einstein.

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ä Einstein proposed The Special Theory ä Law of inertia was discovered by

of Relativity in 1905. Galileo
ä Einstein proposed General Theory of Application :Intertia is of 3 types -
Relativity in 1915. Inertia of rest, Inertia of motion,
Inertia of direction.
ä As the bus starts moving, a man sitting
ä Power is defined as the rate of doing work.
inside leans backwards because inertia
Power (P) = Work done of rest.
Time ä An athlete run some distance before
CGS unit of Power is erg/s taking a long jump, by running the
1 Joule /sec = 1 Watt athlete gives himself larger inertia of
1 Horse power = 746 Watts
1 Kilo Watt= 1000 Watts ä In order to increase stability, a person
climbing a hill bends forward.
1 Mega Watt = 1000000 watts
ä The rate of change of momentum is
directly proportional to the external
unbalanced force and takes place in the
direction of the force.
ä It defines force as a product of mass
and acceleration.
F = ma
1 Newton = 105 dyne
ä Everybody continues in its state of rest ä m = mass, a = acceleration , F = force
or uniform motion in a straight line
ä SI unit of force is Newton.
unless compelled by an external
unbalanced force to change that state. ä Other unit of force is kgms-2
Eg. The motion of ball falling down
through the atmosphere.
ä First law of motion is also called law of
ä It is the tendency of a body to continue
in its state of rest or the state of uniform
motion along a straight line.

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ä The large force acting for a very short ä Momentum (p) is defined as the
time is called an impulsive force. product of mass and velocity of a body

ä When a force (F) acts for a given time(t)the p = mv

quantity ‘ Force x Time’ is called Impulse. It ä Momentum is a vector quantity
is measured in Newton second (Ns)
ä Unit of momentum is kg m/s.
or Kg m/s
Application : A Cricketer lowers his
hands while catching a cricket ball,
force exerted on a bullet when it is fired
with a gun, force exerted by hammer
on a nail etc.


To every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction. ä Force is that which changes or tends to
change the state of rest of a body.
Application : The propulsion of rocket,
a gun recoils when a bullet is fired from ä Force = Mass x Acceleration
the gun, flying of birds etc. F = ma
ä Dyne is the unit of force in CGS system
ä Basic forces in nature are Gravitational,
ä There exists some relation between ve- electric, strong force and weak force.
locity, acceleration and the time intervals
ä Strongest force in nature = Nuclear
during which we study the motion of a
body. These relations are called equa-
tions of motion. They are; ä Weakest force in nature = Gravitational
H v = u+at
Cohesion and Adhesion
H S = ut+(1/2)at2
ä The force of attraction between like
H v2 = u2+2as
molecules is called cohesion.
ä Where v = final velocity eg : Water molecules stick to each other
u = initial velocity to form a sphere
t = time interval ä The force of attraction between unlike
a = uniform acceleration molecules is called adhesion.
s = displacement eg : Wet paper sticks on the wall.

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Friction Centripetal Force

ä The force required by a revolving body
is called centripetal force.
f = mv2 Here m = mass
r v = velocity
r = radius of curvature
ä Centripetal force is always directed
towards the centre of the circle.
ä Friction is a force that resist the
movement of one surface over another.
Kinetic friction between two surfaces
in contact is the force of friction which
comes into play when there is relative
motion between the surface.
Static Friction - It is the force that acts
in a direction opposit to the direction of
Rolling friction between two surfaces
in contact is the force of friction which ä When a vehicle goes round a curved
comes into play when a body rolls over road it requires some centripetal force.
another. This is the principle on which ball ä Centripetal force required to keep the
bearings work. moon in its orbit around the earth, and
ä Due to the existence of friction we can is supplied by gravitational pull of earth.
walk on the ground and trains can run ä More speed required more centripetal
on rails. force
ä Frictional force offered by air helps the
Centrifugal Force
parachute to have a slow landing.
Methods of reducing friction : use of
lubricants, use of ball bearings,
polishing, streamlining etc.
ä A lubricant is a substance which forms
a thin layer between two surfaces in
contact, to reduce friction.
ä0 Graphite is a solid lubricant.

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ä A force that acts outwards on a body ä Value of G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2

revolving in a circle. Centrifugal force The value of G was first calculated by
helps to separate cream from milk. Henry Cavendish.
ä Buoyant Force : It is an upward force ä Force of attraction between any two
exerted by a fluid that opposes the bodies in this universe is known as
weight of an immersed object. gravitation.
ä Two objects losing the same weight when ä The attractive force of earth or other celestial
immersed in water must have the same body on an object is called gravity.
ä The acceleration with which the freely
WEIGHT falling bodies are attracted towards the
earth is called the acceleration due to
ä Weight can be defined as the force with gravity (g), value of g=9.8m/s2
which earth attracted a body.
ä The value of ‘g’ at the centre of earth
ä Weight, W = m x g. is zero.
m = mass of the body ä The value of ‘g’ is very high at polar
g = acceleration due to gravity region
ä The value of ‘g’ is very small at
Newton's Law of Gravitation
equatorial region.
“Every particle in the universe attracts ä The weight of a body on moon will be
every other particles with a force which about 1/6 of its weight on earth.
is directly proportional to the product of
ä In Solar system, the acceleration due to
their masses and inversely proportional
to the square of distance between them” gravity is maximum on Jupiter and mini-
mum on the planet Mercury.
ä If the distance between two masses is
doubled, the gravitational force of attrac-
tion between them is reduced to a quar-
H F ∝ m 1m 2 ä The apparent weight of freely falling ob-
ject is zero.
Escape velocity
F= G m 1m 2
ä Escape velocity is the minimum speed
r2 with which a spacecraft must have to
m1, m2 = mass of the bodies escape from the Earth’s gravitational
force. It is 7 miles/s (or 11.2 Km/s)
r = distance between them
ä Escape velocity of moon is 2.4 Km/s .
G = universal constant of gravity

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Surface Tension
ä The escape velocity of the planet jupiter
is 60 km/second and of Mercury it is
4.2 km/second.

ä Surface tension is a property of a liquid

by which the free surface of a liquid
behaves like a stretched elastic
membrane, having contractive tendency

Viscous Force. ä Surface tension decreases with rise of

temperature and pressure.
ä The frictional force offered by a liquid
ä The larger the surface, the more energy
is called viscous force.
there is. To minimise the energy, most
ä Liquids of large viscosity are called of the fluids assume the shape with
viscous liquids. eg. Glycerin, honey, smallest surface area.
castor oil etc.
ä For a given volume, the sphere has the
ä Liquids of small viscosity are called minimum surface area. Hence it assumes
mobile liquids. spherical shape. Hence raindrops and
ä They can easily flow. eg. water, mist drops are spherical in shape.
kerosene etc.
ä A liquid of large surface tension cannot
ä Viscosity of a liquid decreases with wet a surface easily.
increase of temperature. Unit of
viscosity is Poise (p) ä Surface tension of water is low and so
water wets surface.
ä Viscosity of gases increase with
increase of temperature. ä When soap is added to water, the surface
tension of water decreases.
ä Fluids that flow with zero viscosity are
called superfluids. ä Therefore soap water can wet a surface
more easily than pure water.
E g ; Liquid helium at low temperature
ä The soap water having less surface ten-
ä This superfluidity of a fluid is called an- sion can enter into the tiny pores of the
tigravity property. clothes and remove the dirt. This is why

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soap water is preferred for cleaning pur- Hooke’s law

