Ethernet Services Paper

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Metro Ethernet Services

With enterprises seeking to cost-effectively expand local area network (LAN) communications beyond the bounds of individual offices to all sites within a metropolitan area network (MAN), carriers can claim new revenues by introducing a range of fully managed Ethernet services. This paper will explore how leading optical networking technologies give metro carriers the power, flexibility and efficiency to roll out Ethernet services tailored to enterprise customers specific environments and requirements. The successful carriers will enable enterprise customers of all sizes to affordably share application traffic of any protocol across all of their metro sites. Enterprises realize the productivity and cost benefits of LAN-in-the-MAN performance. The leading global supplier of metropolitan optical networking equipment, ADVA Optical Networking is uniquely positioned to help carriers roll out differentiated arrays of Ethernet services. Contents Meeting enterprise performance and cost demands Ethernet over optical LAN interconnection services Transparent LAN services Internet access services ADVA today and tomorrow 2 3 4 6 7 8

March 2003

ADVA AG Optical Networking Fraunhoferstrae D-82152 Martinsried/Mnchen Germany t +49/(0)89 89 06 65 0 f +49/(0)89 89 06 65 199 ADVA Optical Networking Inc. One International Blvd. Suite 610 Mahwah, NJ 07495 USA t +1 201 258 8300 f +1 201 684 9200 ADVA Optical Networking Ltd. Clifton Technology Centre Clifton Moor York Y030 4GU United Kingdom t +44/(0)1904 692 700 f +44/(0)1904 692 097 ADVA Optical Networking Corp. World Trade Center Building 4F 2-4-1 Hamamatsu-cho Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-6104 Japan t +81(0)3 5408 5891 f +81(0)3 5408 5899 ADVA Optical Networking sarl HIGHTEC 6, Bt. A, 1er tage 9 Avenue du Canada, les Ulis 91966 Courtaboeuf Cedex France t +33(0)1 64 86 46 04 f +33(0)1 69 07 87 19

Author: Dr. Klaus Grobe & Dr. Michael Ritter, ADVA Optical Networking

Metro Ethernet Services: ADVA gives carriers power, flexibility and efficiency

Meeting enterprise performance and cost demands

Ethernet has long been the dominant in-building networking technology for enterprise communications. The networks for interconnecting multiple enterprise buildings within a metro area, however, have traditionally been voice-optimized, Synchronous Optical Network/Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SONET/SDH) infrastructures. Carriers have offered T1/E1 wide area network (WAN) services in which packet-based data traffic from one enterprise location has been routed to the circuit-based voice infrastructure and then converted back to packets at the receiving enterprise site. The limitations of the T1/E1 services have been exposed as bandwidth demand and protocol diversity have increased among metro enterprises. Performance has been sub-optimal. Scaling for inevitable increases in bandwidth needs and expanding architectures to reach new enterprise sites have been expensive and cumbersome propositions. SONET/SDH networks come with high ongoing operational costs because each node must be manually upgraded for bandwidth increases, and the capital expenditures can be considerable because SONET/SDH demands protection links and equipment that are unnecessary for data traffic only. With more bandwidth-intensive applications of more protocols being implemented each day from standard business applications to consumer-oriented entertainment offerings enterprises need to rely more on the less-complex, less-expensive Ethernet infrastructures to experience the performance levels they want at the price levels they require. There exists a considerable revenue opportunity for providers of fully managed Ethernet services. Including revenues from both consumer and business users, IDC in a December 2002 report forecasted a 123-percent compounded annual growth rate for Ethernet services through 2006, eventually reaching more than $26 billion.

