Link and Match Based Partnership Management in The Fashion SMKN 6 Semarang

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EM 8 (2) (2019) 194 - 200

Educational Management

Link and Match Based Partnership Management in the Fashion

Expertise Program at SMK Negeri 6 Semarang

Arina Haq, Achmad Slamet, Tri Suminar

Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract

________________ ___________________________________________________________________
Article History: In vocational education, cooperation with the business world and industrial
Recived 10thMarch world (DU/DI) is very important, and its implementation must be adapted to the
2019 needs of the current era. Therefore, Vocational High Schools (SMK) must be able
Accepted 20th
to combine the curriculum and equate perceptions with DU/DI in order to
September 2019
produce quality graduates and have skills that are in line with market needs. This
Published 23th
study aimed to describe the relationship of cooperation in the form of
December 2019
partnerships based on link and match in SMK Negeri 6 Semarang, especially in
Keywords: developing competencies in the field of fashion. To be able to achieve the
Partnership, Link and research objectives, a qualitative approach with the case study method was used.
Match, Vocational The results showed that SMK 6 Semarang had implemented link and match
School, Fashion based partnership management in various forms, including: 1). The planning
____________________ stage begins with synchronizing the curriculum between the school and DU/DI,
2). At the implementation stage, a link and match based partnership program has
been implemented in the form of learning and training through holding industrial
classes with by-order products that have a sale value, and 3). At the supervision
stage, it has collaborated with the Professional Certification Institute (LSP), so as
to increase the resources of productive teachers and students in the fashion
© 2019 Universitas Negeri Semarang

Correspondence Address: p-ISSN 2252-7001
Kampus Pascasarjana UNNES e-ISSN 2502-454X
Jalan Kelud Utara III Semarang 50237, Indonesia
Arina Haq, Achmad Slamet, Tri Suminar/ Educational Management 8 (2) (2019) 194 - 200

INTRODUCTION that are organized to prepare students to enter

employment and develop professional attitudes
Competitiveness of graduates of in certain fields, Ixtiarto and Sutrisno (2016).
vocational school students today is getting Thus, collaboration between Vocational School
higher, it is caused by several factors that and DU/DI is needed in the form of partnership.
influence alumni users or business and industrial Where, the form of partnership is usually made
world (DU/DI) to select strictly when recruiting and agreed by both parties through a
in order to get quality employees and in Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
accordance with the competence. This situation Rukmana (2006), defined partnership into
can be a problem for some graduates of several parts: 1). Cooperation, is the degree of
vocational school students who do not have the effort of one party to fulfill the wishes of the
skills and do not understand the demands of the other party, 2). Firmness, degree of effort of a
needs of the perpetrators of DU/DI, as a result party to fulfill its own desires, 3). Collaboration,
there is often a mismatch between the needs and which is a situation where each party wants to
capacity. While the problem of lack of relevance fully meet the interests of all parties, and 4).
between graduates and DU/DI results is not Compromise, is a situation where each party is
only from the skills possessed by students, but willing to sacrifice something so that the burden
also structurally it is a weakness of the school sharing occurs and is beneficial. Furthermore,
curriculum that pays little attention to the he explained that in implementing the
development of market products and the lack of partnership program between vocational schools
cooperation (link), so it has not been able to and DU/DI, many activities could be developed,
equalize perception (match) . It was also including: 1). Management of joint activity
confirmed by Suryadi (2010), that vocational programs between education providers and
education in schools has caused structural partner institutions, 2). Utilization of
problems that make a lack of relevance to infrastructure owned by partner institutions, 3).
employment. According to him, the Funding planning to realize a program that will
development of Study Programs that are made be implemented, and 4). Utilization / placement
constantly can limit the creativity space of of graduates from educational institutions into
managers, so that it seems to "avoid" change. the work sector or commodities needed by
Conversely, DU/DI continues to change along partner institutions (Rukmana, 2006). Another
with new technology that follows the world of important thing that becomes a point in running
the market. a partnership program is the existence of
In order to unravel these problems, it is relevance between the two parties.
necessary to hold a collaborative program The relevance of the partnership program
within vocational schools, so that they can unite is to bring skilled and trained personnel (Okpor
their perceptions and meet the needs of quality and Hassan, 2012). Mulyasa (2006) added that
resources that are accepted by DU/DI. in increasing the relevance of education to the
Explained by Ixtiarto and Sutrisno (2016), that business world, the government issued a link
the existence of a collaboration program alone and match policy. This policy aims to create
will be able to provide benefits for vocational education graduate products that are equivalent
schools, one of which is the development of to the needs of various development sectors for
resources. According to him, the form of skilled and skilled workers according to their
development can be done with the use of quantity, quality, and distribution. Mulyasa
facilities, assistance, as well as consultants, and (2006), also emphasized that school partnership
through training activities. Vocational High programs can be carried out with government or
Schools (SMK) require cooperation with the private institutions, such as universities,
industrial world, this is because Vocational equivalent schools, universities, and the
Schools are vocational education institutions community. In guaranteeing and realizing a
Arina Haq, Achmad Slamet, Tri Suminar/ Educational Management 8 (2) (2019) 194 - 200