ä Hooke’s law - Within the Elastic limit,
ä Surface tension is responsible for the stress is directly proportional to strain.
phenomenon called capillarity (tIin-
I-Xzw). Pressure and Density
Capillarity ä Pressure may be defined as force per
unit area.
ä Capillarity is the ability of the liquid to
defy gravity and travel up through tiny
ä The drawing up of oil by the wick of a
lamp and the rise of water in plants is
due to capillarity.
ä Elasticity is the ability of a body to re-
turn to its original shape and size on
the removal of the deformation force. ä SI unit of pressure is Newton per
ä Glass is more elastic than steel and steel square meter ( N/m )
is more elastic than rubber. Density = mass
ä If a body does not regain its original size
and shape after the removal of deforming
force, it is called a plastic body and this Relative density= Density of a body
property is called plasticity.
Density of water
Eg. Clay, Plasticine etc.
ä hvkXphns‚ km{µXtbbpw PeØns‚
ä The internal force per unit area of cross
section of a strained body is called km{µXtbbpw _‘n∏n°p∂ B\p
stress. ]mXnI kwJy ˛ Bt]£nI km{µX
(Relative Density)
Stress = force
ä Hydrometre is used to measure the
area relative densities of liquids.
ä SI unit is Nm-2 or Pascal.
ä The amount of water vapour in the air
ä 1Giga Pascal = (1G Pa) = 109Pa is termed as humidity.
ä The ratio of changing dimension to the
ä Ice floats on water but sinks in alcohol
original dimension is called strain .It because the density of alcohol is lower
has no unit than that of water.
Strain = Change in dimension
original dimension
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ä A petrol fire cannot be extinguished ä Application of Bernouli’s Principle :

throwing water on it since the density speed of a moving fluid increases, the
of water is more than the density of pressure within that fluid decreases.
petrol; water sinks below the petrol
when it is poured over a petrol fire.
ä The density of sea water is higher than
Pascal’s law
the density of river water; therefore it is Pascal’s law states that pressure in a fluid
easier to swim in the sea than in river. in equilibrium is the same everywhere.
This is why a ship entering from river Eg. flush tank, hydraulic break, Hydrolic
mouth to sea rises up a little. Jack
ä Ice floats on water because its weight is
less than the weight of an equal vol- 1 atmosphere = 760mm Hg
ume of water.
1bar = 1x10 5 Pa
ä It is measured by an instrument known as
hygrometer. = 0.98692 atmosphere
ä The density of water is maximum at 4 C 1Torr = 1/760 of an atmosphere

Different Liquids Densities ... = 1mmHg

1K.Cal = 103 Cals

ä The pressure inside a Barometer re-

mains high under a calm climate.
ä The sudden fall in barometric pressure
indicates - Storm
ä Mercury is used as the liquid in ther-
mometers as it does not wet glass.
ä Pressure increases with depth
ä Atmospheric Pressure decrease with
increase in height.
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tial energy.
Work and Energy
ä Energy of a body due to its motion is
ä Work refers to an activity involving a called kinetic energy.
force and movement in the direction of
force. Eg: Moving ball, flying kite.
ä Work depends upon two factors. KE = ½ mv2
ä The force applied and distance that the (m-mass, v-velocity)
body travels in the direction of force. ä If the velocity of an object is doubled, its
ä If the force and displacement are at right kinetic energy becomes four times.
angles to each other, the work done is zero.
ä If the force and displacement are in the ARCHIMEDES PRINCIPLE
same direction, the work done is Positive.
"When a body is wholly or partially im-
ä If the force and displacement are in the
opposite direction, the work done is nega- mersed in a fluid there is an upthrust
which is equal to the weight of fliud
ä The unit of work is :
Joule or Newton Metre
ä Work = Force x Distance
ie, W = F x d
ä 1 Horse power = 746 Watts
ä Energy is the capacity to do work.
ä Unit of energy is Joule.
1 Joule = 107 erg.
Energy is a scalar quantuty
CGS, unit of work is erg
ä The energy possessed by a body, by virtue
of its position is called potential energy
P.E = mgh ä The law of Levers was proposed by
ä m-mass, g-gravity, h-height (It is the
distance between the body and the ä A lever is a simple machine consisting
surface) of a rigid rod pivoted at a fixed point
Eg: water stored in a tank. called the Fulcrum - F([mcw). It is used
ä The energy possessed by the water col- for shifting or raising a heavy load or
lected in the reservoir of a dam is poten- applying force in a similar way.

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ä A body in which a force (F) is left is Eg. Scissors, balance, nail puller,
called Resistance - R and the force cesso, Cross bar, Handle of water
applied here is called Effort . pump etc.
ä If the resistance comes in between
effort and fulcrum then such levers are
called IIndorder levers
Eg. wheel barrow, lemon squeezer,
arecanut cutter, bottle opener
ä If the effort is in between resistance and
fulcrum such levers are called III rd
order levers
ä If the fulcrum comes in between resis- R-E-F
tance and effort such levers are called
Ist order levers Eg. Ice tongs, stapler, forceps, treadle
sewing machine etc.
R -F-E

WAVES medium vibrates along the direction of

wave motion are longitudinal waves
Trough Crest
E.g. Sound wave
ä Transverse waves travel in the form of
crests and troughs while longitudinal waves
travel in the form of compressions and
ä When a wave strikes a surface of sepa-
ration of two different media, some of its
Types of Waves thrown back in to the original medium.
ä Waves in which the particle of the medium This property of bouncing of the wave is
vibrate in a direction perpendicular to the called reflection.
direction of wave motion are transverse
E.g. Light Wave, Electromagnetic
wave. V = velocity
ä Waves in which the particle of the f = frequency
λ = wavelength

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ä Wave on a rope and waves on the sur- ä Frequency is the number of complete
face of water are tranverse. wave generated per second .Unit of
frequency is Hertz. (represented by
ä The property which distinguishes trans-
verse waves from longitudinal waves is
polarization. 1 Hz = 1 cycle / second
ä Polarization is a property of waves that ä Amplitude is the maximum
can oscillate with more than one orienta- displacement of the vibrating particle
tion. on either side from the equilibrium
ä Wave length is the distance between position.
successive crests or troughs
ä Wave number is defined as the number
ä Monochromatic light:It is the light of wave length per cm.
having single wavelength.

ä The intensity of sound increase with in-

SOUND crease in the density of the medium.
ä Sounds are distinguished each other by

(i) Pitch - The shrillness of sound felt

by the ear
(ii) Loudness - The intensity of sound
felt by the ear.
(iii) Timbre/Quality - It describes that
those characteristics of sound which
allow the ear to distinguish sound
ä Sound is a travelling wave. which have the same pitch and
ä Sound consists of waves of alternate Loudness.
compression and rarefaction ä If the amplitude of a sound wave is
(Expansion). increased its loudness is also increased.
ä Sound requires a medium to travel.
ä If the frequency of a sound wave is
ä Sound cannot travel through vacuum. increased its pitch is also increased.
ä Study of sound is known as Acoustics. ä Sonic boom - A super sonic air craft
ä Sound is produced by the vibration of produces a cone of sound called a shock
physical objects wave. When this shock wave reaches
ä When we speak, the vibration of vo- a listner, he hears a sound of loud
cal cords results in the production of explosion called the sonic boom.

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ä For the production of echo there should ä Speed of sound depends on the medium
be a minimum distance of 17m between that they travel through.
us and the reflecting surface.
ä The speed of an object having two times
ä Bats can fly in the dark because they the speed of sound – Super sonic
can generate ultrasonic sound and if
ä The speed of an object having less than
there is any hindrance in their way the
the speed of sound- Sub sonic
sound waves get reflected and they can
change their direction. They use this ä A speed greater than 5 times the speed
method to catch insects also. of sound – Hyper sonic
ä Whistle used for calling dogs - Galton ä An instrument used to transmit sound
whistle. using light rays – Photo phone
ä Electromagnetic waves having ä An instrument used to convert sound
frequency greater than 600Hz are signal into electric signal – Microphone
called Radio waves.
ä An instrument used to convert electrical
ä The audible frequency of human ear is signal to sound signal – Loud speaker
in between 20 Hz and 20000Hz (20
ä The instrument used to measure the
intensity of sound – Oscilloscope
ä Sound with frequencies lower than the
ä Persistence of sound
lowest limit of human hearing (about
20 Hz) is called infrasonic sound. = 1 th
of a second
ä Earth quake waves are infrasonic 10
ä Velocity of sound in the air is 340 m/s
ä The sound produced by the elephants
ä The speed of supersonic plane is
and whales for communication is
referred using the ‘mach number’
1 mach = 340 m/s
ä Sounds of frequency higher than
20,000 Hz are known as ultrasonic and ä The intensity of sound is measured in
are inaudible. decibel (dB)

ä The sound produced by the bats and The intensity of sound increases with
dolphins is ultrasonic. increase in the descity and temperature
of the medium.
ä Ultrasonic waves are used to treat and
remove stones in the urinary bladder.
ä Sound travels faster in steel.
ä The velocity of sound is maximum in
solids and least in gases, in moist air it
is greater than in dry air.