Metro Ethernet Services: ADVA gives carriers power, flexibility and efficiency

Ethernet over optical

Optical networking technologies an enabler for enterprise data applications since the early 1990s give metro carriers the flexibility to offer a range of fully managed LAN interconnection, transparent LAN and Internet access services. Because of operational and capital expense reductions realized by concentrating traffic on leaner Ethernet infrastructures, carriers can price the services very competitively. Metro carriers deploy Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) solutions at enterprise customer sites. Coarse WDM (CWDM), or, for customers with greater bandwidth needs, Dense WDM (DWDM), enables applications of any recognized protocol - Ethernet 10/100/1000/10G, ESCON, FICON, Fibre Channel (1 and 2G), Coupling Link, Sysplex Timer, ATM and SONET/SDH (OC-3/-12/-48/-192 and STM-1/-4/-16/-64) to be multiplexed on a single optical fiber. WDM systems such as ADVAs Fiber Service Platform are being enhanced with built-in SONET/SDH framing and the emerging Generalized Framing Procedure (GFP). This will enable metro carriers to deploy Ethernet connectivity and other services to enterprise customers who must be accessed via legacy transport networks or to provide cost-effective path protection links for metro enterprises on the fiber plant without the performance trade-offs inherent of protocol conversion. With metro carriers offering Ethernet services via optical networking technologies, latency is minimized and enterprise customers experience full, native-speed performance for all applications. Colleagues separated by up to hundreds of kilometres collaborate and communicate as though located in the same building, and, in turn, enterprises realize the productivity benefits of LAN-in-the-MAN performance. A shared infrastructure enables even greater efficiency and provisioning flexibility. Because protocol-conversion equipment over dedicated lengths is eliminated and because upgrades require only a few mouse clicks at a management interface, both capital and operational expenses are reduced. And, consequently, metro carriers can price Ethernet connectivity services at a level that meets the needs of enterprises of any size. Metro carriers are empowered to offer more connectivity offerings that prove compelling to more enterprise customers than ever before.

Metro Ethernet Services: ADVA gives carriers power, flexibility and efficiency

LAN interconnection services

With LAN interconnection services, carriers provide their enterprise customers dedicated connections among metropolitan-area sites. Transmission rates are predefined and guaranteed.

Dedicated Optical Connection For enterprise customers on the fiber infrastructure, carriers can deploy fully managed Dedicated Optical Connection services by deploying protocol-agnostic WDM platforms at each enterprise site. Afforded native-speed performance for services of any protocol requiring up to 10 Gbit/s, enterprise customers future-proof for continuing expansion in interoffice bandwidth demands and evolution in applications. As illustrated in Figure 1 above, a Dedicated Optical Connection service for LAN interconnection based on ADVAs Fiber Service Platform delivers: scalability (supporting all protocol and services from 10 Mbit/s to 10 Gbit/s) full line-rate performance and upgradeability through CWDM and DWDM.

Metro Ethernet Services: ADVA gives carriers power, flexibility and efficiency

Dedicated SONET/SDH Connection LAN interconnection services can also be provisioned across existing legacy networks. For the enterprise customer with no dedicated fiber available, a metro carrier can provide a fully managed Dedicated SONET/SDH Access Connection service. A carrier deploys WDM platforms to perform SONET/SDH framing at a point of presence and customer premise, effectively extending the enterprise customers local area network across the entire metro or wide area network. The carrier can deploy CWDM functionality for support of additional services on the same fiber. A Dedicated SONET/SDH Access Connection can also serve as a cost-effective solution for path protection to customers already using fiber-based leased-line services. As illustrated in Figure 2 above, a Dedicated SONET/SDH Access Connection service based on ADVAs Fiber Service Platform delivers: support for services ranging from 10 and 100 Mbit/s to 1 Gbit/s, optional GFP-T and GFP-F features for standardized interoperability, and the ability to leverage existing legacy infrastructures.

Metro Ethernet Services: ADVA gives carriers power, flexibility and efficiency

Transparent LAN services

Through a shared utilization of its transport infrastructure, a metro carrier can serve several multi-site customers with the rollout of transparent LAN services.

Shared Ethernet Access Connection In a fully managed Shared Ethernet Access Connection service, each customer site is linked to the carriers metro Ethernet network via a customer-premise platform, thus forming a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Access topologies can vary. Statistical multiplexing, provided by Ethernet switches and routers, enables carriers and their enterprise customers to set throughput minimums and maximums in service-level agreements (SLAs). Transparent LAN services enable metro carriers to meet their enterprise customers needs for affordable protocol flexibility and bandwidth scalability. As illustrated in Figure 3 above, a Shared Ethernet Access Connection service based on ADVAs Fiber Service Platform delivers: a shared medium for multiple enterprise sites, an enabler for statistical multiplexing and VLANs, flexible bandwidth options (1 to 1000 Mbit/s) and the most cost-effective solution for single, bandwidth-limited services.

Metro Ethernet Services: ADVA gives carriers power, flexibility and efficiency

Internet access services

Leading optical networking technologies enable metro carriers to offer Internet access services that empower enterprises to better leverage the scope and power of the Internet.

Dedicated Optical Connection With an optical link and WDM solutions deployed at the Internet point of presence and enterprise site, metro carriers can provide enterprise customers with superb Internet performance and gain entre to additional revenue opportunities. Eight channels can be created on each optical link with an upgrade to CWDM, enabling the metro carrier to easily turn up additional business services to the enterprise. All of the services can be easily deployed and fully managed from a single, centralized location and to the customer premise. As illustrated in Figure 4 above, a Dedicated Optical Connection service for Internet access, based on ADVAs Fiber Service Platform delivers: scalability (supporting services from 10 Mbit/s to 1 Gbit/s), full line-rate performance and upgradeability through CWDM.

