Anh - 10 - THPT Lehuutrac

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Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences
1. It's time you ________ harder for the next exam.
A. work B. are working C. worked D. have worked
2. Not a word ________ since the exam started.
A. she wrote B. she had written C. had she written D. she has written
3. If only he ____ some help with the work instead of trying to do it alone!
A. will accept B. would accept C. may accept D. were accept
4. No sooner ______ the corner than the wheel came off.
A. the van turned B. did the van turned
C. the van had turned D. had the van turned
5. The woman said she _______ in this village for over fifty years.
A. has been living B. was living C. had been living D. lives
6. He apologized _______ able to finish the project on time.
A. his colleagues not being B. his colleagues for not being
C. his colleagues not to be D. to his colleagues for not being
7. ______ been diverted, they would have arrived early.
A. Had the plane not B. Hadn't the plane
C. The plane had not D. The plane not had
8. _______ thinks that Phil should be given the job.
A. A number of people B. Neither of us
C. Most of us D. The majority of people
9. She joined the local tennis club, ________ were at least 60.
A. most of its members B. most whose members
C. most of whose members D. most members
10. Seldom ______ such a beautiful sight.
A. have I seen B. I have ever seen C. I saw D. did I ever see
Đáp án:
1. C 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. C
6. D 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A
Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences
11. Does he tell you how he is getting ________ his new friends?
A. on with B. on of C. away with D. out of
12. At present we are ______ an anti-drug campaign.
A. setting up B. carrying out C. taking part in D. joining with
13. An English Club will be _______ to help children improve their English.
A. brought on B. showed up C. set up D. put on
14. We are all keen ______ taking a trip to the Great Wall of China.
A. to B. on C. of D. in
15. We had to ______ the noise from the building site next door for three months.
A. give up B. stand up to C. put up with D. look up to
16. I hate camping because I can't ______ an umbrella tent in the wind and I can't make a fire in the
A. put up B. set off C. take over D. turn round
17. He built _____ his collection over a period of ten years.
A. in B. on C. into D. up
18. One danger is in _______ radioactive wastes which are produced during nuclear reactions.
A. consisting of B. getting rid of C. making use of D. taking care of
19. We continue to _______ rainforests and increase the dangers of global warming.
A. cut off B. cut in C. cut out D. cut down
20. In Britain Christmas dinner usually ______ turkey, Christmas pudding and brandy butter.
A. brings on B. serves with C. consists of D. puts up
Đáp án:
11. A 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. C
16. A 17. D 18. B 19. D 20. C


Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences
21. Unselfishness is the very essence of friendship.
A. romantic part B. important part C. difficult part D. interesting part
22. I felt my face burning with ________.
A. confidence B. enthusiasm C. pleasure D. embarrassment
23. These anniversaries mark the milestones of a happy and lasting relationship between married
A. signs B. achievements C. landmarks D. progresses
24. His kind words brought some ______ to the grieving parents.
A. sympathy B. comfort C. interest D. gratitude
25. Most students who were asked felt that _______ respect in the classroom was essential.
A. mutual B. annual C. actual D. continuous
26. After convincing myself that the result didn't matter, I felt oddly _______ when we lost.
A. encouraged B. stimulated C. disadvantaged D. disappointed
27. China is one of the most ______ populated areas in the world.
A. wastefully B. perfectly C. densely D. completely
28. People believed that what they do on the first day of the year will _______ their luck during the
whole year.
A. control B. influence C. exchange D. result
29. We _____ to several sports channels on television.
A. subscribe B. deliver C. offer D. notify
30. In some countries there have been widespread demands for the _______ of seal hunting.
A. extinction B. disappearance C. abolition D. establishment
31. We haven't had any ………. with him for several years.
A. communication B. expression C. excitement D. entertainment
32. Consumers often ___________ from the increasing competition among supermarkets, which try
to attract customers by lowering their prices
A. profit B. benefit C. interest D. suffer
33. ___________ involves the insertion of extremely thin needles through your skin at strategic point
on your body to treat pain.
A. Herb B. Traditional therapy
C. Acupuncture D. Massage therapy
34. His poor sense of balance made him ___________ of riding a bicycle
A. unable B. incapable C. impossible D. improbable
35. The system that lets us take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide is called _______
A. respiratory system B. excretory system C. circulatory system D. nervous system
36. She love tennis and could watch it till the ____________came home
A. mice B. guests C. horses D. cows
37. ___________disliked the play because the story was weak and the acting terrible.
A. Critiques B. Critics C. Criticism D. Criticize
38. I am sorry to have bothered you- I was under the _________that you wanted me to call you.
A. mistake B. miscalculation C. misconception D. misapprehension
39. The manager has asked all the employees to work together to ___________ the timely
completion of the project
A. ensure B. insure C. assure D. reassure
40. The island’s ___________ had never seen white men before
A. tenants B. citizens C. occupiers D. inhabitants