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Some common sound levels in decibel eg : Vibration induced in a violin or

Telephone bell - 70 db piano string of given pitch when a
musical note of the same pitch is sung
Thunder - 100-110db
or played near by.
Jet Flyover - 103 db
Jet takeoff - 120-140db REVERBERATION
Boom Box - 120 db
Farm Tractor - 98 db
ä The sound bouncing around in a large
Shotgun Firing - 130 db speaker is an example of a
Washing Machine - 78 db reverberation.
Normal conversation
sound in human being - 40-60 db DOPPLER EFFECT
Normal Breathing - 10 db ä Apparent change in the frequency of
ä Above 120 db caused damage to hearing. waves due to the relative motion of the
source of the waves and the observer :
ä Above 40 db is allowed in hospital areas
at night. Doppler effect.
ä It is named after the Austrian physicist
SONAR Christian Doppler, who proposed it in
Sound Navigation and Ranging.
ä Sonar method is used to determine the ä Example : The rising pitch of a train
depth water at a location. whistle as the train approaches an
ä Method of locating under water objects
observer and the drop in pitch as it away
by transmitting a high frequency sound from the observer.
(Ultrasonic sound ) pulse and detecting
or receiving it after reflected from

ä The phenomenon that occurs when a
vibrating system or external force
drives another system to oscillate with
greater amplitude at specific The Sound was first recorded by
preferential frequency - Resonance Thomas Edison in 1877

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NOTE -09


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1. LIGHT .................................................................3-5

2. PHENOMINAE OF LIGHT ..................................5-8

3. THEORIES OF LIGHT ..................................................... 8

4. MIRRORS ..........................................................9-11

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ä Light year is the unit for measuring

distance between the stars
ä Study of light is known as Optics
ä 1 light year ≅ 9.46 x1012km
ä Light is an electro magnetic wave.
1 parsec = 3.26 light year
ä Light has maximum velocity in
ä Persistence of vision = 1 th of a second
vacuum, it was proved by Leon
Foucault 16
ä Order of speed of light in different ä Substances which do not allow the light
medium, to pass through are called opaque
glass < water < air < vacuum substances
ä Velocity of light is large in a medium
Eg. Paper, card board and stone
which has small refractive index.
ä Substances which allow the light to
ä Heinrich Hertz proved that light is an
electromagnetic wave. pass through are called transparent
ä Electromagnetic theory of light was pro-
posed by James Clark Maxwell. Eg. glass
ä Quantum theory was proposed by Ger-
ä The substances which allow a part of
man scientist Max Planck in 1900.
incident light to pass through them are
ä Refractive index (n) of a medium is de-
called translucent substances.
fined as the ratio of speed of light in
vacuum to the speed of light in the me-
ä Light travels faster through vacuum.
ä The speed of light in vacuum is approxi-
mately 3 x 108 m/s (about 1,86000 miles
per second.
ä Time taken by the moon light to reach
the earth - 1.3 seconds
ä Velocity of light is greater than the
sound. Thus we see lightning before
hearing the thunder
ä Light from the sun reaches the earth in
8 minutes and 20 seconds (500
ä The shortest distance for clear vision is
25 cm, is called near point.

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ä LASER - Light Amplification by
Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
ä Laser was discovered by Theodore
Maiman in 1960
ä Laser beams are used in the medical
field to perform minute operations.


ä The particle which is supposed to travel
faster than light is TACHYON.
ä Tachyons were discovered by E.C.G.
ä The term ‘Tachyon’ was coined by
Gerald Feinberg in 1967.

ä White light is a combination of 7 colours

RAINBOW ä It was discovered by Isaac Newton
through colour disc experiment.
ä Spectrum consists of seven colours
Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow,
Orange and Red (VIBGYOR)
ä In the spectrum, violet light has shorter
wave length and higher frequency.
While red light has the highest wave
length and the least frequency
ä Violet light is scattered most,
Red light is scattered least.
ä Red,Green and Blue are the primary
ä Rainbow is caused by reflection,
refraction and dispersion of light by
the water particles present in the RED + GREEN = YELLOW
atmosphere. RED + BLUE = MAGENTA
ä Rainbow is always seen in the opposite GREEN + BLUE = CYAN
direction of the sun

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ä Yellow, magenta, Cyan are the ä The phenmenon of absorption of light

secondary colours. of one wave length by a susbstance and
then re-emission of light of greater wave
ä The colour used in Scientific laboratory
length is known as fluorescence.
for indicating danger is yellow.
ä The phenomenon of emission of light
ä The colour which is used as danger
in the visible region after absorbing
signal is red.
certain electromagnetic raditions is
ä The colour which is very sensitive to called photoluminescence.
human eye is yellow.
ä Zinc silicate, Cadmium Borate etc show
ä Primary colour pigments used in photoluminescence.
printing - Yellow, Magenta, Cyan.


1. Refraction
ä It is the sudden change of direction of
light when passing from one transparent
substance to another.

ä When we put a stick in water it seems

to be bended. It is due to refraction.

ä Stars appears to be twinkling due to

ä Red, Blue, Yellow are the primary
colours of painters.
ä Colour of any transparent obect depends
upon the colour of the light transmitted
by it.
ä Colour of an opaque object depends on
the colour of light fallling on it and the
colour it reflects.
ä Green objects place in red light will
appear black.
ä A red cloth absorbs all the light except
red. Thus when green light falls upon a ä If n1 and n2 are the refractive indices
red cloth it absorbs the green light and and θ1θ2 are incident and refractive
has nothing to reflect and thus appears angles, then Snell' law related to
black. refraction is given by

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ä Mirage is an optical illusion which is

observed usually in deserts and
highways on hot summer days.
ä The reason for mirage is refraction and
total internal reflection.
ä Optical fibres: Used for
ä Optical fibers uses the principle of total
internal reflection for carrying pulses
2. Interference of light from a laser which represents
the informations such as computer data
ä When two light waves cross through the telephonic conversations and television
same spot they interfere with each pictures.
other. It may be constructive or ä An optical fibre has much greater
information carrying capacity than a
ä The beautiful colour of the soap foam copper cable.
and oil spread water is due to
interference of light 4. Reflection
ä Colours that appear on the upper layer ä Reflection is a phenomenon of
of oil that spread on road is due to bouncing back of light when a beam of
interference. light falls on a surface.
ä Interference is used in Holography. ä An object which reflects all colours
appear as “White”.
ä Intereference pattern used in light
ä An object which absorbs all colours
waves was first observed by Thomas
appear as “Black”.
ä Periscope: - A device which works by
the principle of reflection and
3. Total Internal Reflection

ä Total internal reflection causes 5. Tyndall effect

diamond to sparkle, air bubbles in the ä The phenomenon of scattering of light
water to glitter. by colloidal particle
ä This principle is used in the ä Sun light passing through a mist is an
construction of optical fibres, example of Tyndal effect.
endoscopy, binoculars, vehicle
ä A blue colour some times seen in the
reflectors etc..
smoke emitted by motor cycle is due to
- Tyndal effect

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6. Diffraction ä eg : For an astronaut on moon, sky

appears in black colour due to the
ä When light passes an obstacle it spreads
absence of scattering of light as there is
out in to the geometric shadow of the
no atmosphere in moon.
obstacle. This process is known as
diffraction of light.
8. Dispersion
ä The optical phenomenon which causes
ä The splitting of composite beam of light
fringe pattern of CD is diffraction.
into its constituent colours (VIBGYOR)
ä The spreading of light rays towards the
is called dispersion of light.
screen from a projector in film theatre
is due to diffraction. ä This was discovered by Sir Issac
7. Scattering of Light ä Prism is used for the splitting of
ä The blue colour of the sky and reddening composite beam of white light into its
of sun at sun rise and sun set occurs due constituent colours.
to the scattering of light.
ä Light of shorter wave length is scattered
more than the light of longer wave
ä The colour which scatters most - Violet
ä The colour which scatters least - Red
ä The colour used in fog lamp of vehicles
- Yellow light.

ä C.V. Raman discovered Raman effect in -
1928 February 28
ä February 28 is observed as National Science
ä C.V. Raman got Nobel prize in 1930 for
Physicis for the discovery of Raman Effect.
ä Raman Effect is associated with - Scattering of light.
ä Blue colour of the sea was explained by - C.V. Raman
ä Blue colour of the sky was explained by - Lord Rayleigh.