good partnership program, there must be a objects, qualitative research methods are used.
common vision, mission, trust, honesty, mutual Where, descriptive is one of the characteristics
benefit, mutual respect from those invited to of qualitative research. According to Strauss and
cooperate or partner, communication, Corbin (2009), qualitative research is a type of
commitment in order to achieve effective and research whose findings are not found through
efficient goals (Rukmana, 2012). statistical procedures or other forms of
In order for the partnership program to calculation. Qualitative research examines the
run well, management is needed to arrange a life, history, behavior of a person, the role of an
clear and directed collaboration. Terry (2010), organization, as well as reciprocal relationships.
explains four management functions: 1). Furthermore, Sugiyono (2011) put forward three
Planning, as a rationale for the objectives and qualitative characteristics: 1). Conducted in
preparation of steps that will be used to achieve natural conditions, progress to suber data, and
the goals. Planning means preparing all needs, researchers act as key instruments, 2). Research
taking into account carefully what are the is descriptive, the data collected in the form of
obstacles, and formulating the implementation words or images, so it does not emphasize
of activities to achieve goals, 2). Organizing, as numbers, and 3). Qualitative research places
a way to gather people, placing them according more emphasis on process. Completed by
to their abilities and expertise in the work that Patton (2009), that the description is written in
has been planned, 3). Actuating, which is to narrative form to present a comprehensive
move the organization to run in accordance picture of all events in the reported activity.
with the division of work each, and run all Moleong (1989), states that in qualitative
available resources so that the activities research requires the determination of research
according to plan and can achieve goals, 4). boundaries based on the focus that arises as
Controlling, aims to oversee whether the research problems. According to him, however
movement of the organization is in accordance the determination of focus as a problem, it is
with the plan or not. As well as overseeing the important in trying to find the limits of research.
use of resources in the organization so that it So, with the focus already determined, the
can be achieved effectively and efficiently, not researcher will be able to find the location of the
deviating from planning. study. This opinion was confirmed by Sugiyono
The existence of problems regarding the (2011), who stated that the limitation of the
partnership program between vocational schools problem in qualitative research was called focus.
and DU/DI parties on the basis of interesting According to Moleong (1989), 'problem' itself is
links and matches to be investigated, especially interpreted as a condition that originates from
arranged through a good and directed the relationship between two or more factors
management. The study was conducted at SMK and produces a confusing situation. This study
Negeri 6 Semarang on the Fashion Expertise raises the focus of the form of link and match
Program, with the aim to describe the forms of based partnership management by taking a case
link and match based partnerships at the school in the Fashion Expertise Program at SMK
which were carried out in order to develop the Negeri 6 Semarang.
competency of graduate resources to be relevant The research was conducted using a case
to DU/DI. study strategy in order to be able to reveal data
and activities in the field as a whole. Patton
METHOD (2009) states that qualitative case studies attempt
to describe the unit in depth, in detail, in
Sugiyono (2011), states that the research context, and holistically. This opinion is
method is basically a scientific way to obtain strengthened by Raharjo (2017) which states
data with specific purposes and uses. To be able that like in other qualitative strategies, case
to achieve the research objectives of describing studies are also carried out in a natural setting.
Arina Haq, Achmad Slamet, Tri Suminar/ Educational Management 8 (2) (2019) 194 - 200