Đáp án:
21. B 22. D 23. C 24. B 25. A
26. D 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. C
31. A 32. B 33. C 34. B 35. A
36. D 37. B 38. D 39. A 40. D


Choose the best answer to complete the following passages.
Passage A:
Without transportation, our modern society could not (41)__________. We would have no metal,
no coal and no oil nor would we have any (42)__________ made from these materials.
(43)__________, we would have to spend most of our time (44)__________ food and food would be
(45)__________ to the kinds that could grow in the climate and soil of our neighborhoods.
Transportation also (46)__________ our lives in other ways. Transportation can speed a doctor to
the (47)__________ of a sick person, even if the patient lives on an isolated farm. It can take police
to the (48)__________ of a crime within moments of being notified. Transportation (49)__________
teams of athletes to compete in national and international sports contests. In time of (50)__________
transportation can rush aid to .person in areas stricken by floods, mines and earthquakes.
41. A. happen B. exist C. take place D. establish
42. A. production B. producers C. productivity D. product
43. A. Besides B. However C. Although D. Even
44. A. buying B. taking C. raising D. paying
45. A. related B. limited C. focused D. connected
46. A. makes B. influences C. affects D. effects
47. A. side B. way C. body D. part
48. A. location B. scene C. place D. site
49. A. brings B. gets C. fetches D. enables
50. A. disasters B. wars C. accidents D. problems
Đáp án:
41. B 42. D 43. A 44. C 45. C
46. D 47. A 48. C 49. A 50. D