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ä Rainbow is formed mainly due to

ä Colour at the top of Rainbow - Red
ä Colour at the bottom of Rainbow - Violet
ä The colour red in rainbow is seen at an
angle of 42.80 and that of violet is at
40.8 o

ä The corpuscular theory of light states that Max Plank
light is made up of small discreate particles
called “Corpuscles” (little particles) which 4. PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT
travel in a straight line with a finite velocity.
ä Electrons are emitted from certain
ä This theory was proposed by Sir.Issac
metals like Sodium, Pottassium, Zinc,
Newton in 1675. Lithium, Calcium etc., when electro-
magnetic radiations like UV rays,
Gamma rays, Visible light etc fall upon
ä In his theory, Christiaan Huygens, it.
believed that light was made up of waves ä This effect was discovered by Henrich
vibrating up and down perpendicular Hertz and is known as Photoelectric
to the direction of the light travels. effect.
ä This theory was proposed by Christian ä Photo electric effect was explained by
Huygens in 1678. Albert Einstein.
3. QUANTUM THEORY ä The law of photoelectric effect was
ä This theory was proposed by Germen formulated by - Albert Einstein
Scientist Max Plank in 1900.
ä According to this theory electro-
magnetic radiations are emitted not in
the form of waves but in the form of
small packets of energy called ‘quanta’.
Such energy packet is named as
ä Quantum of light was later named as
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ä It is used in periscope in which two

ALBERT EINSTEIN plane mirrors fixed falling one another
at an angle 450 .
.ä When two plane mirorros are placed
parallel to each other the number of
images formed is infinite.
.ä When they are placed perpendicular to
each other, the number of images
obtained is three.

ä The mirror whose reflecting surface is
curved inward is concave mirror.
ä Concave mirror can be used
1. For shaving as shaving mirror.
ä German scientist.
2. As a reflector to concentrate light in
ä Major discoveries special and
solar cooker
General Theory of relativity.
3. As a reflector in astronomical telescope
ä Law of Photo Electric Effect.
4. In search light of automobiles
ä Famous formula E = mc2
ä Albert Einstein won the Nobel prize
5. Ophthalmoscope to examine eye.
in 1921 for the scientific explanation 6. The dentists use concave mirrors
of photoelectric effect on the basics
of quantum theory. CONVEX MIRROR
ä Electromagnetic wave theory of ä A spherical mirror whose reflecting
light was proposed by James Clerk surface is curved outward.
ä Photoelectric effect cannot be
explained on the basis of
electromagnetic theory.


ä If the reflecting surface of a mirror is
plane , the mirror is called a Plane

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ä Convex mirror can be used SPHERICAL MIRROR

ä Mirror used as trick mirror
1. As a rearview mirror in automobiles.
ä Material used to coat on a mirror is tin
2. As a device to check theft in shops amalgum (Tin and Mercury ) or Silver
ä Centre of reflecting surface is called ä The image formed by a mirror has
Pole lateral inversion.

LENSES ä 'u' is the distance of the object

ä A lens is a transparent curved device ä ‘v’ is the distance of the image

that is used to refract light. ä If ‘f’ is the focal length of a lens ,
ä When a lens is thicker at the middle Then its power (P) is given by, P=(1/f)
than the edge, it is a convex lens.
ä Unit of power of a lens is Diopter.
ä Convex lens is converging lens.
ä A magnifying glass is a convex lens. HUMAN EYE
ä When the lens is thicker at the edge than ä Human eye consists of a convex lens
the middle it is called Concave Lens and a screen.
ä Concave lens is diverging lens. ä The ability of an eye to focus distant
object as well as near by objects on the
ä Power of a convex lens is positive and
retina is called 'accommodation'.
that of a concave lens is negative.
ä Myopia (short sight) is such a type of
LENS FORMULA defect in which one can see nearby
objects clearly but is difficult to see
ä For both concave and convex lenses the
objects at long distance. Here images
Focal length (f) of a lens is given by
of the substance falls infront of the
1 = 1 - 1 retina.
f v u ä Short sight can be corrected by using
concave lens.
ä Hypermetropia (long sight) is a such
type of defect in which one can see
distant objects clearly where as nearby
objects look blurred. Here the image of
the susbstance falls behind the retina.
ä Long sight can be corrected by using
convex lens.
ä A persons suffering from both myopia
and hypermetropia uses bifocal lens to
withstand the condition.

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ä Astigmatism this defect is used to ä Daltonism (colour blindess) is the defect

cornia not being spherical. of vission to see the red and green
ä Astigmatism can be corrected by using colours.
a cylindrical lens. ä When we observe distant objects the
ä As the age advances, the elasticity of focal length of the eye lens increases
eye becomes verymuch reduced. As a and if we observe objects nearby, the
result of the near point of eye recedes focal length of the eye lens decreases.
gradually resulting in Presbyopia. ä Twenty-Twenty means perfect vision
ä This can be corrected by convex lens. ä The image formed on the retina of the
human eye is real and inverted.
ä Cataract : - The conditions of eye in
which the crystalline lens become milky
and cloudy at older ages.

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NOTE -10


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1. ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION ....................... 3

2. HEAT AND THERMODYNAMICS ......................4-5

3. JOULE'S LAW .....................................................5-7

4. ELECTRICITY ......................................................7-9

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ELECTROMAGNETIC ä Radio waves with frequencies higher

RADIATION than that of TV signals are called Mirco

ä Electromagnetic waves with maximum

wave length - Radiowaves
ä Waves used for communication through
satellite - Microwave


ä X-rays were discovered by Rontgen

ä The electromagnetic spectrum has
electromagnetic waves ranging from ä He won the Nobel prize in 1901 for this
103m to 1012 m. discovery.
ä It includes radio waves, microwaves,
infrared, visible light, UV, X-rays and ä It is used to study the internal atomic
gamma rays. structure of crystals.

ä Short radio waves are easily reflected

ä Hard x-ray is used in radiation and the
by ionosphere.So long distants radio
broatcasts use short wave bands. treatment of cancer as it penetrates into
the body tissues.
ä The process of transmiossion and
reception of a radio wave signal
between two places not joined through
wires is knwon as wireless radio
ä The television signals are not reflected by
ionosphere so they are reflected easily to
earth by using geo-stationary artificial

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Real Fact
ä The majority of UV radiations
coming from the sun are absorbed
by the Ozone layer.
ä The heating of earth suface or
atmosphere due to trapping of
infrared rays by the carbon dioxide
layer in the lower atmosphere is
called green house effect.
ä Sunburn is caused by UV rays
ä Soft X-ray is used in the photography coming from the sun.
of internal parts of our body.
ä The rays which appears to be
ä Cobalt 60 is commonly used in radio originated from the outside of the
earth is called cosmic rays.
therapy because it emits gama rays
which has more energy than the x-rays.
Infrared Ray
Thermodynamics is the study of
ä The rays which have longer wavelength relationship between heat and other
than visible light form of energy.

ä The rays which is known as heat ray

and is used in distant photography

ä The rays used in remote control -


Ultraviolet Ray
ä The rays which have lesser wave length
than visible light (400 to 700 nm) James Prescott Joule
ä UV ray is used as disinfectant in ä British scientist James Prescott Joule,
equipments used for operation. made a lot of experiments to confirm
ä It is used to fill inside the tube light. that heat is a form of energy in transit
and it can cause some changes in a
body as work .Heat is the sum total of

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energy possessed by all the molecules temperature which is equal to 0 Kelvin

in an object. or -273.15 C or - 459.69oF.
ä Heat is a form of energy that gives us These relationships are given by
the sensation of hotness or coldness.
ä Heat is measured in Joule or calories.
F= ( )
9 x o C + 32

1 Joule=107ergs
H C = ( oF - 32 ) x 5
1 calorie = 4.2 Joule = 4.2 x 107 ergs
H K = oC + 273.15
Joule's law states that the heat produced
in a conductor is directly proportional
to the product of square of current (I) Rare fact
flowing through the conductor,
resistance (R) of the conductor and the ä Critical Temperature is the
time (t) for which the current is passed. temperature above which a gas cannot
be liquified even more pressure is
H = I2 R t exerted.
H - Heat transferred
I - Currrent ä The density of body decreases with
R - Resistance rise in temperature.
t - Time of flow As we go up in the atmosphere the
temperature decreases.
ä In summer season the gaps bewteen the
rain on railway lines decreases and gets Melting Point
bend due to the expansion of solid on The fixed temperature at which solid
heating. becomes a liquid at standard
ä The degree of hotness or coldness of a atmospheric pressure is called melting
body is defined as temperature. point.
ä Scale of temperature commonly used Boiling Point
are Celsius scale, Fahrenheit scale and
ä The fixed temperature at which a liquid
Kelvin scale or Absolute scale.
boils and changed itself into vapour at
Absloute or Kelvin scale standard atmospheric pressure is called
ä The molecule have the lowest posible
boiling Point.
kinetic energy at this temperature. ä The boiling point of water increases
ä Absloute zero is the lowest possible
with increase in pressure.