Meleong (1989), explains that the main The organization of the Fashion
data sources in qualitative research are words Expertise Program at SMK Negeri 6 was formed
and actions, the rest are additional documents by involving the school principal, head of the
and others. The main data source was the fashion expertise program, the department
informant chosen and considered to be familiar secretary, the head of the workshop, and the
with the focus of the study. Data collection treasurer of the program. Organizational actors
techniques in this study were carried out then compile a partnership program planning
through three stages, namely: 1). Observation, (link) through consideration of seeing the
2). Documents study, and 3). Deep interview. development of DU/DI, it aimed to get
The data sources in this study were the relevance (match), so that it would sync between
principal, vice principal, head of the study the curriculum with the current state. The
program, head of the laboratory, deputy head of system of division of tasks was divided as
the infrastructure section, deputy head of the follows: As the person in charge is the principal
public relations section, students, and the then supported by other officials, and in carrying
DU/DI party. The research data is then out the tasks all are required to be in tune
processed and described by the researcher to its (compact). So that all programs that have been
full potential. scheduled by the head of the expertise program
can run well.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Link and match based partnership
program planning was scheduled for two times
Planning of Link and Match Based Partnership in one semester, namely by inviting
Management practitioners' resources in the fashion sector
Fashion Expertise Program is one of the regularly and periodically. The aim was to train
excellent programs in SMK Negeri 6 Semarang. students related to new knowledge in the
Educational facilities in the fashion design industrial world, so that synchronization
expertise program which are equipped with occurred between the curriculum with DU/DI.
classrooms, laboratories, production unit rooms, This partnership program planning would
workshops and showrooms, are very possible to benefit the skills possessed by graduates'
support the progress of their competencies, products, so that it was relevance to DU/DI.
especially in developing the ability of student
resources. The existence of these facilities Implementation of Link and Match Based
certainly supports the curriculum planned by the Partnership Management
school. The implementation of the link and
Curriculum planning in the Fashion match based partnership program was scheduled
Expertise Program at SMK Negeri 6 Semarang according to the plan that had been made,
was carried out through the Project Based which was two times a semester. SMK Negeri 6
Learning (PjBL) program which includes Semarang established a link and match based
determining fundamental questions, compiling partnership program with Pand’s Collection,
project planning, arranging schedules, which is one of the well-known retailers in the
monitoring, testing results, and evaluating city of Semarang, even within the scope of the
experiences, felt to be more relevant if added Central Java Province-DI. Yogyakarta.
with partnership program and arranged through The link and match partnership between
good management. The school planned a the school and Pand’s was an "industrial class".
partnership program through an organization In the industrial class, students would get
formed in advance by involving structural training and learning about the new
officials and would be carried out continuously developments that were developing at DU/DI.
every semester. The Pand’s Collection provided the opportunity
for students of the SMK Negeri 6 Semarang
Arina Haq, Achmad Slamet, Tri Suminar/ Educational Management 8 (2) (2019) 194 - 200

Fashion Expertise Program to work on products been planned by the program leader, and
that were obtained by ordering by their provide input if there were obstacles to
customers (made by order). As for other forms developing fashion expertise competencies.
of cooperation, namely in the recruitment of Competency Test (UKK) conducted by
graduates and competency tests for graduates. the Fashion Design Expertise Program at SMK
Through this form of link and match Negeri 6 Semarang for students and productive
partnership, the aim was to develop the teachers, consisted of two types, namely the
competency of fashion expertise possessed by Vocational Theory Test (UTK) and the
students. With the development of competency Vocational Practice Test (UPK). Where both
expertise possessed, students would be more involve internal and external examiners, both
confident when they had completed their studies from DU/DI and the Professional Certification
and moved on to the industrial world. While the Agency (LSP). Thus, the competence of students
benefits derived from the link and match and teachers in productive dressmaking is
partnership program with Pand’s Collection always measured in accordance with the latest
through this industry class, products made by developments in science and technology today.
students of the SMK 6 Fashion Expertise For the formative test program for
Program have a selling point. students, the Fashion Management Expertise
Program at SMK Negeri 6 Semarang
Supervision of Link and Match Based implements it twice a semester to measure the
Partnership Management skills possessed. Here, the teacher's role was
In order that the link and match based very important in developing fashion skills. If
partnership program run according to something went wrong, the teacher would
procedures and did not deviate, the Fashion provide direction and guidance, so in addition
Expertise Program at SMK Negeri 6 Semarang to being an evaluator, the role was also to be a
had a regular monitoring system. The purpose motivator. Thus, the competency of the
of the supervision activities was controlling so expertise of students and fashion designers at
that the partnership program could run well, SMK Negeri 6 Semarang could develop.
was stable, in accordance with procedures, and
did not deviate from the initial planning. The CONCLUSIONS
benefits of monitoring activities were to
maintain the quality of resources, both students From the results of the study it can be
and teachers who were productive in fashion, as concluded that the Fashion Design Expertise
well as being able to improve their corporate Program at SMK Negeri 6 Semarang has
competence. Supervision of the link and match implemented a link and match based
partnership program in the Fashion Design partnership program and is run through good
Expertise Program at SMK Negeri 6 Semarang management. The form of link and match based
was carried out through three forms of activities, partnership management includes: 1). The
namely supervision, either directly or indirectly planning and organizing phase that has begun
by the principal and some of his representatives, with the synchronization of the curriculum
the holding of the Competency Test (UKK), and between the school and DU/DI, 2). At the
the holding of formative tests for students. implementation stage, a link and match based
Direct supervision was carried out by the partnership program has been implemented in
headmaster within one semester, both the form of learning and training through
programmed and incidental. Whereas indirect holding industrial classes with by-order products
supervision was carried out by vice principals or that have a sale value, and 3). At the supervision
heads of fashion expertise programs. The stage it has collaborated with the Professional
supervision team would monitor all the link and Certification Institute (LSP), so as to increase
match based partnership programs that have
Arina Haq, Achmad Slamet, Tri Suminar/ Educational Management 8 (2) (2019) 194 - 200

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students in the field of fashion. Public-Private Partnership for Skill
Acquisition and Vocational Technical
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