Passage B:
Although all Americans do not (51)__________ the same way, their speech has enough in
common that American English can be recognized as a (52)__________ of English distinct from
British English, Australian English and other national varieties. American English has grown up with
the country. It began to (53)__________ from British English during its colonial beginnings and
(54)__________ regional differences and ethnic flavor. Today it (55)__________ other languages
and other varieties of English because it is the medium by which the attractions of American culture -
its literature, (56)__________ pictures and television programs - are transmitted to the world.
All speakers of English (57)__________ a common linguistic system and a basic set of words.
But American English (58)__________ from British English, Australian English and other national
varieties in many of its pronunciations, words, spellings and grammatical (59)__________ words or
phrases of American (60)__________ and those used in America but not so much elsewhere, are
called Americanisms.
51. A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell
52. A. alteration B. change C. variety D. variation
53. A. diverge B. divert C. digress D. depress
54. A. enquired B. inquired C. required D. acquired
55. A. affluence B. fluency C. influences D. nuances
56. A. motion B. moving C. movement D. removing
57. A. have B. bear C. tear D. share
58. A. differentiates B. differs C. changes D. alters
59. A. constructions B. building C. points D. syntax
60. A. birth B. source C. origin D. tradition
Đáp án:
51. B 52. C 53. A 54. D 55. C
56. A 57. D 58. B 59. A 60. C
Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer
Passage A
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 61 to 65.
The coronavirus is usually transmitted by droplets, such as those produced when coughing and
sneezing, and by direct or indirect contact with secretions infected by the virus. The virus may also
shed in blood, urine and faeces, and, therefore, there is potential for transmission through contact
with a wide range of bodily fluids. Certainly, person-to-person spread has been confirmed in
community and healthcare settings across Asia and into Europe. There is also a possibility that
asymptomatic carriers may be able to infect people. Public Health England (PHE) has classified the
COVID-19 infection as an airborne, high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK.
The application of infection prevention and control (IPC) principles are already widely used by
healthcare professionals within hospital and community settings to both prevent the spread of
infections and to control outbreaks when they do occur. The WHO has issued interim guidance
regarding IPC when COVID-19 is suspected. This advice is echoed by guidance issued by PHE.
PHE suggests the coronavirus may pose complications, such as illness pneumonia or severe
acute respiratory infection. They also suggest that patients with long-term conditions or are
immunocompromised are at risk of these complications. It is important that as first-line staff,
midwives are also familiar with the recommended IPC principles and measures, and ensure they have
the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when caring for a patient with suspected
Question 61: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. the problems related to the coronavirus
B. epidemic situation in England caused by coronavirus
C. advice for those who infected with coronavirus
D. how the coronavirus is transmitted and ways to prevent infection
Question 62: The coronavirus can be found in all of the following except ______.
A. blood B. clothes C.urine D. faeces
Question 63: The word “interim” in paragraph 2 mostly means ______.
A. temporary B. everlasting C. permanent D. effective
Question 64: According to the last paragraph, who are at risk of illness pneumonia or severe acute
respiratory infection?
A. people working in the WHO B. employees of Public Health England
C. those with long-term conditions D. first-line staff like midwives
Question 65: What does the word “They” in the last paragraph refer to?
Đáp án:
61. D 62. B 63. A 64. C 65. C
Passage B
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 66 to 70.
The increase in urbanization causes different problems. Air and water pollution are amongst
the major issue we have to tackle.
In the first place, cars, factories and burning waste emit dangerous gases that change the air
quality in our cities and pose threats to our health. Dangerous gases such as carbon dioxide and
nitrogen oxides cause respiratory diseases, for instant, bronchitis and asthma. Those are also proved
to have long-term effects on the environment.
Furthermore, with the increased population, it becomes difficult to manage the waste
generated in cities. Most of the waste is discharged or dumped into rivers or onto streets. The waste
pollutes water and makes it unfit for human consumption. Subsequently, it becomes more and more
difficult for city dwellers to get clean water. Some cities in Africa are unable to provide adequate
water supply because most of the water is lost in pipe leakages. In fact, most city dwellers in
developing countries are forced to boil their water or to buy bottled water, which is very expensive.
There are several actions that could be taken to eradicate the problems described above.
Firstly, a simple solution would be joining community efforts to address problems affecting your
city. Ask your parents, friends and relatives to join in as well. These efforts might include clean-up
campaigns, recycling projects and a signature campaign to ask the government to do something about
the situation. A second measure would be encouraging your teacher to talk about these problems and
to discuss how young people can help to solve them. Finally, writing to local organizations working
on these issues for ideas on how you can contribute to solve them.
Question 66: The word tackle in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. deal with B. make up C. try on D. turn down
Question 67: The word those in paragraph 2 refers to ____.
A. bronchitis and asthma B. carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides
C. dangerous gases D. respiratory diseases
Question 68: According to the passage, in some cities in Africa ____.
A. people are allowed to dump waste into rivers and on streets
B. people aren't provided enough water due to leaking pipes
C. people have found some solutions to the problems
D. people would rather use boiling water and bottled water
Question 69: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. City problems should be taught and be topic for students to discuss at school.
B. Children must ask for their parent's permission before joining community efforts.
C. Participators might take part in different kinds of projects and campaigns.
D. People can contribute in solving the problems by writing to local organizations working on
these issues.
Question 70: Which of the following would serve as the best title for the passage?
A. Environment degradation: Air and water pollution
B. Environmental pollution: Problems and actions
C. Increasing urbanization: Causes and effects
D. Increasing urbanization: Effects and solutions
Đáp án:
66. A 67. C 68.B 69. B 70. D
Passage C

Absence from work is a costly and disruptive problem for any organization. The cost of
absenteeism in Australia has been put at 1.8 million hours per day or $1400 million annually. The
study reported here was conducted in the Prince William Hospital in Brisbane, Australia, where,
prior to this time, few active steps had been taken to measure, understand or manage the
occurrence of absenteeism.
Nursing Absenteeism