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Sublimation ä Latent heat is the amount of heat

The process of conversion of solid required to produce a change of phase
directly into vapour when is called
of a substance.
sublimation. eg : Camphor
ä Latent heat of fusion
Don't Confuse
Super fluidity ä Latent heat of Vaporization

ä Scalding with steam is more severe than

ä It is the ability to overflow the walls of
the container against the force of that caused by boiling water because
gravitation. of latent heat of Vaporization.
ä A superfluid is a state of matter in which Heat can be transmitted in 3 ways
matter behaves like a fluid with zero
viscosity and zero entropy. ä Conduction :- It is the process of net
energy transfer through a substance
ä Liquid helium shows superfluidity at
lower temperature. without the movement of the substance

Super Conductivity itself, but by molecular collisions

ä Ebonite and asbestos are the worst

ä It is phenomenon of zero electrical
resistance exhibited by certain materials conductors of heat and are called
when cooled below certain critical insulators.
ä Mica is a good conductor of heat, but a
ä Discovered by Kamerlingh Onnes
bad conductor of electricity
SPECIFIC HEAT CAPACITY ä Convection - In this process heat
of a substance is the amount of heat
transfer from one place to another in a
required to raise the temperature of the
0 fluid by the help of heated particle from
substance to 1 C.
hotter region to a colder region
ä The substance which has more specific
heat capacity is - Water (4200 J/kg)

ä The metal which has more specific heat

capacity - Hydrogen
ä Cryogenics is concerned with the
production, control and application of
extremely low temperatures

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ä Sea and land breezes can be explained

on the basis of convection.
ä Michael Faraday is considered as the
ä Radiation : Radiation is the flow of heat
father of electricity.
from one place to another by means of
electromagnetic waves. ä The term “Electricity” was coined by -
ä Energy from the sun travels through
space to earth by means of radiation. ä Electricity is contrillable and
convenient form of energy.
ä Colour of star denotes its temperature.
ä Benchamin Franklin proved that
ä Solar cooker uses the green house lightning is in fact of a flow of
effect. electricity
ä The Clinical Thermometer is specially ä Rate of flow of charge through a
designed to measure human body conductor per second is called current.
temperature. Normal human body ä SI Unit of current is Ampere.
temperature is 36.90 C (98.40 F).
ä Laws of electrolysis were formulated
ä Clinical thermometer was invented by by Michael Faraday.
Thomas Albutt ä Static electricity is a type of electricity
produced in different objects by
friction. There is no continuous flow
of electrons from one object to another.
It can also be produced by Induction.
ä The presence of static electricity was
first noticed in the object called
'Amber' .
ä Current Electricity it is due to the
motion of free electrons.
ä Conductor is a mateiral which conducts
ä Thermometer was invented by Galelio.
ä Metals and graphite are good
ä Mercury thermometer was invented by conductors of electricity.
ä Conductivity of a material is defined as
ä Melting point of mercury is -38.8oC and the reciprocal of the resistivity of the
that of Ethanol is -114.1 C. material.
ä Water expands on freezing. Due to this ä SI unit : Siemen (ohm-1 = mho)
reason when water filled in a bottle is ä Mercury is a good conductor of
allowed to freeze, the bottle breaks and electricity but does not undergo
during winter water pipes break in cold electolysis on passage of an electric
regions. current.

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ä Silver is the metal having lowest OHM'S LAW

ä The best conductor of electricity is
Silver. V=IR
ä Insulators do not allow current to flow
through it.
ä Resistivity of material is the ability of
the material to oppose electric current.
ä Resistivity of a material is a constant.
ä Air without moisture (dry air) is an
ä It relates the amount of current, voltage
ä Pure water is a bad conductor of
and resistance in any circuit.
electricity because pure water does not
dissociate into ions. ä Current through a conductor between
two points is directly proportional to the
ä semiconductors are elements such as
potential difference between the two
silicon and germanium which allow
points and inversely proportional to the
feeble currents to pass through them.
resistance of the conductor.
ä The unit of electric charge is Coulomb.
V is directly proportional to I (V∝I)
It is equal to the charge of 6.25x10 18
electrons. V = RI
R = Resistance
Unit of Resistance is Ohm (Ω)
Current = Charge
ä Industrial unit of current is KWh (Kilo
Watt Hour).
i.e. I = Q
Why AC over DC ?
ä Electricity supplied for domestic use
Q= IxT - AC of 230 volt having frequency
Where Q = Quantity of charge 50 Hz.

T = Time of flow ä 220-230 volt is the voltage at which

the alternate current (AC) is supplied
I = Current for house hold use in India.
ä Approximate electric charge of one ä Alternating current is used more
electron is, e =1.602 x 10 C widely than direct current.
ä The advantage of AC over DC is that
it can be transmit over long distances
with minimum power loss.

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ä Electric bulbs are filled with gases like Voltage(EMF):-

Argon, Neon, Nitrogen etc.
ä The emf or potential difference
Vapour Lamps & Colours measured in volt is called Voltage.
Chlorin Vapour Lamp - Green ä A source of emf containing two or more
Nitrogen - Red cells is called a battery.
Hydrogen - Blue ä In a dry cell the negative electrode
Sodium - Yellow (cathode) is Carbon rod and positive
Neon - Orange electrode (anode) is Zinc.
Mercury - White ä The emf of voltaic cell is 1 Volt.

ä Nichrome is used as a heating element ä The emf of a dry cell is 1.5 Volt
in many appliances because it has high ä Alternating Current (AC) is an electric
resistivity. current that changes its direction at
ä A small piece of wire made from an regular intervals.
alloy of lead and tin is called a fuse. ä The frequency of AC supply in India-
Why fuse 50Hz
ä First cell was invented by Alexandro
ä To avoid over loading a device called
volta in 1800 and is known as Voltaic
a fuse is inserted in series with the cell.
ä The fuse oppose a great deal of
resistance to electric current and
melts at a fairly low temperature the
fuse wire must have a low melting
ä A fuse wire is used to prevent unduly
highly electric current to pass
through a circuit.
ä In an electrical circuit a fuse is
connected in the live wire.
ä An electrical appliance is earthed to
prevent shock.
ä Capacitor is a device used to store
electric charge. ä Dry cell was invented by George
ä Potential difference between two Leclanche in 1860.
terminals of the battery causes and ä Lithium ion batteries are common in
regulates the current flow is called consumer electronics.
electro motive force. (EMF)

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NOTE -11

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2. MAGNETISM .....................................................4-5

3. TELECOMMUNICATION ...................................... 5


5. NUCLEAR PHYSICS .........................................7-10


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ä Electronics is the study of properties of
electrons and its utilities
ä In an intrinsic semiconductor number
of holes equals to the number of
electrons.Eg: Silicon, Germanium.
ä Doping is the process of adding small
amount of impurities to a semi
conductor so that the conductivity of
semi conductor is increased

ä The electrical device which increases

or decreases the amount of voltage
between two circuits is called the
ä Transformer works on the principle of
mutual induction
Transformer is of two types
1. Step-up transformer - More turns on Doping is of two types
the secondary coil than the primary coil. 1. P-type doping :- The dopants are Boron
& Aluminium, these are called
2. Step-down transformer - Less turns on
the secondary coil than the primary coil.
2. N-type doping :The dopants are Arsenic
ELECTRICITY IN INDIA & Antimony, these are called donors.
ä A thermionic valve having three
ä Electricity is produced mostly from
Thermal power stations. electrodes namely cathode, anode and
grid is known as Triode.
ä Maximum current in domestic suppy is
ä Triod was invented by Lee De Forest.
5 Ampere.
ä The simplest form of vacuum tube is
ä 1st completely electrified city in India - diode.
ä 1st completely rural electrified state in TRANSISTORS
India-Haryana ä Now-a-days thermionic valves are
completely replaced by transistors.
ä Powerhouse of India - Maharashtra. ä Transistor was invented in 1947 by
ä National energy conservation Day - Jhon Bardeen, William Shockley and
December 14 Walter Brattain.
ä Transistors are of two types – npn
ä Biggest solar energy plant in India is
transistor and pnp transistor
situated in Madhapuri, Gujarat

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ä Electrons are carries of current in – npn Alternating Current (AC) to Direct

transistor. Current (DC)
ä Holes are the carries of current in –pnp ä An electronic oscillator is a device
transistor which converts DC energy into AC
Capacitor is device used to store electric ä An amplifier is an electronic device,
charge. It's unit is farad. (F). which is used for increasing the power
ä ELINT - Electronic Intelligence. of a signal
ä In electronics bias means- voltage.
ä LED - Light Emitting Diode
ä IC chips for computers are usually
ä Rectifiers are used to convert made of silicon.

