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Sometimes our greatest knowledge comes from our failures,

not from our successes with this cheerful thought. I am anshika

from class 10th C wishing a very auspicious good morning to the
respected principal mam,teachers,and all my dear schoolmates.
Today our class 10 C had the opportunity to conduct today's
assembly. A new day means a fresh start and new opportunities.

So let's start the day by remembering God the almighty, the of the
whole universe. By singing school prayer I would like to call my
friend _______ to start the prayer
Now it's the time to chant the shock as it helps to bring positivity
inside us for this i would like to my friend _________ for the sholk

Prayer is a wonderful way to communicate with the god it purifies

our mind and takes away negativity so here i would like to request
vmg coir ________ to start the prayer

Birthdays are the special occasions that call for special celebration
with the special people so today …… from ……… standard is
celebrating his/ her birthday. so let us wish them with a beautiful
birthday song

Thoughts brings optimism into your life and makes it easier to

avoid worry and negative thinking.To enlighten and brighten our
morning assembly here is my friend _______ with todays
thought of the day

It's too good to learn something new everyday.A little and often is
the best way to acquire vocabulary now it's time to build your
vocabulary by learning new words i would request my friend
___________ with todays new words
"Being aware of our surroundings, having the knowledge of
what is happening around us, in our city, in our country and
around the world, is indeed very important in this day and age.
It helps us stay updated, increases our general knowledge and
helps us stay safe. I would now like to request ____________to
come up to the stage and share with us the important news
for the day."

Gk knowledge is a key to success and an important aspect of

your daily life to assess your knowledge. Here comes_______for
some gk questions.

Now it's the time to take an oath that reminds us our responsibility
for our nation, for this i would like to call my friend ________ for

Now it's the time to sing your national anthem i would request
_____________ to start the the national anthem

Here now the assembly is now concluded thank u everyone have

a nice day……….

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