A prevalent attitude amongst many nurses in the group selected for study was that there was no
reward or recognition for not utilizing the paid sick leave entitlement allowed them in their
employment conditions. Therefore, they believed they may as well take the days off — sick or
otherwise. Similar attitudes have been noted by James (1989), who noted that sick leave is seen
by many workers as a right, like annual holiday leave.
Miller and Norton (1986), in their survey of 865 nursing personnel, found that 73 per cent felt they
should be rewarded for not taking sick leave, because some employees always used their sick
leave. Further, 67 per cent of nurses felt that administration was not sympathetic to the problems
shift work causes to employees' personal and social lives. Only 53 per cent of the respondents
felt that every effort was made to schedule staff fairly. In another longitudinal
study of nurses working in two Canadian hospitals, Hacket Bycio and Guion (1989) examined the
reasons why nurses took absence from work. The most frequent reason stated for absence was
minor illness to self. Other causes, in decreasing order of frequency, were illness in family,
family social function, work to do at home and bereavement.
In an attempt to reduce the level of absenteeism amongst the 250 Registered an Enrolled Nurses in
the present study, the Prince William management introduced three different, yet potentially
complementary, strategies over 18 months. Strategy 1: Non-financial (material) incentives: Within
the established wage and salary system it was not possible to use hospital funds to support this
strategy. However, it was possible to secure incentives from local businesses, including free passes
to entertainment parks, theatres, restaurants, etc. At the end of each roster period, the ward with
the lowest absence rate would win the prize. Strategy 2 Flexible fair rostering: Where possible, staff
were given the opportunity to determine their working schedule within the limits of clinical needs.
Strategy 3: Individual absenteeism: and each month, managers would analyze the pattern of absence
of staff with excessive sick leave (greater than ten days per year for full-time employees).
Characteristic patterns of potential 'voluntary absenteeism' such as absence before and after days off,
excessive weekend and night duty absence and multiple single days off were communicated to all
ward nurses and then, as necessary, followed up by action.
Absence rates for the six months prior to the Incentive scheme ranged from 3.69 per cent to
4.32 per cent. In the following six months they ranged between 2.87 per cent and 3.96 per cent. This
represents a 20 per cent improvement. However, analyzing the absence rates on a year-to-year
basis, the overall absence rate was 3.60 per cent in the first year and 3.43 per cent in the following
year. This represents a 5 per cent decrease from the first to the second year of the study. A
significant decrease in absence over the two-year period could not be demonstrated.
The non-financial incentive scheme did appear to assist in controlling absenteeism in the short
term. As the scheme progressed it became harder to secure prizes and this contributed to
the program's losing momentum and finally ceasing. There were mixed results across wards as
well. For example, in wards with staff members who had long-term genuine illness, there was little
chance of winning, and to some extent the staffs on those wards were disempowered. Our
experience would suggest that the long-term effects of incentive awards on absenteeism are
questionable. Over the time of the study, staff were given a larger degree of control in their
rosters. This led to significant improvements in communication between managers and staff. A
similar effect was found from the implementation of the third strategy. Many of the nurses had not
realized the impact their behavior was having on the organization and their colleagues but there
were also staff members who felt that talking to them about their absenteeism was 'picking' on
them and this usually had a negative effect on management—employee relationships.
Although there has been some decrease in absence rates, no single strategy or combination of
strategies has had a significant impact on absenteeism per se. Notwithstanding the
disappointing results, it is our contention that the strategies were not in vain. A shared ownership
of absenteeism and a collaborative approach to problem solving has facilitated improved
cooperation and communication between management and staff. It is our belief that this
improvement alone, while not tangibly measurable, has increased the ability of management to
manage the effects of absenteeism more effectively since this study.
[" This article has been adapted and condensed from the article by G. William and K. Slater (1996),
'Absenteeism in nursing: A longitudinal study', Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 34(1): 111-21.
Names and other details have been changed and report findings may have been given a different emphasis
from the original. We are grateful to the authors and Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources for
allowing us to use the material in this way. " ]
Questions 71- 75:
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage.
Write answers in boxes 71-75 on your answer sheet:
YES if the statement agrees with the information
NO if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage.
71) The Prince William Hospital has been trying to reduce absenteeism amongst nurses for many
72) Nurses in the Prince William Hospital study believed that there were benefits in taking as
little sick leave as possible.
73) The Canadian study found that 'illness in the family' was a greater cause of absenteeism than
'work to do at home'.
74) In relation to management attitude to absenteeism the study at the Prince William Hospital
found similar results to the two 1989 studies.
75) The study at the Prince William Hospital involved changes in management practices.