ä The laws of magnetic poles states that

like poles repel and unlike poles attract.
ä Bismuth, antimony, zinc, silver, copper,
gold, lead, water, alcohol, hydrogen,
and the inert gases are diamagnetic.
ä Paramagnetic substance have feeble
magnetic properties
ä Platinum, solutions of salt of Iron,
Oxygen, Manganese, Palladium,
Osmium etc. are examples of
paramagnetic substances.
ä The magnetic force is zero at the centre
ä The unit of strength of magnetic field –
of a bar magnet.
Tesla (Weber/m2)
ä In CGS system, the unit of strength of ä A bar magnet is always points towards
magnetic field is Gauss a North -South direction due to earth's
1 Tesla = 104 Gauss
ä Oxygen is a paramagnetic substance.
ä Lodestone is a naturally occuring
magnet. ä A magnet made by winding insulated
copper wire over a soft iron piece and
ä Magnetism was first discovered in passing an electric current through the
lodestone. wire is called as an electromagnet
ä William Gibber was the scientist who (temporary magnet)
proposed that the earth behaves as a
ä Powerful permanent magnets are made
huge magnet. of ALNICO.

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ä Direction of magnetic lines of force ä RADAR is a device that uses radio

inside a magnet is from South to North. waves to detect the position of objects
ä MRI - Magnetic Reasonance Imaging
such as aeroplanes, missiles etc.
uses a powerful magnetic field to ä RADAR was invented by Albert H
diagnose and treat diseases. Taylor and Leo C Young.
ä MRI does not use X-rays. ä The first telecommunication device
was the telegraph.
ä The magnetism of a substance decreases
while on heating or hammering. ä Hybrid computers are a combination of
the digital and analog computer.
ä Ferromagnetism is the strongest type of
ä Refrigerator magnet is a ferromagnet.
ä Louis Neel discovered ferromagnetism.
Remember :-
Curie temperature : - The particular
temperature at which ferromagnetic Galileo Galilee
substance becomes paramagnetic.
ä Molecular theory of magnetism was
developed by Weber. u Galileo Galilee - Discovered the
Phases of Venus and the four
TELECOMMUNICATION satellites of Jupiter which are Io ,
ä An evolution in wireless Europa, Callisto and Ganymede.
telecommunication began in the first u Christiaan Huygens - Wave theory
decade of 20th century , with Marcony
winning the nobel prize in physics in u Sir Isaac Newton - Newton’s Laws
1909 for his pioneering developments of motion, Universal gravitation,
in wireless radio communication. Calculus. corpuscular theory.

ä Alexander Graham Bell invented the u Benjamin Franklin - discovered the

telephone. two electric charges-positive and
negative, lighting conductors.
ä Father of cybernautics – Norbert
Weiner u James Watt - Modern condenser
steam engine.
ä The wave used for communication via
satellite are the microwave. u C.V. Raman - Scattering of light and
found the Raman effect.
ä Microwaves are used in television
u Nikola Tesla - Alternating Current
u Michael Faraday - Electro Magnetic
ä RADAR is Radio Detection And

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ä Ian Wilmut - Cloning (Mammal)
ä Rudolf Diesel - Diesel Engine.
ä Thomas Alva Edison - Electric Lamp, Grama Phone.
ä Henry. W. Seely - Electric Iron.
ä J .J. Thomson - Electron
ä Lewis E Waterman - Fountain Pen.
ä Denis Gason - Holograph
ä Edward Teller - Hydrogen Bomb.
ä Sir Frank Whittle - Jet Engine.
ä Theodore Maiman - Laser
ä Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit- Fahrenheit Scale.
ä Christian Doppler - Doppler Effect.
ä James Chadwick - Neutron.
ä J Robert Oppenheimer - Atom Bomb.
ä Dalton - Atomic Theory
ä Carrier - Air Conditioning.
ä Evangelista Torricelli - Barometer.
ä Alexandro Volta - Battery (Electric)
ä Kirkpatrick Macmillan - Bicycle.
ä Tennant - Bleaching Powder.
ä Edwin T Holmes - Burglar Alarm.
ä John Harrison - Chronometer.
ä Nicolas & Jean Lumiere - Cinema.
ä John Logie Baird - Television.
ä Rutherford - Proton.
ä Albert Einstein - General Theory of Relativity, Explained the
phenomena of Photoelectric effect (Nobel prize in
ä Henrich Hertz - Photo Electric Effect.
ä Maxwell - Electro magnetic theory of light.
ä Max Plank - Quantum theory (Nobel prize in 1918).
ä Marconi - Wireless.
ä S Chandra Sekhar - Chandrasekhar limit explained the death of stars.
ä J C Bose - Pioneer in wireless communication invented
ä S N Bose - Bose Einstein calculations and Boson.

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NUCLEAR PHYSICS activity of it by carbon 14 content is

called carbon dating. So it is used to
ä Father of Nuclear physics - Ernest determine the age of fossils.
ä It is a self sustaining series of nuclear
fissions, each one started by newtrons
emitted in previous fission.
ä Chain reaction was discovered by
Enrico Fermi.
ä Uncontrolled chain reaction happens in
an Atom Bomb.
ä The SI unit of radio activity is becquerel
1 becquerel = 1 decay per second.
ä Another unit of radioactivity is curie.
1 curie = 3.7 x 1010 Bq
ä Father of Nuclear physics in India -
ä Natural radio activity was discovered
by Henry Becquerel.
ä When a radioactive substance placed
in a magnetic or electrical field it emits
3 types of radiations. These are Alpha,
Beta and Gamma rays.
ä Radiation which is positively charged
ä Alpha, Beta and radiations were and equivalent to Helium Nucleus is -
discovered by - Ernest Rutherford. Alpha Rays (α).
ä The instrument used to detect the ä Radiation which is equivalent to
presence of radioactive substance and negatively charged electrons - Beta Rays
to increase radio activity is Geiger (β)
Muller Counter. ä Radiation which is equivalent to charge
ä Nuclear forces is the strongest force in less photon is Gamma rays ( γ) .
Nature. ä Gamma ray was discovered by
ä Weakest force in Nature is Gravitational Paul.U.Williard
force. ä Velocity of γ-ray>β− α
ä The technique of estimating the actual ä Gamma ray has the highest energy and
age from the remains of one living frequency.
organism by measuring the radio

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Proton - Ruther Ford

Electron - J.J.Thomson
Neutron - James Chadwick

ä The radiation which can pass through

solid chargeless objects - Gamma rays.
Half Life Period

ä The time required for one half the atom

of a given amount of radio active
substance to disintegrate is called Half
Life Period ä The process of splitting up of the
nucleus of heavier elements in to two
ä Half life of carbon-14 is 5760 years or more lighter nuclei is nuclear fission.
Eg: Atom bomb.
ä Half life of U238 is 4.5x109 years
ä Nuclear fission was discovered by Otto
ä Half life of Radium - 226 is1662 years Hahn

ä Artificial radio activity was invented by NUCLEAR REACTOR

Irene Juliet Curie and Frederic Juliet ä Nuclear reactor is a device in which the
chain reaction is allowed to proceed slowly
ä The radioactive elements Radium and and in a controlled manner.
Polonium were first separated by -
Madam Curie (Mary Curie) ä The fuel used in nuclear reactors are
Uranium 235 (235U) and Plutonium 239
ä Enriched uranium is uranium with ( 239Pu).
more of the isotope of Uranium-235
ä The device used to slow down the fast
ä The age of rocks from the moon has moving secondary neutron in a nuclear
been estimated using the technique- reactor - Moderator
Uranium dating
ä Heavy water ,Graphite etc are used
ä The nuclear energy can be released as moderators
in two ways.
ä Control rods absorb neutron to regulate
1. Fission the rate of fission
2. Fusion Eg:- Rods of Boron and cadmium

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ä The substance used to remove the heat ä Isotopes of Hydrogen are - Protium,
produced from the nuclear reactor – Deuterium and Tritium.
ä Deuterium oxide (D 2O) is known as
Eg:- Water , heavy Water, Liquid heavy water.
Sodium, Carbon dioxide
ä The ultimate product of natural
ä Father of Atom bomb –Robert Oppen radioactivity is lead.
ä Tritium is the only radioactive artificial
ä Father of Indian Atomic bomb Dr. Raja
isotope of hydrogen used in nuclear
ä The autobiography of Dr.Raja
Ramanna – ‘Year of pilgrimage’ ä The most important raw material used
in thermal power plant is coal.
ä Apsara is also known as swimming
pool reactor.
ä The fuel used in this reactor is mixed
Uranium-Plutonium carbide.