Metro Ethernet Services: ADVA gives carriers power, flexibility and efficiency

ADVA today
ADVA has outperformed the optical-networking market throughout its history by leveraging leading-edge technologies, extensive application experience and a strategy of teaming with only best-of-breed partners. The leading provider of metro optical networking platforms support, ADVA is currently marketing its fourth generation of products, the segmented Fiber Service Platform portfolio:
The ADVA FSP 3000 is the carrier-class metro solution for managed services across metro access, core, and regional networks. Targeted toward carriers and service providers, the parallel use of Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) and Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) technology enables all protocols between 8Mbit/s and 10Gbit/s and up to 256 applications to be transported over one single fiber pair. The FSP 3000 design supports point-to-point, linear add/drop, ring, and meshed network topologies with up to ten nodes across distances up to 500 kilometers without regeneration.

The ADVA FSP 2000 is the scalable enterprise solution for high-bandwidth managed services between customer premises. Targeted toward enterprises and carriers using parallel use of C/DWDM and TDM technology enable up to 512 applications to be transported over one single fiber pair up to 200 kilometers. The FSP 2000 design supports all protocols between 8Mbit/s and 10Gbit/s and can be deployed in point-to-point, linear add/drop and small ring topologies. The ADVA FSP 1000 is the optical feeder solution for managed services across wavelength or SONET/SDH access networks. Designed for carriers, the design incorporates a modular TDM system for aggregating up to eight customer services on a common SONET OC-48/SDH STM-16 framed wavelength. The FSP 1000 can be deployed in point-to-point and ring topologies for most LAN, SAN, and WAN protocols from 10 Mbit/s to 1.25 Gbit/s. The ADVA FSP 500 is the managed fiber access solution designed for managed data services at the edge of the carrier network. Available with a variety of modular chassis and CWDM options, the FSP 500 supports services between 1.5 Mbit/s and 2.5 Gbit/s and can be deployed in point-to-point and point-to-multipoint topologies. The ADVA FSP Management Suite is a seamless network management solution to rapidly plan, deploy, provision, monitor and repair all services across the FSP hardware portfolio. Available with Network Planning, Element Management and Network Management modules, the suite provides a common, user-friendly design. The FSP management solutions are provided with direct integration to the leading SNMP and OSS systems.

Metro Ethernet Services: ADVA gives carriers power, flexibility and efficiency

The Fiber Service Platform product portfolio enables the rapid and cost-effective deployment of services for every common protocol: Ethernet 10/100/1000/10G, ESCON, FICON, Fibre Channel (1 and 2G), Coupling Link, Sysplex Timer, ATM and SONET/SDH (OC-3/-12/-48/192 and STM-1/-4/-16/-64). Fiber Service Platform implementation is simple, requiring no overhaul of the existing network. As a customer's bandwidth demand increases, the capacity of an existing fiber network can be expanded quickly and inexpensively with optical multiplexing features. As application needs evolve, new services can be introduced simply and rapidly with a few mouse clicks on the Fiber Service Platform software interface. While most competitors focused initially on developing equipment for long-haul applications and now offer scaled-down versions of these products to metro customers, ADVA from inception has served only the metro optical networking market. The company draws on innovative technologies and relationships with fellow industry leaders to produce highperformance, affordable solutions tailored for initiatives undertaken by metro carriers and enterprises specifically.

Metro Ethernet Services: ADVA gives carriers power, flexibility and efficiency

ADVA tomorrow
ADVA will continue to develop its Fiber Service Platform solutions as carriers require new capabilities in the worlds leading platform for enabling Ethernet services in metropolitan areas.

Optical transport, service aggregation and software are the core technology pillars around which the Fiber Service Platform portfolio is built. In the area of optical transport, ADVA invests in protocol transparency, CWDM and DWDM, amplification, tunable wavelengths, optical switching, protection and signalling. ADVAs service-aggregation capabilities draw on multi-service TDM, SDH, SONET, GFP, Ethernet and IP technologies. The software competency is developed around network planning, element management, networkmanagement integration, inventory management, performance monitoring and service provisioning ADVA has continually adjusted and enhanced its segmented product portfolio to meet enterprise needs for metro connectivity since 1995. Now, ADVA is leveraging this experience to help metro carriers profit with a wide range of fully managed Ethernet services for enterprise customers. Uniquely committed to expanding service and deployment flexibility, reducing total cost of ownership and expanding business opportunities for its carrier customers, ADVA is turning metro visions into value.


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