Questions 76- 80
Complete the notes below.
Choose ONE OR TWO WORDS from the passage, for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 76- 80 on your answer sheet.

In the first strategy, wards with the lowest absenteeism in different periods would win prizes
donated by ....... (76) .......
In the second strategy, staff were given more control over their ......(77 )........
In the third strategy, nurses who appeared to be taking excessive sick leave or ...... (78)
...... were identified and counseled.
Initially, there was a ...... (79)...... per cent decrease in absenteeism. The
first strategy was considered ineffective and stopped.
The second and third strategies generally resulted in better ...... (80) ...... among staff.
Đáp án:
71. NO 7 2. NO 7 3. YES 7 4. NOT GIVEN 7 5. YES
76. (local) busunesses
77.(work/working) schedule/ rostering/ roster(s)
78. voluntary absence /absenteeism
79. twenty / 20
80. communicate
Fill in each blank with one suitable word
Open cloze test 1:
Is Photography Dead?
For a long time in the past photography was not regarded as an art. It was simply a skill and it
was criticized for being too mechanical and not creative enough. At last, however, photography is
now accepted as a unique and very important (81)____________ of art.
The photograph's claim to be an objective record of reality is now seriously challenged, and
the important function of photography in modern-day society is consequently (82)____________
threat. The threat has suddenly become all the more serious as more and more photographers are
(83)____________ to the new technology which computers offer. Moreover, a(n) (84)____________
number of colleges have now begun to offer (85)____________ in computer imaging. All these
developments (86)____________ a disturbing question. Is photography, as we know
(87)____________ dead?
In spite of its complete transformation by new technological developments, however,
photography will continue to play a (88)____________ role in our culture. Although it may no
longer (89)____________ to be realistic, modern photography can continue to provide us with fresh
visual (90)____________ about ourselves and the world in which we live.
Đáp án:
81. form 82. under 83. turning 84. increasing 85. courses
86. raise 87. it 88. key 89. claim 90. information

Open cloze test 2:

The pleasure of learning tp play a musical instrument
As an activity, learning to play an instrument is something that can give a lot of pleasure. It's also
an achievement and a skill (91)_____________ stays with you for life. Music has a part to play in
everyone's life, and has been described (92)_____________ a 'primary language'.
Learning to play an instrument isn't easy at the beginning (93)_____________ takes effort and
determination. And while there's nothing wrong with aiming for the top, music is definitely
(94)_____________ something to take up because you think you ought (95)_____________ do it.
A lot of adults regret not (96)_____________ learnt to play an instrument when they were
younger. But it is never (97)_____________ late to learn! And the advantages of learning an
instrument are far greater than just the pleasure of producing a marvellous sound. When you've
progressed far (98)_____________ , there are lots of amateur groups which you can join
(99)_____________ you want to be part of a larger group. Once you've reached a good enough
standard to join a band or orchestra, you add the team skills like those you get from playing sport.
There's also a great social side to playing with others, as (100)_____________ as the chance to travel
through touring.
Đáp án:
91. which 92. as 93. and 94. not 95. to
96. having 97. too 98. enough 99. if 100. well


Part 1: Give the correct form of words in brackets
101. These shoes look quite smart but they’re terribly _________________. (COMFORT)
102. The keys were locked inside the car. _________________, a side window was open. (LUCKY)
103. It is forbidden to hunt for that kind of bird. It has been listed as one of the _________________
species. (DANGER)
104.There's a serious _________________ of food in the disaster area. (SHORT)
105. That was one of the most _________________ situations in my life. (EMBARRASSMENT)
106. Everyone likes him because he has a really good sense of _________________.
107. The heat from the sun is a clean and _________________ source of energy, which cannot be
used up. (LIMIT)
108. Some rare animals are in danger of_________________. (EXTINCT)
109. Some of his pictures are quite _____ now. (COLLECT)
110. My uncle, who is an ___________ guitarist, taught me how to play. (ACCOMPLISH)
Đáp án:
101. uncomfortable 106. humour
102. Luckily 107. unlimited
103. endangered 108. extinction
104. shortage 109. collectable
105. embarrassing 110. accomplished