ä The first Atomic Reactor in India is

“Apsara” in Trombay (Maharashtra) ,
On 4th August 1956

ä India’s first fast breeder reactor named

KAMINI (Kalpakam Mini Reactor) in
ä The process in which small nuclei are
1985 at the IGCAR at Kalpakam in
fused together to form a single heavy
Tamil Nadu
nucleus is nuclear fusion.
ä A large amount of temperature is
ä The largest atomic power station in
needed for fusion to takes place.
India - Tarapur (Maharashtra)
ä Therefore it cannot do in the earth.
So it is also known as Thermonuclear ä International Atomic Energy Agency
reaction. (IAEA) was established in 1957, July
ä The main source of solar energy is 29 at Vienna
nuclear fusion.
ä The element which is most abundant in ä Present chairman of IAEA – Shin
the sun - Hydrogen Chae-Hyun

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ä Indian atomic energy commission was ä The India’s Upcoming largest nuclear
established in 1948 power generating station collaborating
with the France is at – Jaithampur
ä Father of Neutron Bomb (Maharashtra)
Samuel Kohan
Don't Forget
ä Parsec is the unit of distance in Space. ä Newton is the unit of force.
ä Lambert is the unit of intensity of light 1N = 105 Dyne
ä Angstrom is the unit of wavelength of ä Mho is the unit of conductance.
light. 1 Ao = 10-10 m
ä Degree is the unit of angle
ä Ohm is the unit of electric resistance
ä Fathom is the unit of depth of the sea
ä Henry is the unit of inductance
1 Fathom = 6 feet


u Altimeter — A special type of aneroid barometer.
u Accelerometer — To measure the rate of which the velocity of a body is changing
u Actinometer — To measure the intensity of radiation, especially UV radiation.
u Ammeter — To measure the strength of electric current
u Barograph — For continuous recording of amospheric Pressure
u Callipers — To measure the diameter of the wire, tube or rod
u Chronometer — An instrument kept on ships for measuring accurate time
u Calorimeter — To measure the amount of heat
u Commutator — To change or reverse the direction of an electric current
u Cryometer — To measure very low temperature
u Galvanometer — For detecting the presence of small currents.
u Hydrometer — To calculate specific density of liquids.
u Hygrometer — For measuring humidity of air
u Manometer — To measure pressure of gas
u Periscope — To observe object on the surface from the submarine.
u Pyrometer — To measure high temperature
u Seismograph — An instrument used for recording the intensity and origin of
u Thermostat — An automative device for regulating constant temperature.
u Voltmeter — An instument to measure potential difference between two points.
u Sextant — To measure angular distance between two points.
u Transistor — A small device which may be used to amplify current.
u Stereoscope — An optical device to see two dimensional pictures.

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NOTE -12


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1) Who developed the telegraphic code- 13)Sound waves produce echo due to—
Samuel Morse Reflection

2) Decibel is a unit for measuring the 14) Fish can survive inside frozen lake
intensity of - sound because———

3) The velocity of light was 1st measured Water near the bottom does not
by? freeze.

Ole Roemer 15) Pendulum clocks will have a ..... in time

period during summer.
4) The mass-energy relation is the
outcome of —— Decrease

Special theory of relativity. 16) Fuses are connected to the live wire in
5) The wave theory of light was
propounded by ——— Series

Christiaan Huygens 17) Plane mirrors always form——

6) Relativity principle was propounded by Virtual and erect image.

- Einstein 18) When a ship enters a sea from a river -
7) Lambert’s law is related to —— It rises a little.
Illumination 19) The best conductor of heat among
8) Electromagnetic induction is used in — liquids is ——

Generators Mercury

9) Gunpowder was invented by———— 20) Winding a watch is actually the process
of storing——
Roger Bacon.
Potential energy.
10) Cryogenics is a science dealing with
—? 21) A person climbing a hill bends forward
in order to ——
Low temperatures.
Increase stability
11) Speed of sound is greater in solids than
in liquids because of———— 22) A car engine is——

The solids have high elasticity. Internal combustion engine.

12) In desert, clouds do not precipitate 23) The shape of rain drop is spherical due
because of —— to _____

Low humidity Surface tension.

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1). Optical fiber works on the principle of 12) A p-type semiconductor has an excess
a) refraction c) interference
a) electrons b) holes
b) scattering d) total internal reflection
c) protons d) neutrons.
2) Which mirror is used as rear view mirror
in vehicles? 13) 1 Joule is equivalent to
a) Inverted b) plane a) 103ergs b)10 5ergs
c)concave d) Convex c) 10 ergs d) 10 11ergs
3) Lightning conductors are made of 14) Dynamo works on the principle.
a) iron b) steel a) Electrolysis
c) copper d) aluminium. b) Thermoelectricity
4) Pitch of sound depends upon its c) Electromagnetic Induction
a) Wavelength b) amplitude d) none of these
c) frequency d) periodicity 15) Acceleration due to gravity is maximum.
5) Natural radio activity was discovered a) On the poles of the earth
by b) on the equator of the earth
a) Marie Curie b) Earnest Rutherford c) On the peak of the mountain
c) Henry Becquerel d) Enricofermi. d) none of these.
6) An astronaut on earth surface will
obeserve the sky as 16) Electric current is measured by
a) Deep red b) black a) Anemometer b) volt meter
c) ammeter d) commutator.
c) sky blue d) deep blue
7) The device used to convert alternating 17) We get heat from the sun by
current in to direct current is a) conduction b) convection
a) Ammeter b) galvanometer c) radiation d) diffusion.
c) rectifier d) transformer. 18) The nearest planet to the earth is
8) The approximate velocity of light per a) mercury b) venus
second is c) mars d) jupiter.
a) 3 x 106m b) 3 x 108m 19) Which of the following instruments is
c) 3 x 1010m d) 3 x1012m used for measuring humidity of air?
9) At what point is a centigrade and a) hydrometer b) episometer
Fahrenheit temperature the same? c)hygrometer d) barometer.
a) 100 b)00 c) -100 d)-400 20) Light year is a unit of
10) Sound travels at the fastest speed in a) Time b) mass
a) steel b) water c) air d) vacuum c) distance d) none of these.
11) The absolute zero is the temperature at
a) Water freezes 1. d 7.c 13.c 19.c
b) molecular motion ceases 2.d 8.b 14.c 20.c
3.c 9.d 15.a
c) all substances exist in solid state
4.c 10.a 16.c
d) none of these 5.c 11.b 17.c
6.b 12.b 18.b

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1. The scattering of light by the particles 15. The device which converts mechanical
in a colloidal solution is called ? energy into electrical energy ?
Tyndal effect Generator
2. The optical phenomena twinkling of 16. The rotating part of a generator ?
stars is due to ? Rotor
Atmospheric refraction 17. Stationary part of a generator ?
3. The power of lens is measured in- Stator
Dioptre 18. Unit of heat ?
4. Waste product of Thermal Power Plant Joule
is -
19. One calorie ?
4.2 Joule
5. The mirror used in a head light of a
20. The temperature at which solid
vehicle is ?
changes to a liquid is called ?
Concave mirror
Melting point
6. The unit of current ?
21. Mercury has the lowest melting point?
-38.80 C
7. Colour of the light of sodium vapour
22. Highest Melting Point ?
Tungsten (3410oC)
23. The amount of heat required to melt
8. Light of Nitrogen vapour lamp is ?
unit mass of a substance is known as?
Latent Heat
9. Laws of electrolysis were formulated
24. The amount of water vapour present
in air is known as ?
Michael Faraday
10. Substance which allows the passage
25. Substance directly changes their solid
of electricity is called ?
states to vapour state is known as ?
Sublimation (eg : Camphor)
11. Substance which does not allow
26. The study of sound ?
electricity to pass through it is called ?
27. The audible frequency of human ear
12. The instrument used to measure
potential difference in a circuit ?
20Hz to 20000Hz
28. Velocity of sound through air at
13. Commercial unit of electricity ?
normal temperature is ?
Kilowatt hour
340 m/s
14. The device used to detect the presence
29. Speed of sound in water ?
and direction of even a feeble current?
1450 - 1498 m/s

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30. The energy possessed by objetcs by 45. Which is used as a magnifying glass ?
virtue of their motion is known as ? Converging lens
Kinetic energy (KE= 1/2 mv2 ) 46. Magnetic field of electric current was
31. The energy possessed by a body by discovered by ?
virtue of its position or state of strain ? Faraday
Potential energy (PE= mgh) 47. Telephone traffic is measured in terms
32. Einstein’s mass energy relation ? of ?
E=mc 2 Bauds
33. The prime constituent of biogas is ? 48. The radiation having highest frequency
Methane is ?
34. Solar cells are made of ? Gamma
Germanium and Silicon 49. Study of very low temperature is
35. The process of adding some external known as ?
substances into the semiconductor Cryogenics
material to increase the conductivity 50. A concave lens always forms an image
is called ? which is ?
Doping Virtual and erect
36. Carbon dating discovered by ? 51. Dynamo works on the principle of ?
Willaard Frank Libby Electromagnetic Induction
37. Half life of a Radio Carbon (Carbon 52. Acceleration due to gravity is
14) ? maximum ?
5730 Years On the poles of earth
38. The main source of energy in sun is ? 53. Jet engines are ?
Nuclear Fusion Reaction engines
39. Hydrogen bomb is based on ? 54. The sky is blue in colour because of ?
Nuclear Fusion The scattering of light by dust particles
40. Atombomb is based on ? or air molecules
Nuclear Fission 55. A wet bulb and a dry bulb theromo
41. Moderators used in nuclear reactors meter is used to determine ?
are? A relative humidity
Heavy water, graphite, neutron 56. Newton’s disc when rotated rapidly
42. Coolants used in nuclear reactors are? appears as ?
Heavy water & Co2 White
43. The coolant used in fast breeder 57. The clouds float in the atmosphere
reactor is generally ? because of their ?
liquid sodium Low density
44. The energy of photon is directly 58. Mention the electricity voltage
proportional to its ? necessary for a transistor radio ?
Frequency 9 Volts

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59. The technique of recording and typically ?

reproducing three dimensional images Above 20Khz
of objects is known as ? 73. A projectile reaches its maximum
Holography range at ?
60. When light passes from air into glass 45 0
it experiences change of ? 74. Pendulam of a clock is an example of?
Wavelength & speed Oscillatory motion
61. Cyclotron is a device ? 75. The density of water is maximum at ?
Accelerates subatomic particles 40 C
using combined electric and magnetic
fields 76. IC Chips for computers are usually
made of ?
62. The instrument used for measuring the
intensity of light is ? Silicon
Photometer 77. Which force helps to separate cream
from milk ?
63. The information retrieval in a magnetic
tape is always ? Centrifugal Force
Sequential 78. Water occupies maximum volume at?
64. Who discovered radium ? O0 C
Marie Curie & Pierre Curie 79. The age of rocks can be calculated
through ?
65. Corpuscular theory was proposed by?
Radio carbon dating
80. Electrons revolve round the nucleus
66. Heat transfer within the atmosphere is because of ?
called ?
Centripetal force
81. The absorption of ink by blotting paper
67. Satellites moving around planets is an involves ?
example of ?
Capillary action
Circular motion
82. As the train starts moving, a man
68. Radiation used for distant sitting inside leans backward’s
photography? because of ?
Infrared Inertia rest
69. Rays which causes sunburn ? 83. Which is the instrument used for
Ultraviolet rays measuring flow of liquids ?
70. Transistor invented by ? Venturi meter
William Shockely & John Bardeen 84. A rectifier is used for ?
71. SI unit of capacitance ? Converting AC into DC
72. The frequency of ultrasound wave is

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85. The hydraolic breakes used in Displacement

automobiles is a direct application of? 99. The displacement in unit time is called
Pascal’s Law - Velocity
86. The property of a body to resist change 100. Motion of stone thrown up is an
in velocity is called ? example of - Retardation
Inertia 101. A physical quantity only having
magnitude is called - Scalar
87. When mechanical waves have a 102. An object in a state of motion has the
frequency below the audible range, tendency to continue in that state. This
these are called ? is - Inertia of motion
Infrasonic 103. The law of inertia was dicovered by -
88. If heat is given to a substance. the Galelio
...................... of it's molecules 104. The force acting normally in unit area
increases - Kinetic energy is the - Pressure
89. The scale formulated by taking -2730c, 105. The large force exerted for a very small
as zero is - Kelvin Scale interval of time is the - Implusive
90. Heat transmission takes place in solids Force
- Conduction 106. Crest and trough make a wave -
91. When temperature increases the Transverse
kinetic energy of the molecule - 107. As the height from the ground
Increases increases the potential energy becomes
92. Which insturment is used to detect - Increases
presence of electric charge - 108. What is the unit of Work - Joule
Electroscope 109. The critical angle of glass - 420
93. The device used to store charges are - 110. The bicycle reflectors are working on
Capacitors the basis of - Total internal reflection
94. The density of water is maximum at : 111. The sun being seen a little after sunset,
4 0c due to - Refraction
95. When water freezes to solid, it's volume 112. According to second law of motion
- Increases force is equal to - Mass x acceleration
96. Connecting a charged body to the 113. an electronic device which
earth by using a conductor to discharge converts electrical energy in to light
the body is known as - Earthing energy using very little power - LED
97. The mirror is used by dentist is - 114. ................. is the device used to raise
Concave Mirror the DC volt - Induction coil
98. The measure of the change of position 115. In a transformer electrical energy is
in a particular direction - transferred from one circuit to another
by - Electromagnetic induction

7 Focus Academy Palakkad, Kerala.

Sanchar Nigam Executives' Association
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Internal etitive Examination
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116. The emf produced due to electro 128. Electricity for domestic purpose is
magnetic induction is called - measured in - KWH
Induced emf 129. Any light which is composed of two
117. Transformer works on the priciple of or more colours is called - Composite
- Electromagnetic induction light
118. A group of sound waves of low pitch 130. Nuclear fusion is also known as -
is - Bass Thermo nuclear reaction
119. When we talk near the Instruments 131. Worlds fastest radio telescope was
of veena, violin its string vibrate due constructed by - Australia
to - Resonance 132. First Helicopter which can fly with
120. Which device is used to do the electric power - Volocopter
experiments of sounds, in a (Germany)
laboratory - Sonometer 133. First aircraft which can fly with solar

121. The distribution of the component energy - Solar Impulse

colours of composite light is called - 134. If a mirror has a focal length of + 15

Spectrum cm is - a convex mirror

122. In the cinema, we see pictures with 135. Piezo electricity was discovered by -

natural effect due to : - Persistence Pierre Curie & Jacquous Curie

of vision 136. Father of Hydrogen Bomb - Edward

123. The radiant heat in the sun's rays due
to - U.V. rays 137. At the center of the earth the weight
of the body will be - Zero
124. .................. are used for taking photo
138. Super conductors possess
graph of distant objects - Infrared
............resistance at very low
125. The loudness of a sound wave is
temperature - Zero
determined by its - Amplitude
139. Energy transformation in dynamo -
126. The particle which is supposed to
Mechanical to electrical energy
travel faster than light is - Tachyon
140. Heat engine is a device which
127. Raman effect is used in the study of -
converts heat energy into -
Molecular energy
Mechanical energy

8 Focus Academy Palakkad, Kerala.

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