Part 2:
Supply each gap with the correct form of the word given
explain surprise celebrate company skill
contribute expert disaster consider pain
On holiday last year my two travelling (111)______________ and I joined a day’s cookery course
in a Mexican restaurant. There were eight participants, all keen to learn the secrets of the nation’s
cuisine. The students ranged from people who already had some (112)______________ in the
kitchen, to totally (113)______________ people like myself.
Our teacher, Liana Cabrera, started with a short talk, then handed out some notes giving
(114)______________ of terms we would be coming across. Soon we were trying out a range of
exotic ingredients, with (115)______________ good results. Cabrera started giving cookery lessons
five years ago, and has become quite a (116)______________, with long waiting lists for her
courses. And because of her extensive knowledge of almost- forgotten regional dishes she is also a
regular (117)______________ to cookery programmes on national television.
In the afternoon I joined the salsa-making team, with rather (118)______________ results. My
colleagues complained that my food was so (119)______________ hot it made their eyes water.
Their own efforts turned out (120)______________ better than mine. The communal meal at the end
of the day was delicious, and I had not only learnt something about cooking but also broadened my
understanding of Mexican culture.
Đáp án:
111. companions 116. celebrity
112. expertise 117. contributor
113. unskilled 118. disastrous
114. explanations 119. painfully
115. surprisingly 120. considerably


Identify 10 errors in the following passage and correct them
line 1 Instead of giving endless advice, learn to listen more. Listening is an
line 2 underestimating skill, and it is easy to forget when you are worrying about other
line 3 people problems. How many times do we say, “Oh yeah, that happen to me and
line 4 …” before we give the other person a chance to explain what happened to him.
line 5 Sometimes a friend may just want to talk something about with someone else to
line 6 sort things out in his own mind – so listen hardly to what he is saying, and try to
line 7 offer advices only when you think he is asking for it.
line 8 We often feel we have been let down by a friend at some points in our life.
line 9 Perhaps they let out a secret we trusted them to keep under wraps, or sudden sided
line 10 with the opposition during an argument. Nobody is perfect, so try to have realistic
line 11 expectation. Friendships don’t develop over night; they deepen over time as you
line 12 begin to trust one other. Don’t place unrealistic demands on your friendship.
Đáp án:
121. line 2: underestimating  undrestimated
122. line 3: people  people’s
123. line 3: happen  happened
124. line 5: about  over
125. line 6: hardly  hard
126. line 7: advices  advice
127. line 8: points  point
128. line 9: sudden  suddenly
129. line 11: expectation  expectations
130. line 12: one other  one another/ each other
Part 1: Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that the second sentence has the same
meaning as the first one.
131. I didn't notice that I had the wrong umbrella until I got home.
 Not until ________________________________________________________________
132. Because he didn’t study hard, he failed the exam.
 Had ___________________________________________________________________
133. Are you against working on Sunday?
 Do you object ___________________________________________________________?
134. Is smoking permitted in Vietnamese cinemas?
Are we _________________________________________________________________?
Part 2: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given.
135. I think Jean really likes Simon. (KEEN)
 ___________________________________________________________________
136. I was made responsible for foreign sales. (CHARGE)
 _______________________________________________________________
137. The brothers really enjoyed themselves in Spain last summer. (TIME)
 _______________________________________________________
138. Barry wasn't strong enough to lift the box. (HAVE)
 ____________________________________________________________
139. I found it difficult to understand his accent. (TROUBLE)
 _____________________________________________________________________
140. He complained to the manager about the terrible food. (MADE)
 ___________________________________________________________________
Đáp án:
131. Not until I got home did I notice that I had the wrong umbrella.
132. Had he studied hard, he wouldn’t have failed the exam.
133. Do you object to working on Sunday?
134. Are we allowed to smoke in Vietnamese cinemas?
135. Jean is really keen on Simon.
136. They put me me in charge of foreign sales.
137. The brothers really had a good time in Spain last summer.
138. Barry didn't have enough strength to lift the box.
139. I had trouble understanding his accent.
140. He made a complaint to the manager about the terrible food.

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